Re: How to clear screen before login prompt

1998-06-30 Thread Oliver Elphick
0 terminals could easily get hung by being sent unrecognised sequences). Using the clear command ensures that the sequence sent is correct for the current terminal type. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http://www.lfi

Re: repost - fvwm95 install problem

1998-07-01 Thread Oliver Elphick
need to load the package xlib6-dev (bo) or xlib6g-dev (hamm). -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 =

Re: e2fsck

1998-07-01 Thread Oliver Elphick
ing to be written back to disk. If you _are_ shutting down properly, you may have a faulty hard disk; change it quick -- it can only get worse. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http

Re: dump & restore

1998-07-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
xdev | cpio -oBH crc >/dev/st0 find top-level_directories -xdev | afio -oc 32768 -s 0 -T 3k -Z >/dev/st0 tar czf /dev/st0 top-level_directories There are also the programs taper, which I have not used, and tob, which is

Re: e2fsck

1998-07-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
for a standard number of files. If more files are put in the directory, its size grows to accommodate the extra entries. A directory does not shrink if files are deleted. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http://www.lfix.c

Re: break download

1998-07-03 Thread Oliver Elphick
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >- Is there any FTP programm which would permit to stop a download >in order to go on later even if the computer have been switch off ? >This could be > useful for huge files as staroffice... use the reget command in ftp or use `wget -c&#

Re: off topic: gimp

1998-07-03 Thread Oliver Elphick
es necessary to run the GIMP > >-- >Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /de >v/null > > -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight


1998-07-07 Thread Oliver Elphick
ith it. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "Trust in the Lord with all your

Re: Irritating ^H and double characters in documentation

1998-07-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
t this? sed -e '//s/\(.\)./\1/g' < infile > outfile The  is actually ctrl-h (backspace). To type it in as a real character at the terminal, you will have to precede it with ctrl-v. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Lost stdio.h

1998-07-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
Craig Askings wrote: >Hi all, > > During my upgrade to the Hamm distribution, I've managed to lose a >file called stdio.h. Could someone please tell me witch package it is in? libc6-dev -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECT

Re: MUA configuration for correct From address.

1998-07-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
Shaul wrote: >> > I am using smail and fetchmail. It is working, altough I have to add a >> > Reply-To field becuase the recpiants can't find my machine from the Inte >rnet. >> > Note that my machine is called rakefet. I am the user shaul. My ISP logi >n name >> > is beitamos

Re: you or redhat?

1998-07-17 Thread Oliver Elphick
st missing libraries or incompatible versions largest number of developers and testers can install rpm as well as its own format The new release of Debian (next week, barring disasters) is very well tested (I have been using it for a year) and well worth a try. -- Oliver

Re: Drive mounting

1998-07-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
e directory /root, which is root's home directory. You said `mkdir dos' rather than `mkdir /dos', so you actually created /root/dos. Do `mv /root/dos /dos' and do the mount again. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Drive mounting

1998-07-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
gical partition /dev/hda63 63rd (and last) logical partition Your other questions I cannot answer. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public se

Re: RAM SIZE large than 64MB

1998-07-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
2.0.33 label=linux2033 append="mem=96m aic7xxx=ultra" ^^^ read-only ... -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Specifying Ultra-SCSI? Re: RAM SIZE large than 64MB

1998-07-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHAN#A (TGT 6 LUN 0): nxfers 39895 (37691 read;2204 written) blks(512) rd=641846; blks(512) wr=24234 < 512 512-1K 1-2K 2-4K 4-8K 8-16K 16-32K 32-64K 64-128K >128K Reads: 1 0 27357327 12

Re: Moving a life to a dos box

1998-07-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
e disk: umount /mnt When the disk light goes out, remove the disk. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public serv

Re: how to run binary prg?

1998-07-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
urrent directory. `./Hello' should work. `echo $PATH' will show the current search path. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Questions from a new user [forwarded]

1998-07-21 Thread Oliver Elphick
vice | Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557 FAX: 915.674.6724 | ACU Station, Box 29005 | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Abilene, TX 79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General | ===

Re: LPRng & printer Port

1998-07-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
2 Dec 9 1996 /dev/lp2 crw-rw 1 root lp 6, 3 Dec 9 1996 /dev/lp3 -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from publi

Re: Time is still not right.

