forum thread includes what you need to know.
David P. James
4th Year Economics Student
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
The bureaucratic mentality is the onl
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 06:05:47AM +, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 03:32:12PM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh
> > one of the things that bother me in my set-up is browser. mozilla is
> > what i use currently and i have to wa
sailing with amd processors is as smooth as intel
sandip p deshmukh
If you put your supper dish to your ear you can hear the sounds of a
-- Snoopy
with a subject of "unsubscribe"
r than close the window, Nautilus
> freaks out and dies.
> Any known fix?
Don't use Nautilus. It's a bloated piece of crap.
I suggest you raise a bug with the gnome or Ximian groups. Debian just
packages the software.
Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PR
On 13/01/03 Paul Johnson did speaketh:
> What do you suggest as an alternative?
What are your needs? I mostly use the shell. If I need some simple file
browsing, I use either Emacs dired mode, or something simple like dfs or
Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PRO
On Mon, Jan 13, 2003 at 07:57:41PM -0500, Fraser Campbell wrote:
> On January 13, 2003 06:00 am, the fabulous Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
> > i have used installed debian on pentium 3 and celeron without much
> > trouble.
> >
> > typically, i have found out th
for your help.
Those files are for 3.0r0 but the 3.0r1 files are on the site; the
symlink to them just hasn't been updated yet...
David P. James
4th Year Economics Student
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
hello all
i am stuck for good! and i have already done apt-cache search - no use.
i need to open a dBaseIII file and convert it into any other more
sensible format - xls, inclusive.
is there a program that can handle dBaseIII files?
sandip p deshmukh
sandip p deshmukh
"Plaese porrf raed."
-- Prof. Michael O'Longhlin, S.U.N.Y. Purchase
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
dation to build upon.
To all those hackers out there working on Linux, I say thank you. Please
continue to add to it, as I strive to myself. Just don't subtract. As long as
I can give a fancy interface to my parents to use, but still fire up IceWM and
bunch of xterms for myself, I'll be
hello all
i am really sorry to ask such a basic question. but i could not locate
the help resources.
how do i install a 'virtual' package in aptitude? for instance, i can
see latex as a package in aptitude. when i hit +, it does not get
thanks in advance for help
On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 03:55:45PM -0500, Seneca wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 05:56:37PM +0530, Sandip P Deshmukh wrote:
> > how do i install a 'virtual' package in aptitude? for instance, i can
> > see latex as a package in aptitude. when i hit +, it does not get
am i blatantly wrong and there's actually some
package containing them, or should i just write my own copies?
"For a price I'd do about anything, except pull the trigger: for that I'd
need a pretty good cause" -- Queensryche, "Revolution Calling&
>Hi all:
>I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
>Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
>downloads (neither free, nor "Plus").
>Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?
De G2Realplayer 6.0 is only provided as an
>scratch wrote:
>> IIRC, this message probably means that you have recently updated to a 2.2
>> kernel. In this kernel, ifconfig sets it own routes, so there is no more
>> need for a manual 'route add'. Check your init.d scripts, especially
>> '/etc/init.d/network'.
>> OTOH, I could be
Hi all!
I am sometime on this list now, and I have some questions.
1) I use mutt to read the debian-user-digest. It lists all attachments
nicely in one mail. But how do I reply to a message. I can go in the
attachment-list and save the mail I want to reply to, but that isn't
very hand
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 12:06:15PM +1000, Matthew Dalton wrote:
> Has anyone used Star Office 5.1 with Slink, or any other glibc2.0 based
> distribution?
> Star Office 5.1 was released to fix problems with SO5.01 and glibc2.1,
> but is it still compatible with glibc2.0?
Yes, I use it now with pl
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 09:38:39PM -0400, Bob C. Ruddy wrote:
> Hello,
> I've got a problem getting my xircom Ethernet+Modem multifunction card
> working right. The first problem is that I can't get the card manager to
> automatically load the modules for the card. The second problem is tha
On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 03:22:17PM -0500, Stanley J. Benes wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm using 2.1 (slink?) on a Toshiba satellite pro 410CDT laptop. It has a
> built
> in mouse-like device called an accu-point.
