Bug#276096: status of eclipse 3.0

2005-07-13 Thread Charles Fry
Hi, What is the status of packaging Eclipse 3.1 for Debian? It seems like it has been started many times, but never finished. I would be interested in contributing, but would prefer to pick up where others left of. Charles -- A man who passes On hills and curves Is not a man Of iron nerves-- H

Bug#318204: ITP: php-simpletest -- Unit testing and web testing framework for PHP

2005-07-13 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: php-simpletest Version : 1.0.0 Upstream Author : Marcus Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.lastcraft.com/simple_test.php * License : The Open Grou

Bug#318204: ITP: php-simpletest -- Unit testing and web testing framework for PHP

2005-07-14 Thread Charles Fry
> > * License : The Open Group Test Suite License > > I'm not optimistic about this licence being DFSG-free. Hi, I was wondering if Debian-legal could offer any insight on this matter. I searched the mailing list archives, and found no explicit discussion of this license. The only potent

Bug#276096: eclipse 3.1 in debian

2005-07-31 Thread Charles Fry
I would like to help maintain it. I would enjoy working with others, but I would be up to attepting it on my own if not (though that would of course introduce some delay in the process). As the previous owners seem to have gone mute, perhaps it is time to change ownership of this bug? Charles ---

Bug#276096: Eclipse Debian package status

2005-08-01 Thread Charles Fry
Hi, I am attempting to contact anyone who has previously expressed an interest in packaging a new Eclipse release for Debian. I grabbed everyone from the ITA, as well as the Alioth project, and the Java list for good measure. :-) Al Stone and I would like to work on packaging a new Eclipse releas

Bug#276096: Eclipse Debian package status

2005-08-01 Thread Charles Fry
> On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 16:42 -0400, Charles Fry wrote: > > I am attempting to contact anyone who has previously expressed an > > interest in packaging a new Eclipse release for Debian. I grabbed > > everyone from the ITA, as well as the Alioth project, and the Java list

Bug#276096: Eclipse Debian package status

2005-08-03 Thread Charles Fry
> > I am attempting to contact anyone who has previously expressed an > > interest in packaging a new Eclipse release for Debian. I grabbed > > everyone from the ITA, as well as the Alioth project, and the Java list > > for good measure. :-) > > I have CCed Michael Koch. He is working on 3.1 packa

Bug#321918: ITP: fortunes-bible -- KJV Bible for fortune

2005-08-08 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: fortunes-bible Version : 0.0.20020527/ Upstream Author : Doug Poland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://fortunebible.sourceforge.net/ * License : BSD

Bug#234048: stauts report

2005-08-18 Thread Charles Fry
I have a preliminary version of this package ready at: http://debian.frogcircus.org/ After a little more testing and a little more documentation, it should be ready to uplaod. Any feedback is welcome. Charles -- Pity all The mighty Caesars They pulled Each whisker out With tweezers Burma-S

Bug#276096: New eclipse 3.1 packages uploaded

2005-08-19 Thread Charles Fry
Michael, Thank you for the work that you have gone through in creating this package. Can I ask what your plans are for uploading this into Debian? thanks, Charles -Original Message- > From: Michael Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: New eclipse 3.1 packages uploaded > Date: Fri, 19 Aug

Bug#206536: progress report

2005-08-23 Thread Charles Fry
The previous bug has dissapeared. The current problem is that phpDocumentor is currently released under the problematic PHP License. Upstream has agreed to release under another licence, after which this package should be ready. :-) Charles -- Join Our happy Brushless throng Six million users Ca

Bug#326779: fixed in wmfire 1.2.1-6

2005-09-11 Thread Charles Fry
> In the future, please try to find out if your package is part of some > transition, in order not to interfere with it. The Release Team is > also aware this information is not very easily accessible, and will > think of ways of improving the situation. First of all, I apologize for compl

Bug#234048: waiting on 328313

2005-09-14 Thread Charles Fry
Documentation is currently broken due to bug #328313. Once this is resolved, bouncycastle will be ready for upload. Charles -- Leap year's over You're safe, men All you cowards Can shave again With brushless Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1949/leap_years_over signature.asc Descript

Bug#276096: eclipse ready for unstable?

