o indicate that the new partition gets mounted onto /var/log and tada.
More drive space. I used to do the symlink thing, but that often lead to
spaghetti symlinks, becoming more of a headache to manage than the lack
of space was.
Anyway, that's just my 2c.
On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 02:34, A
Flag:} {!eq
{$received_protocol}{spam-scanned}} {!eq {$received_pr
otocol}{local}} } {1}{0}}"
driver = smartuser
transport = spamcheck
Everything else was just apt-get install and go.
On Sat, 2003-02-01 at 08:08, Hans Wilmer wrote:
> Hi!
> Currently I'm tryi
, but oftentimes
when I start to get annoyed with a certain piece of Linux based
software, I just pull up freshmeat and find something else that might
give me more of the solution that I'm looking for.
On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 14:07, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> I have, for quite some time, had trouble
Vi Rocks! Emacs Sucks!
Oh wait wrong flame war.
On Saturday 23 November 2002 03:40 pm, Aedificator wrote:
> What are the differences between the Ext3 filesystem and ReiserFS? Which
> one is better in terms of speed, efficency ...?
> Zee
the main site http://www.mplayerhq.hu and compile it.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I use dnscache from djbdns (apt-get install djbdns-installer) .. it's a
piece of cake to get setup, and very very memory efficient. BIND was
chewing up 4-5 MBs of RAM just to be a caching nameserver, and dnscache
sits there using around 200k, while performing faster.
Just my 2c.
If you really need glibc2.1, upgrade to potato. Just sticking glibc2.1 into
will undoubtedly do nasty things.
Craig McPherson wrote:
> Can anyone point me towards a document on installing glibc2.1
> under slink? I could have sworn that I found such a reference
> somewhere
I've often wanted to go with a TNT card, but I'm concerned about the card's heat
output. Every query I've ever made about "just how hot does this card run" has
left largely unanswered, which has just increased my trepidation about the card
uld be one more reason not to have to reboot.
t's worked very well for the few times that
needed it. It will convert DEB <=> RPM <=> TGZ.
> Is it really possible? If so, it will cause any damage to my system?
If you're concerned about an alienized package, just be sure to view its
before installing.
If it's an ImageMap that you're wanting, check out the ImageMap plugin for the
A search at http://www.freshmeat.net should uncover it.
Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> Anyone know of an HTML Map maker utility?
> (Give it an image file as input, then click at your hot spots
Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:
> I've installed egcc as in potato, I get this error message, while
> trying to compile linux:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/linux # make xconfig
> rm -f include/asm
> ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
> make -C scripts kconfig.tk
> make[1]: Entering directory `/scratc
Brad wrote:
> On Sat, 26 Jun 1999, Marshal Wong wrote:
> > I use linux on a home computer, so I'm the only user, pretty much. It's
> > just a pain to always type the root password to start my internet
> > connection with pon. I was wondering what would be the best way to
> > allow normal users
en my experience.
Valdemir Melechco Carvalho wrote:
> Is there a more recent (>981018) wine slink package? If so, where I could
> find it?
> Thanks in advance.
> Valdemir
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
so on.
Phillip Deackes wrote:
> Mark Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> =>
> => You may need to restart windomaker to get it to notice the changes.
> =>
> Thanks, but that doesn't work either.
> --
> Phillip Deackes
that cannot be upgraded without
the install status of another package will be left at their current version
Bob Nielsen wrote:
> apt-get upgrade won't list which packages it wants to upgrade, but will
> list new packages, packages it will remove and pack
ery often.
I also don't know about the template or preprocessor abilities of either
editor, as
these are features that I don't yet require.
Chris Beaumont wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm just curious what people are using to write HTML with on Debian,
> The ava
I'm running potato and have the following line in my /etc/apt/sources.list file
kde stuff:
deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato kde kde2 contrib
egm2@jps.net wrote:
> I need a kde sources.list entry so I can use dselect/apt to get/update
> kde packages in the U.S. The ftp
Halis Osman Erkan wrote:
> Why do not you try to use Netscape Composer?
> Halis Osman ERKAN
> Ege University Dep. Of Comp Eng.
> Sophomore
On 02-Oct-98 Shao Ying Zhang wrote:
> Hi All,
> When checking out a few screenshots of enlightenment, I saw xterms that
> appeared to be transparent.
> Does anyone know how I could set this up in Debian.
Zhang, it is no Xterm, rather it is a program called Eterm. I am working on
And a 20GB hard drive is selling for what? . . . about $350 . . .
Seems that distribution size shouldn't be much of an issue.