I also have such a device on my Toshiba Satellite 320CDT
> I've been trying to use gpm
On Sun, Jul 11, 1999 at 03:35:17PM +1000, Revenant wrote:
> When I first ran Wmaker it contained an icon that ran a preference
> editor. I moved this icon, it disappeared and I can't find it again.
> Can someone please tell me how to set the preferences for Wmaker
> without it?
You can edit ~
On Sun, Jul 11, 1999 at 10:16:04PM +0100, Patrick Kirk wrote:
> Hi all,
> You have new mail.
> I want to replace this with fortune. Can anyone suggest how I go about
> this?
1) echo > /etc/motd
2) add this to /etc/profile at the end:
# Give a fortune
/usr/games/fortune -o
On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 12:28:42AM -0400, Carl Mummert wrote:
> You can turn off the netstd ftpd by commenting out the apprpriate line
> in /etc/inetd.conf and then '/etc/init.d/netbase restart'.
> As for proftpd, I am not sure if it wants to ru under inetd or as its own
> daemon. Look for an
Student @ | Using the Power of Linux...
Eindhoven University of| ICQ: 8678828
Technology, The Netherlands| email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have two questions I hope you can answer, I am using Debian 4 months
now, after 6 months of RedHat, and I LIKE it.
1) I installed Linux Logo, but I have a bit problems with it.
* It won't update /etc/
* Can I get the default issue line back in the logo: Debian GNU/\s potato \n \
Hi all,
I wanted to experiment a little with icecast, so I apt-ed icecast-server
and icecast-client (1.0.0).
I went to, read the FAQ and gettin started and started...
I set up the server with default values, (port: 8000 client, poort: 8001
encoder and poort 8002: remote admin)
the book has been published through New Riders and I have seen it in 1 local
bookstore. The book is GPLed, has a single CD distro and sells for $24.95
with a portion of that going to FSF.
On Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 10:11:56AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
> And I fixed it. I also modified my .xsession file as suggested at
>, so it looked like this:
> /usr/bin/gnome-terminal &
> /usr/bin/X11/icewm-gnome &
> /usr/bin/panel
> Adding either of the other lines (or trying
On Sat, Jul 31, 1999 at 07:41:19PM -0400, Salman Ahmed wrote:
> However, I still have quite a few questions that I am hoping to
> get answered :
> (1) For console logins, how can I get the console screen to
> be cleared after a user logs out ? RedHat 5.2 seems to do it by
> default (ie without
On 28 Jul, Justin Liu wrote:
> Hi -
> I have an IBM Thinkpad 560 with Debian 1.3.1 (among other OS's) installed on
> it and I was looking for some equipment recommendations. I plan an upgrade
> to hamm sometime soon.
> I want to get a 56K PC card modem, hopefully one that will also work with
On 15 Aug, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> Hi all-
> I've managed to install the base system via floppies and I've spent
> several hours downloading packaged with dselect, and all seemed to
> be progressing nicely. I've only rebooted the system twice, and
> after downloading and installing something to do
On 26 Aug, Mike Roberts wrote:
> I and a friend both have the same problem on our older 386 machines -
> the resue disk for hamm takes about 15 to 20 minutes to load the root
> filesystem and the kernel image. These same floppies work just fine
> on newer systems. We've both already completed the
On 28 Aug, Young, Ed wrote:
> I'll bet this has been covered, and I feel shame for not knowing and not
> being able to find out how, but
> How do I create a custom boot disk? Is there a utility, or just a sequence
> of steps?
> Thanx,
> Ed
The package you want it boot-floppies. Be warn
On 28 Aug, Ossama Othman wrote:
>> from what I remember Beowulf uses PVM, and that is already packaged.
>> They basically seemed when I read their pages to be makeing "add ons" which
>> make PVM more powerfull
>>From what I recall, PVM is being superseded by MPI. There is already a
> Debian pa
On 28 Aug, Brian Morgan wrote:
> Running debian 2.0 / 2.0.34 (stable) and having trouble getting my sound
> card to work. I can get the cd rom player in X to run, but not through
> the sound card. I didn't see anything in the device drivers setup when
> I installed debian, and wasn't sure how els
On 29 Aug, Christopher M. Wesneski wrote:
> I recently learned how to setup my Plug-and-Pray modem using pnpdump and
> isapnp.
> pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf (then select the correct settings)
> isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
> setserial /dev/ttyS1 port 0x2f8 irq 3 uart 16550
> Everything works great.
I'm setting up a machine to act as a firewall or router or something
(not sure what the exact term is -- basically, to allow only certain
Internet IPs to get to a machine that will be behind this
firewall-or-whatever). As such, I was planning on two NICs and having
a Debian system that does
On 2 Sep, Max wrote:
> I'm about ready to setup a machine with 512 MB of RAM and I'm
> wondering how much swap space I should allocate. I've read about the
> 2x rule, but 1 GB of swap seems somewhat excessive. I've also been
> told that Linux will not use more than 128 MB of swap. So, how much
On 9 Sep, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, i'm trying to mount some CDRW media, but its not working. :(.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/timothy# mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /cdrom
> mount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only
> mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad sup
Nothing I've tried has worked. Is there another
> way to change res without this key combo?
Are you using the minus key in the embedded numeric keypad when you try
this? (Mine is on the 'p' key, and it works for me.) Reorder the
resolutions in your XF86Config if that doesn&
On 14 Sep, Person, Rod wrote:
> Anyone using KDE, do you have this problem, can you help..
> When I start KDE as the default window manager it takes 1/2 hour
> or more to load. Then once it does load it is take just as long to do
> anything.
> I added kdmdesktop to my Xsetu
On 12 Sep, Michael Beattie wrote:
> I know that KDE is still in the development stages, but one small bug that
> bugs me is that when using the K file manager to open text, .c or image
> files, The respective viewers/editors take the file's path and location to
> be seperate arguments. For examp
chose, but ipportfw almost seems like a
requirement in that case (versus plain old IP forwarding), else how do
the external machines reach the 'hidden' one? I think part of my
problem may be how the 'hidden' machine's configured (default router,
domain, etc.), but the HOWTO didn't really cover that. . . .
Thanks in advance!!!
Kendall P. Bullen
On 16 Sep, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi everybody, I just installed gimp and was trying to resize an image
> from 640x480 to 1024x768. I can't seem to do it. In gimp if you use
> the resize the image it resizes the window and leaves the image at
> 640x480. Do you have any suggestions. I can't
On 16 Sep, Shane S. wrote:
> Thanks for the response.
> So do you think I should forget about recompiling the kernel
> and just install it as if there is 1 processor?
> -Original Message-
> From: Nathan E Norman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, September
On 18 Sep, Randy Edwards wrote:
>Could someone tell me exactly what the dists/proposed-updates
> subdirectory is for?
>Yes, I know it's for "proposed updates" ;-), but what for what dist?
> Hamm? Slink? Does this subdir function as sort of a new "incoming"
> type of subdir so that the
On 19 Sep, Remo Badii wrote:
> Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Possibly you did not build and install the pcmcia
> modules? The pcmcia modules are added on to the kernel, and come
> separately. Install the pcmcia source package and look for
> instructions on using make-kpkg to create
es. This is probably the easiest way. Then you don't have to
mount floppies at all. Take a look at the mcp, mformat, and mtools
manual pages.
For the rest, please read the FAQ, etc.
On Mon, 21 Sep 1998, Immanuel Yap wrote:
> append="mem=128M"
> in your /etc/lilo.conf, rerun lilo, and reboot. Note that your system
> can get seriously fscked if you don't actually have 128M. Read lilo(8)
> and lilo.conf(5) before trying anything. There's also some stuff in
> /usr/doc
On 22 Sep, Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to buy a pcmcia scsi card for my laptop. Can someone suggest me a
> model that is know it works with Debian linux?