2005-09-15 Thread Charles Fry
> The plans are to wait for libtomcat5-java and liblucene-java to be in > unstable/main. libtomcat5-java should be there tomorrow. liblucene-java > can take a while as we need to fix some rmic issues first to be able to > build it with a completely free toolchain. > > When this is sorted out and n

Bug#368542: holdup

2006-07-05 Thread Charles Fry
This package is currently being held up by the hep.aida package which is included with the source code. The source files don't contain any licensing information, and the colt package documentation claims an LGPL with a military prohibition (non-free). However an analysis of the upstream CVS reposit

Bug#206536: pear memory limit too low as well

2006-07-05 Thread Charles Fry
retitle 375070 php-pear: pear and pecl memory limits too low thanks Hi, I just wanted to emphasize the importance of addressing this for both pear and pecl. Currently bug #206536 is dependent on this being resolved for pear. thanks, Charles -- Hat and tie Smart and clean Space between Spoiled

Bug#345903: license issues

2006-07-10 Thread Charles Fry
retitle 345903 RFP: sharpmusique -- The fair interface to the iTunes Music Store owner 345903 [EMAIL PROTECTED] thanks Well, after having prepared a package based on Christian Marillat's unofficial package, I started looking at ways for sharpmusique to depend on other packages that provided the vl

Bug#374256: watch out for Java naming policy

2006-07-11 Thread Charles Fry
When packaging this, please be aware of the Java policy, section 2.4: "Java libraries packages must be named libXXX[version]-java (without the brackets), where the version part is optional and should only contain the necessary part. The version part should only be used to avoid naming

Bug#378568: ITP: courieruserinfo -- Retrieve courier user account information

2006-07-17 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: courieruserinfo Version : 1.1.1 Upstream Author : Andrew St. Jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.arda.homeunix.net/store/ * License : GPL

Bug#378569: ITP: courierpasswd -- Authenticate courier passwords with checkpassword interface

2006-07-17 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: courierpasswd Version : 1.1.1 Upstream Author : Andrew St. Jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.arda.homeunix.net/store/ * License : GPL

Bug#227783: ITA: xasteroids

2005-06-16 Thread Charles Fry
retitle 227783 ITA: xasteroids X-based asteroids-style arcade game owner 227783 Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thanks -- If you Don't know Whose signs These are You can't have Driven very far Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1942/if_you -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Bug#244693: ITP courierpassd

2005-06-21 Thread Charles Fry
retitle 244693 ITP courierpassd -- Change courier user passwords using poppassd interface owner 244693 [EMAIL PROTECTED] thanks I am currently working with Racke to get a courier-dev package with the libraries necessary for courierpassd to work (bug #314354). Once that is in place, I'll complete

Bug#227945: phpgedview status?

2005-06-21 Thread Charles Fry
Thijs, Thanks for putting this package together. Do you have someone to upload this package for you? Charles -- If you want A hearty squeeze Get our Female Anti-freeze Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1963/if_you_want signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Bug#294061: status of pear-package

2005-06-22 Thread Charles Fry
Hi, I need to create some Debian packages from PEAR modules. Is pear-package ready for general use? Are you going to upload it to Debian soon, or should I grab it from the Subversion archive? Does it take precedence over the "Policy for PEAR modules" I found at: http://www.madism.org/debian.p

Bug#315368: ITP: php-pager -- PHP PEAR module for paging

2005-06-22 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: php-pager Version : 2.3.2 Upstream Author : Lorenzo Alberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Richard Heyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://pear.php.net/packa

Bug#315366: ITP: php-cache-lite -- PHP PEAR module for a lite cache system

2005-06-22 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: php-cache-lite Version : 1.4.1 Upstream Author : Fabien Marty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://pear.php.net/package/Cache_Lite/ * License : LGPL Descripti

