I am very confused.
I had thought that installing Gnome on top of
woody 3.0 r1 would be as easy as "apt-get install
gnome" but apparently not. I have read some
things that made my head spin. so here I am.
I did a dist-upgrade using my new woody 3.0 r1
CD's (upgraded from a potato 2.2 r3) everyth
Hi all, I used to use XFree86Setup to make
changes to my system. I loved it! all in one shot
I could change my vid card, monitor, resolution,
mouse and keyboard. I upgraded to woody 3.0 r1
and now it's gone! How do I get it back or is
there a new utility that does the same?
xfree86 4.3.0, it
>into eternal unresolvable conflicts with the
>i.e some package is expecting > and other
>expecting <
>of the same package. i think something with
>gnome-core, when i installed 1.4.2 everything
>well and is works fine.
>files and everything was automatically
>correctly video card/keyboard/mouse. it that
>work then use xf86config
>--- Xucaen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all, I used to use XFree86Setup to make
>> changes to my syst
I have just upgraded debian 2.2 r3 to debian 3.0
r1 (from CD). Xfree runs perfectly. However, I
need to reconfigure the resolution. I currently
have 800x600 and would like to have 1024x786. I
was dismayed after learning that XF86Setup was no
longer a part of Debian. I tried to use xf86cfg
but it cr
Hi all, I tried using tasksel to install gnome. I
Gnome applications and utilities, Gnome basic
desktop, Gnome games and then I selected the
finish button. Then is exists saying "can't find
package task-gnome-desktop"
I really would like to install gnome. Could
someone please help me?
This worked beautifully! much easier on the eyes
too than xf86config. :-D
>Have you tried
>dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86?
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some things seem to be a bit.. quirky...
That annoying menu bar at the top of the screen..
how do I make it go away?
I can play sound files but... I don't hear
anything. I think I need to turn up the valume
but.. where is the volume??
is there a way to check my current screen
resolution while gn
Hi all.. forgive me for asking this, but I saw a
screen shot of fvwm and it had something running
in the lower left corner of the screen. I have
never seen it before and I was hoping someone
might be able to tell me what it is called. It
looks like a neet pager/utility bar..
the link to the scree
Hi all..
I was wondering how much memory Gnome 1.4 uses?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi, I am trying to download version 3.0 CD images. I can only do this on
a Windows machine because that is where the fast connection is. All
the mirrors I go to still only have 2.2. I don't know how the "jigdo" works
or if it is available for Windows.
How do I do this?
Please reply to [EMAIL PRO
I just did a dist-upgrade on my sarge
installation and for some reason it tried to
re-install my kernel image. I'm using
Now I get a kernel panic. I then discovered thru
google that there is a criticle bug in sarge. I
booted to an old debian cd hoping to use it as a
I was finally able to get lilo working again, but
kernel panics (image 2.6.8-1-k7)
VFS: Cannot open root device "301" or
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on
I have no idea what this means, but this is as
Mad geniuses at work! ;-)
--- Joris Lambrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> let's convert it to perlscript ?
> wahahaa
> -Original Message-
> From: William Leese
> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 4:44 PM
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: H
what??? no GOTOs???
--- Juan Alberto Cirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi All. I have viewd the code for the new email
> virus. As you all know
> it's a VBS file. I don't do VBS so I really
> don't know how it does what
> it does. Anyways Here is the text. Can someone
> enlighten me:
I heard napster got shut down.
--- c-3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date sent:Sun, 18 Feb 2001 12:32:45
> -0500
> From: Hall Stevenson
> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
> Subject: Re: how to use
> gnapstermor
Hi all..
when I use xjed, my number keypad doesn't work,
but it works in xterm, and it works in netscape,
and a few other programs.
Is this an xjed feature or maybe I do not have my
keyboard set up properly?
I use Xfree 3.3.6, debian 2.2r2
but is the libg++ (or libstdc++ ?) manpages
included in the manpages-dev package?
Are the info pages in there also?
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I felt the urge to share this with all of you.. I
think cartoon says it all. :-)
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Hi, I'm not sure if this is relevant, but my very
first time installing debian on an intel, I
failed to install any man pages, and everytime I
used man, it couldn't find anything..
Is it possible that man didn't get installed on
your Imac?
--- Nic Ferrier <[EMAIL
. :-)
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I am setting up another Debian box. Does
> Debian support Linksys ISA
> network cards? I have 2 in the computer as i am
> going to build a firewall
> but Debian did not see them when I first
> installed it?
