Samba 3.0 on woody? (backports)

2003-10-14 Thread breno . moiana
s, I believe this will be appliable to eny other backport I might want to install. Can anyone enlighten me on that? Thanks! Best Regards, Breno Moiana - "Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." "

Re: OT: America's Army

2003-06-24 Thread breno . moiana
as developing a *craft game for Linux... So, don't worry, I think more Linux games are coming soon. And, speaking about FPS's, there's the recently released Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, which is also available for free (as in beer) both in Windows and Linu

Re: OT: America's Army

2003-06-24 Thread breno . moiana
to Blizzard's "cease and desist" order to the project maintainer. It was a great project, and it's a shame it ended up in this way. That's what I was referring to when I said that it seems like Blizzard is coming to Linux... Oh, and their domain (www.freec

You must have Ncurses installed in order to use 'make menuconfig'

2003-06-25 Thread breno . moiana
ed in the package "ncurses-devel". The kernel requires specifically /usr/include/ncurses.h. [/quote] Even then, I cannot find the ncurses-devel package in dselect, nor on debian's FTP site. If it's not the ncurses-devel package that is missing, what could it be? Regards

Re: another traffic shaper

2003-06-27 Thread breno . moiana
your network card (again, I haven't done that yet). Hope that helps. Breno Moiana - "Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." -- Immanuel Kant -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Info: documentation on Using Samba as a PDC (mainly for starters)

2003-06-28 Thread breno . moiana
x27;s a little outdated, but it's still fairly useful. I hope it helps. Breno Moiana - "Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." -- Immanuel Kant -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Trying Again

2003-07-02 Thread breno . moiana
ing from the first CD, you can press F3 to check the kernel flavours, and pick the Bf2.4 by typing "bf24" on the installation boot options. By doing this, you avoid having to reinsert the first CD before installing the base system.. Regards, Breno Moiana ---

Re: pdf creator ( 1.1 beta does it)

2003-07-09 Thread breno . moiana
The OpenOffice 1.1 is on beta, and it has the export to PDF capability, which works both on the Linux and on the Windows version. I've been using it on both versions for a couple of weeks, and, even though it is a beta, I haven't experienced any problems with it so far. Regards, Br

OT: Four leads = 10Mbit? (was: Network speed)

2003-07-24 Thread breno . moiana
f connection? Are all 8 leads really used? Regards, Breno Moiana - Analista de Suporte - Partek Forest Ltda. fone: +55 41 6672828 fax: +55 41 6673100 mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - &q