s output to stdout
(the pipe), tar -f - reads stdin (the pipe) as input.
This does not leave and uncompressed file around, the original
compresseed tar-archive is left untouched.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** S
lf compiled qt 1.44. Check for the latest Qt 1.x to be sure.
Everything's running fine so far (I still like Window Maker better
though, but that's off topic.)
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Siehst Du die Grä
the rc.config settings.
I like having the option of doing everything by hand or by a specifig
configuration script (e.g. sendmailconf). I did not find a good way to
do something like this using SuSE.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
all vital information,
even if the user is not able to tell which information is considered
vital by himself.
Just my $.02.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
maybe you need to look at the manpage
in section 5 (file formats) of the manual:
man 5 crontab
The basic format should be described in both the crontab(1) and the
crontab(5) manpages.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECT
ilesystem and then use
/etc/mtools.conf should contain a line like
drive a: file="/dev/fd0" exclusive
This defines "a:" to be your first floppy drive.
So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Siehst Du die G
directive in one of the global config-files.
Did you include support for the .htacces facilites? Is it configured?
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** If only women came with pulldown menus and online help. ***
above command into
tar -xzf .tar.gz
Note that gzip understands both .gz-files (of course) and older .Z
(compress) files.
Newer versions of GNU tar (1.12) also support bzip2 compressed files (.bz2)
with the -I switch.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke
essages are sent to /var/log/messgaes, too.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** If only women came with pulldown menus and online help. ***
sollution has the advantage of coming with the most widely
distributed uninstall solution of all times: "use your favourite text
editor". :-)
So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** If only women came with pulldown menus and online help. ***
generic way, zcat usually is a link to gzip)
more filename
If the pager "less" is installed, replace more with less if you like.
Less also comes with a "decompression"-mode.
zless filename.gz
zless, gzip and zcat also operate on files created by compress(1) (i.e.
" All in all,
I think KDE's pretty usable, though.
The last release I saw of GNOME (0.30 I think) was still too unstable to be
considered seroiusly.
Maybe you want to look at a "regular" windowmanager, rather than a desktop
environment. Window Maker 0.20.3, for instanc
On Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 09:35:34PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
> And the under-20 crowd says, "What's a turntable?" :)
Gee, I am getting old - I still USE one of those things once in a while :-)
Stephan Engelke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
** I
it has become obsolete with the advent of the "emulate appicon" feature in
the attributes menu.
So long,
Stephan Engelke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life isn't fair. But the root password helps. ***
switch. On onther systems use:
gzip -dc .tar.gz | tar -xvf - to unpack
tar -cvf .tar ; gzip filename.tar to compress
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***
you mentioned. Check /etc/init.d/network and comment out the route
commands, this should do the trick. I am not sure if you need the
gateway setting in this file either.
Have fun.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Plug-
ther "without nothing" between beginning and
end (-v is grep's negation option).
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of
the time. To be specific the "Plug" almost always works. ***
rminal tool and
(2) XF86Setup, which has a nice GUI and lets you click and point to
anything you need. The program needs to be run as root.
Hope this helps.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to
ame program, say
/usr/local/bin/foo, then "killall /usr/local/bin/foo" would solve your
problem. This is probably what you wanted this morning.
If you are trying to kill off all processes started by a certain user
try somthing like
# kill `ps aux | awk '// { print
check the developer teams's site at cygnus.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
hate leads to suffering. -- Master Yoda (more or less) ***
uprade your SVGA-Server, since Slink comes with
Xfree 3.3.2.
> where can I get mode lines up to 1600x1200
XF86Config should be your friend. I've got my card running at
1280x1024. No problem at all.
So long -- Stephan
I do not use magicfilter myself, but is it possible, that the filter
which is being used only accepts Postscript files.
If so, try to run the text file through a2ps or enscript first.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Be aware of the changes in the networking code, though.
You do not need the "route" commands in /etc/init.d/network anymore.
They will create a harmless errormessage at boottime. Comment them
Have fun -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTEC
els 2.2.3 and 2.2.9 on a
slink system straight off the CD. I have not yet encountered any of
the potential problems mentioned in the document pointed to to the
above URL.