> T
under X? I've read about users banging
their heads against a wall trying to get it to
work, and I was curious it it is really worth it
and if maybe I should be using it. What does it
do? (I don't have any man or info pages
it's only been a day)
I'm using FVWM window manager, X 3.3.6
> On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 10:46:22PM -0500, Glenn
> Becker wrote:
> >
> > I thought it might be a good idea to see if I
> could get an error output
> > for this problem, so tried firing up
just ncurses.
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man 3 clear
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is a list for jed users,
and also a list for gcc programming.
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I was
reading to a co-worker, and she says 'but that's
not "Visual C++", it's just C++' and I choked!)
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I think I will forget this for a while myself.
also, when using ncurses.h, you need to compile
with -lncurses .
--- Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've just solved my own problem. Of course I
> needed to do
> $ gcc thick.c -lm
> It
ar **baz)
to be honest, I haven't seen this last one. how
does it work?
(moot point)
let us not forget the classic:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
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I just compiled it with gcc 2.95 and it compiled
and ran fine..
very strange
--- Mark Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I thought I'd found a gcc compiler error (and
> still may have). The
> following program crashes with a segmentation
eft off in the
event of a lost carrier? (33.6 and still
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end and a computer
generated score)
Something like this could be done using
HTML/javascript and/or java, or downloadable
modules written in C or C++.
just my $.02
take care!!
--- Ray Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not a very free license. Have you thought about
> using so
i think I need sleep...
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info can be found I'd greatly appreciate it.
I installed the base system (11 disks) and the
driver set (4 disks)
currently my apt.conf and sources.list are empty.
I do have an internet connection (33.6)
Thank you to all who pointed me to /etc/profile.
the 11 base disks and 4 driver disks (yes, from
floppies). I assumed that I would have to
download the man package. the installation seemed
to have gone smoothely (except that both my
apt.conf and sources.list files are completely
> kind of thing, but it might be what you need.
this is great. thanks!! I will try the apt-get
setup tonight. but, just in case it doesn't work,
what is the syntax for the sources.list? and what
is apt.conf used for anyways?
thanks again!!
--- Chris Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> Xucaen writes:
> x> what is the syntax for the sources.list?
> and what
> x> is apt.conf used for anyways?
> $ man 5 sources.list
> $ man 5 apt.conf
> Look especially at the exam
> Search the recent archives. ;)
does anyone have the address of the archives?
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Hi all... curious.. I'm trying to install pine
via apt-get but it tells me package found but
can't be installed.. I don't have the exact
error message (it was late. ;-).
has anyone else been able to install pine?
May I ask where you found the HOWTO documents? I
have a friend who want to install a diskless
workstation but we can't seem to find any
--- Knud Sørensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I am about to start installing
ally whenever your system boots.
At any point after the system is installed, you
can reconfigure your modules with the modconf
I found this at:
if anyone tries this, let me know if it works.
place!!" and ran away.. ;-)
I didn't want to break anything so I left the
file alone and went looking for a different way.
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ou to your regularly scheduled
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thanks again!!
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--- David Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Warning: this is a religious issue ;)
> Cheers,
ooops.. umm.. err..
oh! look, all better.. don't know what I was
thinking.. carry on then..
*whistling innocently*
that you will be interested
/etc/init.d/network has things such as your
IP address, netmask, and default route.
/etc/hostname records your hostname.
/etc/hosts also records your hostname and IP
thanks all
in reading my e
7;t find the
> NFS_ROOT option anywhere, and I'm loath to just
> add it to the .config,
> not knowing if it's supported in 2.2.17
> Any Ideas,
> -Jon
not sure if this is relevant, but I thought I
read somewhere that you
there it was; network card, gateway,
hostname, IP, nameservers..
I'm surprised that debian doesn't have this
installation program available after installation
is completed so that we can go back and
change/add network settings..
keyboard. He has a USB
keyboard and we think he needs a rescue disk with
USB support. Does anyone know where I can find a
rescue and root disk in hfs format with USB
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--- Balbir Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently switched from RedHat 6.2 to potato
> and my cdrom seems to have the following
> problems :
> Most of the time I get errors like :
> hdb: irq timeout: status=0xc0 { Busy }
> hdb: ATAPI reset complete
isn't the CD ROM drive sup
I just want to say upfront that I have nothing
but good intentions. If my words sound harsh or
unfriendle, it is not meant to be so...