Bug#294061: status of pear-package

2005-06-22 Thread Charles Fry
> It is in incoming queue for a few month and stucked, because there is no > official php5 packages. I'm using pear-package for packaging php4 extensions, > too. Shouldn't you be able to upload it with nothing but php4 dependencies, to allow short-term progress here? > I think we should talk ab

Bug#294061: status of pear-package

2005-06-22 Thread Charles Fry
> > It is in incoming queue for a few month and stucked, because there is no > > official php5 packages. I'm using pear-package for packaging php4 > > extensions, > > too. > > Shouldn't you be able to upload it with nothing but php4 dependencies, > to allow short-term progress here? For that m

Bug#206536: ITP phpdocumentor

2005-06-22 Thread Charles Fry
owner 206536 Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thanks Well, as this is still up in the air, I'll grab it. :-) Charles -- Heaven's Latest Neophyte Signalled left Then turned right Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1952/heavens signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Bug#315366: packages ready

2005-06-27 Thread Charles Fry
php-cache-lite and php-pager are both ready: http://debian.frogcircus.org/packages/ I am just waiting a few days to upload them, pending any responses to the following debian-webapps discussion: http://lists.debian.org/debian-webapps/2005/06/msg00041.html Charles -- A better buy -- why

Bug#206536: waiting on pear bug

2005-06-27 Thread Charles Fry
This package is currently waiting on pear bug #315594, which prevents the proper installation of phpdocumenter. Charles -- All these years Your skin Has dried Why not moisten Up your hide Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1936/all_these_years signature.asc Description: Digital signatu

Bug#234048: ITP bouncycastle

2005-06-28 Thread Charles Fry
retitle 234048 ITP: bouncycastle -- Bouncy Castle Crypto owner 234048 Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thanks Now that I have a little more Debian packaging experience, I'll give this another shot. :-) Charles -- Why is it When you Try to pass The guy in front Goes twice as fast?

Bug#223781: usemod-wiki adoption

2004-01-14 Thread Charles Fry
As far as I can tell your offer for adoption still stands; in any case version 1.0 still has not been uploaded. I am not currnetly a developer, but I am interested in becoming one, and as I actively use usemod-wiki I would love to maintain it. Charles -- To get Away from Hairy apes Ladies jump >

Bug#227945: RFP: phpgedview -- Online genealogy viewer

2004-01-15 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: phpgedview Version : 2.65 Upstream Author : John Finlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://phpgedview.sourceforge.net/ * License : GPL Description : Online genealogy viewer The PhpGedView Project dynamicall

Bug#223781: usemod-wiki adoption

2004-02-05 Thread Charles Fry
Julian, Are you still planning on maintaining usemod-wiki? As the new version still has not been packaged, and several months have elapsed since you expressed your intent to do so, I thought I would once again express my interest in working with someone to maintain usemod-wiki. As previously menti

Bug#234048: RFP: bouncycastle -- Bouncy Castle Crypto

2004-02-21 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: bouncycastle Version : 1.22 Upstream Author : Legion of the Bouncy Castle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.bouncycastle.org/ * License : based on MIT X Consortium license Description : Bouncy Castle Cr

Bug#348728: try uploading php-net-imap

2006-02-09 Thread Charles Fry
Hi, Per some recent discussion[1] on debian-legal that has resulted in the removal of RC bugs on PHP Group projects that use the PHP License, I would recommend that you try uploading your package, and if the FTP Masters are not happy, point them to this recent discussion. They should either update

Bug#330238: XOM

2006-04-25 Thread Charles Fry
Hi Stephan, Any luck with the XOM package? cheers, Charles -- I just joined The young man said A nudist camp Is my face red? No! I use Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1935/i_just_joined signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Bug#244693: Bug#314354: status of courier-dev

2006-04-26 Thread Charles Fry
> Can you please tell me exactly which files do you need for > courierpasswd 1.1.0 ? > > Courier packages with courier-authlib are available from experimental > or from my private repository: > > deb http://debian.linuxia.de main courier-test Excelent! The current courier-authlib and courier-aut