> :-> "George" == George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have noticed that a lot of FTP sites are dropping Debia
using the $HOME/.xinitrc, which gets
first by X unless it is missing. In my .xinitrc file I have:
xfstt --sync &
xset fp+ unix/:7100
Doug Dine wrote:
> Thank you. We're on a roll here now. Only question now is, how do I
> start xfstt u
"/cdrom", then type:
mkdir /cdrom
umount /mnt/cdrom (assuming you're already mounted on the cdrom . . if not
skip this line)
mount /cdrom
Add users to the appropriate line in your /etc/fstab file.
/dev/hdc /cdromiso9660noauto,ro,users00
Sami Dalouche wrote:
> How can I mount devices (CDrom / HD) as a normal user.
> For example :
> $ mount /dev/hdb /mnt/hdb
> mount: only root can mo
Remove the xdm script from your runlevel directory. If you're using runlevel 2
probably), then go to /etc/rc2.d, and delete the S**xdm package where ** will
be some
Lev Lvovsky wrote:
> can anyone tell me how to keep my computer from booting into Xwindows?
But does that really send it into powersave mode? When setterm blanks the
the CRT guns are still running, as the back of the monitor is still warm to the
touch, whereas when Windows puts the monitor into powersave mode, the back of
monitor becomes cool.
Hamori Andras wrote
bian after backing up things like user profiles, etc.
Alex toropov wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anybody successful experience in moving
> from RedHat dist. (with only base packages installed) to debian
> without full reinstalling ?
> May be you can give just some basic tips (st
doesn't seem to
above that, and will even occasionally release some of it.
John Leget wrote:
> Dang , id hoped this problem would dissapear, guess not.
> Netscape v4.51 ( 4.5 prior) on 2.2.5 , potato, windowmaker
> I occasionally find that netscape gets 't
will be in /usr/local/bin, and assuming that is in your path (if it
isn't it
should be), simply typing the filename will run the software.
It's possible to get fancier with this, but that will come with time and after
read more documentation.
Stefan Langerman wrot
hours to a day or so. After it's done downloading all the stuff, it will
install it,
and you'll be ready to roll. You don't even have to reboot. This utility alone
would be enough to make me stay with Debian, even if there weren't a thousand
reasons as well.
All poff does is execute a killall pppd command, therefore it requires no
as it will take down any pppd link, regardless of how that link was established.
John Leget wrote:
> Hi,
> Running kernel 2.2.5-ac3 , potato ( unstable ). poff version 0.9.4
> "po
> Anyone on this list running a K6-2/300: please do a dmesg and look for that
> "386/387" line. Any differences ?
> (i suspect the FPU to be broken)
gestalt $ dmesg|grep coupling
Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error reporting
This is on a virgin Hamm system running
Once the QPL (QT's new license) gets sorted out, I expect to see KDE back in
Debian fully. Until then a few developers keep KDE on their web sites, a quick
search thru the mailing list archives on www.debian.org will show you the way
to go.
27;ve also tried making a boot floppy, but the installation program
seems to hang when creating a filesystem on that floopy. I don't know
what is happening being new to this system, but I would appreciate any
advice or help you could give me.
Sean McIlwain
Sorry if this is too basic .
a segmentation fault (seg fault) is a UNIX app crashing. The most common cause
is a pointer writing or reading an incorrect memory location. Possibly you are
not compiling the bin correctly (leaving off a libray or a define).
to find out why you can use gdb (gnu
> Which X Windows package would you suggest I load and install ? Are there any
> special drivers I should load?
Beyond the standard X (x-base, fonts) tseng labs cards either run on the svga
or the w32 server. Most use the svga, a few benefit from the w32.
++2.7, xpm4.7
I was using the 4.61 package(s), but after switching to the libc5 version I've
had no
more problems.
You can get the libc5 version
here: ftp.netscape.org/pub/communicator/4.6/english/unix/supported/linux20_libc5
Pierfrancesco Caci wrote:
> Ok, is there anyone actually u
en to MIDI and on the odd occasions when I do,
timidity does a fine job.
Alisdair McDiarmid wrote:
> Has anyone got a card they're happy with?
the libc5 version, you will probably have to do the same.
Cheshire wrote:
> ..I'm confused. Netscape is telling me that I'm missing something I'm
> pretty sure I've got. cheshire:/usr/local/netscape# ./netscape
> ./netscape: can't load library '
Go for the cheapest option, definately (I'm assuming that's the
Celeron-option). And
get as much RAM as possible.
Just my 2c.
