>> "JHM" == J Horacio MG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
JHM> I've been checking around and I've got libgnome 0.30.1-5
JHM> installed, and the only header in /usr/lib/glib/include/ is
JHM> glibconfig.h (no gnome.h in there nor anywhere else).
As for the gtk devel package, you also need the libgnome
>> "GW" == Gregory Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
GW> The install was very smooth. I installed with the Web server plus
GW> option. I am close to having the base system operational. I have
GW> been working on my IP Masq commands and it seems a lot of the
GW> discussions on IP Masq are on 'ipcha
>> "MMD" == Matthew Myers Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
MMD> a) why X won't start as root (the account with "exec
MMD> gnome-session" in the .xsession file)
Check ~/.xsession-errors for clues about why it didn't start properly.
MMD> c) how to get out of XDM so that I can start fixing the ab
>> "AJF" == Andrew J Fortune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
AJF> However, I am currently running with Debian 2.0, and I am
AJF> wondering if someone could please advise this newbie as to
AJF> whether or not this installation would work for me ?
Frankly, I don't know, as we didn't try this. If you a
>> "HvdB" == Hans van den Boogert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
In addidtion to the answer you got:
HvdB> out the dependencies and get the files from either
HvdB> place. However, apt needs a packages.gz file for the directory
HvdB> in order to know what is in the directory. I haven't figured out
>> "DG" == David Gaudine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
DG> I just installed Gnome today, without having any clue what I was
DG> doing.
Did you read http://www.gnome.org/start/getting_debian.shtml ?
DG> My .xsession-errors tells me "gnome-session not found", and
DG> indeed there's no such thing on
>> "PL" == Peter Ludwig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
PL> if $header_Resent-From: contains debian-isp then
PL> save $home/mail/debian-isp
PL> endif
You should filter on the X-Mailing-List header. Works best here with
>> "AJF" == Andrew J Fortune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> When you run pppconfig, and it asks for the modem port and the default
>> says "/dev/modem", change it to "/dev/ttyS[0-3]", with the 0-3 being the
>> number of the "COM port" your modem is on minus one. For example, if the
>> modem is on
>> "AG" == Arcady Genkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
AG> How can I rectify this problem? I know that "Sender" headers are
AG> not to blame (read they are not supposed to cause any harm), but
AG> in our imperfect world they do. And "Return-path" should be fixed
AG> too.
At the end of /etc/exim.co
>> "AS" == Adam Shand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
AS> anyway, thanks for the info... that sucks though. have you found
AS> anything that helps? it crashes about 1 of 4 times i shut down a
AS> netscape window, and about 1 of 2 times i try and enter a password
AS> protected site ... since these a
>> "J" == Jor-el <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
J> up in [EMAIL PROTECTED] 's mailbox says that it was sent by [EMAIL
J> is most certainly NOT what I want. Is there a way to force header
J> rewriting only for non-local deliveries?
This is only possible, if you run two instances
>> "MT" == Michael Talbot-Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
MT> When I start xdm my keyboard locks and I have to switch the
MT> computer off. The mouse works.
This happens when more than one display manager or getty tries to
handle a virtual console.
Check /etc/inittab which is the first uncl
>> "AC" == Anthony Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
AC> I'm registering for an ISP which gives the server for outgoing mail
AC> (relay.force9.net).
AC> Can anyone tell me where this has to be configured please?
Run smailconfig, use Option "Internet site" and enter the name as the
>> "MS" == Martin Saturka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
MS> I can't make to work php-cgi with non apache httpd's. Is there a
MS> way? (I use cern-httpd, but I'm satisfied with any non gutsy
MS> eater httpd.)
I have no problems with it on th Roxen webserver. I just do a redirect
>> "SP" == Stephen Pitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
SP> Has anyone found an X-based mail program that does threading?
gnus in XEmacs.
>> "LC" == Lex Chive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
LC> So, did I miss something? How am I supposed to use equivs, I just
LC> put the package name in /etc/equivs.conf and run debian/rules
LC> binary, right?
