potato boot-floppies

1999-10-19 Thread Onno
Marcel had last friday some new potato boot-floppies compiled and made available at http://pandora.debian.org/~marcel/attic/boot-floppies/ The boot-floppies aren't there anymore... Does anyone have a copy of them on the net??? Thanks, Onno

Re: LILO hangs on hard drive boot

1999-10-21 Thread Onno
he top of my lilo.conf, ran lilo and it worked! I was VERY disapointed that the install did detect the problem BUT didn't do anything about it! My advice for you is, try: disk=/dev/hdb bios=0x80 disk=/dev/hda bios=0x81 at the top of your lilo.conf and run lilo. Let me know if it solved your problem. Good luck, Onno

Re: Kernel panic VFS ...

1999-10-22 Thread Onno
standard rescue flop. Mount your HD and repair your mistake... Onno

Re: I messed up my resolution.

1999-10-22 Thread Onno
Boot from your rescue flop, edit your /etc/inittab file and change the line: id:5:initdefault: to: id:3:initdefault: Your should be fine ;-) Good luck, Onno At 06:56 PM 10/21/99 -0600, jh wrote: >Is there a way to keep debian from trying to start x at start up? I messed >up the reso

Re: I messed up my resolution.

1999-10-22 Thread Onno
I forgot: IF you can give lilo some boot parameters. You could try: "linux 3" or "linux single" This will put you in runlevel 3 or 1... Then you can do the editing or repairs... Good luck, Onno At 06:56 PM 10/21/99 -0600, jh wrote: >Is there a way to keep debian fr

Re: I messed up my resolution.

1999-10-22 Thread Onno
ere are plenty of options, some other OS's... don't. Onno

Re: I messed up my resolution.

1999-10-26 Thread Onno
rences between runlevels 2-5. Are you by > any chance a RedHat user (RedHat does set up these differences)? ;) Hmmm, youre right *blush*. I'm an EX-RedHat (Mandrake) user, Debian is better than RedHat in most areas (IMHO) but some RedHat features are quite good, this is one... The Mandrake KDE install is also -VERY- good... Sincerely, Onno

Stealth Firewall...

1999-10-26 Thread Onno
ts at this IP address !!! I want control over all the protocols: TCP, UDP, ICMP and IGMP. For example: - how can I disable the inetd "Connection refused" stuff (TCP/UDP) ? - how can I disableping (ICMP) ? - etc. Some elaborated info on the topic would be appreciated! Thanks, Onno

Re: manual kernel recompile vs make-kpkg

1999-10-27 Thread Onno
that when I copied bzImage directly to /vmlinuz, I > was overwriting the previous kernel in /boot) You'll want to copy the System.map to /boot as well. # cp /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.12/System.map /boot/System.map-2.2.12 Would you elaborate on that please... Greetings, Onno

Re: shh for Linux?

1999-10-27 Thread Onno
At 01:57 PM 10/26/99 -0800, Ben Lutgens wrote: wtf is shh? It's called secure shell and you can use it to get a safe (encrypted) connection to a remote machine (that runs sshd ;-) Onno

Re: any need to upgrade kernel

1999-10-27 Thread Onno
Where could I find a general discussion on what the problems are with some kernel version? Like 2.2.10, 2.2.12 or 2.2.13 ??? (I know that 2.2.11 is REALY BAD...) Regards, Onno At 10:23 AM 10/27/99 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >I am running slink with kernel 2.0.36. Is there

Re: just curious about Debian vs Redhat

1999-10-27 Thread Onno
when they are a bit used to Linux in general. I tell them to practice with the CLI but Mandrake has a killer KDE install witch they can use to get something done. This way they get not so frightened the first time they use Linux ;-) Regards, Onno

Re: Debian Linux vs BSD

1999-10-28 Thread Onno
? In order: http://www.daemonnews.org/199909/freebsd.html http://slashdot.org/askslashdot/99/10/17/2317202.shtml http://slashdot.org/search.pl?topic=bsd Let me know what you think of it, Regards, Onno