Hans van den Boogert wrote:
> Next week I'm going to buy a notebook (Acer Travelmate 510 series). If you
> could choose, what would you
eighs in after compilation at around
although if you stripped the binary this would probably be a good deal smaller.
I haven't really messed with either one enough to be able to say which is
better, but
from what you describe, one or the other might fit the bill for you. Good l
You might want to check out http://www.linux3d.org for some more information.
Marshal Wong wrote:
> I was wondering what the 3dfx module form 3dfx-source does. I have a
> Voodoo3 and I installed the module, but I don't know what it is used
> for. Any help?
> I guess in
he directories you ftp to.
Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone knows I there is an ftp client for Linux Debian with, more
> or less, the same functionality as GoZilla for Windows?
> Some of the more interesting caracteristics of GoZilla are:
> *
package, but SMP support would be cool.
Nathan Smith wrote:
> Hello all,
> We're (I'm) setting up a computer lab here at Univ. Texas at Tyler
> (nevermind the address above), and I'd like to run Debian as the OS in the
> lab. We're going to need to have Math
's editing history.
Phillip Deackes wrote:
> Recently I have noticed I am getting a question mark instead of an
> apostrophe on web pages. The apostrophe works fine everywhere else (')
> Any ideas what is wrong?
> --
> Phillip Deackes
> Debian Linux (Potato
ed to recompile & install.
Terry Hancock wrote:
> Hi,
> I've installed the "Hamm" (=2.0) distribution of Debian Linux from CD,
> and I intended from the
> start to install KDE as quickly as I could, but Debian has since gone to
> "Slink" (=2.1).
J.H.M. Dassen wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 07, 1999 at 05:11:27 -0400, Sean wrote:
> > Just bypass the whole package manager, download the source, compile and
> > install.
> Bypassing the package manager is usually a bad idea, unless you compile the
> source to install out
player will start up, but unfortunately that's all it will do.
Anybody have any idea on how to fix this?
That did it, thanks a million!!
Igor Helman wrote:
> Try putting this line in Netscape (under
> Edit::Preferences::Navigator::Applications)
> for the RealAudio type :
> rvplayer %s &
> Put this in the Application box.
> Always worked for me before (but
lay . . . but the size of this
thing has made a little more than hesitant.
Patageometry, n.:
The study of those mathematical properties that are invariant
under brain transplants.
Yeah, but lyx wants stuff like libc6 from potato and other essentials that will
a working slink dist.
Good point, tho.
Mark Brown wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 11, 1999 at 06:34:03PM -0400, Jim Foltz wrote:
> > I don't want to run the unstable tree at this time,
I did not realize this . . . thanks for pointing it out :)
dyer wrote:
> Sean wrote:
> > Yeah, but lyx wants stuff like libc6 from potato and other essentials that
> > will break
> > a working slink dist.
> I have lyx 1.0 on my slink system. Lyx has a de
What does your /etc/printcap look like?
When you used magicfilterconfig, did you exit by typing done, or did you
control-C .
. . (had a friend who kept control-C-ing to exit magicfilterconfig . . . he
mentioned that point, and I was baffled for weeks)
Mans Joling wrote:
> Hi,
port instead of /dev/lp0.
Mans Joling wrote:
> The command as root : echo "text" > /dev/lp1 works.
> Mans
Beggar to well-dressed businessman:
"Could you spare $20.95 for a fifth of Chivas?"
Are the ac-kernel patches applied in order?
For instance, if I wanted to apply patch #6, would I first have to apply
patch 1->5?
For an idea to be fashionable is ominous, since it must afterwards be
always old-fashioned.
Cool beans . . . thanx.
scratch wrote:
> Nono, just apply patch #6, they're not sequential. Maybe make a copy of
> your /usr/src/linux to /usr/src/linux.ac though. For safety. Then:
> cd /usr/src/linux.ac
> patch -p1 < linuxacpatch
> That's it!
ot;isapnptools" package?
The only way I can ever get sound to work with soundblasters is to say M to
but say Y to all the drivers (OSS sound modules, etc). Please disregard if
already done this.
Adler's Distinction:
Language is all that separates us from the lower animals,
and from the bureaucrats.
Playing mp3s from a cutesy windowed app that looks like winamp.
Armin Wegner wrote:
> What is the program x11amp good for?
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
That's what she said.
Get the latest version . . . xfree86
And by the way, HTML mail sucks ;)
Sebastian Lindenmüller wrote:
> Hi everybody! Does anybody know how to configure the Diamond Viper
> V550 with XF86Setup? In the list of supported Grafik-Cards is only the
> Viper V330. -SLi
of two copies of the /usr directory, at least one would be
recoverable. This is probably being over-cautious, but at the time I REALLY
didn't want to have to do a reinstall, etc.
