Camilo Alejandro Arboleda wrote:
> When I compile the kernel with the command 'make bzImage' the image
> generated has a size of about 800.000 bytes, and when I try to install the
> image using 'liloconfig' I get the error 'kernel too big', but I cannot
> remove more drivers from the kernel without
Nico De Ranter wrote:
> I'm looking for a VPN solution that would preferably be free :-) and has a
> server for Linux (or UNIX in general) and clients for Linux and Windows.
A quick search on Freshmeat for 'vpn' gave 12 results..
Pollywog wrote:
> After compiling kernel 2.2.10 and trying to install new software, I got:
> ./pcap-linux.c:31: net/if.h: No such file or directory
> Why does this happen? Am I doing something wrong? It seems I frequently
> "lose" if.h
In the 2.2.x kernels, if.h is in include/linux/, so
Felipe Alvarez Harnecker wrote:
> Can someone tell my how to convert a DocBook document to HTML ?
Something like this should do the trick:
jade -t sgml -d \
/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/html/docbook.dsl \
Cagdas Ogut wrote:
> I have installed Majordomo 1.94.4 on Debian-2.1
> When I run "./majordomo" in /usr/lib/majordomo I get,
> duygu:/usr/lib/majordomo# ./majordomo
> Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /root
> /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.004 /usr/lib/perl5
> /usr/local/
Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 02, 1999 at 04:40:01PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> > Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
> [...]
> > > Don't upgrade one only package from potato because potato depends on
> > > glibc2.1 and some packages on perl5.005.
> >
> > No, feel free to install any package from *any* de
On Thu, 30 Jul 1998, Adam Keys wrote:
: Go with Debian 2.0, it's thoroughly mostly bug free and is libc6/glibc
: based. Apache and PHP packages are available and are a snap to get
: working.
Beware that the current apache (1.3.1) and php3 (3.0) packages in slink
don't work together. Get the a
On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Luiken, Arijan wrote:
: I wonder (my guess that this is more a bash/linux question) is it
: possible to display colors (ansi) in your prompt and ifso HOW
Yup, just use the 'standard' escape sequences and put them in the PS1
environment variable.
On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
: On Thu, Aug 06, 1998 at 01:06:22PM +0200, Remco van de Meent wrote:
: > On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Luiken, Arijan wrote:
: >
: > : I wonder (my guess that this is more a bash/linux question) is it
: > : possible to display colors (ansi) in
When you point apt's config file, sources.list, to more than one Debian
archive, is it possible make sure it uses a specific site when the same
version of a package is found on more than one site?
Is it just the order in which you put the archives in the sources.list file?
On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Christopher Barry wrote:
: I recently grabbed the latest xfstt from Slink and I removed the old
: xfstt first before upgrading (maybe this is where I went wrong).
: Anyways, the new xfstt installed without giving any error messages but
: when I started X and Netscape, Nets
On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Christopher Barry wrote:
: Adding FontPath "unix/:7101" solved the problem. I don't know why the
: xfstt installation doesn't put this in there for you automatically, or at
: least tell you to do it after adding ttf fonts to the proper directory,
: but it should. Also, why
On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
: set_prompt ()
: {
: local SAVE_CRS=`tput sc 2> /dev/null`
: local RESET_CRS=`tput rc 2> /dev/null`
: local CLOCKPOS=`tput cup 0 90 2> /dev/null`
: local FOREG=`tput setf 6 2> /dev/null`
: local ALT_FOREG=`tput setf 3 2>
On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Paul Miller wrote:
: What is the newest unstable Debian distribution? I've lost trake of
: everything since all the ftp sites were trashed...
: Where should I point apt? Here is what I'm currently using:
: deb stable main contrib
On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, Howard S. ('Sherm') Ostrowsky wrote:
: As of about a week ago, I have stopped getting any new messages from the
: Debian-user digest, to which I have been subscribed for over a year now.
: I sorely miss my daily fix of information and interesting odds and ends.
: I tried
On Sun, 16 Aug 1998, the lone gunman wrote:
: I have a pretty vanilla Debian 2.0 setup as of now. I installed smail as
: my mta (or is it mda?). I would like to change the default inbox from
: /var/spool/mail/user to /home/user/Inbox.