The equivs package in slink doesn't work with apt too well. You would
have to bump up the ve
>> "PQdA" == Pedro Quaresma de Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
PQdA> I have a Matrox Millennium G200 (8Mg) working in my computer,
PQdA> and I have a driver for it "xmatrox_2.2-1_i386.deb".
These are old 2D drivers for X. The SVGA server package found at
ftp.netgod.net (or in unstable) nativ
>> "AVT" == Alex V Toropov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
AVT> it's executes all tasks from /etc/crontab and /etc/cron.d/* at
AVT> specified time as if it's UTC time, not local time as I'd like it
AVT> to be.
Check the debian-devel archives of late january/late february and see
if the problem with
>> "MM" == Marc Matteo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
MM> So what determines an "r" release? The Debian pages say the
MM> current release is at 2.1r2. How do I know if I have an "r2"
MM> release?
Use apt on a stable tree on a server. If there won't be any packages
installed on apt-get dist-upgrad
>> "s" == shaleh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
s> 3) I have heard that people are working on a slink version of
s> You can wait and see.
They are recompiled for some time now.
deb http://ftp.netgod.net x/
in sources list and one can install them.
>> "AM" == Alisdair McDiarmid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
AM> I've got an ATX system with APM enabled and working fine. I'd like
AM> to disable the power button in software so that the machine
AM> effectively cannot be switched off without root access - `shutdown
AM> -h now' would still halt and
>> "BC" == Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
BC> Or you could install the debsums package which will also let you create
BC> .md5sum files for packages that don't have them.
How do you do that? There is nothing in the manpage or in
/usr/doc/debsums about this.
>> "MJ" == Marcus Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
MJ> They seems to work just fine. Anyone know how to test the glx-g200
MJ> driver? The mesa-gl screensavers dont seem to be any faster etc...
Anything that is compiled against Mesa will do. But you either have to
recompile it against libGL
>> "SC" == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
SC> $ echo "Testing. Please ignore." | sendmail -v
SC> <= [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=thaths P=local S=295
SC> www:~ $ Exim version 2.05 debug level 1 uid=8 gid=8
SC> probably Berkeley DB version 1.8x (
> On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 12:34:57PM -0700, did George Bonser write:
>> Your EHLO is broken. That host probably requires a fully qualified domain
>> name. www.
>> Just www will probably not work. This is LIKELY due to your /etc/hosts
>> being incorrect.
>> "SC" == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <
>> "pa" == per adua32 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
pa> I thought I'd install the X window server today, but it seems that
pa> the version of X that came with my debian cd does not support my
pa> videocard (Matrox MGA-G100).
You can get a newer version from ftp.netgod.net/x
>> "KS" == Kevin Septor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
KS> program pops up allowing you to choose between tasks or profiles
KS> and it then passes that info on to dselct so that you don't have
KS> to tool around with 2000+ plus packages on your own.
KS> Well I seemed to of blown by that screen (aga
>> "Chad" == Chad A Adlawan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Chad> does anyone know of a way to change the default "useradd" or
Chad> "adduser" behaviour in terms of giving permissions to the new
Chad> users home directory ? that is, when u add a new user, the
Chad> permission on his/her new home dir
>> "David" == David Teague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
David> Even with a fresh install, I couldn't get a script. If I leave
David> dselect after it starts in the initial boot up to start a
David> script, that screen never appears again, if memory serves. You
David> say thse parts of the script a
>> "Sami" == Sami Dalouche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Sami> Yes, but with RPM, you can configure properly your system and rm
Sami> a file after. dpkg -C won't se that while rpm will.
Try the package cruft and the package debsums.
>> "Johan" == Johan Ur Riise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Johan> My system is fairly update with the unstable archive. I have a
Johan> dual processor machine, and i run the 2.2.9 kernel. I also run
Johan> ipchains.
Do you use the stock ISDN drivers from the kernel? I think they are
still older th
>> "Andrew" == Andrew Martin Adrian Cater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Andrew> On ED /tmp has permissions of 755 so nothing can write temp files.
Either that, or you untar'ed some archive as root into /tmp that had
the . directory in it.