Hope this works for you, it did for me.
Max wrote:
> I have a problem in that I'm quickly running
I don't know, but you might want to look into how a UMSDOS installation works.
Marie-Theres Geller wrote:
> Can I install Windows on one disk and linux on another disk that is free,
> without formating it?
> Would be great if you could help me!
Max wrote:
> su
> cp /usr/sbin/resize2fs / #since I'll need to umount /usr
Just a suggestion, but you might as well put it under /bin
that way it will be in your path.
Best of luck.
The man who sees, on New Year's day, Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant
a non-profit organization
Boy, I can already hear the non-free directory swelling.
The man who sees, on New Year's day, Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant
is forever blessed.
-- Old Japanese proverb
way by the OS remaining stable, and Debian benefits by
financial and political backing by a powerful software company.
Anyway, not that anyone really cares about what I think of all this.
Just thought I'd throw in my 2-cents.
... relaxed in the manner of a man who has no
. . I utterly despised Yast.
Anyway, I guess all I really wanted to say was that I don't think the
fact the Debian doesn't 'live on the edge' of development will be a real
issue for either Corel or their Linux-software.
Kenneth Scharf wrote:
> One proble
That's okay, we can all migrate to external modems.
"Das blinkenlights!!!"
The trouble with a lot of self-made men is that they worship their
h, so "Linux in
a Nutshell" is never far from my desk.
Steve Gore wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 1999 at 01:38:03PM -0700, Cliff Draper wrote:
> > I'm looking for a good intro/intermediate Linux book for a friend.
> > Any recommendations? Is the O'Re
So why is it that parallel port scanners don't tend to be supported, but
their SCSI cousins are. I wouldn't think that there would be that much
difference between the hardware on a SCSI scanner vs a parallel port
I never met a piece of chocolate I didn't like.
If you're using KDE, you might want to look at WebMaker. It's not a
WYSIWYG, but it seems to be pretty nice anyway.
Martin Bialasinski wrote:
> >> "LW" == Lawrence Wickline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I think there's one in the unstable tree, but I've had great luck with
compiling the source. I find that easier in the case of qt & kde than
waiting for *.deb files.
Alan wrote:
> Hello, i'v been searching for a qt *.deb package for debian with no luck. Can
has any comments on how "stable" the unstable distribution is in
J Horacio MG wrote:
> ~> > I have some packages which require version 2.1.1 from libc6 (which I
> ~> > expect it can be found in potato). My question is, do I have to expect
> ~> &g
also put the proposed-updates
link in my sources.list file, and upgraded to the packages present at that
location. As I had not done this previously, I suspect this is where the
problem is, so I'm thinking about reinstalling, upgrading, and then NOT
upgrading again with the proposed-updates.
that) instead
of ifchains(or something like that). I still don't understand why this
works or why the problem has never happened to me before now with the 2.2
kernels under both hamm and slink, but thought this info might be of use to
>My next guess: incorrect serial port settings
This sounds like the problem described in the "Kernel 2.2.x: PPP routing
problem?" thread. I don't know why this happens or why this kludge works,
but am actively trying to find out. Until then, if you want you can try to
kill inetd, and see if that helps.
-Original Me
27;ve done with my Hamm
installation. And when I upgrade to Slink everything still works (as far as
Maker goes). I also like to compile things like Window Maker because of the
quick rate at which new versions can come out.
Rodrigo Viana Rocha wrote:
> I got a GNU/Debian/
I don't know how well it works with gnome, but I think Window Maker is pretty
Oz Dror wrote:
> I am looking for a gnome "stable" (or almost stable) window manager
> any idea
group to something like users, and then
add all
the users accounts you want to have access to this folder to the users group in
/etc/passwd. And of course then do the chmod thing just as above.
J Horacio MG wrote:
> I have a directory within /home (ok, probably not the right place for
I thought KDE 1.1.1 needed QT 1.44 . . .
Alec Smith wrote:
> Look on ftp.debian.org and its mirrors under unstable. QT 1.42 can be
> found there, and does work with Slink.
> On Tue, 18 May 1999, Michael Friddell wrote:
> > Does anyone know where I can get QT 1.4
do-advice from pounds of people who wish they knew what was going on.
Sorry to rant, but I think the sequestering of newbies has pretty severe
Pollywog wrote:
> I was thinking the same thing a few days ago. debian-newbie sounds good to
> me.