Smail is a MTA (Mail Transport Agent). procmail/deliver a
On Thu, 27 Aug 1998, Chris Hoover wrote:
: I'd like to make some mp3 off of my favorite cd's and was wondering if
: someone could direct me as how to go about doing this. Which programs do
: you use, and how to do it.
IIRC, there was one mentioned on, called ripperX, this
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Chuck Peters wrote:
: I am using the stable release and installed apt. While upgrading
: and adding some things with dselect I got the following error. I
: thought it was OK to use apt out of the unstable release. How do I
: fix it?
What version of apt are you using? I
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Ralph Winslow wrote:
: It's rumored that this has been packaged for debian, but I don't see it
: when I run dselect (I'm using apt, stable (hamm), main - contrib -
: non-free - nonUS). Can anyone provide a clue? TIA
Yup, it's in unstable (called slink):
On Fri, 28 Aug 1998, Sergey Imennov wrote:
: I have Junkbuster and Squid installed on Debian 2.0 box. All of the
: outbound traffic goes through this machine.
: Since I'd like to have some idea of web usage, and total bytes
: transferred, etc., I'd like to make it
On Sun, 6 Sep 1998, Matt Kopishke wrote:
: I have a question, not a problem. At the bottom of my message is my
: config file (/etc/mirror/mirror.default) for mirror. First off, I no it
: works, it d/l about 273 megs of packages, then died. I am trying to set
: up a unofficial debian mirror,
On Sun, 13 Sep 1998, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
: Does anybody knows about any free Smalltalk for Linux (preferrably as
: Debian package :-) )?
I found one lately, called Squeak. Don't have an URL handy, sorry, but I
guess you should be able to find it on the web.
Good luck,
On Sun, 13 Sep 1998, Mrpeabody wrote:
: I have debian 2.0 installed on my system and I want to repartition
: partition my hardrive differently and start over from stratch. However,
: when I try to load from the rescue disk I get the Welcome to Debian
: screen with the boot prompt when I press
On 14 Sep 1998, Ole J. Tetlie wrote:
: | : Does anybody knows about any free Smalltalk for Linux (preferrably
: | : as Debian package :-) )?
: |
: | I found one lately, called Squeak. Don't have an URL handy, sorry, but
: | I guess you should be able to find it on the web.
: I thought
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Johann Spies wrote:
: ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/local/lib/ (No such file
: or directory), skipping
: ldconfig: warning: can't open usr/local/lib/ (No such file
: /or directory), skipping
: etc...
: Many of the programs I used to
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Yosef B wrote:
: Can someone point me to the documentation to configure the traffic shaper
: module for the kernel?
/usr/doc/shaper/shaper.txt if you have the shaper package installed..
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Anthony Campbell wrote:
: I've just installed debian 2.0, after using redhat 5.0, and am quite
: impressed. Only problem is that I do need netscape occasionally (if lynx
: won't access a site) and there doesn't seem to be a .deb package of
: netscape corresponding to the .
On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Oliver Thuns wrote:
: Can anybody help me with mod_throttle for Apache?
If you make clear what's causing you troubles, maybe :) What doesn't work?
On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Oliver Thuns wrote:
: > : Can anybody help me with mod_throttle for Apache?
: >
: >If you make clear what's causing you troubles, maybe :) What doesn't work?
: I don't understand the configuration. Is it possible to throttle
: virtual servers?
As far as my knowledge
On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Blazej Sawionek wrote:
: > There are .deb's of the 4.5b1 prerelease. Get them from
: > I'd say.
: > -Remco
: Sorry, for not knowing that, but who is who there:
: communicator4-dmotif_..16-Jul-1998 17:32 4.1M
: communica
It looks like something else is bound to port 139. Maybe something listed in
On Sun, 20 Sep 1998, King Lee wrote:
: Hello,
: I'm running bo, and I've installed samba. When, from the command line
: I type
: smbd -D
: and then
: ps -aux | grep
On Mon, 21 Sep 1998, Dan Hrabarchuk wrote:
: How do I change the distribution dselect downloads, and updates from? I want
: to change it to unstable from stable.
Have a look at the 'Access' option in dselect's main menu. When configuring
the access method, you'll be asked which distribution it
On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, Florian Attenberger wrote:
: MY win95 clients access a samba server, that connects them to the
: internet via dialup, too.