There is a complete list of supported cards at
Unfortunately, th
On Mon, 28 Sep 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Another option might be the "dpkg-multicd" method written by Heiko
> Schlittermann; it's available from
> Unfortunately, the .deb doesn't have a copyright file, and the source for
> 0.5 (the 0.7 source'
On Tue, 29 Sep 1998, Zheng Wang wrote:
> Did someone successfully install Debian on Dell's workstation? I get
> trouble in doing that. I try to install from the hard disk. When I run
> install, it give me the following information:
I had no problems installing on Dell. I booted to a diskette wit
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998, Jan Krupa wrote:
> Could someone please tell how can I insert under
> Linux (debian2.0) EOF (end of file) sign (in C lang.) from keyboard?
> I mean what sequence of keys ?
Er, insert it where?! In EMACS, you would press control-Q control-D
(^Q^D) to insert a control-D into th
On 1 Oct, Paul Reavis wrote:
> My latest motherboard has a CPU temp sensor and fan tachometer feature.
> Are there any linux drivers/programs for reading these?
Try lm_sensors.
Stephen Ryan Debian GNU/Linux
Mathematics gradua
On 2 Oct, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
>> Try lm_sensors.
> Cool. Have you compiled this?
> (Which do you pick? lm78-1.2.3.tgz or lm_sensors-1.4.6.tar.gz)
> I get:
> # insmod ./lm_sensors.o
> ./lm_sens
Now how am I gonna get a copy in the US ?? :(
> Apologies about this message (especially to non-UK Debian
> users), but I noticed today while perusing the TV schedule, that on
> Monday 5th October at 11:40pm there is a program on Channel 4
> called Connected. Th
On 5 Oct, Nuno Carvalho wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
>> Make an ~/.xsession file and put "exec wmaker" on it. Then chmod +x it.
> I just commented the line with xterm on Xsession global (/etc/X11/) and
> it worked ! :)
>> The file is /etc/X11/WindowMaker/menu.
Hey, do you want a Dressman or a Killer ??
Ian Stuart wrote:
> Ian Stuart wrote:
> My only downer comment would be to Linus: "White socks and sandles?
> Please!"
> --
> Ian Stuart
> Computing Services
> The University of Edinburgh
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EM
On 17 May, Stefan Baums wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'll buy a notebook computer shortly, and one of my prime concerns is
> that GNU/Linux will not only run on it somehow, but actually use the
> available hardware features. At the moment, I'm considering the
> Toshiba Satellite 300 CDT and the HP Omniboo
On 21 May, Philip Restuccia wrote:
> Hello.
> I sent a request for help on this topic a few days ago, but have
> received no responses
> as of yet. In case I wasn't clear enough on my needs the first time,
> I'm trying again.
> If you saw the first request and just don't know of anything that w
On 21 May, Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
> Hello & help!
> I hope someone can help me with this problem that is getting worse and
> worse...
> I tired to install fvwm95 and all I got was a plain login screen that
> would log into a plain window with a single xterm. I tried to remvoe
> the windo
On 26 Apr, Asher Haig wrote:
> Is it possible to make linux print to an appletalk printer? I see papd
> can spool from appletalk to an lp printer. Can it work the other way?
> I want to print to an HP 6MP hooked up via a Jet Direct Plus to 10bT
> ethernet. It does NOT have a specific IP addres
On 6 Jun, Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
> Thanks for the input George,
> I have looked all through the bo archive (using dselect) for a package called
> make-kpkg. I do not see one on my mirror by that name.
^ Try kernel-package instead. The program to run (after you
have installed
Please provide me with D-Link DE220 Ethernet driver. It is not
available with D-Link. They have drivers for Solaris,SCO, AT&T ports
Get Your Private, Free Email at
On 19 Jun, Babs wrote:
> Hiya People,
> I work for an isp and am fairly new to linux still, but have some
> experience with recompiling the kernel and module installation and
> configuration. I'm looking for a drv and/or module for a drm-1804x scsi
I was using the "super" program to allow some selected users to shutdown
their computers. To prevent an accidental shutdown, I used the "password"
I think it's after the upgrade of "super" (currently version 3.11 pl6), I
get the following massage (before, it was OK):
super: Command requir
I am using the "super" program to allow some selected users to shutdown
their computers. To prevent an accidental shutdown, I used the "password"
I think it's after the upgrade of "super" (currently version 3.11 pl6)
that I get the following massage (before, it was OK):
super: Command r
7;t think we're out
of line asking a bug submitter to check if the bug is already
reported. For instance, if I submit a bug against CVS or bash, they
always say, "read the known problems list first, and/or read the FAQ
first." Checking the BTS is easy in comparison to having to re
ubversions might be useful too. IE 2.0-beta-1, 2.0-beta-2 etc...