Sorry for creating confusion.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
t name as login then ;)
Initials are common, too. Alternatively abbreviate your surname
or think of a creative way to assign user ids (ok - for use at hoem
this is usually overkill...)
So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to
our problem
is aparently not unique. Check the Debian web-site to download those
disks. Maybe they help.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and
hate le
e configuration by clicking on
the "apply" button.
What happens if you try to recreate the X configuration file from
scratch using xf86config of XF86Setup?
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Microsoft leads to
On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 01:56:01AM -0700, ZEN MYSTIC wrote:
> is there any gif animator available for linux...if so
> pls tell where to get...
try whirlgif, it should be part of the Debian distribution.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke
My suggestion is to get either Lamport's "LaTeX handbook" or the LaTeX
introduction by Helmut Kopka (available in English and German)
and start using LaTeX.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
# return 1 if leapyear, 0 if not.
sub isLeapYear
my $year = $_[0];
if ( (($year % 4 == 0) && ($year % 100 != 0)) || ($year % 400) == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
So long -- Stehan
Stephan En
(capital X) and kill or kill -9
the X-Server. This is a brutal way, but it should get rid of the X for
Is it possible that only the Netscape hangs? This is a problem I
encounter once in a while.If you can find the netscape in the
"ps ax"-list, try killing it
uldn't resist (no offence meant) ;-)
So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, for <> ... ribbit. ***
On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 01:28:28PM +0200, Jure wrote:
> Is there any similar software for Debian?
It's part of the GNU progject and it comes with the Debian
So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Me
Hi Alex,
the StarCalc part of the StarOffice-suite is able to import
Excel-files. Gnumeric also (partially) understands the Excel-format.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
***Die "10 G
offered, without any specifig configuration files or system dependent
config tools.
He got Debian up and running on the first try and is quite happy with it.
I do not think one needs to be intimidated by Debian because the
installation procedure is a little more complicated than Su
Hi Andrew,
On Mon, Sep 20, 1999 at 09:50:48AM +0200, Andrew Hately wrote:
> Is there a debian metafont distribution?
Metafont is part of the TeX package (tetex-*.deb).
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke o[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- __o
n the distribution but make your life easier. Emacs is as lean or as
bloated as you make it! (It even includes your shrink; try M-x doctor :-)
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***
Hi everyone,
I am looking for a specific Emacs major mode (matlab-mode).
I know there used to be an Elisp-archive - I just lost it´s address.
Could a kind soul please help me out and post the address?
Thanks a lot.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL
in emacs :-) ... Thanks to all those who pointed me to the
Coffee-mini-HOWTO. Has anyone actually build this?
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***
o need newer kernel header you can go ahead and save (rename)
the directories and create the appropirate symbolic links. I've done
this on my hamm system during the first kernel upgrade and have never
expierienced an problems with software compiled prior to the change.
libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5 (0x4000c000)
As far programs go, you may be able to use dselect to resolve the
dependencies for you. Otherwise dpkg is your friend.
I don't have the exact options handy, since I only use Debian at home.
Hope this helps at little bit.
o will be (almost) empty, since
make throws (almost) all messages to stderr.)
Regarding the ampersand-contruct:
Channel 2 is redirected to channel 1 which is redirected to /dev/null.
In short: all error messages go into the big bit bucket.
So long,
Stephan Engelke
may need to add more "punctuation" to the
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***
nywhere on the
internet, so you will not create any duplicate IP-addresses.
So much for a road-map. The HOWTOs will know more about you specific
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***
indent-region" (forgot the keystroke,
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***
> > I can not reboot
> > my computer every time i install something!
> I did that in Windows for years.
that's one reason you're running Linux, isn't it?
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
quot;advanced" :-)
> What's a good way to learn to make good makefiles?
Stick to the info files and look at other people's Makefiles - just
remember to have your own idea about what's good for you and what's
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke
uration files. All "smart" functions are disabled.
Has anyone notices this behaviour, too?
If so, what might cause the problem - what could I do to solve it?
Thanks in advance.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
nt to send it to the
printer or not. This way you could set up a queue which only accepts
certain file formats and ignores the rest.
Optionally you could probably add some code to create a message, if a
file was rejected, although this is usually not the filter's job.
So long -- St
did that too - it's been very helpful.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***
ty of vacation -
it just requires a more elaborate setup.