: The linux-box is dialing unnecessarily when win95 is trying to get
: information about servers around. Which port do i have to forbid??? More
: i
On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, Benoit Joly wrote:
: 2) I have a printer on the win95 box (canon bjc-210)
: how can I config my linux box to print there? I looked in the howto, but
: it'smore like a cryptic language than a help file :). It say something
: about /etc/printcap, but nothing about inkjet p
On Fri, 25 Sep 1998, Pere Camps wrote:
: How do you configure a virtual domain under Apache 1.3?
: I already have the DNS alias.
It's described in file:/usr/doc/apache/manual/vhosts/index.html
On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, A.D.Y. Cheng wrote:
: I try the command to test my email connection 'telnet localhost 25', but
: it gives me the error:
: Trying
: telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
: However, I have ' localhost' entry in my
On Mon, 8 Jun 1998, Tom Malloy wrote:
: If fetchmail say I have a smtp transfer error, where should I look to
: figure out what that means and how to fix it? Is that a fetchmail or
: smail problem or something else. Thanks
You could give `fetchmail -v` a try, to determine which program is ha
On Mon, 8 Jun 1998, Michael Roark wrote:
: O.K. I'm going to go out on a limb here. I need to get one of my email
: servers to reject mail if the /var/spool/mail/ file is past a
: certain size. In so many words, I need to dole out the "mailbox full"
: error when needed. Is this something done
On Sun, 14 Jun 1998, Liran Zvibel wrote:
: A new version of ssh was released (today or yesterday).
: Will it get into hamm?
Due to cryptographic laws in the USA, that's not as easy at it looks like.
Anyway, it is currently at in the Incoming directory.
Hope that helps,
On Sun, 14 Jun 1998, Zim Lin wrote:
: Whenever I try to install using dselect, I keep getting "not a debian
: archive" errors or something like that. Does anybody know how this can
: be fixed?
Are you sure you filled in correct values in the Access Method part of
dselect? Maybe there's an erro
On Fri, 19 Jun 1998, Mark Phillips wrote:
: I've just installed scilab_2.2-4.deb from the non-free section of hamm.
: But it doesn't seem to be working. I type "scilab" at the prompt and it
: exits without giving any error messages, without poping up any windows or
: anything. It just does n
On Sat, 11 Jul 1998, Alex Kwan wrote:
: My System is Hamm, which packages are the Reader or Editor for PDF Format
: Documents? Where can I download it?
The reader is xpdf (slink/non-free/binary-i386/text/xpdf_0.7a-2.deb) or
acroread (slink/non-free/binary-i386/text/acroread_3.01-0.1.deb). The
On Thu, 16 Jul 1998, Russ Cook wrote:
: using Apt. Apt tells me that over 50 packages are being held back. It
: doesn't
: tell me why. What does this mean? I assume that "held back" means "not
: going to download", but it doesn't tell me if it is because of conflicts,
: non-selection,
On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Paul Miller wrote:
: How do I specify a secondary zone in the boot.zones file? i.e., what is
: the equivalant of
: zone "" {
: type slave;
: file "";
: masters {; };
: };
: in named.conf for boot.zones?
On Sun, 19 Jul 1998, Keith Alen Vance wrote:
: I was wondering which file loads apache and squid and everything else I
: install that needs t run at startup.
Those are controlled by the files in /etc/init.d/, which are symlinked from
the various /etc/rc?.d/ directories, indicating at what runl
On Fri, 24 Jul 1998, Tomt wrote:
: One thing I have noticed is that I cannot login as root across a telnet
: connection.
Edit /etc/securetty, which defines the tty's you can login from as root.
: Anyone tell me why? And if its possible to change that to were I can login
: through telnet?
On Sun, 26 Jul 1998, Cheng Dien Yiu Anthony wrote:
: When I installed hamm 2.0, at first, I choose to turn off shadow password
: system. Now I want to turn on the shadow password system. How do I do it?
Type 'shadowconfig on' as root.
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On Sat, 25 Jul 1998, Robert Rati wrote:
: [...]
: And, as a related question, does anyone know how to tell what debian
: packages install which files after they've been installed (via dslect or
: something like that) and the .deb file has been deleted?
`dpkg -L ` will give you a list of files
On Mon, 27 Jul 1998, Cesar Talon wrote:
: I would like to mount (if possible) a win95 shared directory under
: debian. I'm not sure, but I think that could be done with smbmnt. Am I
: wrong?
