Understanding the GFDL GR proposal and amendment

2006-01-20 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
ts official position statement, what is the official position statement of Debian regarding the freeness of GFDL? Answer: that's what this GR is about. Is my answer correct? I'm looking forward to reading answers and comments to these questions and notes, and I hope we can clarify the

GR proposal: GFDL with no Invariant Sections is free

2006-01-23 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
r before the "Why the GNU Free Documentation License is not suitable for Debian main" GR? -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas. signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: GR proposal: GFDL with no Invariant Sections is free

2006-01-23 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 00:02 +0100, Andreas Barth wrote: > * Fabian Fagerholm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [060123 22:44]: > > This General Resolution partly reverts an earlier decision by the > > Release Management team, taken under delegation in accordance with the > > Debian Consti

Re: Amendment: GFDL is compatible with DFSG

2006-01-23 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
ffer advice to people considering the use of this license until the problems are remedied. The GR proposal that you have submitted does these things. But it should not be mixed with our own decision about including or not including GNU FDL material in our distribution. This is regardless

Re: Amendment: GFDL is compatible with DFSG

2006-01-24 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
of whether they can pass a strict reading of the DFSG. > In other words, the DFSG is a *necessary* but not necessarily > *sufficient* hurdle. I would suggest supporting the GR on this issue, by seconding my proposal and/or making an amendment. -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Amendment: GFDL is compatible with DFSG

2006-01-24 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
violation of the license, then "reasonably prudent steps" would be for the CD vendor to set up a source mirror instead. I suspect most CD vendors do not keep a complete source mirror of the GNU FDL material they sell on their CDs (Debian or otherwise). Cheers, -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: GR proposal: GFDL with no Invariant Sections is free

2006-01-24 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
he only choice is to propose an amendment that has the same content as this proposal, plus a decision that the decision about the statement is postponed to a separate GR. -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: GR proposal: GFDL with no Invariant Sections is free

2006-01-24 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
ocuments. Could you clarify the last sentence? Do you suggest that as things stand now, etch will release with GNU FDL material? -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Amendment: GFDL is compatible with DFSG

2006-01-24 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
icitly establishing the freeness of this license by a GR would settle the issue for those who think it is about opinion. Cheers, -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Amendment: GFDL is compatible with DFSG

2006-01-25 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
over all the other options. If the Debian of the future wants to open up that issue again, then let it be because they really want to revisit the core issue -- not because of a technicality such as a missing option. Cheers, -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Amendment: GFDL is compatible with DFSG

2006-01-25 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
s of body language when you have to tell someone you disagree are missing from the email. You have to spell them out. I suggest a break from this discussion. Go and do something fun today, and return another time to read the message [0] I sent before this one with suggestions on how to move forward from here

Re: GR proposal: GFDL with no Invariant Sections is free

2006-01-25 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
proposal was for the "two separate GRs" setup. If there is not enough support for the "two separate GRs" setup, then I will consider modifying my proposal to fit into the "one big GR" setup. But I first want to see if there is any support. See also http://lists.d

Re: Suggest ballot-by-section of the FDL position GR

2006-01-27 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
n't realise at first that the combinations were provided at the bottom of the text. It might be easier to have the full text of each option visible. Could you generate the actual combinations and provide them as separate files? We could then propose them as amendments to Anthony's propo

Re: Amendment: GFDL is compatible with DFSG

2006-01-27 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
On Wed, 2006-01-25 at 16:55 -0600, Graham Wilson wrote: > On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 10:10:22AM +0200, Fabian Fagerholm wrote: > > Those in favour of two separate GR's: > > > > * Read my GR proposal [0] and second it (your choice of course). > > * Read N

Questions for all candidates: the DPL as a creator of public opinion

2006-03-05 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
cat. [4] For example, Creative Commons have expanded the view to include all forms of cultural expression, which includes works that can be considered for inclusion in Debian. -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Request for GR: clarifying the license text licensing / freeness issue

2007-04-18 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
revent it (copyright law takes precedence), and because the DFSG considers source + patch to be acceptable, it seems that the issue is already taken care of. -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Request for GR: clarifying the license text licensing / freeness issue

2007-04-23 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
iously. No violation has been shown to exist. A concern has been raised, but it is the result of a misunderstanding and/or misinterpretation of the Social Contract and DFSG. It is not the same as an actual violation. Thus, there's no need to change the documents in question. -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Request for GR: clarifying the license text licensing / freeness issue

2007-04-24 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
been shown quite strongly that it is not needed. The rest of the discussion I consider part of the community tradition, the purpose of which is to gain further insight into the documents in question. -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Request for GR: clarifying the license text licensing / freeness issue

2007-04-24 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
r opinion, but I have already given my comment on them. -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Request for GR: clarifying the license text licensing / freeness issue

2007-04-27 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
and licenses belong to different domains and that licenses form the line beyond which the DFSG doesn't apply. The DFSG seems to be drafted on this principle, and there is therefore no contradiction that needs to be clarified or given explicit exception. Not starting to "move up the chain" spares us from approaching the slippery slope of mistakes that others in this thread have brought up. So let's not pursue this GR. Cheers, -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Request for GR: clarifying the license text licensing / freeness issue

2007-05-01 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
room, discussing in the corridor, lights are being shut off, everyone else has gone home and the janitor is rattling with his keychain and giving us meaningful looks as he's making his final round before locking up for the weekend..." :) Thanks, -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Debian Maintainers GR Proposal, updated

2007-06-27 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
er implementing this instead? Does anyone agree? If there is some agreement, perhaps we could draft an amendment? Cheers, -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Question for all candidates: Handling declassification of debian-private (GR 2005-02)

2008-03-11 Thread Fabian Fagerholm
many members would it have, how would they be selected and would you impose any structure among them? Thanks, -- Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part