One should always untar in a subdirectory of /tmp.
>> "Christian" == Christian Dysthe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Christian> To a certain extent I have to agree, but where I REALLY
Christian> think Linux lags behind is email. I miss an email client
Christian> coming close to for instance Outlook Express and The Bat!
Christian> for Windows (or eve
>> "Mark" == Mark Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I have yet to see a program on any operating system that comes close
>> to the power of gnus.
Mark> Which also starts you off at the top.
Not if you don't want this. It is a changeable, as everything
The problem is not the cursor at
>> "Rolf" == Rolf Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Rolf> That gives me a '--exclude=files.txt' file. Trying to remove it
Rolf> as 'rm -i --exclude=files.txt' was unpossible. But when I go upp
Rolf> one directory, then it was easy to remove the file.
-- starts an option. Commands, that accept -
>> "Mark" == Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Mark> order to telnet into my gateway (is that right?)). But i've read
Mark> in the past that telnet isn't very secure and that people can
Mark> intercept logins and passwords when one telnets to a computer.
If the packages pass theri box. For
>> "Kristian" == Kristian Kvhntopp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kristian> I am searching for information on unattended installation of
Kristian> Linux distributions on Intel machines.
Kristian> I already have installation about how to do this with
Kristian> RedHat, but I am still looking on infor
>> "Kristopher" == Kristopher Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kristopher> What is the correct way to switch between different
Kristopher> "alternatives"? For example, currently my /usr/bin/vi
Kristopher> points to nvi. What is the right way to change it to
Kristopher> point to vim or elvis?
>> "Dan" == Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Dan> I know... but xdm has a loop that never exits. If you go to "Quit
Dan> X-windows" when you right click, it just restarts xdm. Thank you
Dan> for reminding me of the name though.
Then switch to a virtual console by pressing ctrl+strg+f1, log in as
>> "Bob" == Bob Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Bob> NOW, as I say some months later (it can't have been that long
Bob> though) I come to notice I have an empty /etc/rc.boot dir.
/etc/rc.boot is depreciated.
The scripts are nowe in /etc/init.d and have a link in /etc/rcS.d
which contains
>> "Nico" == Nico De Ranter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Nico> That's exactly why I wanted to upgrade the whole system in stead
Nico> of just the ppp package. I considered downloading the source
Nico> and compiling it myself but that would make it difficult to
Nico> upgrade later on.
Actually, h
>> "Hans" == Hans van den Boogert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hans> After you install the base system, put the first CD-ROM of the
Hans> Debian distribution in the tray, fire up dselect and run
Hans> 'update.'
Hans> Then take out the first CD-ROM, put in the second CD-ROM and do
Hans> an 'update
>> "Hans" == Hans van den Boogert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hans> So what about sending mail then? Using 'smail' sounds obvious,
Hans> but how does the route from MUA to the SMTP server go.
The MTA you install receives the mails you send using your MUA and
sends them to the destination. Either
>> "Brian" == Brian Schramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Brian> I am using one machine to run Debian 2.1. I do not have a
Brian> network but I want bind to handle caching of DNS inquires. I
Brian> am doing this so I can use the sendmail genericstable and
Brian> virtualtable and convert my addres
>> "Ben" == Ben Lutgens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Ben> I just upgraded and now I can't send mail to any addresses at my
Ben> ISP,
What upgrade? From which version to which?
Ben> I have to "masquerade" my box as my ISP so mail will get through
Ben> to any addresses but if I do exim doesn't que
>> "Brian" == Brian Schramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Brian> On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
Brian> I thought forwaders where for a local network. That is why I
Brian> did not put any in.
No, if you have a LAN and want to resolve the IPs you us
>> "Ali" == Ali Onur Uyar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Ali> Now the question is wether Exim rejects smtp requests from
Ali> localhost.
Does the error message contain the smtp error exim gave?