That's possible indeed.
: Anyway I haven't been able to do it via smbmnt/smbmount. I think that one
Robert King wrote:
> Since I upgraded to slink, for some reason syslog reports all its times in
> GMT (which isn't a big problem), and cron does its stuff according to GMT
> (which is a big problem, because updatedb goes off in the middle of the
> afternoon instead of at 6am, which is a real pain).
Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:
> I'm trying to convert a Docbook document to HTML. upon executing
> 'sgml2html libgii-api.sgml' I recieve
> Processing file libgii-api.sgml
> /usr/bin/sgmlsasp: can't open /usr/lib/sgml-tools/dist/book/html/mapping':
> No such file or directory
Of cour
Philippe BARBELET wrote:
> What are the steps to install the automounter system under 2.0.34 kernel ?
First of all, make sure the kernel-based automounter is enabled in your
kernel. Second, install the `autofs' package. Most likely, it'll create an
/etc/auto.amnt for you; you can put the filesyste
Cuno Sonnemans wrote:
> I get the following errors when I install qt:
> kernel/qimage.cpp :614: X11/Xlib.hno such file or directory
> " " : : X11/Xutil.h " " "
> " ": : X11/Xos.h " " "
Are you sure that you have the `xlib6g
Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329 wrote:
> Does anyone know if XFree86 is 3.3.3.x is avaliable in deb format
> anywhere? Or when we will have one avaliable?
It will not be in the distribution till the maintainer of the X11 Debian
packages feels comfortable about the current (3.3.2) packages.
Peter Paluch wrote:
> 1.) There is not even one (!) word processor which is able to export the
> documents in MS Office97 format and is working properly with Slovak locale
> in XWin.
You don't need to blame, nor Debian, nor Linux in general, that M$Office is
being used at your office. If they want
Peter Paluch wrote:
> Again - I am terribly sorry if I offended someone. I didn't mean it so,
> indeed. You maybe don't see this event to be so serious than I see it, but
> in fact the present state doesn't allow me to use my native language on
> Linux.
I didn't think you offended someone. At leas
David Zanetti wrote:
> That is, until it dselect comes along an upgrades the X servers :(
> Several times already my 3.3.3 SVGA server has been nuked by dselect,
> and 3.3.2 doesn't support my TNT board :(
An easy fix of course is to put your new (3.3.3) server in
/usr/local/X11/bin or somethin
Sebastian Canagaratna wrote:
> Hi: I was under the impression that the command dmesg just typed out the
> contents of /var/log/kern.log. This does not seem to be true. What is the
> file which dmesg is displaying?
It uses the klogd to display the information (kernel log daemon). Try
Graham Ashton wrote:
> is it possible to do name based virtual hosting with proftpd?
> the documentation on the web site suggests not, and that you need to do
> IP address based virtual hosting instead. :(
Name-based virtual hosting in Apache is done by reading the headers of a
HTTP request:
Chris Wong wrote:
> If APT lists lib* in the list of essential packages to remove then
> it is very likely you will hose your system by continuing.
> --
> This was quoted from the Debian 2.0 update README. I've logged
> my 1.3 -> 2.0 update, and just noticed something. Is it
Bal K. Paudyal wrote:
> It looks like my old pc with Debian does not have lpr installed. What
> package it is in? Any idea?
/usr/bin/lpr is in both the lpr and the lprng packages.
Craig T. Hancock wrote:
> Is there way to see what pacakges that happen to be upgraded
$ apt-get -s dist-upgrade
Toens Bueker wrote:
> subject says it all. Did bytesex.h move to another package? Or was it just
> left behind? :-)
You could use instead. But even better, include .
Sami Dalouche wrote:
> Is it possible to remount / in ro mode without rebooting ?
If you don't have any files opened for writing, this should do the trick:
mount -n -o remount,ro /
Marek Habersack wrote:
> Does anyone know where can I find binary debs for PHP compiled to work with
> Apache 1.3.5?
I don't think they're available. However, Apache 1.3.6 is in the current
distribution, and I think (but I'm not sure) that the php3 packages will be
replaced by apache-1.3.6-compa
Pieter-Tjerk de Boer wrote:
[dselect errors]
> Since then, this error message pops up every time I try [I]nstall. I'm
> telling all these details because I suspect that somehow this was not the
> right way to cope with the two changes (newer NFS server, and newer
> 'stable' distribution).