RE: Debian Linux vs BSD

1999-10-29 Thread Onno
e opener, maybe its a disappointment... We would like to know ;-) About ProFTP, the only thing I know is that OpenBSD is VERY security aware and it wouldn't surprise me that they hacked it quite a bit around before they even packaged it... Good luck, Onno At 01:30 PM 10/28/99 -0400, Paul

Re: Firewall hinders access for IRC

1999-10-29 Thread Onno
ad de ip_masq_irc module. Be sure to check your security though (ipchains). Onno

Need a runlevel editor! (console ofcourse)

1999-10-29 Thread Onno
I can't find one on the net... Can somebody help me? Regards, Onno

Re: Need a runlevel editor! (console ofcourse)

1999-10-29 Thread Onno
Yes... At 03:59 AM 10/29/99 -0800, Ethan Benson wrote: On 29/10/99 Onno wrote: I can't find one on the net... Can somebody help me? do you mean do manage the /etc/rc?.d symlinks? Best Regards, Ethan Benson To obtain my PGP key: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/pgp/

Re: portmap on debian

1999-10-29 Thread Onno
Strange, why not the normal way??? mv /etc/rc2.d/S18portmap /etc/rc2.d/K35portmap Is this wrong or something ??? Regards, Onno At 08:34 AM 10/29/99 -0700, aphro wrote: its part of netbase, easiest way to disable it i think is to just mv /sbin/portmap /sbin/portmap-DISABLED since there are

Re: Booting up and security

1999-10-29 Thread Onno
Is there a better way to start a second NIC, IP masquarading and fetchmail. Does this look like a secure setup? Depends on the rest of your system ;-) Onno

Re: portmap on debian

1999-10-30 Thread Onno
As far as I know changing the links in rc.#/ from S##bla to K##bla is the preferred way to start or kill the scripts at boot or when you change runlevels. Regards, Onno At 04:57 PM 10/29/99 +, Pollywog wrote: > >On 29-Oct-99 aphro wrote: >> its part of netbase, easiest way to

Re: portmap on debian

1999-10-30 Thread Onno
Debian 2.1 Linux 2.0.36 SMP http://yahoo.aphroland.org/ >-[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]-- > >On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Onno wrote: > >> Strange, why not the normal way??? >> >> mv /etc/rc2.d/S18portmap /etc/rc2.d/K35portm

Re: files with extension tar.bz2

1999-10-30 Thread Onno
tar -x Regards, Onno

Re: portmap on debian

1999-10-30 Thread Onno
Ah, mistery solved ;-) Thanks, Onno At 08:22 PM 10/29/99 +0100, Mark Brown wrote: >On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 05:49:56PM +0200, Onno wrote: > >> Strange, why not the normal way??? > >> mv /etc/rc2.d/S18portmap /etc/rc2.d/K35portmap > >> Is this wrong or somethi

Re: Slashdot colours (was Re: Debian Linux vs BSD)

1999-10-30 Thread Onno
rely read the links). Any advice? Well, try your prefs ;-) Btw, I'm using Opera 3.6 under windoze (within 6 (?) months on Linux!). Good luck, Onno

Re: files with extension tar.bz2

1999-10-30 Thread Onno
Ah, I missed that... Thanks, Onno At 11:55 AM 10/29/99 -0500, David Blackman wrote: >Often people forget, but tar supports bz2 (if you have bzip), the flags >-xvIf (capital i) will untar+bz2 any file. > >--dave > >On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, William T Wilson wrote: > >>

Re: problems with "mirror"

1999-10-30 Thread Onno
The same problems here I use rsync for the moment now but -I think- that there is some timeout setting on ftp.debian.org that is set wrong Anyway it's a pain in the ass! Regards, Onno At 09:49 PM 10/29/99 +, John wrote: >Hi all, > >Im using the current potato with