1998-07-24 Thread Oliver Elphick
not be the same, except in Britain and countries in the GMT timezone, and then only in winter -- oh yes, and Western Europe in summer. I believe this can be a problem if you run Microsoft software too, because they don't do it right. -- Oliver Elphick[EMA

Re: Kernel Compilation Filesystem Configuration

1998-07-24 Thread Oliver Elphick
27;t disabled... > >Is there anything else I have to do to enable these filesystems in xconfig? Enable 'Native language support' (CONFIG_NLS) -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

[Re: The future?] User Documentation

1998-07-24 Thread Oliver Elphick
o more detailed information. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "Be not

Re: Newbie C Question

1998-07-25 Thread Oliver Elphick
compile it with gcc -o hello hello.c If you get errors, you probably haven't installed all the packages you need: gcc, cpp, binutils, libc6-dev (this assumes Debian 2.0; use libc5 if you're still on bo) -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Installing to a Harddrive other than C:

1998-07-26 Thread Oliver Elphick
u use LOADLIN, it would be best to install this program on your C: drive, but not the whole of Linux, of course. The standard installation program offers to install LILO. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http://www.lfix.c

Re: Printer.................

1998-07-27 Thread Oliver Elphick
rving a sin- gle queue; client programs do not need to run SUID root; greatly enhanced security checks; and a greatly improved permission and authorization mechanism." So that means better, in the authors' opinion, at

Re: shell programming question

1998-07-27 Thread Oliver Elphick
are marked thus: <-- remove_records() { if [ -z "$lastname" ]; then echo You must select an address first find_ad n fi if [ -n "$lastname" -a -n "$firstname" ]; then <-- echo "You are about to delete $firstname $lastname"

Re: How to find files by text/subdirectories

1999-02-08 Thread Oliver Elphick
the same thing, will be faster and cleaner: find directory_list -type f | xargs grep 'search_pattern' find is a very useful program, with many options. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: using dpkg

1999-02-08 Thread Oliver Elphick
TH. >> >>dpkg: `update-rc.d' not found on PATH. >> >>dpkg: 4 expected program(s) not found on PATH. > >Why are those four programs not found? Because you are not running as superuser (as you must to install packages). Those programs are in /sbin an

Re: where is "rc.local"

1999-02-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
gure out how to >get dselect to install from /usr/src dselect installs .deb files from a list in a Packages.gz file. If you don't have a Packages.gz file, use dpkg -i package1.deb package2.deb ... to install specific packages. -- Oliver Elphick[

Re: [RfS] Request for Submissions: Upcoming Debian Logo

1999-02-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
and expensive advertising, or the equivalent in news coverage. Since we can't afford the one, and see no prospect of the other, it seems perverse to throw away one of the best aids to recognition. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wigh

Re: how much processor time is allocated to a program

1999-02-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
the value of the TIMEFORMAT variable as the output format. times: times Print the accumulated user and system times for processes run from the shell. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Last gasp at CD-RW

1999-02-27 Thread Oliver Elphick
aster /dev/hdc 2nd IDE slave /dev/hdd -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 ===

Re: Last gasp at CD-RW

1999-02-28 Thread Oliver Elphick
Stephen Pitts wrote: >On Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 10:38:08PM +0000, Oliver Elphick wrote: >> >I'm still trying to install CD-RW, an HP IDE version. I've compiled th >e ^^^ >> >scsi emulation, scsi cd-rom.

Re: PLEASE HELP: Can't access my system....

1999-03-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
n installation floppy or CD; mount the root partition; go to a shell and edit /target/etc/fstab; reboot from hard disk. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public serve

Re: stop machine before fvwm2

1999-03-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
ur X session is up and running. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "I

Re: is postgresql free?

1999-03-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
payment for licences. However, if you want more than 32 simultaneous users of postgresql, you will have to recompile it; then you will have to recompile your kernel to allow more shared memory and semaphores... Release 6.5 of PostgreSQL will change the 32 user

Re: I really need help!

1999-04-03 Thread Oliver Elphick
already exists; the destination is the new link to be created. ln (link) is analogous to cp (copy) and mv (move, rename), which may help one to remember which way to put the arguments. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight h

Re: Newbie Questions

1999-04-03 Thread Oliver Elphick
Chris Mayes wrote: [... other questions I have skipped ...] >Oh, that reminds me: where do I set the default windowmanager? /etc/X11/window-managers The one at the top of the list is the default. Or edit your own .xinitrc and .xsession to change it for your self only. -- Oliver Elph

Re: /dev/isdnctrl Operation not supported....