As the
Gurra db wrote:
> hmm.. I've dowloaded debian 2.1 source in iso files.
> Wrote them to 2 cd:s and now I can't find any
> installations files.. the cd don't boot and the cd label says "Debian
> 21 disc 3" <-- source-1.iso
> on the cd I can't find any install files .. what am I missing ??
Those are
Christian van Enckevort wrote:
> Maybe lsof can help you. It gives a list of open files. There is a debian
> package for lsof. Unfortunately it is kernel dependent. The slink version
> only works for 2.0.35.
That is not true. The slink version for example also works on a 2.0.36
kernel. However, yo
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 12:06:58PM +0100, Oliver Thuns wrote:
: I have some customers who asked about Frontpage Extensions.
: How could I install FP for Apache 1.3.3?
: Do I have to patch Apache or could I build a FP module?
Have a look at
On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 06:36:19PM +0100, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
: i am just moving our server on a new machine running debian,
: unfortunately i do not know exactly on how to passon easily my users from
: the old slackware machine to the new one, the new one having shadow
: passwords thus
On Mon, Dec 28, 1998 at 10:51:06AM -0500, Rick Knebel wrote:
: Is there any way to install a redhat rpm on a debian system?
Convert them using alien to .deb format:
Package: alien
Priority: extra
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 109
Maintainer: Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Architecture: all
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 10:47:53AM -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
: Does the non-us SSL version of Apache also require the non-SSL package or
: is it a standalone replacement for Apache?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$ dpkg --print-avail apache-ssl
Package: apache-ssl
Priority: optional
Section: non-us/web
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 01:07:57PM -0500, Colin Telmer wrote:
: Has anyone been able to get a modem to answer to a distinct phone ring?
: My phone company allows one to have up to four numbers on one line each
: with a distinct ring and I would like to set up a fax server that answers
: only
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 07:15:17PM -0600, Wesley Simon wrote:
: I use this as a Quake server on my LAN. I would like to add a
: 10/100baseT card to it so that there are 2 network cards. I would
: then like to be able to run one 100baseT hub and one 10baseT hub. I
: have read that Linux wil
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 04:28:15AM -0600, Faton Useni wrote:
: Im a new Debian Linux user and i would like to know if the usb port
: is supported in the stable Debian 2.0 distribution. I want to use it to
: connect my mouse, keyboard, and modem on my other machine. If it is
: supported, co
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 01:41:00PM -0500, William Schwartz wrote:
: 0-55/5 * * * * root mrtg /mrtg-2.5.4c/mrtg.cfg
Try */5 * * * * instead, I'd say. And leave the "root " out; you need to
define the username when using /etc/crontab, not when you're using the
'crontab -e' command.
On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 10:21:11AM +0100, Riccardo Tommasini wrote:
: Does anybody have any experience with SAMBA and Shadowpassd? I mean, my
: samba server deos not recognize passwords as soon as a service is passwd
: protected and I believe it has something to do with the shadowpasswd.
On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 01:28:48PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: I believe there's a command for e-mailing a file without having to use an
: MTU, but directly from the command line. mailx, smail,... any ideas?
For text files:
mail -s 'your subject' recipient < file.txt
For binary file
On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 05:45:11PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: The below responses to my initial question just left me with a few doubts:
: - How would I gzip and/or tar the file? Would this process take place
: before encoding? (OTH tar'ing would be a way of sending several files a
On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 04:36:10PM -0400, Timothy Hospedales wrote:
: How should I add a "real" user to my wu-ftpd server?
Make sure you have a class containing 'real' in your /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess
file. Now everyone who has a valid login shell (that is, their shell
according to /etc/passwd is li
On Fri, Jan 15, 1999 at 01:27:34AM +0100, Ben Jorgensen wrote:
: libgtk-perl depends on libglib1.1 (>= 1.1.3-1)
: libglib1.1 does not appear to be available
: libgtk-perl depends on libgtk1.1 (>= 1.1.2-1)
: libgtk1.1 does not appear to be available
: I'm running debian unstable. What shou
On Fri, Jan 15, 1999 at 02:38:23PM +, Rich Harran. wrote:
: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc: /dev/null: permission denied
: repeated three times.