BUG: wu-ftp 2.6.0 !? (was: Mirror bug)

1999-10-31 Thread Onno
e the same experience? Regards, Onno

Solved! (WAS: Re: problems with "mirror" /// Re: BUG: wu-ftp 2.6.0 !? (was: Mirror bug)

1999-11-02 Thread Onno
Mirror was the problem. There is a new version of mirror available in potato that fixes the problem. Read the docs for more info... In short: upgrade mirror Thank you all for the help, Regards, Onno

Runtime kernel parameters configuration

1999-11-02 Thread Onno
proc/sys/* options described??? (or all the /proc/* entries for that matter) Regards, Onno

Re: Kernal Upgrade and WINE questions

1999-11-03 Thread Onno
Doesn't VMware make wine obsolete? Regards, Onno

Re: Runtime kernel parameters configuration

1999-11-03 Thread Onno
situation :( All I want to know is where changes like the kernel config 'CONFIG_IP_ALWAYS_DEFRAG' to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag are documented (default value's, reading and writing interface, etc) Regards, Onno At 10:14 PM 11/2/99 +0100, Thomas Keusch wrote: On Tue, Nov 02,

Re: icq under firewall

1999-11-04 Thread Onno
I'm seeting up a firewall as well. The know about the ICQ problem and I've heard that the best solution is port forwarding (socks?). I'm not at that point yet but I have to deal with it... Port forwarding might be your answer (socks?) but please mail me your results... Thanks,

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #1917

1999-11-05 Thread Onno
and not NTFS if it's a dual boot machine. I -NEVER- had any problems with NT and NTFS dual booting, I use System Commander Deluxe 4.0 or LILO as a boot loader. I strongly recommend to use NT with NTFS, the reasons are numerous and obvious. Regards, Onno Thassall. Glen S Mehn GoMo

Re: Installationsproblem bei Linux

1999-11-05 Thread Onno
isk=/dev/hda bios=0x81 Add other SCSI and IDE disks if necessary. Run 'lilo' to make things permanent. See 'man lilo.conf' for more details. Regards, Onno At 08:47 PM 11/4/99 +0100, Claus Kensy wrote: Ich moechte gerne LINUX auf meinem PC installieren. Deshalb hab

Re: (no subject)

1999-11-05 Thread Onno
At 05:38 PM 11/4/99 -0400, marin fernandez wrote: mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null Not quite yet ;-) Regards, Onno -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Driver for Compaq Netelligent network card

1999-11-05 Thread Onno
What chipset does it use??? Some Compaq cards use the intel pro 100 chipset, you could try that one... Regards, Onno At 09:16 AM 11/4/99 -0500, Tim Ayers wrote: Hi, I'm trying to install Debian GNU/Linux on a Compaq Deskpro 6000. I'm stuck on getting the network to work. As fa

Re: scsi boot install

1999-11-05 Thread Onno
This is an old slink bug, there are install disks for the Adaptec SCSI controller you have, look at the mail archives. The potato indtall disks seems to work fine... Regards, Onno At 10:04 PM 11/4/99 -0600, Lyno Sullivan wrote: At 05:10 PM 11/1/99 -0500, Joe Miklojcik wrote: >Fai

Re: Snapshot for debugging network problems

1999-11-05 Thread Onno
tances. I'm very curious what will come of this thread... Regards, Onno At 02:48 PM 11/5/99 +, David Wright wrote: While tracking down network problems of any kind, it's quite handy to take a snapshot of the networking parameters so you can look at it after the event. I have

Re: AHA2940U2W...

