Dear candidates,

At the end of 2005, the Debian Project passed a General Resolution [0]
to declassify posts made to the debian-private mailing list. The GR
specified that posts that are at least three years old will be
considered for publishing. It also specified that the DPL will appoint a
team to handle this task automatically.

The three-year point for posts sent after the GR was passed will occur
during the upcoming DPL term. To fulfil the requirements in the GR, the
next DPL will have to appoint the declassification team, a documented
procedure has to be set up, and software probably has to be written to
automate the task to some extent. The GR has rather specific
instructions about how the posts may be declassified, including
notifications to the posters and pre-screening by the developers. By my
count, there are 8520 messages to consider at this time, and of course
more to come.

If you were elected DPL for the next term, what would you do about this
GR and when? How would you ensure that the declassification can happen
in a timely manner and fulfil all the requirements? What would your
declassification team look like -- how many members would it have, how
would they be selected and would you impose any structure among them?

Fabian Fagerholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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