Hi. I just installed mozilla off my debian 2.2r2
CD's. I ran it for the first time from xterm, and
while I was using it, it just dissapeared, just
like you mentioned. the error in the xterm window
said "segmentation" error and gave some
it hasn't happened since (it's only been a day) 
I'm using FVWM window manager, X 3.3.6


> On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 10:46:22PM -0500, Glenn
> Becker wrote:
> > 
> > I thought it might be a good idea to see if I
> could get an error output
> > for this problem, so tried firing up Mozilla
> from the command line - to my
> > surprise, the browser worked fine when
> invoked this way! I could enter
> > addresses in the location bar without the
> browser crashing on
> > me.
> > 
> > However, the problem re-appeared when I
> opened Mozilla with wmaker or
> > blackbox menus. So: there is a way to avoid
> the problem, but I'd still
> > like to know *why* this happens and if there
> is a way to fix it. It's in
> > the mildly-annoying-but-why-does-it-happen
> camp.
> > > Whenever I try to interact with Mozilla at
> all, whether it's entering a
> > > new address in the location field or
> filling out a form, doing so blows
> > > the app away. It just disappears. I attempt
> to put the cursor in the
> > > location field, hit backspace and the whole
> thing goes away.
> -- 
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