1999-11-08 Thread Onno
This is an old bug in slink. There are boot floppies for the AHA 2940 U2W someware. Look in the mail archives. Regards, Onno At 03:33 PM 11/6/99 -0500, Daniel Ferrante wrote: Hi Folks, Is it possible for someone to give me a help with this issue? I am trying to install

Offtopic: napster & mp3

1999-11-09 Thread Onno
On my windoze machine machine I use napster to download mp3's. If you don't know what napster is take a look at http://www.napster.com, download the client and install it. There are ---> 100.000+ <--- mp3's online. My question: Is there a napster compatible program under Linux? Regards, Onno

Re: win95/netscape/smartupdate over ipmasq failure

1999-11-09 Thread Onno
Browsers normaly default to pasv ftp, but the smartupdate feature could be an exception. In that case you need to load the ip_masq_ftp module. Regards, Onno At 05:16 PM 11/8/99 -0500, Brian Servis wrote: Hi all, I am trying to use the Netscape SmartUpdate feature to upgrade a few Win9x

Re: What Port Does Ping Use?

1999-11-10 Thread Onno
ICMP doen't use ports, it uses types. type as root: ipchains -h icmp for all(?) the icmp types, your intrest is in the echo-* types. Regards, Onno At 05:01 PM 11/9/99 -0700, Art Lemasters wrote: Which port number does ping use in Debian Linux? I searched /etc/services and

Re: glibc2.1

1999-11-10 Thread Onno
om here) yesterday - >apparently there was a routing loop in the Netherlands. Yeah, mail was a problem too, I suspect that surfnet was doing some maintenance on there servers. But than again it could be anything ;-) Regards, Onno > >-- >Nathan Norman >MidcoNet 410 South Phillip

Re: where to buy Debian (R3)

1999-11-12 Thread Onno
t; BC895 >being ripped off? > > again. www.linuxmall.com on the other hand has real cheap slink 2.1r3 cds OK, you got my attention. What's R3? Is there a revision? As in, hopes of getting a Slink that's more up-to-date than some others?? Youre right, revision. Regards, Onno

Re: What Port Does Ping Use?

1999-11-12 Thread Onno
doesn't apply. Same with other types. tracert uses: UDP ports >32768 (usually) for incming and outgoing probe ICMP,11 for incoming and outgoing "TTL exceeded' ICMP,3 for incoming and outgoing "servive unavailable" Regards, Onno

Re: named (bind)

1999-11-15 Thread Onno
Wouldn't: named -u named -g named be sufficient ??? Regards, Onno At 07:10 AM 11/12/99 -0800, aphro wrote: On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Marco Giardini wrote: marco > nobody has compiled and released the new named for slink bug free? marco >If yes, where is it available? marco >t

Re: Core dumps & /proc/kcore

1999-11-15 Thread Onno
You have 128Mb of memory ;-) It maps your memory to that virtual file. It doen't take any space on your disk. Regards At 11:51 AM 11/13/99 -0600, David J. Kanter wrote: I'm trying to free up some disk space so hunted for core dumps. All I could find (find / -name "core" -xdev) was /proc/kcore,

Re: Annoying Network card

1999-11-15 Thread Onno
least use ifconfig to bring the interface up. Regards, Onno At 05:55 PM 11/13/99 -0800, Jon Hughes wrote: First off, thanks to those who have been helping me on getting @home to work with linux here. really really appreciate it :) While I think the network settings are correct, my problem now

Re: Help with kernel log

1999-11-15 Thread Onno
ISP. Be friendly and say that the 'attacker' has mis-configurated his computer, he wil get the message... Regards, Onno At 12:36 PM 11/14/99 -0500, Krug Tech wrote: I have a debian system which is always connected to the Internet and I use it as a firewall (forwarding, masquerading, etc.

Re: kernel compile and modules

1999-11-15 Thread Onno
anges in /etc/lilo.conf Make sure that you can boot the old image and that you get promted! # lilo Regards, Onno

Re: Proper place for IPCHAINS rules

1999-11-16 Thread Onno
c/init.d/ipchains' in the '/etc/rcS.d' directory. This way the script will be run before S40network (sets the ethernet interfaces). It's better not to make a link in rc6.d for shutdown... let the firewall die with the kernel ;-) PS: the script in IPCHAINS HOWTO is flawed too...

