Bug#401113: ITP: nagiosgrapher -- A graphing system for the Nagios monitoring system project.

2007-07-20 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 401113 RFP: nagiosgrapher -- A graphing system for the Nagios monitoring system project. thankyou Hi, several months ago I wrote: > Package: wnpp > Owner: Christoph Biedl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > * Package name: nagiosgrapher Unfortunatly I never managed to cre

Bug#509864: RFP: foswiki -- The Free and Open Source Wiki

2009-11-09 Thread Christoph Biedl
Sven Dowideit wrote a long time ago ... > Additionally, the foswiki deb package and 106 od the Foswiki Extensions > built into deb's are available from my debian repository at > > http://fosiki.com/Foswiki_debian Mind me asking for progress? I'd really like to see foswiki uploaded to Debian, an

Bug#267035: RFP: geteltorito -- Get El-Torito boot image from a bootable CD-ROM

2004-08-20 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: geteltorito Version : unknown Upstream Author : Rainer Krienke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://freshmeat.net/projects/geteltorito/ * License : "Freely distributable" Description : Get El-Torito boot image

Bug#895405: RFP: vdo -- set of userspace tools for managing pools of deduplicated and/or compressed block storage

2022-10-12 Thread Christoph Biedl
Laurent Bigonville wrote... > VDO (which includes kvdo and vdo) is software that provides inline > block-level deduplication, compression, and thin provisioning > capabilities for primary storage. As part of an evualation of VDO, I created packages for both the kernel and the userland. Unfortunat

Bug#1052421: ITP: control -- Python Control Systems Library

2023-09-21 Thread Christoph Biedl
Kurva Prashanth wrote... > * Package name: control > Version : 0.9.4 > Upstream Author : > > * URL : http://python-control.org/ While I cannot judge whether this package is a sensible addition to Debian - I strongly ask you to re-consider the package name as "control"

Bug#1052683: ITP: railway -- GUI application for searching train journeys

2023-09-27 Thread Christoph Biedl
Arnaud Ferraris wrote... > * Package name: railway > Version : 2.0.0 > Upstream Contact: Julian Schmidhuber > * URL : https://gitlab.com/schmiddi-on-mobile/railway > * License : GPL > Programming Lang: Rust > Description : GUI application for searching

Bug#908117: RFP: yq -- yq is a lightweight and portable command-line YAML processor The aim of the project is to be the jq or sed of yaml files.

2023-01-15 Thread Christoph Biedl
Varac wrote... > * Package name: yq > Version : 2.1.2 > Upstream Author : Mike Farah > * URL : http://mikefarah.github.io/yq/ Hello everybody, it's been a while ... bookworm freeze is getting closer, and I'd like to find a solution for the current problems providing

Bug#977716: RFP: llhttp -- parser for HTTP messages

2024-01-17 Thread Christoph Biedl
Control: retitle 977716 ITP: llhttp -- parser for HTTP messages Control: tags 977716 pending Christoph Biedl wrote... > * Package name: llhttp > Version : 3.0.0 9.3.1 already > The http-parser library has declared unmaintained by upstream[1], > and this one here su

Bug#1063829: ITP: tftp-proxy -- proxy to redirect TFTP requests to HTTP

2024-02-12 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-de...@lists.debian.org, debian.a...@manchmal.in-ulm.de * Package name: tftp-proxy Version : 1.0.0 Upstream Contact: Arnoud Vermeer * URL : https://github.com/openfibernet/tftp-proxy

Bug#986997: ITA: netkit-telnet

2021-09-03 Thread Christoph Biedl
Simon Josefsson wrote... > I'm considering to adopt this package, as it has been orphaned for > around five years in Debian. I wanted to reach out to some people > (cc'd) that appear to have been involved in the discussions around it to > make sure I'm not missing anything that should be consider

Bug#900874: O: schroot -- Execute commands in a chroot environment

2022-05-18 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > If anybody else wishes to maintain > schroot, please go ahead before May 1st or the bullseye release, > whatever comes first. Well, that never happened, my bad. Somebody else asked me in private to take this package, they have my blessings.