Nicolai P Guba, BSc(Hons) Distributed Systems Group
Managerial Professional Grade BT Networks and Systems
BT Research LaboratoriesApplied Research and Technology
Martlesham Heath, Su
On 17 Jul, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> "Carlo U. Segre" wrote:
>> I have been trying to install a new machine with the frozen hamm
>> distribution and I am running into 2 problems with X11.
>> 1. No user outside root is allowed to start X11. This may be a
>> configuration issue but I know
On 11 Feb, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
> I just rebooted my new 2.2.1 drive on my laptop.
> Where my bios is set to defaults (i.e., PnPOS), it locks up
> at boot. When I change my bios settings to enable serial port, and
> enable parallel port it boots up, but gives the following warning:
> cs:
On 11 Feb, Tim Buller wrote:
> A bit more info...
> It looks like the problem is being caused by the hot-swappable SCA bay
> that is part of the Intel Astor Chasis in which this system is installed.
> Info from the Symbios boot-up sequence:
> SCSI ID = 0 6
> Vendor = ESG SHV
> Device = SCA
On 16 Feb, Person, Roderick wrote:
> Hi All,
> My 3.5 floppy is out of alignment, I know for other OSs there is software to
> help you align your drive is there any for Debian or Linux in general.
> thanks
> Rod
Alignment? Are you sure? I thought that alignment problems needed an
On 16 Feb, J K wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering how to configure packages that I installed with
> dpkg -i .deb. After installing a package, I got a message
> saying package depends on another file, and that that file was not
> installed. I have installed the other package now, and wonder ho
On 23 Feb, Frankie wrote:
> I am sure that when I first started using debian/linux I had a program
> (I think part of another packages), and if you ran "thisprogram
> anotherprogram" then it would rum anotherprogram and tell you exactly
> how much time was allocated to the running of that program.
even if it did it doesn't know how to convert
terminfo binary to source (i had to do it on the termcap-using other
system... odd, huh?).
are there any veterans in the battle against terminfo databases on this
list? if not, is there anyone who knows what list i should be writing to?
> GNU/Linux wont really make several machines act as one. Most of the
> clustering capabilities come from the software, which is able to divide
> it's work up and distribute it over several machines. This is specialized
> (mostly scientific) software that is not going to speed up your
> (for inst
Are there any well known programs out there that will let me run processes
distributed, or will I have to do a whole load of digging? =)
I think I might just try that out, if I can manage to find the right
software for it.
--- Sean Mason
--- Sean Mason
On Wed, 9 Dec 1998, [iso-8859-1] ±è ´ë ±Ô wrote:
> I though that beowulf project, clustering PCs, and most of the effort
> was about such a process management.
> Daegyu
> On Tue, Dec 08, 1998 at 10:40:38PM -0500, Mitch
On 16 Dec, Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd wrote:
> I have a Toshiba t211x series laptop with a pointer (accupoint) on the
> keyboard.
> Does anyone know how (if) I can configure this in X11?
> Regards,
> Stephen Lavelle
I think it looks like a PS/2 mouse, software-wise. Try "ps2" as the
mouse type
On 17 Dec, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
> I installed debian on a professor's machine yesterday, but have hit a
> barrier: we don't know what the video "card" that it uses is. Unix/
> linux tech support in our department is non-existent (which is why he
> asked me for help). It can't eve
On 22 Dec, Kirk Hogenson wrote:
> The problem is that "you" own the X session, "root" doesn't.
> The easiest way to get this to work is to type
>xhost + localhost
> before you do your su. This means that you'll let anyone
> from the host "localhost" (ie, your computer) connect to your
I'll give it away before my questions do - I'm a Linux newbie (Woohoo!). I
always try to find my answers in documentation first, but I'm still
stumped on this one.