> Number 2 : Is there any linux app capable of showing MS Media Player asf
> files?
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***
te. I believe there is a .deb-package called xntp.
Next place a call to "ntpdate " in your ip-up.d.
This should do the trick.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs: You start with Marihuana and by
e able to get rid of the software if you want to.
Possibly even consider using stow.
Mail me if there are any further questions.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs: You start with Marihuana and by the
I have had no trouble at all with my HP6L
What happens if you print from Ghostscript?
So long, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs: You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***
e-key c-mode-map (quote [246]) 'insert-c-left-bracket)
Use the keycodes you send to the list (223, 252, 246, ...)
Hope this helps.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs: You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***
tscript for is printing on
non-postscript printers and as a backend for gv/ghostview.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to hard drugs: You start with Marihuana and by the
end of the night you'll be eating Big Macs.***
quot;Kerninghan, Ritchie: The C Programming Language". Sorry,
forgot the publisher.
There's a score of other good, allright, and bad books around. Check
your local bookstore.
Cheers, Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Soft drugs lead to ha
On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 10:07:28PM +, John Carline wrote:
> Stephan Engelke wrote:
> > How 'bout "Kerninghan, Ritchie: The C Programming Language". Sorry,
> > forgot the publisher.
> > There's a score of other good, allright, and bad books aroun
for the delete key.
So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Y2K conversion simplified: Januark, Februark, March, April, Mak, June,
Julk, August, September, October, November, December. ***
Hi Tim,
Tim Bedding writes:
> Is Perl 5 part of the standard Debian 2.1 installation?
Perl 5 is part of the standard distribution. Whether or not you
install it is up to you.
Check with dpgk -l or dselect.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EM
ielded the same results.
I also disabled the parallel port IDE device support?
Any hints are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
+++ Divide by cucumber +++ Out of cheese error +++ Redo from start +++
hecked the Keyboard HOWTO but had no luck following
its suggestions.
Does anyone have any pointers for me?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
+++ Divide by cucumber +++ Out of cheese error +++ Redo from start +++
Sedlbauer cards are
plug and pray cards (check the manpages for isapnp and pnpdump).
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***
I get the message "device or resorce busy". Mind you, this works fine under
Is there anybody out there who has any idea what might couse this?
(I'll gladly supply further information if necessary.)
Thanks in advance.
So long,
ottom of the file) and change the last but one field, the one that says
/bin/csh to something you like (e.g. /bin/bash). (The path could be /usr/bin/..
in both cases, chech with "which bash" first).
Now log out as user and log in again. Viola - here' your new shell.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***
How do I tell the Souldblaster NOT TO activate the IDE interface and thus
free irq 15? (Is there anything to read on this subject (manuals/HOWTOs))?
Thanks for thinking about this.
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROT
Hi there,
is someone successfully running Debian on one of Sony's VAIO-series notebooks?
I am thinking about getting one ...
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Coffee not found: Operator halted ***
Hi Arve,
> the final message is:
> make: wish: Command not found.
You need to install the tk packages (possibly even the tk-dev one, too).
So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Coffee not
nce "\w" produces the current working
directory if I am not mistaken.
Check "man bash" for more details (search for PS1).
Also, check root's .bashrc, most likely the prompt variable is defined here.
on my Hamm-Systems .bashrc sources .bash_profil
umentation and installation instructions list under prerequisites or
installation requirements?
I don't know cscmail, but often one or more of flex, yacc, bison, or
certain libraries are required.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke
to show? Top need one sample
period before it displays the first process list related output. On a
loaded sysetm, this may take a few seconds.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** "Die Frauen haben es ja von Zeit zu
Marshall paul writes:
> _weeks_ to configure X. OK, I can surf, now, but I want email, too.)
if everything fails, there's always /usr/bin/mail or /usr/bin/mailx.
Console based Mailers include mutt and pine. Pine is quite straight
forward to use, epecially if you are not accustomed to the v
Jaume Teixi writes:
> thanks,
wget -r url
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
** I am the captain of this ship and I have my wife's permission to say so! **
your friend."stty stop ^s" is a default setting. Check
stty's manpage for details.