Bug#206536: PHP Documentor now LGPL

2006-05-10 Thread Charles Fry
> Now that phpdoc has switched to the LGPL licence, can it now be > packaged for debian? > > if so anyone planning on doing it soon? Hi Chris, I am glad to hear that they finally completed the licence switch. While I have a long-term interest in this package, I won't be able to work on it right

Bug#368542: ITP: libcolt-java -- libraries for scientific and technical computing in Java

2006-05-22 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: libcolt-java Version : Upstream Author : Wolfgang Hoschek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://dsd.lbl.gov/~hoschek/colt/ * License : BSD(ish) and LGPL Prog

Bug#368542: [Fwd: Bug#368542: ITP: libcolt-java -- libraries for scientific and technical computing in Java]

2006-05-22 Thread Charles Fry
ng Project. Any oposition to me importing it into the repository? cheers, Charles - Forwarded message from Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: libcolt-java Version : Upst

Bug#345903: sharpmusique in Debian

2006-05-22 Thread Charles Fry
Hi, Is there any legal reason why sharpmusique is not in Debian, given that multiple .deb packages already exist? Charles -- Our fortune Is your Shaven face It's our best Advertising space Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1953/our_fortune signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Bug#244693: Bug#314354: status of courier-dev

2006-05-23 Thread Charles Fry
> Subject: Re: Bug#314354: status of courier-dev > Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 10:48:10 +0200 > To: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] > CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > version: 0.53.1-1 > > Charles Fry wrote: > >>Can you please tel

Bug#368931: ITP: libjung-java -- Java Universal Network/Graph Framework

2006-05-25 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: libjung-java Version : 1.7.4 Upstream Author : Joshua O'Madadhain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.example.org/ * License : BSD Programming Lang: J

Bug#244693: waiting for upload

2006-05-28 Thread Charles Fry
Just waiting for a sponsor or for the DAM to approve my application, whichever happens first. :-) Charles -- Nix on nicks Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1939/nix_on_nicks signature.asc Description: Digital signature

Bug#244693: waiting for upload

2006-05-29 Thread Charles Fry
> > Just waiting for a sponsor or for the DAM to approve my application, > > whichever happens first. :-) > > Have you done something else than just waiting sit in order to get the > sponsor? Well, I posted to debian-mentors, which I understood to be the proper protocol: http://lists.debian.o

Bug#227945: PhpGedView 4.0 Beta 8 released

2006-05-30 Thread Charles Fry
It looks like PhpGedView 4.0 Beta 8 was recently released. It also appears that there is about one month between each beta release. Given that, perhaps it is worth getting this beta version packaged and uplaod to Debian, at the very least to experimental. Charles -- The cannoneers With hairy ear

Bug#368931: license in files

2006-06-06 Thread Charles Fry
By way of update, I am currently working with upstream to include the license in the header of all files (currently it is only in most), and in a text file in the source distribution. Charles -- Best reference -- public preference Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1939/best_reference

Bug#244693: RFS: courierpassd

2006-06-12 Thread Charles Fry
Can I ask again if anyone is interested in checking and sponsoring courierpassd? thanks, Charles -Original Message- > From: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: RFS: courierpassd > Date: Sat, 27 May 2006 00:57:58 -0400 > To: debian-mentor

Bug#283994: ITP: glastree -- builds live backup trees, with branches for each day

2004-12-02 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: glastree Version : 1.03 Upstream Author : Jeremy Wohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://igmus.org/code/ * License : public domain Description : builds live backup trees, with branches for each day The poor

Bug#283994: ITP: glastree -- builds live backup trees, with branches for each day

2004-12-02 Thread Charles Fry
> In what ways is this package different to, say, dirvish, which I use > in a manner which is, AFAICS, identical to the way this package > operates? glastree provides a subset of the functionality of dirvish. It is actually most closely related pdumpfs. Like pdumpfs, glastree works locally and not

Bug#283994: ITP: glastree -- builds live backup trees, with branches for each day