Like a dolt, I didn't even recognize this. I had the exact same problem
that Kris has described, and after a reinstall, I noticed it went away
"automagically". Of course, I don't have ipmasq installed this time.
BTW, HTML-mail SUCKS. :)
Johnny Thompson wr
Not true at all. I have many more questions now that I have a clue as to what
doing than I did when I first started using Linux and was pretty much clueless
what was going on.
It's kinda like that saying: The more you know the more you realize how much you
don't know.
no it's not, I'm downloading SO5.1 right now . . .
I'm at 75% -- woo hoo!
Pollywog wrote:
> On 20-May-99 Bernard de Rubinat wrote:
> > StarOffice 5.1 (just released) works with potato. When you install, it will
> > complain that it does not find glibc 2.0.7,
Sounds like you're just typing pon and that's it. You need to give it the name
of a chatscript. If you run pppconfig, and then
type pon it should work.
tf wrote:
> hey all
> I need to be able to connect. until recently, pon dialed, but left my
> connection
Freshmeat is fine here.
George Bonser wrote:
> On Fri, 21 May 1999, Jayson Baird wrote:
> > I say we form a watchdog committee called the Linux CIA :) it seems like
> > slashdot's crash came from the grassy knoll and NOT the book
> > depository...hmm
, etc
Does anybody know what this stuff means?
n has always worked fine w/ Windows & Linux and
is to a
33.6K modem pool.
"Jens B. Jorgensen" wrote:
> Some kinda error I'd guess. I took a look at the assigned numbers RFC and the
> only one
> of those defined is 0x7f and its:
> 007freserve
I've been wanting to set up fetchmail/exim/mutt but I've been having a
hell of a time figuring out the syntax for the .forward file. The docs
talk about using the .forward file, but nowhere is there an example of
what one should look like.
Personally I like lftp. It allows you to resume broken downloads among other
nifty things.
Shao Zhang wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't understand why they don't split the one big tar into pieces.
> With the daily use of the telephone, it is nearly impossible
documentation must exist, but I don't know where
to start looking. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I like slrn. It was simple for me to configure (which means it must be _real_
and runs great.
Matt Garman wrote:
> Hello:
> I want to set up a NNTP server for reading Usenet news offline. I was
> reading in the ISP-Hookup-HOWTO about some possible solutions,
Then you need to get slrnpull, as it allows you to pull down newsgroups either
manually or
as a cron job.
Matt Garman wrote:
> On Sun, May 23, 1999 at 06:41:42PM -0400, Sean wrote:
> > I like slrn. It was simple for me to configure (which means it must be
> > _real_ easy
check out /etc/lynx.cfg and scroll down till you find the part about Save
shadowze wrote:
> After 2 days of reading I cant find the following. Keeping in mind Im a new
> user;
> 1) Where is the default download path for Lynx so I can find files I have
> downloade
It works fine with Netscape 4.6
Pollywog wrote:
> On 24-May-99 Kent West wrote:
> > My cousin sent the following link to me:
> >
> > http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Castle/7393/Police.html
> >
> It shuts down my Netscape 4.51 also.
> --
It's always seemed easier to me to just download the nescape binaries straight
Nescape's site instead of messing with Debian's multiple-nescape packages.
That way
you also get to keep up with the latest (hopefully increasingly bugfixed)
Bob Nielsen wrote:
you might want to look at lftp
Angus Claydon wrote:
> Excuse me hopping on here, but I liked the hamm version of ncftp in
> this regard. The beta version that comes with slink , ncftp3 if I
> remember correctly, doesn't handle resuming downloads as yet.
to the command line, where the comment
"Segmentation Fault" always awaits me. This isn't a super big deal for
me personally as X is still functioning perfectly well with the config
file that was left over from Slink, but I was wondering if anyone else
was having this problem and/or if there was a fix.
I downloaded the non-distribution-specific binaries from netscape's ftp site,
everything has worked so far. I'm using potato.
Robert Rati wrote:
> Has anyone successfully installed Communicator 4.6? Dselect is insisting
> on a dependency with netscape-base4 ver >
check out the zgv program.
Dan Smith wrote:
> Hi. Is there a package in Debian to view jpegs which
> does NOT use X11, GNOME or any other stuff like that?
> Please send replies to me directly, rather than to the
And that's a problem???
Laurent PICOULEAU wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 28 May, 1999 à 09:42:20PM -0700, Dan Smith wrote:
> > Hi. Is there a package in Debian to view jpegs which
> > does NOT use X11, GNOME or any other stuff like that?
> > Please send replie
Can I install Debain/GNU linux on a FAT32/UMSDOS
partition like Zip Slackware?
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