Processing commands for
> # Mon Sep 28 01:06:50 UTC 2009
> # Tagging as pending bugs that are closed by packages in NEW
> #
> #
> # Source package in NEW: eog-plugins
> tags 546995 + pending
Bug #546995 [wnpp] ITP: eog-plugins -- set o
Your message dated Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:02:18 +
with message-id
and subject line Bug#529672: fixed in php-benchmark 1.2.7-3
has caused the Debian Bug report #529672,
regarding ITA: php-benchmark -- Framework to benchmark PHP
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has
Ciao, Flavio
Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
-- Henry Spencer
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
retitle 548595 ITA: libiphone -- Library for communicating with iPhone and iPod
Touch devices
owner 548595 !
retitle 548593 ITA: ifuse -- FUSE module for iPhone and iPod Touch devices
owner 548593 !
retitle 548594 ITA: libplist -- Library for handling apple binary and XML
property lists
owner 54
Processing commands for
> retitle 548595 ITA: libiphone -- Library for communicating with iPhone and
> iPod Touch devices
Bug #548595 [wnpp] O: libiphone -- Library for communicating with iPhone and
iPod Touch devices
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: libiphone -- Library for c
I've been making progress: the package, and am currently uploading
a package 'libsx' which is the last missing dependency of it.
I should have it packaged in the next few days.
On 25 Sep 2009, at 12:21, Toni Mueller wrote:
I have a recent request for this software,
Package: wnpp
Owner: Jonathan Yu
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: libparams-coerce-perl
Version : 0.14
Upstream Author : Adam Kennedy
* URL :
* Licens
Processing commands for
> noowner 521971
Bug #521971 [libembperl-perl] libembperl-perl: FTBFS: Test failure with
>= 3.38
Removed annotation that Bug was owned by Ryan Niebur .
> owner 365365 !
Bug #365365 [wnpp] ITA: galternatives -- graphical setup tool for the
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I'm giving webdeveloper package in adoption.
If you're interested, you may want to contact Debian pkg-mozext team
( for team maintenance.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
I'm giving firefoxnotify package in adoption.
If you're interested, you may want to contact Debian pkg-mozext team
( for team maintenance.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subjec
tag 548618 + pending
Some bugs are closed in revision 44948
by Jonathan Yu (jawnsy-guest)
Commit message:
WAITS for copyright clarification from upstream.
* Initial Release (Closes: #548618)
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-wnpp-requ.
Processing commands for
> # reopen this; using "debcommit" accidentally marked this pending
> tag 548618 - pending
Bug #548618 [wnpp] ITP: libdeclare-constraints-simple-perl -- Perl module to
validate data structures
Removed tag(s) pending.
> thanks
Stopping processing h
Processing commands for
> tag 548618 + pending
Bug #548618 [wnpp] ITP: libdeclare-constraints-simple-perl -- Perl module to
validate data structures
Added tag(s) pending.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking s
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Source -
Documentation -
Paver is a Python-based software project scripting tool along the
lines of Make or Rake. It is not designed to handle the dependency
tracking requirements of, for
Package: wnpp
Owner: Jonathan Yu
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: libdeclare-constraints-simple-perl
Version : 0.03
Upstream Author : Robert Sedlacek
* URL :
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: adit
* URL :
* License : Rutgers University DFSG compatible
Description : preparing, editing and checking structure data
ADIT is an integrated software system for editing and checking
Processing commands for
> retitle 544911 ITA: gnome-chess -- chess client for the GNOME desktop
> environment
Bug #544911 [wnpp] RFA: gnome-chess -- chess client for the GNOME desktop
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: gnome-chess -- chess client for the GNOME deskto
Processing commands for
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version 2.10.35lenny3
> retitle 547029 ITA: qjackctl -- User interface for controlling the JACK sound
> server
Bug #547029 [wnpp] O: qjackctl -- User interface for controlling the JACK sound
forwarding to the relevant bug
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sandro Tosi
Date: Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 18:21
Subject: Re: Processed: ITA: configobj -- a simple but powerful config
file reader and writer for Python
To:,, Raphael Geissert
, Daniel
Your message dated Sun, 27 Sep 2009 15:34:37 +
with message-id
and subject line Bug#547607: fixed in pion-net 2.1.8+dfsg-1
has caused the Debian Bug report #547607,
regarding ITP: pion-net -- library for implementing lightweight HTTP interfaces
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim
Your message dated Sun, 27 Sep 2009 15:41:20 +
with message-id
and subject line Bug#533173: fixed in madwimax 0.1.1-1
has caused the Debian Bug report #533173,
regarding ITP: madwimax -- user-space driver for mWiMAX equipment based on
Samsung CMC-730
to be marked as done.