Bug#900874: ITA: schroot -- Execute commands in a chroot

2022-05-26 Thread Christoph Biedl
Control: owner 900874 ! Guilherme de Paula Xavier Segundo wrote... > Do you want me to return the bug to your property or orphan it? It will be better I take it back then. Luckily, somebody offered to be co-maintainer, and we'll starting working on this the next days. Christoph signature.

Bug#661341: ITP: anope -- a set of IRC Services designed for flexibility and ease of use

2012-02-26 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Owner: Christoph Biedl Severity: wishlist * Package name: anope Version : 1.9.6 Upstream Author : Anope Team * URL : http://www.anope.org/index.php * License : GPL-2.0 Programming Lang: C++ Description : a set of IRC Services designed

Bug#661341: ITP: anope -- a set of IRC Services designed for flexibility and ease of use

2012-02-27 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > * Package name: anope > Version : 1.9.6 > Upstream Author : Anope Team The Anope project leader has asked me not to upload my packaging, not even to experimental, until anope has evolved into somewhat more stable. That might take one or

Bug#465227: ITP: libdevice-gsm-perl -- Perl extension to interface GSM phones / modems

2012-03-07 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 465227 ITP: libdevice-gsm-perl -- Perl extension to interface GSM phones / modems owner 465227 ! thanks > Package: wnpp > Severity: wishlist > > Package used to communicate with GSM devices from perl, can be used > to send textmessages etc. > For more information please see http://search

Bug#575502: ITP: certificatepatrol

2011-09-04 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 575502 ITP: certificatepatrol - Certificate Watcher for Iceweasel/Icedove etc. owner 575502 ! exit Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote... > * Package name: certificatepatrol There should be few doubt interest in this package rose a bit recently, at least for me. So I'll do the packaging,

Bug#661341: ITP: anope -- a set of IRC Services designed for flexibility and ease of use

2013-09-16 Thread &#x27;Christoph Biedl'
Dominic Hargreaves wrote... > I'm now looking at the packaging of Anope 1.8.8 so in the absence > of further responses from Christopher am taking ownership of this > bug. Of course, if Christopher would like to get involved again I'd > be very happy to collaborate. Ups. Seems I either oversaw you

Bug#779841: ITP: libmonitoring-plugin-perl -- family of perl modules to streamline writing Monitoring plugins

2015-11-21 Thread Christoph Biedl
Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote... > I have something ready, I only miss the replacing part for > libnagios-plugin-perl via a transitional package. When looking at the package some two months ago, I got the impression providing a transition layer for users of libnagios-plugin-perl (i.e. injecting acco

Bug#401113: ITP: nagiosgrapher -- A graphing system for the Nagios monitoring system project.

2006-11-30 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Owner: Christoph Biedl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Severity: wishlist * Package name: nagiosgrapher Version : 1.5-dev Upstream Author : Gerd Mueller * URL : http://www.nagiosexchange.org/NagiosGrapher.84.0.html http://freshmeat.net/pr

Bug#733453: RFP: libbgpdump -- C library designed to help with analyzing dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT

2014-05-19 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 733453 ITP: libbgpdump -- C library designed to help with analyzing dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT owner 733453 ! thanks Bob Bib wrote... > * Package name: libbgpdump Throwing my hat in the ring ... Unless someone objects, I'll ship the bgpdump binary only. The libbgpdu

Bug#733453: RFP: libbgpdump -- C library designed to help with analyzing dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT

2014-05-27 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > * Package name: libbgpdump > > Throwing my hat in the ring ... Just a short status update: Packaging is done and ready for upload. However, during testing I found several serious issues in the code besides the ones that are already public. So I am now wa

Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Namespace conflict for python-magic

2018-01-16 Thread Christoph Biedl
Adam Hupp wrote... > Whew, I was worried for a moment :) I've pushed an update to the > branch Great to see. > Changes: > - disable the deprecation warning. this wouldn't actually show > anything by default unless you run python with the warning enabled > (-Wd), but until there's a clear plan f

Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Namespace conflict for python-magic

2018-01-16 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > Adam Hupp wrote... > > - disable the deprecation warning. this wouldn't actually show > > anything by default unless you run python with the warning enabled > > (-Wd), but until there's a clear plan for the future of this package &g