Apparently, /dev/null doesn't have the proper permissions. Issue a 'chmod
666 /dev/null' and try again. You might have problems with ot
On Fri, Jan 15, 1999 at 08:56:56AM -0500, Chris Hoover wrote:
: It appears that the dns for is fscked up. When I try to
: ping it, I get unknown host. Does anyone know of another irc server I
: can use to get on the #debian channel?
I don't have problems resolving that hostnam
On Fri, Jan 15, 1999 at 10:49:58AM -0500, William Schwartz wrote:
: If I'm installing SLINK (frozen) from scratch and APT asks me if I want to
: get packages from "STABLE FROZEN or UNSTABLE" I should normally choose
: "FROZEN" right? Those match SLINK installation?
Yes, currently the symlinks
On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 05:33:50PM +, M.C. Vernon wrote:
: Anyone know of any of these that work - the first few from the pgp
: documentation (dated 1995) all seem dead (unroutable mail domain, failed
: nslookup etc.)...
The one serving [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to work (just tried
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 12:35:32PM -0500, Paul Miller wrote:
: How can I only allow user to login from a specific IP (telnet/ftp/etc)?
Try /etc/login.access and its manpage login.access(5).
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 11:05:34AM -0800, Morgan Fletcher wrote:
: But neither of those packages, as installed on my system, contain ldd:
: $ dpkg -L ldso libc6 | grep -i ldd
: /usr/lib/lddstub
: /usr/man/man1/ldd.1.gz
That's kinda strange. I assume, you mean with `current' the curr
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 04:50:04PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
: I just got a DIFFERENT copy of ldso and this one included ld. There is a
: bad .deb going around someplace.
Apparently. I just checked the ldso package on the master site
(, and that one appears to be okay. But it
UF Marpaung wrote:
> How to make telnetd accept root login ?
Have a look at the manual page securetty(5) and edit /etc/securetty.
Joey Hess wrote:
> I know cvs doesn't do symlinks, but I need some symlinks to be created
> when a cvs directory is checked out, and I know that's possible because
> Manoj told me how once... but I've forgotten the details. Could anyone
> fill me in on how to do it?
I haven't tried it myself, but
Thomas Adams wrote:
> What's up with the servers? A DNS problem perhaps?
No, there is no DNS problem, but apparently their uplink is broken at the
moment. Please try other mirrors for the time being.
Gregory Green wrote:
> I have tried usining vt100, vt102, vt220 and I cannot figure out how to
> export X programs, such as xterm, to my telnet session. I export my and
> I still cannot connect. I get the following error:
> _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
> _X11TransSocketI
Gregory Green wrote:
> > > I have tried usining vt100, vt102, vt220 and I cannot figure out how
> > > to export X programs, such as xterm, to my telnet session. I export
> > > my and I still cannot connect. I get the following error:
> > > _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
Branden Robinson wrote:
> But how about getting screenshots of VC's? Apparently no such tool
> already exists.
> What would it take to write one? Root privileges, or can it be
> implemented in userspace?
If you're referring to textmode virtual consoles, I'd say you should be able
to do it in
Remco van de Meent wrote:
> And gpm doesn't need root-privileges.
Sorry, that's an error, it actually does. Apologies for disturbing you.
Pere Camps wrote:
> Is there any way to have a umask that creates files in 640 by
> default and directories in 750 ?
umask 027
Ries van Twisk wrote:
> Witch program do I need to pop multiple accounts from my ISP? I use
> sendmail as my MTA, and use qpopper so my windows users can read there
> e-mail (correct?)
fetchmail will do the trick.
Stef Hoesli Wiederwald wrote:
> When I reply to an author of an usenet posting using rtin, I get the
> following error message from our Mailserver:
> |- Message log follows: -|
> no valid recipients were found for this message
> |-
Thomas Adams wrote:
> Is there an easy to read in-depth description of the sysv style init? I
> hope the name is right; I mean the way of starting daemons by making links
> instead of the traditional way of placing a start script into /etc/rc.boot
The current maintainer and (co-?)author of the sys
Robert Kerr wrote:
> I'm using apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade to slink. It gives me about 90
> MB to download. I'd like to find a list of the files it needs and then
> download them at school, where my internet connection is much faster. So,
> my question is: where does apt-get keep a list of t
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