This means that you
Your message dated Sun, 27 Sep 2009 15:39:31 +
with message-id
and subject line Bug#548131: fixed in libmoosex-async-perl 0.07-1
has caused the Debian Bug report #548131,
regarding ITP: libmoosex-async-perl -- Moose metaclasses to support
asynchronous operations
to be marked as done.
This m
Hash: SHA1
I have requested ITA for this package, but I have been reading that it will be
> Il giorno Sat, 19 Sep 2009 11:03:44 +0200
> Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ha scritto:
>> CC'ing Luca, maintainer of grdc.
> Sorry for my late reply
Your message dated Sun, 27 Sep 2009 15:37:55 +
with message-id
and subject line Bug#530262: fixed in elyxer 0.30-1
has caused the Debian Bug report #530262,
regarding ITP: elyxer -- Standalone LyX to HTML converter
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been deal
Your message dated Sun, 27 Sep 2009 15:26:19 +
with message-id
and subject line Bug#547350: fixed in sinfo 0.0.33-2
has caused the Debian Bug report #547350,
regarding ITP: sinfo -- Monitoring tool for computer clusters using broadcasts
to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the
Processing commands for
> retitle 521273 ITP: py2exe -- utility for making win32 executables from
> python code
Bug #521273 [wnpp] RFP: py2exe -- utility for making win32 executables from
python code
Changed Bug title to 'ITP: py2exe -- utility for making win32 executabl
Il giorno Sat, 19 Sep 2009 11:03:44 +0200
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ha scritto:
> CC'ing Luca, maintainer of grdc.
Sorry for my late reply, GMail junk filter considered this email spam.
Bad boy, Emilio, bad boy :)
> > On 18/09/09 at 23:03 -0400, Joseph Miller wrote:
> >> "Better" is pretty subject
owner 547045 !
Hello Carlos,
I have already said my interest in adopting gip, retitled this bug to
ITA, and uploaded the latest version of gip on m.d.n [1].
I am re-recording myself as the owner of this bug. If you have any
objection, please reply on this thread, or send me an email.
Processing commands for
> owner 547045 !
Bug #547045 [wnpp] ITA: gip -- IP calculator for GNOME desktop environment
Owner changed from to Ignace Mouzannar
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug track
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA1
I intend to orphan the ifuse package.
The package description is:
iFuse is a FUSE filesystem driver which uses libiphone to connect to iPhone
and iPod Touch devices without needing to "jailbreak" them. iFuse uses the
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA1
I intend to orphan the libplist package.
The package description is:
libplist is a library for reading and writing the apple binary and XML
property lists format.
This package contains the development files.
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA1
I intend to orphan the libiphone package.
The package description is:
libiphone is a library that talks the native Apple USB protocols that the
iPhone and iPod Touch use. Unlike other projects, libiphone does not
Processing commands for
> retitle 509644 ITA: mgp -- MagicPoint- an X11 based presentation tool
Bug #509644 [wnpp] O: mgp -- MagicPoint- an X11 based presentation tool
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: mgp -- MagicPoint- an X11 based presentation tool'
from 'O: mgp -- MagicPoint
Processing commands for
> retitle 547045 ITA: gip -- IP calculator for GNOME desktop environment
Bug #547045 [wnpp] ITA: gip -- IP calculator for GNOME desktop environment
Ignoring request to change the title of bug#547045 to the same title
> owner 547045 !