--- "S.Salman Ahmed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "xucaen" == Xucaen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> installation, speak up now and we'll try and
> help you in ways that won't
> require you to reinstall Debian.
well... now that you mention it... ;-)
no, seriouisly, I just have to figure out the
nameing conventions used on the system for all
config files. can you recomend
I know this sounds strange, but I want to remove
Xfree. I have tried "apt-get remove" with every
combination of X11 and Xfree I could think of,
but to no avail. What is the exact name of the
Xfree package that should be used with apt-get?
Do You Y
point it to slashdot... and you will see :)
i've never heard of w3m. what is the package name
for apt-get? is this a text-based file manager?
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> Stephan
this sounds good. I will see if I can install it.
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aces file. why have
all of the other files if everything can be
configured in this one interfaces file?
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tion 4.3 Creating Device
Files and Setting Boot Time Parameters in the CD
hope this helps...
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huh??? it doesn't mention anything about this in
the man pages (man gcc)
why does it do this? I am having similar problems
with iostream.h
--- Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 11:05:50PM +, paul
> wrote:
> > hello all,
> > i'm trying to compile (gcc filename.c)
are you using the linux fdisk or the msdos fdisk?
you should be using the linux fdisk.
--- Michael Light <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just recently bought a debian software
> package and I've been reading the book
> 'Learning Debian GNU/Linux'. I tried using the
> fdisk utility on my hard driv
does this disable X? what if you still want to
run X from the command line using startx?
(i'm asking because I don't have X installed
right now, but will in a few weeks..)
--- David Turner
> after booting up press F1 to go
> i
Hi. the latest stable release of Debian is 2.2r2
I ordered my CD's for $10.00 from
They download all the latest images from most of
the major linux distros and burn their own CD's.
the CD's are bootable.
good hunting!
Hi all,, there have been some mentions of books
on the list, but nothing definitive...
can anyone recomend a good system
administration/network administration book?
just curious to hear people's opinions.
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> When I mount it, I'm not giving any arguments.
> Is -ro a default argument?
> -- Original Message
> ------
> From: Xucaen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 07:55:07 -0800 (PST)
> >are you mounti
6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/netscape$
I installed netscape as root using the ns-install
script that came with netscape.
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t the system.
The I use startx to start XFree.
Inside X, I try to run XF86Setup and the system
I changed the symlink of S99xdm from /dev/null
back to ../init.d/xdm
This makes X start automatically when I reboot
the system.
XF86Setup runs without any problems.
comments? suggestions?
--- "Eric G . Miller" wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 07:12:56PM -0800,
> Xucaen wrote:
> > in /etc/rc3.d I canged the symlink of S99xdm
> from
> > ../init.d/xdm to /dev/null
> Aargh! Don't do that. Just remove the symlink
> S99xdm and XDM wil
--- "Eric G . Miller" wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 07:57:57PM -0800,
> Xucaen wrote:
> >
> > --- "Eric G . Miller" wrote:
> > > On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 07:12:56PM -0800,
> > > Xucaen wrote:
> > > > in /etc/rc3.d I canged t
netscape, please, how did you do it??
Good night, all.. I've been at this for quite
some time, and now it is time for sleep. :-)
thankyou all who have replyed to me tonight. Your
support has kept me from going mad.
--- Xucaen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi a
good morning all!!
It appears I installed all the packages except
for the one I needed. netscape-smotif-476 is the
one I needed, and it takes care of all
The descriptions for the packages at the debian
web site is what confused me.
thanks again for all your help!!
f a window manager anyways)
when I can get the same functionality from a
smaller, yet configurable, window manager?
comments? opinions?
--- Daniel Oxenhandler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Chris,
> I don't know about item #3, but I have been
> very happy w
hi. according to the
you need to download a driver from creativelabs
for the soundblaster Live card.
I'm not sure if this is the problem, but it's
worth mentioning.
good luck!
--- Scott Patters
did you install the correct X server? That could
be causing the problem as well.. what kind of
video card do you have?
--- Jeff Binder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried switching ttys, but nothing happens (or
> if it does, I can't tell because the screen is
> white
would writing scripts in a compiled language like
C be a solution?
can a user have permission to exec a script
contained in a directory they don't have read
access to?
--- Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that is what I was afraid of. I'd given some
> thoug
x27;ll give this
one a shot..
now all I need is a good old-fashioned BBS! ;-)
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eing a specific setting for a
microsoft keyboard in the debian installation.
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--- Mark Blunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Previously Xucaen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > During the last few weeks, there have been
> > discussions about how to keep X from
> > automatically starting upon booting the
> system.