Bug#894185: ITP: libdigest-ssdeep-perl -- Pure Perl ssdeep (CTPH) fuzzy hashing

2018-03-26 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: libdigest-ssdeep-perl Version : 0.9.3 Upstream Author : Reinoso Guzman * URL : https://metacpan.org/pod/Digest::ssdeep * License : Artistic or GPL-1+ Programming Lang: Perl

Bug#894186: ITP: libtext-wagnerfischer-perl -- implementation of the Wagner-Fischer edit distance

2018-03-26 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: libtext-wagnerfischer-perl Version : 0.04 Upstream Author : Dree Mistrut * URL : https://metacpan.org/release/Text-WagnerFischer * License : Artistic or GPL-1+ Programming Lang: Perl

Bug#761817: RFP: arangodb -- ArangoDB is a multi-model mostly-memory database with a flexible data model for documents and graphs.

2017-04-16 Thread Christoph Biedl
Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote... > ArangoDB is a multi-purpose open-source database with a flexible data > model for documents, graphs and key-values. You can easily build high > performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or > JavaScript extensions. (...) > The project provides De

Bug#868447: O: sendxmpp -- commandline XMPP (jabber) utility

2017-07-15 Thread Christoph Biedl
Guus Sliepen wrote... > If noone steps up, I will file a RM request in the current release > cycle. Ping me before you do that. Read: While I'm a somewhat active user of this program and also the underlying libnet-xmpp-perl, given my real-life constraints I should be carefull about increasing my

Bug#843435: O: aoetools -- tools to assist in using ATA over Ethernet

2016-11-11 Thread Christoph Biedl
Tobias Frost wrote... > The current maintainer of aoetools, David Martínez Moreno , > is apparently not active anymore. Therefore, I orphan this package now. > > Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this > package if you will have enough time and attention to work on

Bug#835865: RFP: blocks -- deep learning framework build on the top of Theano

2016-11-18 Thread Christoph Biedl
Daniel Stender wrote... > * Package name: blocks > Version : 0.2.0 > Upstream Author : Université de Montréal, LISA lab/MILA > > * URL : https://github.com/mila-udem/blocks > * License : Expat > Programming Lang: Python > Description : deep learning fr

Bug#843435: O: aoetools -- tools to assist in using ATA over Ethernet

2016-12-06 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 843435 ITA: aoetools -- tools to assist in using ATA over Ethernet retitle 845285 ITA: vblade -- virtual AoE blade emulator thanks For the reasons explained recently in #843435 I hereby declare my intent to maintain both aoetools and vblade. The vblade package has seen a new upstream rele

Bug#873940: ITP: libluksmeta -- LUKSMeta is a simple library for storing metadata in the LUKSv1 header

2017-11-05 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > * Package name: libluksmeta > Version : 7 > Upstream Author : Nathaniel McCallum https://github.com/npmccallum > * URL : https://github.com/latchset/luksmeta > * License : LGPL-2.1+ > Programming Lang:

Bug#873939: ITP: libjose -- Jose is a C-language implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption standards?=

2017-11-05 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 873939 ITP: jose -- Jose is a C-language implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption standards thanks Christoph Biedl wrote... > * Package name: libjose Upstream calls it "jose", so follow this name for the source package. > Version

Bug#873939: ITP: libjose -- Jose is a C-language implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption standards?=

2017-11-05 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > Status: Packaging done but there are serious issues on other > architectures that need fixing first. Never mind, the test suite just takes a *long* time on slow single-core systems. With jose just uploaded, it's now up to ftp-master. Christoph si

Bug#854410: RFP: clevis -- A plugable framework for automated decryption.

2017-11-06 Thread Christoph Biedl
Status: Packaging is done. Drop me a line in private if you're interested in testing (core knowledge in Debian packaging required). Pending issues: * jose (build dependency) is currently in NEW, must be accepted first. * Same for luksmeta * tang (build dependency) waits for jose * License issu

Bug#854409: RFP: tang -- A server for binding data to network presence

2017-11-06 Thread Christoph Biedl
Status: Packaging is done. Drop me a line in private if you're interested in testing (core knowledge in Debian packaging required). Pending issues: * jose (build dependency) is currently in NEW, must be accepted first. * http-parser needs a newer version (#795492) Christoph signature.asc

Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Namespace conflict for python-magic