Bug #547045 [wn
Processing commands for
> retitle 540897 ITA: debsig-verify -- Debian Package Signature Verification
> Tool
Bug #540897 [wnpp] O: debsig-verify -- Debian Package Signature Verification
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: debsig-verify -- Debian Package Signature
Processing commands for
> retitle 546993 ITA: gpass -- The password manager for GNOME2
Bug #546993 [wnpp] O: gpass -- The password manager for GNOME2
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: gpass -- The password manager for GNOME2' from 'O:
gpass -- The password manager for GNOME2'
Processing commands for
> retitle 538511 ITA: trac-bzr -- Bazaar version control (bzr) backend for Trac
Bug #538511 [wnpp] O: trac-bzr -- Bazaar version control (bzr) backend for Trac
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: trac-bzr -- Bazaar version control (bzr) backend for
Trac' fr
Processing commands for
> retitle 544450 ITA: gps -- Graphical Process Statistics using GTK+
Bug #544450 [wnpp] O: gps -- Graphical Process Statistics using GTK+
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: gps -- Graphical Process Statistics using GTK+' from
'O: gps -- Graphical Process S
Processing commands for
> retitle 58 ITA: configobj -- a simple but powerful config file reader and
> writer for Python
Bug #58 [wnpp] O: configobj -- a simple but powerful config file reader and
writer for Python
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: configobj -- a simple
Processing commands for
> retitle 547314 ITA: tsclient -- front-end for viewing of remote desktops in
Bug #547314 [wnpp] O: tsclient -- front-end for viewing of remote desktops in
Changed Bug title to 'ITA: tsclient -- front-end for viewing of remote deskto
Package: wnpp
Severity: normal
Hash: SHA1
I intend to orphan the i8kutils package since I no longer use it.
The package description is:
This is a collection of utilities to control Dell Inspiron and Latitude
laptops. It includes programs to turn the fan on an
Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> (it would be nice not to cc: me when mailing the BTS, I'm subscribed to the
> munin package :-)
> On Sonntag, 27. September 2009, Tom Feiner wrote:
>> I think the webapps policy outlines the right thing to do in this case,
>> however it focuses on what needs
Hi, Dave, any progress on the enemies-of-carlotta ITA?
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
I have made a package for Ubuntu, it's available at . The version for
Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic) build-depends on xz-utils, a library which is in
experimental now. The version for Ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty) doesn't use this
Hi Tom,
(it would be nice not to cc: me when mailing the BTS, I'm subscribed to the
munin package :-)
On Sonntag, 27. September 2009, Tom Feiner wrote:
> I think the webapps policy outlines the right thing to do in this case,
> however it focuses on what needs to be done for new packages, and it
Processing commands for
> # Sun Sep 27 08:03:18 UTC 2009
> # Tagging as pending bugs that are closed by packages in NEW
> #
> #
> # Source package in NEW: libmoosex-async-perl
> tags 548131 + pending
Bug #548131 [wnpp] ITP: libmoosex-a
Holger Levsen wrote:
> Yup, I see it at each upload and should probably just write this mail to
> debian-devel... doing so now :-)
I think the webapps policy outlines the right thing to do in this case,
however it focuses on what needs to be done for new packages, and its not
clear ho
I apologize for the late answer. I was MIA, my old comp crashed, I'm
still not able to run Debian on new one :(
I've started packaging Java FreeHEP libraries, there were some problems
with external dependencies I think, I can't provide more details now
unfortunately (my old data are gone).
On Sonntag, 27. September 2009, Tom Feiner wrote:
> I committed the non-debian specific changes to trunk, not through patches.
> I spoke to Nicolai, and he said that it's ok to fix these kind of trivial
> issues (such as directly in
> trunk, and
49 matches
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