Browsers normaly default to pasv ftp, but the smartupdate
feature could be an exception. In that case you need
to load the ip_masq_ftp module.
At 05:16 PM 11/8/99 -0500, Brian Servis wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to use the Netscape SmartUpdate feature to upgrade a few
Win9x boxes that access the net through my Debian box using ipmasq.
Everything goes fine until the actual download is supposed to start.
The 'SmartUpdate Download Manager' comes up but then it just sits there
swipping its little Battlestar Galactica indicator on the bottom of the
Download window. The status says 'Reading file...Done' but nothing
every dowloaded.
Has anyone else had success with this. I think I have also seen other
evidence of perhaps ipmasq problems with sites that want some sort of
non standard communication. My wife always has problems with our
online bank page and other complex sites.
I am running potato with kernel 2.2.12 and the ipmasq 3.4.1 package.
Do I need to modify some of the rules in /etc/ipmasq for this to work
Brian Servis
Mechanical Engineering | Never criticize anybody until you
Purdue University | have walked a mile in their shoes,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | because by that time you will be a | mile away and have their shoes.
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