Re: scsi boot install

1999-11-16 Thread Onno
Strange, did you try the specific install disks for the Adaptec SCSI controller??? Onno At 08:39 AM 11/16/99 +0100, Marek Andricik wrote: On Fri, Nov 05, 1999 at 09:26:14AM +0100, Onno wrote: > > This is an old slink bug, there are install disks for the > Adaptec SCSI controller you h

Re: scsi boot install

1999-11-17 Thread Onno
You should report this to the boot-floppies people. Regards, Onno At 02:26 PM 11/16/99 +0100, Marek Andricik wrote: On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 09:38:23AM +0100, Onno wrote: > > Strange, did you try the specific install disks for the > Adaptec SCSI controller??? No, I built new kernel

Re: scsi boot install: similar problems...

1999-11-17 Thread Onno
27;ll need the Drivers * Floppy from the standard location. * A competing and newer set of Rescue and Driver Floppies for * Adaptec users can be found at http://www.debian.org/~adric/aic7xxx/. [snip] Regards, Onno At 09:54 AM 11/16/99 -0500, Josh Duncan wrote: Hello all, I am new to this lis

Re: Printing Problems

1999-11-17 Thread Onno
Did you check ipchains and /etc/hosts.deny ??? Just a quick thought, Onno At 09:13 AM 11/16/99 -0700, Sean McIlwain wrote: I am still attempting to print to my serial printer using lpr. I tried to following: 1)root# ifconfig lo 2)root# route add -host lo 3

Re: Installation problems...

1999-11-17 Thread Onno
At 04:23 PM 11/16/99 +, Carlo Contavalli wrote: Hi All! I'm trying to install debian on a dual Pentium machine with a SCSI controller, but after the prompt and after "Loading", without printing any dot, it stops and prints "Boot failed". "Loading Boot failed". The computer has two penti

Re: Beginners How-To use Debian as a LAN

1999-11-17 Thread Onno
I hope nobody flames me... I'm running Debian servers and Mandrake workstations and in your particular position I would recommend Mandrake 6.1. Regards, Onno At 11:57 AM 11/16/99 -0500, Brian Burnes wrote: Hello: I am a microbiology laboratory manager with limited computer literacy,

Re: Multiple IP Addressing

1999-11-17 Thread Onno
e NIC's. I added a seperate script in /etc/init.d/network for eth1 Just to understand your problem better: why the load balanceing??? Regards, Onno but it overwrites eth0 default route which is destination - default gateway - genmask - flags - UG metric - 1 ref -

Re: Proper place for IPCHAINS rules

1999-11-17 Thread Onno
o setup ipchains # # Written by Onno Ebbinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # Version 1.1 (08-Jul-1999) # # Run this script before the network is launched. # # DHCP users must run this script as soon as they have their IP number. # They will be vulnerable during this time but in most cases this will # be a fract

Re: squid question

1999-11-17 Thread Onno
It is possible, see the standard squid config file for solutions. Regards, Onno At 02:03 PM 11/17/99 +0300, Serge Gavrilov wrote: Hello, I need to configure squid as follows. Squid must use (itself) another proxy. Does anybody know: is it possible? Thank you in advance, -- Serge Gavrilov

Re: [Q] Setting up a primary DNS server for my domain name on a Debian box...

1999-11-18 Thread Onno
I'm not a wiz at DNS config but I've done some domain install with success... Here it goes: At 01:50 PM 11/17/99 -0800, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote: [Note: Would appreciate if you Cc-ed me on your replies to this thread] Hi, I have never configured bind before. I have a Debian (slink+pota

Re: PPP problems on potato

1999-11-18 Thread Onno
I'm not an expert on this bit I have an idea... Nov 17 21:29:14 debian pppd[137]: Serial connection established. Nov 17 21:29:14 debian pppd[137]: Using interface ppp0 Nov 17 21:29:14 debian pppd[137]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1 Nov 17 21:29:46 debian pppd[137]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Re

Re: /tmp permissions changed!