2004-12-02 Thread Charles Fry
> On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 05:59:09PM -0500, Charles Fry wrote: > > > In what ways is this package different to, say, dirvish, which I use > > > in a manner which is, AFAICS, identical to the way this package > > > operates? > > > > glastree provides a sub

Bug#283994: ITP: glastree -- builds live backup trees, with branches for each day

2004-12-02 Thread Charles Fry
> > > Is there any benefit to using glastree over dirvish or pdumpfs? > > > > The advantage of using glastree over pdumpfs is that it is implemented > > in Perl rather than Ruby (this is in fact the reason that I encountered > > it in the first place). > > How is that an advantage of use? Well

Bug#283994: ITP: glastree -- builds live backup trees, with branches for each day

2004-12-03 Thread Charles Fry
> > In what ways is this package different to, say, dirvish, which I use > > in a manner which is, AFAICS, identical to the way this package > > operates? > > Or storebackup? > > (Actually, storebackup's one-line description doesn't really hint at > this functionality. But I'm using it to create

Bug#283994: ITP: glastree -- builds live backup trees, with branches for each day

2004-12-03 Thread Charles Fry
> > Well, if one had a small system and desired not to install ruby, it > > would still be possible to obtain pdumpfs' functionality. Of course > > that could be called an installation issue rather than a usability > > issue. > > 3314kB, including pdumpfs itself. I'll donate a 32MB USB key to sto

Bug#330238: ITP: xom -- tree-based API for processing XML with Java

2005-09-26 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: xom Version : 1.0 Upstream Author : Elliotte Rusty Harold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.xom.nu/ * License : LGPL Description : tree-based API fo

Bug#330239: ITP: hibernate -- a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java

2005-09-26 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: hibernate Version : 3.0.5 Upstream Author : hibernate-devel@lists.sourceforge.net * URL : http://www.hibernate.org/ * License : LGPL Description : a object/rela

Bug#330239: ITP: hibernate -- a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java

2005-09-26 Thread Charles Fry
owner 330239 Barry Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> thanks > I have been working on the dependencies for Hibernate for a few > months now, and have not yet filed the ITP. Please contact me, I am > part of the pkg-java-maintainers team. Well, then you should definitely take ownership of this ITP,

Bug#206536: Where can I take this package ?

2005-10-18 Thread Charles Fry
> did you already made this package ? > where can I found it ? The package is currently on hold, while upstream switches to a Debian-compatible license. Charles -- It's best for One who hits The bottle To let another Use the throttle Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1940/its_best_for

Bug#342504: ITP: libjgrapht-java -- mathematical graph theory library for Java

2005-12-07 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Package name: libjgrapht-java Version : 0.6.0 Upstream Author : Barak Naveh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://jgrapht.sourceforge.net/ * License : LGPL Description :

Bug#342504: preliminary package

2005-12-07 Thread Charles Fry
Oh, and I forgot to mention that a preliminary package is available at: http://debian.frogcircus.org/packages/ Charles -- Early to bed Early to rise Was meant for those Old fashioned guys Who don't use Burma-Shave http://burma-shave.org/jingles/1943/early_to_bed signature.asc Description:

Bug#348728: ITP: php-net-imap -- PHP PEAR module implementing IMAP protocol

2006-01-18 Thread Charles Fry
> * Package name: php-net-imap > Version : 1.0.3 > Upstream Author : Damian Alejandro Fernandez Sosa > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > * URL : http://pear.php.net/package/Net_IMAP > * License : php license You should be aware that per the current REJECT_FAQ [1] your pac

Bug#348728: ITP: php-net-imap -- PHP PEAR module implementing IMAP protocol

2006-01-18 Thread Charles Fry
> Thanks for the information. I haven't noticed it before because I saw various > packages in Debian using the PHP license. > I told my sponsor to wait with the upload. I will ask him for upload when PHP > license is DFSG compatible or tell him to drop it if the project disagree > with the PHP l

Bug#348728: ITP: php-net-imap -- PHP PEAR module implementing IMAP protocol

2006-01-19 Thread Charles Fry
> > >2. http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2006/01/msg00066.html > > the project decision is clear IMHO : read the php license, you'll see it > can only apply to the main and official PHP distribution. Please read the message to debian-legal that I originally referenced. It outlines recent