2018-01-06 Thread Christoph Biedl
[ It's getting rather Debian specific, so trimming recipicient list. I'd prefer to discuss this on debian-python but keep me in Cc:, thanks. ] Mathias Behrle wrote... > while approaching the test for relatorio I got aware, that the result won't be > very significant, because relatorio

Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Namespace conflict for python-magic

2018-01-08 Thread Christoph Biedl
. At least in Debian, I expect this transition to take two years anyway. Cheers, Christoph Subject: Make the deprecation warning switchable Author: Christoph Biedl Date: 2018-01-08 Forwarded: soon --- a/magic/__init__.py +++ b/magic/__init__.py @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import sys import glo

Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Namespace conflict for python-magic

2018-01-08 Thread Christoph Biedl
From the popular series "Leaving fatal mistakes in spite of proof-reading three times": Christoph Biedl wrote... > Doing a first round of tests showed no > regressions so far. You may st

Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Namespace conflict for python-magic

2018-01-14 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > Hence, here is a preliminary packaging of python-magic for Debian: > > > https://www.in-ulm.de/~cbiedl/debian/python-magic/python-magic_0.4.15-1~exp1.dsc > > Debianites, please give it a try. No reaction of any kind, so just uploaded to experimen

Bug#877849: [tryton-debian] Namespace conflict for python-magic

2018-01-15 Thread Christoph Biedl
Mathias Behrle wrote... > I found > > $ apt-cache rdepends python-magic (...) Yeah, I already had checked a few of them where possible with little efforts. These were the test I had been talking of (actually, including python3-magic rdeps as well). > May be we should signal them explicitely to t

Bug#829833: ITP: libdate-holidays-de-perl -- Determine German holidays

2016-07-05 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: libdate-holidays-de-perl Version : 1.7 Upstream Author : Martin Schmitt * URL : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Date-Holidays-DE/ * License : ISC Programming Lang: Perl Description

Bug#733453: RFP: libbgpdump -- C library designed to help with analyzing dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT

2016-07-20 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 733453 ITP: bgpdump -- C library designed to help with analyzing dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT owner 733453 ! thanks Some time has passed but I'm still interested in doing this. Since upstream's name for that package is "bgpdump", I've changed the package name accordingly. F

Bug#862644: O: libproc-syncexec-perl -- spawn processes but report exec() errors properly

2017-08-04 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 862644 ITA: libproc-syncexec-perl -- spawn processes but report exec() errors properly thanks > The current maintainer of libproc-syncexec-perl, Roderick Schertler > , > is apparently not active anymore. Therefore, I orphan this package now. In spite of a pretty low popcon rank my gut

Bug#854181: RFA: busybox --Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems

2017-08-11 Thread Christoph Biedl
tags 854181 pending thanks Richard Hecker wrote... > I have used busybox over the years and would enjoy keeping it current. I can > be the > sole maintainer or work with Michael Tokarev in some teaming arrangement. I > will email > Michael directly to assess his preferences. Your interest is

Bug#860055: Inquiry about packaging progress

2017-08-30 Thread Christoph Biedl
Stefan Bühler wrote... > This ITP (#860055) is owned by Dominik George. Ups, I indeed mis-directed Marcus here. > I only wanted to give dino a short try, and preferred to have a package > for this. My package probably violates the debian policy in many ways, > so it is not ready to be uploaded

Bug#860055: Inquiry about packaging progress

2017-08-30 Thread Christoph Biedl
[ Dominik re-added to the loop ] Stefan Bühler wrote... > Yes, the .dsc files in: > > https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/stbuehler/Debian_9.0/ > > work for me with dget. Thanks. That looks pretty well, so was "violates the debian policy in many ways" really more than just an unde

Bug#860055: Inquiry about packaging progress

2017-08-30 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > * The build failure on i386 (also seen on armhf) and probably > all other 32bit archs needs to be fixed. There we go: --- a/debian/rules +++ b/debian/rules @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all # see ENVIRONMENT in dpkg-buildf

Bug#873939: ITP: libjose -- Jose is a C-language implementation of the Javascript Object Signing and Encryption standards?=

2017-09-01 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: libjose Version : 9 Upstream Author : Nathaniel McCallum https://github.com/npmccallum * URL : https://github.com/latchset/jose * License : Apache-2.0 Programming Lang: C Description