1999-11-18 Thread Onno
No problem here... I installed from the potato boot flops. Regards, Onno At 03:10 AM 11/19/99 +0100, J Horacio MG wrote: Hi, all of a sudden I realized the /tmp permissions had changed to: 2 drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 2048 Nov 19 02:57 tmp/ so, I changed it back to sticky with

Re: UDP port 1025(Blackjack)

1999-11-18 Thread Onno
Thanks for the great tip! Regards, Onno At 07:31 PM 11/17/99 +, Chris Schleifer wrote: Hi, I don't know a lot about this stuff but I can help a little I think. When you are using a network, ports will get opened on your machine whenever you make a connection, this way the remote ma

Re: encryption licenses

1999-11-18 Thread Onno
Maybe the guys at debian-legal (licensing issues) know the answers to your questions. Regards, Onno At 08:47 AM 11/17/99 -0800, aphro wrote: It's been really hard for me to get whats needed in terms of liceses(if any) for encryption. What i'd like to know, if anyone can enlig

Re: How to savely copy a disk?

1999-11-18 Thread Onno
Norton Ghost would be a good util, see if you can borrow it from a friend. Regards, Onno At 11:26 AM 11/18/99 +0100, Peter Weiss wrote: Hello, my harddisk is on the edge (still dma/ irq errors). Is there an easy way to copy all partitions (Vfat WinNT/ Debian Linux/ Linux Swap) to new

Re: Dual-ethernet

1999-11-20 Thread Onno
0x220 irq=10,11 This is necessary even with drivers that normally autprobe, as they stop looking once they've found the first card. Just modprobe works fine, ifconfig can find them both (2x 3c905b). Regards, Onno

Re: Thanks! Re: secure pop3 via ssh

1999-11-20 Thread Onno
Please share your findings. Regards, Onno At 08:08 AM 11/19/99 -0200, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote: Hi, Thanks you all! I've enough material to study. I think I'll be able to do this soon. []s, Mario O.de Menezes"Many are the plans i

Re: ipchains and DNS problem

1999-11-20 Thread Onno
Your sever must be the DNS for the LAN. Just setup a forwarding/caching DNS on your server, it come's out of the box when you install BIND. Regards, Onno At 06:05 PM 11/19/99 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have ipchains working, but my workstations cannot get out to the internet be

Re: What's gone in Corel Linux

1999-11-20 Thread Onno
"Don't fix it if it isn't broken" I hope you know what the implications of this can be... Regards, Onno

Re: recommend mp3 encoder

1999-11-22 Thread Onno
The quality of the encoder -engines- are in order: Fraunhoffer (spelling correct?) Xing ISO However, the quality differences are only noticeable by -very- high trained professionals or with oscilloscopes. Regards, Onno At 03:55 PM 11/20/99 -0500, Arcady Genkin wrote: Hi all: I'm lo

Need expert help on default selection and dependencies in dselect

2001-03-17 Thread Onno
oid debconf in packages that depend on it? Expert question: Can I make dselect ignore depends on debconf? Please cc me because I'm not subscribed (anymore…). Sincerely, Onno

Apache FrontPage Extensions

2000-02-07 Thread onno
I need info on the Apache FrontPage Extensions under potato! Anyone? Regards, Onno

Re: Which Boot Manager?