Bug#237456: RFP: netlogger -- distributed system logging tool

2004-03-11 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: netlogger Version : 2.2.5 Upstream Author : Dan Gunter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www-didc.lbl.gov/NetLogger/ * License : GPL Description : distributed system logging tool Instrument distributed app

Bug#239451: RFP: tmda-cgi -- TMDA web-based management frontend

2004-03-22 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: tmda-cgi Version : 0.13 Upstream Author : Gre7g Luterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://tmda.net/tmda-cgi/ * License : GPL Description : TMDA web-based management frontend This is a web-based management

Bug#239477: RFP: webmin-awstats -- awstats control module for webmin

2004-03-22 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: webmin-awstats Version : 1.21 Upstream Author : Laurent Destailleur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://awstats.sourceforge.net/docs/awstats_webmin.html * License : GPL Description : awstats control module fo

Bug#234048: multiple packages

2004-04-02 Thread Charles Fry
Just to be clear on this, my intent is to package all of the Bouncy Castle libraries. The resulting Debian packages will be something like: libbcprov-jdk14-java libbcprov-jdk13-java libbcprov-jdk12-java libbcjce-jdk13-java libbcjce-jdk12-java libbcmail-jdk14-java libbcmail-j

Bug#244693: RFP: courierpassd -- Change courier user passwords using poppassd interface

2004-04-19 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: courierpassd Version : 0.30 Upstream Author : Andrew St. Jean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://www.arda.homeunix.net/store/ * License : GPL Description : Change courier user passwords using poppassd interf

Bug#234048: mailing list discussion

2004-04-19 Thread Charles Fry
I am withdrawing my ITP, as this package ended up being a bit more complicated than initially anticipated. At first, I thought it would be sufficient to simply package the signed jars, but per [1]this discussion on the debian-java mailing list, the idea of obtaining a Debian Certificate for signing

Bug#223781: usemod-wiki adoption

2004-05-21 Thread Charles Fry
It has now been 160 days since usemod-wiki was offered for adoption. If it is going to be adopted, then I would love to see the latest release packaged. If the current adoption is not going to work out, I would love to help maintain usemod-wiki. Charles -- Missin' Kissin'? Perhaps your thrush Ca

Bug#250683: RFP: scpjailer -- sets up a directory for use with scponly

2004-05-24 Thread Charles Fry
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist * Package name: scpjailer Version : 0.3 Upstream Author : Tony J. White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * URL : http://tjw.org/scpjailer/ * License : GPL Description : sets up a directory for use with scponly scpjailer is a self extra

Bug#223781: usemod-wiki adoption

2004-05-30 Thread Charles Fry
> I don't want to steal anyone's ITP, but as there has been no activity > on on #223781, I'd like to step forward and adopt usemod-wiki. I'd be > interested in others helping out, though (Charles?). > > This version fixes 3 outstanding bugs. The TODO files contains a list of > things I'll work out

Bug#223781: usemod-wiki adoption

2004-06-01 Thread Charles Fry
an or Benjamin indicate otherwise, Christoph and I would like to move forward with a new usemod-wiki package next week. thanks, Charles -Original Message- > From: Charles Fry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: usemod-wiki adoption > Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 00:15:09 -0400

Bug#194546: libemail-simple-perl status

2004-07-03 Thread Charles Fry
Kai, Are you still planning to package libemail-simple-perl? I need to use it, and would love to get it straight from Debian. I'd be glad to help out if necessary. Charles -- Buy a tube Use it one week If you then want Your money back Send us the tube Burma-Shave http://frogcircus.org/burmashav

Bug#206536: Any news?

2007-06-11 Thread Charles Fry
Note that the bug is owned by Chris Seufert, who is currently the one working on this. I suspect that given the current state of the package he'd be willing to accept contributions if you're interested in helping out. If you don't hear back from him (after a reasonable amount of time) you can assi