Bug#873940: ITP: libluksmeta -- LUKSMeta is a simple library for storing metadata in the LUKSv1 header

2017-09-01 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: libluksmeta Version : 7 Upstream Author : Nathaniel McCallum https://github.com/npmccallum * URL : https://github.com/latchset/luksmeta * License : LGPL-2.1+ Programming Lang: C

Bug#854409: RFP: tang -- A server for binding data to network presence

2017-09-01 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 854409 ITP: tang -- A server for binding data to network presence owner 854409 ! thanks Guido Günther wrote... > * Package name: tang > Version : 4 > Upstream Author : Nathaniel McCallum > * URL : https://github.com/latchset/tang > The client side is implement

Bug#854410: RFP: clevis -- A plugable framework for automated decryption.

2017-09-01 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 854410 ITP: clevis -- A plugable framework for automated decryption. owner 854410 ! thanks Guido Günther wrote... > * Package name: clevis > Version : 2 > Upstream Author : Nathaniel McCallum > * URL : http://www.example.org/ That should be https://github.com/

Bug#869109: ITP: python-wifi -- Command line tool and library wrappers around iwlist and /etc/network/interfaces.

2017-09-02 Thread Christoph Biedl
Ethan Ward wrote... > Package name: python-wifi > This package is a dependency of mycroft-core, another python application > that I am trying to package. Additionally, dstat needs this for the --wifi module, and according to codesearch, the qtile package uses it as well. So I'm glad you've alre

Bug#849332: ITP: auto-resize-image -- Resizer for inline and attachment images (thunderbird)

2017-09-04 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > * Package name: auto-resize-image > Version : 0.14.3-tb Activity ping ... this ITP is not forgotten, initial upload should take place within the next days. Christoph signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Bug#877849: ITP: python-magic -- A python wrapper for libmagic

2017-10-05 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: python-magic Version : 0.4.13 Upstream Author : Adam Hupp * URL : https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic/ * License : MIT Programming Lang: Python Description : A python wrapper

Bug#848922: O: xpilot-extra

2016-12-20 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: normal Ben Armstrong, maintainer of the xpilot-extra package, has retired from the Debian project. Therefore I orphan this package (mostly to do a QA upload immediatly afterwards :) The following text was stolen from the QA/MIA folks: Maintaining a package requires time a

Bug#848987: O: junior-doc -- Debian Jr. Documentation

2016-12-21 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: normal Ben Armstrong, maintainer of the junior-doc package, has retired from the Debian project. Therefore I orphan this package. Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it. If y

Bug#848988: O: tuxpaint -- Paint program for young children

2016-12-21 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: normal Ben Armstrong, maintainer of the tuxpaint package, has retired from the Debian project. Therefore I orphan this package. Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it. If you

Bug#848989: O: tuxpaint-config -- Paint program for young children

2016-12-21 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: normal Ben Armstrong, maintainer of the tuxpaint-config package, has retired from the Debian project. Therefore I orphan this package. Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

Bug#848990: O: tuxpaint-stamps -- Stamp files for Tux Paint, a paint program for children

2016-12-21 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: normal Ben Armstrong, maintainer of the tuxpaint-stamps package, has retired from the Debian project. Therefore I orphan this package. Maintaining a package requires time and skills. Please only adopt this package if you will have enough time and attention to work on it.

Bug#848547: RFA: u3-tool -- tool for controlling the special features of a U3 USB flash disk

2016-12-22 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 848547 ITA: u3-tool -- tool for controlling the special features of a U3 USB flash disk owner 848547 ! thanks Evgeni Golov wrote... > I request an adoption of u3-tool, as I do not have any U3 capable devices > and no need for the tool anymore. Well, I happen to have a few. And although

Bug#655265: ITA isdnactivecards isdnutils

2016-12-25 Thread Christoph Biedl
retitle 655265 ITA: isdnactivecards -- ISDN utilities - active ISDN card support owner 655265 ! retitle 661110 ITA: isdnutils -- ISDN utilities owner 661110 ! thanks As probably one of the last users of ISDN hardware I'd like to adopt these packages. I am aware ISDN is a thing of the past now, let

Bug#849332: ITP: auto-resize-image -- Resizer for inline and attachment images (thunderbird)

2016-12-25 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: auto-resize-image Version : 0.14.3-tb Upstream Author : TrVTrV <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/user/trvtrv/> * URL : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/auto-