> > Most replys leaned towa
> All of the languages I have listed have GTK
> bindings. If you plan on
> using GTK, check out Glade. (it is listed on
> the GTK web site) Glade
where is the GTK web site? I keep hearing about
GTK hoping I would pick up on what it is but so
far I haven't a clue...
--- ktb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This may be a strange request but I'm trying
> to write a little
> wrapper of sorts for Netscape that removes the
> lock file
> automatically after killing the browser when
> it hangs. The
> problem I'm having is finding a site that
> h
other question. If I remove the
symlink to xfs and xdm, will there be any
services or anything that will not get started
via startx? I'm still having a problem where when
I remove xfs and xdm (or simply just xdm) and use
startx, then XF86Setup crashes the system.
t; (or did i miss what you wanted?)
I have this same exact problem!
/etc/hostname only changes the machine name. How
do you go about changing the domain name of the
also, is there a way to get exim to add a
resolvable domain name without having to change
the domain of the machine?
ries and not
> anything like
> "tcp/localhost:7100" or "unix/:-1", then you
> don't need xfs. If it
> does list one of these, you probably want to
> leave the xfs link to
> start the X font server at boot time.
I'll check this out. Thank you
g to type
I had assumed that the current directory was
automatically checked first.
thanks again!
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How come there is no link to this from the main
--- Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MBDNSumedha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I would like to include the Debian Image on my
> Software Application
> >report. Would you mind giving me permission to
> so? This is purely
> >academic.
. well, now... how about that...
--- Diego Biurrun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Clicking the Debian logo on the top of the main
> page takes you there.
> Diego Biurrun
> > Xucaen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >How come the
creating it and while
that is strange. I have debian 2.2r2, and I do
have resolv.conf.
of course, I am not using it at the moment but it
is there.
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but if you kill the netscape process, then it
isn't still running somewhere on your machine and
deleting the lock file is perfectly valid.
isn't it?
comments anyone?
--- Jens Gecius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andre Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> &
you ever get an answer to this?
I'm trying to salvage an old 486 66mhz that was
running win 3.11 with a sound blaster 16 CD.
everything works.
when booting from the 'vanilla' rescue.bin, at
the boot: prompt, I type:
linux sbpcd=0x220,5
I have also tried:
linux sbpcd=0x220,SoundBla
out there
that describes how to 1) install from CD using
the sbpcd or 2) make a new rescue disk that has
sbpcd compiled in or 3) how to load the sbpcd
module from the rescue disk
I'm sending this to the user list in the hopes
that a debian developer might have the answer.
it be installed via apt-get?
as always, my most humble thanks!!!
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thanks all!!! i've installed bin86 and the kernel
is compiling away.
I wonder why bin86 wasn't included in the
dependancies for kernel-package and
anyhoo, thanks!!!
xucaen the forever grateful debian newbie
onto the rescue disk? i need this to install from
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--- "Michael P. Soulier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> think so. Debian requires that
> all packages installed be done through it's
> packaging tools to maintain it's
> database. It also lays things out on the file
> system a little differently
> (better than most).
what's this?? Does this mean
have only the
s3 server installed. So, if I wanted to change
from 640x480 (which I have) should I also install
the svga server and make it the default, or
shouldn't I just stay with the server that was
made for my vidoe card?
sbpcd finally works for CD rom, but which module
will get me sound?
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various XF86 packages
(xserver-vga16, xserver-common, xf86setup, fvwm,
and a few others) using apt-get onto a different
machine. I chose not to install the xdm and xfs.
much to my amazement startx works perfectly.
why does X work without xdm and xfs?
forever curious,
--- "David B. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 'xfs' is the X Font Server. I'm not *positive*
> about what ths has over
> the regular way X handles fonts, but I use
> 'xfstt', which handles
> truetype fonts.
is xfstt a font server that can be used in place
of xfs?
n, accessible by
> CTRL+ALT+F8. You can also
> embed an X session in a window; 'man Xnest' for
> more info.
Hi all, curious here,
is there a practicle reason for doing this? What
is the purpose?
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--- Jon Pennington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> card. The card started dropping packets and
> causing collisions under only 50% of what the
> interface would have been capable of if it were
> built-in to the kernel.
e and someone else....
--- William Leese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> at the end of this month i'm planning on buying
> a new comp. system, this will
> be part of a small home network and will be
> running debian and Win98se for an
> ocassion
here are the disk images for debian 2.2r2
--- Knud Sørensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have been looking for a rescue floppy image
> on ftp.uk.debian.org
> but i can't seams to find one.
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