Bug#133989: ITP: webrick - Simple HTTP Server Toolkit for Ruby

2002-02-14 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Package name: webrick Homepage: http://www.notwork.org/ipr/webrick/ Description: WEBrick is a Ruby library program to build HTTP servers. License: Ruby's Ruby's License: Ruby is copyrighted free software by Yukihiro Matsumoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Y

Bug#122373: ITP: ruby-eserver - Generic multi-threaded e-service server in Ruby

2001-12-04 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Package name: ruby-eserver Homepage: http://fairfax2.laser.net/~jsmall/rubycorner.html Description: A generic, multi-threaded e-service server in Ruby. Includes a simplistic HttpEchoServer.rb to demonstrate how to write your own server. License: Rub

Bug#120155: ITP: libopenssl-ruby - OpenSSL interface for Ruby

2001-11-18 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Package name: libopenssl-ruby Homepage: http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/rubypki/ Description: OpenSSL interface for Ruby. SSLSocket (known as libssl-ruby) were merged in it. License: Ruby's Ruby's License: Ruby is copyrighted free software by Yukihi

Bug#119329: ITP: libprogressbar-ruby - A Text Progress Bar Library for Ruby

2001-11-12 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Version: N/A Severity: wishlist Ruby/ProgressBar is a text progress bar library for Ruby. It can indicate progress with percentage, a progress bar, and estimated remaining time. Homepage: http://namazu.org/~satoru/ruby-progressbar/> (Japanese) Download: http://namazu.org/~satoru/ru

Bug#117264: ITP: libsdl-ruby - Ruby/SDL is the Ruby extension library to use SDL

2001-10-27 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Version: N/A Severity: wishlist URL: http://www.kmc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~ohai/index.en.html From README file: Ruby/SDL is the ruby extension library to use SDL. SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer) is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide fast access to the graphics fr

Bug#106945: ITP: libssl-ruby

2001-07-28 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp X-Debbugs-CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org I intent to package libssl-ruby. This package provides interface of OpenSSL for Ruby. It includes HTTP and TELNET protocols' SSL/TLS support. It can download from http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/raa-list.rhtml?name=SSLSocket> License: BSD

Bug#106944: ITP: nqxml

2001-07-28 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp X-Debbugs-CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org I intent to package NQXML. from README file: NQXML is a pure Ruby implementation of a non-validating XML processor. It includes an XML tokenizer, a SAX-style streaming XML parser, a DOM-style tree parser, and an XML writer. ``NQ''

Bug#105510: ITP: libgd-ruby

2001-07-16 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp X-Debbugs-CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org I intent to libgd-ruby. It is ruby interface for GD library(libgd1).

Bug#105511: ITP: rubymagick

2001-07-16 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp I intent to rubymagick. It is ruby interface for ImageMagick(libmagick).

Bug#95111: ITP: metaruby - reimplementations of some ruby parts in ruby

2001-04-24 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist I intent to package metaruby. MetaRuby reimplementations of some ruby parts in ruby, equivalent of Perl's tie command. Purpose of MetaRuby (from Overview file): 1. To describe a minimal but reasonably efficient interface for interacting with Array-like ob

Bug#94732: ITP: ruby-beta - beta version of ruby

2001-04-21 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist I intent to package ruby-beta. It provides development version of ruby and is going to close Bug#85178. License: Ruby's

Bug#94731: ITP: libo-dbm-ruby - an OODB-like DBM module for Ruby

2001-04-21 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist I intent to package libo-dbm-ruby. It is an OODB-like DBM module for Ruby. http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/raa-list.rhtml?name=o_dbm+-+ObjectDBM> License: Ruby's

Bug#90953: libshell-ruby - A library for Ruby to use like shell

2001-03-24 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist It realizes a wish to do execution of command and filtering like sh/csh. However, Control statement which include sh/csh just uses facility of ruby. http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/raa-list.rhtml?name=Shell> License: Released under the same term of license as Ruby.

Bug#90907: ITP: xmlrpc4r - XML-RPC for Ruby

2001-03-24 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist XML-RPC provides remote procedure calls over HTTP with XML. It is like SOAP but much easier. For more information see the XML-RPC homepage . This package provides XML-RPC support for Ruby. http://www.s-direktnet.de/homepages/neumann/xmlrpc4r/index.html> License:

Bug#90845: ITP: ri - Ruby Interactive reference

2001-03-23 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist ri is a command line tool that displays descriptions of built-in Ruby methods, classes, and modules. For methods, it shows you the calling sequence and a description. For classes and modules, it shows a synopsis along with a list of the methods the class or module

Bug#89688: ITP: docdiff

2001-03-14 Thread akira yamada /
Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist I intent to package, docdiff. It compares two text files by character or by word/morpheme, and output the result in pseudo HTML format. Example: $ cat 01.en.txt Hello, my name is Watanabe. I am just another Ruby porter. $ cat 02.en.txt Hello, my name