1999-04-03 Thread Oliver Elphick
' message back. >I have tryed lots and lots of things but still no luck. > >Does anybody have a clue? > You will get this is the appropriate modules are not loaded in your kernel. lsmod should show isdn and a card-specific module. -- Oliver Elphi

Re: Mouse Trouble

1999-04-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
y change anything that uses it to use /dev/psaux instead. You certainly should not redefine /dev/ttyS0, which is your first serial port. Check the interrupts in use by running `cat /proc/interrupts'. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: ip-up for each user?

1999-04-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
up automatically whenever a program attempts to connect to an external site. My own arrangement is for fetchmail to run whenever the link comes up, and for cron to do a single ping from time to time to ensure that the link does come up and collect mail, even if no-one is using it otherwise. -- O

Re: ip-up for each user?

1999-04-05 Thread Oliver Elphick
Robbie Huffman wrote: >On Mon, Apr 05, 1999 at 08:58:22AM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote: >> It sounds as if you should use diald to bring the link up automatically >> whenever a program attempts to connect to an external site. My own >> arrangement is for fetchmail to

Re: shell magic/info

1998-12-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
passwd ;; 2) date ;; 3) exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "$x is a bad choice!\a"

Re: driver for intel etherexpress won't install

1998-12-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
allation failed. It possibly means that the module is trying to initialise the card with incorrect interrupt, DMA or I/O parameters. I had that when trying to load the ALSA sound drivers with the wrong parameters. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PRO

Re: getting to runlevel 3 after X crash?

1998-12-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
both of these methods fail, try using `ps ax | grep xdm' to identify the xdm process and `kill -9 process_number' to stop it. If the screen is still disabled after this, it might be possible to use some svgalib program to set it back to a sane state. However, this is outs

Re: how to check whether everything is installed

1998-12-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
alled_ files: dpkg -S 2. To look for a file in the complete list of all Debian packaged files, download Contents-${ARCH}.gz from /dists/Additional question: What does "mktimes" mean? No idea. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: how to check whether everything is installed

1998-12-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
for make, you need to install the make package. It may, on the other hand, be a file that is called for inside the makefile; perhaps you need to post the error output... -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Syslog message errors!

1998-12-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
nds a clash - there ought not to be a clash! -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 ===

Re: X-windows/Mouse

1998-12-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
ed. I found i >t listed >under the directory, under "Console utilities." I ran dpkg --status gmp and > got the >following: >Status: purge ok not-installed >Priority: optional >Section: oldlibs gmp is a "Multiprecision ar

Re: Configuring modem and connecting to the net

1998-12-16 Thread Oliver Elphick
ip-up,v 1.19 1998/08/10 06:27:47 phil Exp $ # # Sample diald ip-up script -- GV # iface=$1 netmask=$2 localip=$3 remoteip=$4 metric=$5 # Set the time and date ntpdate -s -t 5 & # Get mail fetchmail # Run the mai

Re: Trouble with diaresis and ssharp key

1998-12-17 Thread Oliver Elphick
t en_US or en_GB for American and British English. es_DE would mean Spanish as spoken in Germany. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public serv

Re: Can it be that mail that is saved in my home dir is world readable ?

1998-12-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
olly olly 2048 Dec 18 07:08 Mail The permissions below this can be as free as you like; no-one except myself can descend the tree to access the files. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: email

1998-12-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
got "The command adduser does > >I think the correct command is adduser the_username(you) dip Yes >> not exist." adduser is in /usr/sbin; you would need to become superuser in order to run it. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Memory Problem

1998-12-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >I seem to be having a memory leak on my system, and I'm not sure how to >find out which program it is. Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions >on how to find it? Try memstat, which reports the memory used by individual programs. --

Re: xdm

1998-12-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
Or boot from the distribution CD. Mount your root partition; then start a shell, or use another virtual terminal, to edit the file, whose pathname will be /target/etc/X11/config, if you have used the installation CD. (At this stage /etc is in a RAM disk, which will disappear completely when you re

Re: startx

1998-12-20 Thread Oliver Elphick
g /etc/X11/Xserver. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "And she

Re: Logitech TrackMan Maple+

1998-12-29 Thread Oliver Elphick
arble is a PS/2 device: Section "Pointer" Protocol"PS/2" Device "/dev/mouse" EndSection ...and... device=/dev/psaux responsiveness= type=ps2 append="-l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\"" (The append= line isn't

