On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Christopher Barry wrote: : Adding FontPath "unix/:7101" solved the problem. I don't know why the : xfstt installation doesn't put this in there for you automatically, or at : least tell you to do it after adding ttf fonts to the proper directory, : but it should. Also, why the switch to unix/:7101? Because unix/:7100 : conflicts with xfs (though I never had problems)? Say, when is someone : going to package xfsft for Debian anyways?
I need to specify on which ports xfstt is running myself (using the --port option), as xfs runs on 7100. Strange that it does work w/o specifying :-) By the way, what is "xfsft" ? -Remco : > : I recently grabbed the latest xfstt from Slink and I removed the old : > : xfstt first before upgrading (maybe this is where I went wrong). : > : Anyways, the new xfstt installed without giving any error messages : > : but when I started X and Netscape, Netscape was no longer using : > : truetype fonts and I could no longer select them from edit -> : > : preferences -> fonts. I looked at my XF86Config file and noticed : > : there was no longer a FontPath "unix/:7100" entry but adding one : > : just made X fail to start (could not open default font "fixed" error : > : or something like that). I rebooted also before trying all of this : > : again and xfstt starts up just fine at boot time so I'm clueless : > : here. : > : > I'm using the same xfstt and it works for me. Are you sure the fonts : > are still in place, as you said your removed your old xfstt? : > : > I'm running a 'normal' xfs on port 7100, and xfstt on 7101. So I : > specified both in XF86Config. -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null