Il giorno Sat, 19 Sep 2009 11:03:44 +0200
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <> ha scritto:

> CC'ing Luca, maintainer of grdc.

Sorry for my late reply, GMail junk filter considered this email spam.
Bad boy, Emilio, bad boy :)

> > On 18/09/09 at 23:03 -0400, Joseph Miller wrote:
> >> "Better" is pretty subjective and may be jumping the gun
> >> considering tsclient has features lacking in grdc.  I do not have
> >> the most current version of grdc (I have 0.3.0), but the version
> >> that I have lacks a fullscreen mode selection, sound redirection,
> >> keyboard features, remotely mapping disk drive, remotely mapping
> >> printers, start program on connect, motion events option, wm
> >> decorations, and attach to console.  In grdc's defense, grdc seems
> >> to have an option for compression lacking in tsclient.
> Luca, any idea if those features are available in grdc?

Available features on 0.6.0 are:
* keyboard mapping (is this the same as "keyboard features"?)
* shared folders
* start program on connect
* attach to console

Upcoming features in 0.7.0 are:
* sound redirection
* printer sharing

Features which should be still missing:
* Ignoring motion events

What you mean with fullscreen mode selection?
Not sure about wm decorations since I can't test it on both programs.

> >> Full-disclosure: I recently wrote the patch to tsclient for printer
> >> redirection (which I use every day) which just made it in the
> >> upstream but hasn't been released.  I would of course like to see
> >> this make it to a distro.  Most importantly, I would like this and
> >> the above-stated functionality to be available.  If grdc can do
> >> these things, I have no objection whatsoever to removing tsclient.

Support has been added, it will be available in 0.7.0:

 :  :' :   Luca Falavigna <>
 `.  `'

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