Re: Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread Oliver Elphick
en one or more additional layers of parallel port handling added. Read through the documentation in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/parport.txt. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Thanks/Switching X managers

1998-12-31 Thread Oliver Elphick
at .xsession is used by xdm but not by startx (which uses .xinitrc). You should ensure that ~/.xsession is linked to ~/.xinitrc so that they are effectively the same file. You also need to check /etc/X11/config, as Noah pointed out. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL P

Re: GNOME and Packages

1999-01-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
If it is not `ok installed', you have not managed to complete the installation of your base system properly. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Error connecting to postgres database

1999-01-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
ther user who is allowed to add users - at first installation there will not be any such). Any users successfully created will be in pg_shadow, so the error you report indicates that createuser failed in some way. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: SQLs Servers in Debian

1999-01-11 Thread Oliver Elphick
Shaleh wrote: >> 1) Is there any frontend gui to postgres in Debian Hamm or Slink >> or Pota >> to? > >Install the tcl postgres package and you will get a tcl/tk pased frontend ca >led >pgaccess. It is rather nice. This package is called

Re: postgresql: copy help

1999-01-12 Thread Oliver Elphick
S ','; Note that you must quote the filename and the delimiter charcter. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1

Re: timezone = 1168 ???

1999-01-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
gt;but no one responded. I ran your little program and got this output: >tzname=[EST,CDT] >timezone=21600 > >That should be CST,CDT and 3600. Does anyone know what's going on here? I can't comment on why you're getting EST instead of CST, but 21600 is

Re: Postgres and Foreign keys...

1999-01-14 Thread Oliver Elphick
ontrib (in potato). You will have to upgrade postgresql and other related packages in order to install it. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key

Re: pygres in slink/hamm?

1999-01-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
in the next PostgreSQL package. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1

Re: Humptey-Dumptey

1999-01-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
tup files: xdm uses ~/.xsession and startx uses ~/.xinitrc. These files should normally be linked together.) -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PG


1999-01-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
aking a significant amount of space that simply isn't available on the installation floppies. dselect/apt has to work as soon as the base system is installed. If you introduce a complex product like a RDBMS, there's just too much extra that can go wrong. -- Oliver Elphick

Re: Debian goes big business? [was: Re: Suggestion for RedHat (

1999-01-21 Thread Oliver Elphick
ess, that's GBP120,000 ($180,000), maybe more. If anyone wants to join and can put up some capital, let's hear from you! -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from p

Re: SQL packages

1999-01-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
n has 6.3.2-16 -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "He that give

Re: X manager installation changes /dev/mouse from psaux to ttyS0

1999-01-22 Thread Oliver Elphick
yS0 and /dev/psaux => /dev/ttyS0 > >Can anyone help me resolve this? I am quite out of my depth here (not >that I was too deep to begin with). As superuser, do: ln -sf /dev/psaux /dev/mouse and maybe ln -sf /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem -- Oliver Elphick

Re: SQL packages

1999-01-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
d need to upgrade to Debian 2.x. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "

Re: Basic Quastions

1999-01-26 Thread Oliver Elphick
xinitrc.] >2nd - How can I change the menus. To remove or add some apps >or games. Install the menu package and read its documentation. >3rd - Can I have some shortcuts in the desktop? How? This depends which window manager you choose... -- Oliver Elphick

Re: What owns a piece of postgresql...

1999-01-26 Thread Oliver Elphick
hich, as far as I can tell, handles things correctly. You should also read /usr/doc/postgresql/README.Debian.migration[.gz]. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from publi

Re: printing/lpr

1999-01-27 Thread Oliver Elphick
Gossamer wrote: > >Is there a way to set up the print stuff so that when I go > >lpr > >it adds margins and stuff? It's ugly as is. Use `lpr -p' or install enscript. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: TAR command question

1999-01-30 Thread Oliver Elphick
that > I >trust. To archive a directory and everything under it into a compressed tar file called archive.tar.gz: tar czf /path/to/archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: Problem installing minicom

1999-01-30 Thread Oliver Elphick
he above must be done as superuser, of course.) If the floppy disk is DOS formatted, rather than Win95 formatted, use `mount -t msdos' instead of `mount -t vfat'; in this case, the filename may be wrong (limited to 8.3 characters) so use `ls /mnt' to

Re: Help with unzipping files.

