Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist I intent to package, docdiff. It compares two text files by character or by word/morpheme, and output the result in pseudo HTML format.
Example: $ cat 01.en.txt Hello, my name is Watanabe. I am just another Ruby porter. $ cat 02.en.txt Hello, my name is matz. It's me who has created Ruby. I am a Ruby hacker. $ docdiff 01.en.txt 02.en.txt | w3m -T text/html -dump Hello, my name is [DEL:W:DEL]mat[DEL:anabe:DEL]z. It's [DEL:a:DEL]me [DEL:ju:DEL]who has[DEL:t:DEL] crea[DEL:no:DEL]t[DEL:h:DEL]e [DEL:r:DEL]d Ruby. [DEL:port:DEL] I am a Ruby hacker. License: Ruby's