Bug#849842: ITP: ykush-control -- control application for Yepkit YKUSH Switchable USB Hub board

2016-12-31 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: ykush-control Version : 1.0.0 Upstream Author : 2015-2016 Yepkit Lda * URL : https://github.com/Yepkit/ykush * License : MIT Programming Lang: C++ Description : control application

Bug#829833: ITP: libdate-holidays-de-perl -- Determine German holidays

2016-08-03 Thread Christoph Biedl
Christoph Biedl wrote... > * Package name: libdate-holidays-de-perl > Version : 1.7 > Upstream Author : Martin Schmitt > * URL : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Date-Holidays-DE/ Preliminary packaging available at http://www.in-ulm.de/~cbiedl/debian/libdate

Bug#977716: RFP: llhttp -- parser for HTTP messages

2020-12-19 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: llhttp Version : 3.0.0 Upstream Author : Fedor Indutny * URL : https://github.com/nodejs/llhttp * License : MIT Programming Lang: TypeScript, C Description : parser for HTTP messages The http-parser libr

Bug#977536: AW: Bug#977536 closed by Debian FTP Masters (reply to Christoph Biedl ) (Bug#977536: fixed in nagios-tang 7-1)

2021-01-10 Thread Christoph Biedl
Schulz, Reiner wrote... > Happy New Year Christoph. > > Do i have to be worried about that the architectur of the package ist > "armel"? No, armel was just used for the initial upload, the Debian build daemons will take care of the rest, current status is at[1]. So unless you intend to use thi

Bug#981113: ITP: root -- open-source data analysis framework

2021-01-26 Thread Christoph Biedl
Julien Cristau wrote... > On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 04:34:14PM +0100, Stephan Lachnit wrote: > > * Package name: root > [...] > > > > I want to maintain ROOT in the science team. ROOT was already in Debian as > > `root-system` [1], but hasn't been updated since 2015. > > I will probably go with

Bug#900874: O: schroot -- Execute commands in a chroot environment

2021-02-25 Thread Christoph Biedl
Control: retitle 900874 ITA: schroot -- Execute commands in a chroot Raphaël Hertzog wrote... > I just orphaned the schroot package. I never really want to assume its > maintainance but it just happened that at some point I was unhappy with > unresolved bugs with pending patches and someone had t

Bug#939424: O: inspircd -- Modular IRCd written in C++

2019-09-05 Thread Christoph Biedl
Control: retitle 939424 RFA: inspircd -- Modular IRCd written in C++ > The package description is: > InspIRCd is a modular C++ IRC Daemon for several operating systems created > to provide a stable, modern, lightweight irc server from scratch and provide > a vast number of features in a modular

Bug#862873: RFA: vblade-persist

2018-09-01 Thread Christoph Biedl
Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote... > It'd take a bit of thinking about how to handle mac address > limitations, and the decision about whether to place the symlink or > not, to bring this up to parity with the current implementation, but > then this work could be donated directly to the vblade upstream,

Bug#912745: ITP: libregexp-wildcards-perl -- converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular expressions

2018-11-03 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Christoph Biedl * Package name: libregexp-wildcards-perl Version : 1.05 Upstream Author : Vincent Pit * URL : https://metacpan.org/pod/Regexp::Wildcards * License : Artistic or GPL-1+ Programming Lang: Perl

Bug#912745: ITP: libregexp-wildcards-perl -- converts wildcard expressions to Perl regular expressions

2018-11-03 Thread Christoph Biedl
Jakub Wilk wrote... > * Christoph Biedl , 2018-11-03, 12:41: Thanks for proof-reading. Both issues you've reported are upstream, of course I'll bring them there. > > It handles the * and ? jokers, > > s/joker/wildcard/ ? Not sure here. Seems in English "joker"

Bug#1003222: RFH: gkrellm-radio -- FM radio tuner for GKrellM

2022-01-06 Thread Christoph Biedl
Package: wnpp Severity: normal X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-de...@lists.debian.org Control: affects -1 src:gkrellm-radio [ Submitter of #440352 in Bcc: ] Greetings, in order to keep this package gkrellm-radio in a good shape, I've taken over maintainership. However, I don't have such a device as an FM r