1999-01-30 Thread Oliver Elphick
, use gunzip *.bz2 ? - compressed with bzip, [not sure what to use here] There may be others. Tell us which you are dealing with and we can give more information. -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http://www.lfix.

Re: chmod script

1999-02-01 Thread Oliver Elphick
| xargs chmod u+x -- Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "And be not conformed t

Re: TK installation

1999-02-01 Thread Oliver Elphick
kAppInit.c >In file included from ./tkAppInit.c:16: >../generic/tk.h:77: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory The compiler failed to find an include file it needed. That file is /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Xlib.h which is in package xlib6g-dev. Make sure you have xlib6g-dev ins

Re: Connect boxes

1999-08-07 Thread Oliver Elphick
, empty, directory. (If it isn't empty, you will lose sight of its files as long as the remote directory is mounted.) -- Vote against SPAM: ==== Oliver Elphick

Re: Login script!

1999-08-07 Thread Oliver Elphick
. -- Vote against SPAM: ======== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key

Re: Shell scripts

1999-08-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
to improve it? I'm happy to look at it for you. -- Vote against SPAM: ======== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http://www.lfi

Re: Shell scripts

1999-08-10 Thread Oliver Elphick
Michael Merten wrote: >On Mon, Aug 09, 1999 at 06:32:26PM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote: >> Michael Merten wrote: >> >Hi, >> > >> >I've written a rather elaborate shell script and was wondering... >> >are there any script guru

Re: Shell scripts

1999-08-10 Thread Oliver Elphick ======== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 ===

SCSI errors in xmcd

1999-08-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
pam/ ==== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1 "Watch ye therefore,

Re: killing ALL of a user's processes at once

1999-08-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
ll *processes* of a certain name, use killall (package psmisc). To kill all processes belonging to a certain *user*, use slay (package slay). -- Vote against SPAM: ======== Oliver Elphick

Re: SCSI errors in xmcd (more info)

1999-08-13 Thread Oliver Elphick
"Oliver Elphick" wrote: >I am running xmcd with a Yamaha CD writer connected to an Adaptec 2940UW >SCSI card. > >About twice a second throughout playing a CD I get these errors in the >xterm from which I started xmcd: > >CD audio: SCSI command erro

Re: Save me: LILO!

1999-08-15 Thread Oliver Elphick
Vote against SPAM: ======== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public serve

Re: SQL engines

1999-08-26 Thread Oliver Elphick ============ Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key from public server

Re: Installing Debian 2.1r2

1999-08-27 Thread Oliver Elphick
Vote against SPAM: ==== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: nfsroot package (applying to become a maintainer)

1999-08-29 Thread Oliver Elphick
sted as the package maintainer for the time being. -- Vote against SPAM: ======== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight http://www.lfix.c

Re: Newbie - Mail question and other odds and ends

1999-08-29 Thread Oliver Elphick
nd such. Is that tool still accessible after >you've installed the base system? I don't think it's available after you've finished your installation. -- Vote against SPAM: ===

Re: Dividing a large long lined file

1999-09-02 Thread Oliver Elphick
ote against SPAM: ======== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight PGP key

Re: Databases

1999-09-09 Thread Oliver Elphick
ff naturally. I suggest you look at php3 and related packages (php3-pgsql for example). -- Vote against SPAM: ======== Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wig

Guessing the date style from the timezone for postgresql postinst

1999-09-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
* ) # The rest of the world uses normal European format GuessDateStyle=EURO ;; esac echo $tzcountry $GuessDateStyle exit 0 # The End Vote against SPAM: Oliver E

Re: Guessing the date style from the timezone for postgresql postinst

1999-09-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
Carey Evans wrote: >"Oliver Elphick" writes: > >> If you have a recent potato system, with timezone files in >> /usr/share/zoneinfo, could you please run the script and let me know if >> it gives WRONG results for you. If it does, please tell me your t

Re: Guessing the date style from the timezone for postgresql postinst

1999-09-18 Thread Oliver Elphick
"$x" in ( SystemV | posix | right ) > ^ >is causing this. Thanks; I'll remove it. -- Vote against SPAM: Oliver Elphick[EMAIL PROTECTED] Isle of Wight

Re: manual use of e2fsck to repair dev/hdbx

1999-09-19 Thread Oliver Elphick
/lost+found directory. You will have to examine these to try and work out where they came from. If you end up with any files whose permissions are insane and which cannot be deleted, you will have to give up and recreate the partition. -- Vote against SPAM: http://www.politik-dig

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