2000-02-08 Thread Onno
I use System Commander. Regards, Onno At 01:05 AM 2/5/00 +, Lane Lester wrote: >I currently have Win 98 and NT along with Corel Linux on my system. >CL's lilo lets me go with either Linux or Windows, and NT's boot >manager lets me pick between 98 and NT. > &g

Re: Apache FrontPage Extensions

2000-02-08 Thread Onno
cript is presented as universal for Linux, but I know that it IS very difficult to make such a universal scrip. My question is: Has anyone experiance with those files from the MS site OR other (opensource) frontpage extensions under POTATO? Thanks, Onno >- Original Message - >

Re: Which Boot Manager?

2000-02-09 Thread Onno
allows you to setup users. You can deny users to boot partitions and/or see data partitions. 3) It easy to setup and use. Regards, Onno At 11:00 PM 2/8/00 +, Sean Johnson wrote: >I don't understand why anyone using Linux would resort to 3rd party >proprietary software to m

Re: 2.2 kernel

2000-02-09 Thread Onno
2.2.13 and 2.2.14 are lokking good, is there anyone on this list that find them unstable? On one server I maintain I use 2.2.13 and it has an uptime of 72 days now. No wierd stuff happening and no strange log entries. Yet... Regards, Onno At 11:36 PM 2/8/00 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Re: Apache FrontPage Extensions

2000-02-09 Thread Onno
copy please. Thanks, Onno

RE: oracle 8i

2000-02-11 Thread Onno
did you use? (and ofcourse from where ;-) Regards, Onno >+=> -Original Message- >+=> From: Tiago Antao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >+=> Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 10:34 AM >+=> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org >+=> Subject: oracle 8i >+=> >+=>

Re: Check This Out!

2000-02-11 Thread Onno
why I'm sending this message to you! [snip] > >Who is going to be the first to tell him that this mailing list >charges $1000 for advertising? Maybe the whole debian-user list should mail him back personely ;-) Lets see what happens... Regards, Onno

Re: Check This Out!

2000-02-11 Thread Onno
f data: >host mx1.mail.yahoo.com []: >552 qdirdel.1 error 100:User is over the quota. You can try again later. Maybe donald19m now? See ya, Onno At 09:19 AM 2/11/00 +0100, Onno wrote: >At 08:48 AM 2/10/00 -0800, Carl Johnson wrote: >><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Re: Check This Out!

2000-02-12 Thread Onno
At 04:25 PM 2/11/00 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> Onno> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]: >> Onno> >SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data: >> Onno> >host mx1.mail.yahoo.com []: >> Onno> >552 qdirdel.1 error 100:User

Re: Out of control tcplogd

2000-02-14 Thread Onno
Wasn't tcplogd itself a security risk? I think it was on the debian-security mailing list... Regards, Onno At 11:07 PM 2/13/00 -0500, Mark Lynn wrote: >I have two machines running Corel Linux 1.0 (not sure which debain >release this corresponds to) and am having difficulty w

Re: good identd ?

2000-02-15 Thread Onno
e one responce for the enrite LAN and that is FAST! Hope this helps a bit, Onno At 09:27 PM 2/14/00 -0800, aphro wrote: >anyone know a good fast, robust ident daemon ? i have been using pidentd >but today i got mails from one of the status reporters on my systems that >irc servers were d

Re: Exim: frustrations configuring a satellite system

2000-02-16 Thread Onno
mailhost and that the mail is re-routed to the fallbackhost that is in your DNS MX record. Please check your DNS settings, I had a problem with my DNS once and it also created strange mail problems with receiving mail. Maybe you could send your zone file... Regards, Onno

Re: masquerading & ftp

2000-02-16 Thread Onno
There is a ip_masq_ftp module that allows you to use active and passive FTP behind a MASQ box. Works fine here. Regards, Onno At 04:07 PM 2/15/00 -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote: >On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 03:06:00PM -0600, Brian McGroarty wrote: >: As a learning exercise, I'm re

Please help, I'm desperate (SAMBA)

2000-02-16 Thread Onno
ogon script - config.pol - registry - ??? Thanks in advance, Onno

Re: BogoMIPS ?