Ragards -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
** I am the captain of this ship and I have my wife's permission to say so! **
SCSI devices
I the system, I suspect that /dev/sg0 would be a good place to start
looking :-)
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
** I am the captain of this ship and I have my wife's permission to say so! **
n, use "ssh" (secure shell). This
program enscrpyts the connection and automatically forwards the X
connections (if configured to do so on the remote machine). This
way you are the only one who may access you display and you don't
Has anyone succeded in compiling Apache/PHP 4 on a Potato system?
Thanks in advance -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem. ***
.list and deleting
the woody ones did not help. apt tells me that my system is up to
date ;-)
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem. ***
orking condition within three hours. There's probably the odd
package still missing, but I am reinstalling everything by hand
intentionally, because it gives me a chance to clean things up a
little and get rid of unused packages.
Cheers -- Stephan
On Fri, Dec 22, 2000 at 11:48:58AM -0500 wrote
> YES, writing up a quickie install method would be greatly appreciated.
> HOW about a quickie on installing from source, like CDROM #4 of the
> 6 CD Debian package. It is supposed to contain all the source for binary
> disc #1.
tal packages were selected. (Lesson 1: Don't ever trust
yourself at 1 o' clock in the morning!)
Have fun. -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem. ***
ree by using symlinks.
You can install your program in say /usr/local/packages/myprog1,
cd to /usr/local/packages and "stow myprog1".
This will create /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/man/man1 (whatever is
underneat myprog1) and populate the directories with symlinks.
Cheers -- Stephan
s the owner of the file? If it's not you, could this be a breach
in your system's securty?
Have fun -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the
forces of evil...prayer, fasting, go
file. I have been unable to find anything in the doc of leafnode
where it puts the active file. I am using the XEmacs 21.1.10 and the
Gnus version which came with it.
Could a kind soul please help me to straighten my setup?
Thanks in advance.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke
I didn't know that - I would have thought that the directory
structures and file formats are somewhat generic for most news
servers. Oh silly me.
Thanks anyways.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** "He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder." ***
rt Agent, even if it's just for
the delivery of local error mails.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** "He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder." ***
you are able to use the gnome control center to
centrally configure everything. You should be able to use sawmill as
you Window Manager and have all the other neat stuff.
As usually, there's more than one way to do it.
Have fun -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke
oncern, you are probably better of
using a "plain" window manager without too many bells and wistles,
like Window Maker or Sawmill.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** "He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet, I'll grab his tricorder." ***
list. Could a kind soul please supply me with this address again.
How does one handle the integration of the Debian configuration
modules into the new Perl tree? Or is there no possibility to
deactivate the system supplied perl?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards -- Stephan
Stephan En
ight forward and simple.
Regards -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** "Die Frauen haben es ja von Zeit zu Zeit auch nicht leicht. Wir Männer
aber müssen uns rasieren." -- Kurt Tucholsky ***
he preferred solution I have seen on enessitally every site
which rotates its syslogs - and under any kind of UNIX-dialect, too.
Personally I think it's a good idea to HUP your daemons after rotating
their log files. I just keeps this a little tidier.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelk
Timothy C. Phan writes:
> Does 'potato' support netscape 4.7,
> and where can I get the netscape? Thanks!
It's either part of the non-free distribution (check dselect for the
netscape packages) or grab one from "www.netscape.com".
nd this out on my own, but I'm having trouble figuring out
> what it is exactly that I'm looking for. :-)
find(1) is your friend.
Have fun -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
- a mixture of Wordstar- and Emacs-compatible keystrokes...
I'd probably try pico, but that's just personal preference for cases
like this.
Best regards -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
if you are running on a network -- in my expeirience
it's just to errorprone.
Cheers -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** ~, sweet ~ ***
appointed with the results
of your experient. I'd simply see if I can buy the CD..
TTUL8R -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** ~, sweet ~ ***
ebian.org says slink's ispell is version 3.1.20-0.4 whereas potatoe's
is 3.1.20-4. What is this suppoed to tell me? The basis for these
packages has not changes, has it?
What's the difference between these two?
Ciao - Stephan
Stephan Engelke
distribution - maybe I just missed a command line switch?!
Thanks for any hints in advance.
TTUL8R -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** ~, sweet ~ ***
100 matches
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