I have installed the .deb packages for libc5, libc6, and I think glibc2
(not at home right now). Does this mean I can run all three ty
Can someone give a quick rundown on the various Netscape packages out
there? I think knowing what to download and what is needed will clear up a
lot of confusion (at least for me :)
Here are some examples from the [frozen] list:
communicator-base-45 4.5-1 [non-free]
Popular World-Wide-Web
Does upgrading to slink merely involve installing the packages from the
frozen directory? Does this upograde the kernel? I have kernel version
2.0.34 with hamm right now, what is the latest kernel that would be
recommended for slink?
_) Craig McDaniel
_)_)_) [EMAIL PR
On 5 Jan, ktb wrote:
> Hi, I've been hard at work getting nothing done as usual. I have
> three things I'm trying to accomplish but lets start with #1 and see if
> I can't get this to work. I've been trying to figure out how to use my
> cdrom. I have been reading the cdrom HOWTO. This is
Hi all,
I happily installed Debian 2.0 on my i586/133 yesterday. After rebooting and
in everything worked fine until I wanted to start the xserver, what failed
because I
missed to install it. During the following setup of the xserver I lost my normal
screen and the fonts reverted to a cr
i'm about to switch to kernel 2.2.0pre6, and in the configuration i saw that i
can use the unix98 pty system rather than the old ptyxx/ttyxx. if i do this,
will important things (i.e. xterm, incoming telnets) break?
--jonathan 'phouchg' tomer
ok, so if i grab glibc2.1 i can use unix98 ptys? or will everything break on
On 25 Jan, Chris Wong wrote:
> Hmm,
> Is there a certain # I should get from different CPUs? I mean,
> my P200MMX is getting like, 400 or so, and my dual P2-300 is
> getting a total of like 700 or so. Is this right?
> Chris Wong | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> AD Digital Media Inc. (c) 1998
> htt
On 28 Jan, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On a slightly different theme, will there be patches available to upgrade
> 2.0.36 to 2.2.0, or do we have to start afresh? As this would be a 12 Meg
> download, it would take a long time and be expensive :(
> Anthony
I'm afraid that enough has cha
mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
On 5 Feb, Mike Marsman wrote:
> Hey all ... I think I have a question for ya (hopefully it's not
> completly stupid)
> I'm running deb w/ the 2.0.34 kernel installed -- I want to recompile the
> kernel so I can add network support, but I've come accross a problem.
> I can switch to /usr/src
Could someone help me out with creating deb packages? I can't seem to
find the procedure anywhere. . .
--- Sean Mason
(I'm not a subscribed member of this list, so please Cc: any replies.
Recently I've been having a strange problem with Netscape and X. I'm running
the latest potato stuff. When I start netscape, I get this:
Warning: translation table syntax error: Modifier or '<' expected
Warning: .
On Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 09:22:38PM +1000, Dan Everton wrote:
> Don't know exactly what's going on but I had the same problem recently. What
> fixed it for me was two things:
> 1. Getting the latest version of netscape-base-4 (4.61-18 I think).
> 2. Restarting X after doing the instal
I need the PPPoE client and server under Linux to create usage a/c of users
through the RADIUS. Any one aware of this activity ?
does anyone know where i can get xfree86 3.3.4 debs? 3.3.5 is toast for
me, unfortunately.
(if replying to the list, please cc me, i am not subscribed.)
"I can learn to resist anything but temptation" -- Rush, "Resist"
PGP 5.0 key (0xE024447449) at http://ci
Debian Users:
While installing Debian 2.1 on my new Linux box, I ran into cdrom
reading problems in the dselect phase. I selected the applications I
wanted, and dselect started. I began to notice the following messages:
hdb: cdrom_real_intr: Bad transfer size 65534
This drive is not supported by
i'm installing two new pcs at work, one with solaris x86 and one with debian
so that i can show my employer how much nicer debian is. unfortunately
there is one major problem: the hamm cd i have is not successfully detecting
the ne2k (well, encore enl832tx, which has a realtek chipset according to
901 - 1000 of 2678 matches
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