2000-02-19 Thread Onno
http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/mini/BogoMips Regards, Onno At 12:59 PM 2/19/00 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >Hi there, > >could anyone please tell me what "BogoMIPS" at bootup means? > >Thanks in advance, > >Uwe > > >-- >Unsubsc

Re: Squid

2000-02-20 Thread Onno
Please take a look at the order you placed the http_access rule in, it does matter! Regards, Onno At 01:38 PM 2/19/00 +, Sven Gaerner wrote: >Hi, > >I want to to deny the access of some domains like microsoft.com... >I added the following lines to /etc/squid.conf > >acl


2000-03-22 Thread Onno
but it has to scale to three LAN's and more... Any pointers, advice or pitfall warnings are welcome. Thanks in advance, Onno

Linux bootfloppy and mount

2000-03-22 Thread Onno
Is/Are there a Linux bootfloppy('s) where I can use mount? I don't care if it is NFS or SAMBA. It is like a disksless machine that needs tools and files from a server. Regards, Onno

Re: Time taken by a script

2000-03-23 Thread Onno
Ron is rights, but you can get an idea when you do prepend the time command like: time script It gives you a few stats. Regards, Onno At 06:19 AM 3/23/00 +, Debian Linux User wrote: >Ron Rademaker wrote: > >> I've written a cgi script in perl an I would like to know how

Re: A little bad press about Debian

2000-03-23 Thread Onno
> Ultimately, it's the similarity between FreeBSD and > Linux that's confusing you, not really the differences. Good quote candidate... Regards, Onno

Re: 2 networks

2000-03-23 Thread Onno
Dear George, Would you be so kind to send me more info on your statement? Sincerely. Onno At 10:25 PM 3/22/00 -0800, George Bonser wrote: > >For two months T1 payment you can get wireless at T1 speed that will work >over that distance with no problem. > > > >On Wed, 22

Re: Squid ACLs does not work

2000-03-25 Thread Onno
allow and deny files are all the tools you need. The keywords are flat ASCII and row based and give all the flexibility you need. I don't see the need for any extra software. Regards, Onno

RE: Squid ACLs does not work

2000-03-26 Thread Onno
Can you give me any figures? Regards, Onno At 01:26 PM 3/26/00 +1200, C. Falconer wrote: >I disagree with your disagreement -grin- > >Plain ACLs are too slow especially on a large and/or busy cache. > >-- >From: Onno[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Sent: Sunday, 26 Ma

RE: s...l...o...w... ppp xfers

2000-03-30 Thread Onno
Did you check the MTU setting? For ethernet compatibility it needs to be 1500. Good luck, Onno At 01:25 PM 3/29/00 -0600, Rick Hayter wrote: >> I'm looking for some troubleshooting help. >> Slink is working like a champ in all aspects but ppp connection speed. >> Actu

Re: Make a network firewall with real IPs

1999-12-06 Thread Onno
Don't forget to set your internet interface in promicuous mode ;-) Then do your route and ipchains stuff... Regards, Onno At 09:30 AM 12/2/13 -0200, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote: > Hi all, > I have a computer (486 SX 33 - 16 Mb - 2 ethernet cards) that I w

Re: ipmasqadm

1999-12-06 Thread Onno
Where do you want to use it for ??? Regards, Onno At 11:38 PM 12/5/99 -0800, Dave Wiard wrote: >could somebody give me some pointers on how to use ipmasqadm? i don't >seem to have a man page for it and 'usage: ipmasqadm MODULE [opts] ' >doesn't help me much. i d

imap (was: Re: hosts.allow and hosts.deny)

1999-12-09 Thread Onno
At 01:28 PM 12/8/99 -0500, Jaldhar H. Vyas wrote: [snip] >Do you have an /etc/cram-md5.pwd file? >Does it have actual usernames and passwords in it? Do you have more info on this? Regards, Onno >-- >Jaldhar H. Vyas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > >-- >Unsubscrib

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