Re: Women in FOSS at OSWC II

2006-02-23 Thread Alexander Schmehl
Hi! * Clint Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060222 19:10]: > > > panelists were very varied. One women spent 25 minutes (we only had 5 mins > > > each) basically telling off the crowd for locking women out. This left a > > > > Please excuse in adva

Re: Women in FOSS at OSWC II

2006-02-23 Thread Meike Reichle
Hi Alexander Schmehl said/sagte on/am 23.02.2006 17:24: > Hi! > > * Clint Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060222 19:10]: > panelists were very varied. One women spent 25 minutes (we only had 5 mins each) basically telling off the crowd for locking women out. This left a >>> >>>

Re: Women in FOSS at OSWC II

2006-02-23 Thread gregor herrmann
On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 09:58:59PM +0100, Meike Reichle wrote: > telling off the crowd for locking women out. > >>Elle adresse des reproches à ces qui excluent les femmes, j'y pense. > "Sie hat ihnen die Meinung gesagt." "Sie hat Vorwürfe an diejenigen gerichtet, die die Frauen ausschließen.

Re: Women in FOSS at OSWC II

2006-02-23 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Erinn, > I know you want to focus on the positive aspects of free software and I > commend you for that, but before making too many judgments... did this > woman give any indication on why she felt this way? I, personally, have > not felt the same to any great extent, though I've certainly de

Re: Women in FOSS at OSWC II

2006-02-23 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Ana, > Yes, i was there and i agree about this. > In spite of everything, i think the panel was very positive and some people > discover new point of views. I agree, and it was good to see the different points of view as it showed there are many different experiences for women in FLOSS and

Re: Women in FOSS at OSWC II

2006-02-23 Thread Helen Faulkner
Alexander Schmehl wrote: > Hi! > > * Clint Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [060222 19:10]: > panelists were very varied. One women spent 25 minutes (we only had 5 mins each) basically telling off the crowd for locking women out. This left a >>> >>> ^

Help UC Berkeley grad students build a better job-hunting application by filling out this survey!

2006-02-23 Thread Joshua Chao
Hi, We're a group of grad students at the UC Berkeley School of Information and we're building an online persona management system that we think might improve the online job-hunting domain. It'd be really great if you could help us out by filling out our survey!

Hello and introduction

2006-02-23 Thread Tina Isaksen
Hello to the list! My name is Tina, I'm living in Norway and just subscribed after learning about the Debian women project on the Debian user forum. A short bio: I started with computer when the 'home computer' came around in the mid eighties writing all kinds of BASIC and later Pascal progra

Colloquial English (was: Re: Women in FOSS at OSWC II)

2006-02-23 Thread Christian Perrier
> In case anyone else is wondering (it is a fairly colloquial phrase), to "tell > off the crowd for locking women out" means to "criticise the crowd for > excluding > women from their activities". > > to tell someone off means to criticise or verbally punish them (eg "I told my > son off for not

Re: Women in FOSS at OSWC II

2006-02-23 Thread Christian Perrier
> I also had several young people, including young women approach me > afterwards really happy to hear my point of view. It made me realise how > much a negative attitude can turn young women off. I guess if the lady had This is something I often have problems with when talking about D-W (not doi

Re: Hello and introduction

2006-02-23 Thread David Moreno Garza
On 07:45 Fri 24 Feb 2006, Tina Isaksen wrote: > I'm looking forward to learn more about the Debian women project and get > to know you all. Welcome on board! -- David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GPG: C671257D Sa