Does hostname --domain match the value for local_domains in the exim
To which address do
>> "dave" == dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
dave> geko:/home/geko# dpkg -i python-base_1.5.2-4.deb
dave> (Reading database ... 28377 files and directories currently
dave> installed.)
dave> Preparing to replace python-base 1.5.2-4 (using
dave> python-base_1.5.2-4.deb) ...
dave> Unpacking repla
>> "Patrick" == Patrick Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Patrick> This seems to come from novare.net the details of which are
Patrick> as follows. Could we find some way of barring all mail from
Patrick> these spammers?
Novare host the Debian list server. When a mail is send to the list,
it gets
>> "Bruno" == Bruno Boettcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bruno> i would like to cope myself with the jdk (BTW i have the jdk1.2
Bruno> installed, which isn't in the distrib yet...) but i didn't
Bruno> found a way to tell dselect to not install the dist jdk, but
Bruno> still install the tools i n
>> "Raymond" == Raymond A Ingles wrote:
Raymond> Hmm. Is there anyone actually doing anything about the spam
Raymond> on the Debian lists? Email inquiries I've sent have not been
Raymond> answered...
Spam Fighting Team -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
member Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED
>> "Steve" == Steve Beitzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[ Please do linewraps at ~70 characters ]
Steve> I am trying to configure exim for the following behavior:
Steve> * Fully capable local delivery
Steve> * No remote delivery EXCEPT to users on one specific computer
Steve> on our LAN.
Run e
>> "George" == George Bonser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
George> Set up exim as a standalone system UNABLE to deliver internet
George> mail. This is an option in eximconfig and then add the one
George> router listed above for LAN delivery to the one host. Any
George> other mail will not find a cap
>> "Romeu" == Romeu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Romeu> One which I can drag buttons, create forms an handle events,
Romeu> just like Delphi an VB. Is there such a tool?
You want a GUI builder. This depends on the language your application
is written in.
[Please answer bel
>> "Damon" == Damon Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Damon> What we need is some way to keep track of the amount of
Damon> bandwidth usage that this person uses. He'll have a static IP
Damon> address.
ipfwadm and ipchains can both log the traffic through accounting
rules. I didn't use them so f
>> "Jason" == Jason Carley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jason> I was wondering whether there was a standard convention for
Jason> which file to use for module loading. I am not sure whether
Jason> modules.conf or my startup script is the best spot for loading
Jason> sound modules.
There is no mod
>> "Debian" == Debian Developer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[central vs. spreaded config files]
Debian> Is this a design intention, is this a goal ?
Yes. And it is an advantage.
It is easier to handle, less error prone, and it allows for network
If your central file defines the n
>> "Renato" == Renato Katsuragawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Renato> So, I'd like to know if has a manner to do this in a really
Renato> non-interactive installation. This can be done without any
Renato> configuration.
Not yet. It is no the TODO list, and is worked on.
>> "Felipe" == Felipe Alvarez Harnecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Felipe> Hi, anybody knows about a simple "user manual" DTD available
Felipe> ?? DocBook is oversized for this task and i don't know about
Felipe> any repository of DTDs.
Maybe linuxdoc? There is a debian package. As for Docbook,
>> "David" == David Karlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David> Instead, it seems that my script should be incorporated into
David> (or called by) poff. Should I put my command(s) at the very
David> to of /usr/bin/poff, or is there a more appropriate location?
Better write your own poff version, w
>> "David" == David Karlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David> and my path (user) is:
David> /sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin,
David> wouldn't the original, /usr/bin/poff, be called instead of my new
David> /usr/local/bin/poff?
Yes. But what is th
>> "lena" == lena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
lena> I am a newbie with administrating my own Debian server, and got problems
lena> that got to do with security.
If you are new to this, go to your local bookshop, and check the
"Practical UNIX & Internet Security" (O'Reilly).
Especially if your l
>> "Pollywog" == Pollywog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pollywog> Where will documents go now? I cannot RTM if I cannot find it ;)
In Policy 3.0.0, Debian has moved to FHS as the path layout. Install
the debian-policy package.
FHS: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/
>> "Andrei" == Andrei Ivanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You can instead deny them telnet access in /etc/hosts.deny
>> with something like:
>> in.telnetd: ALL
Andrei> That would refuse telnet access to everyone, and she would not be able
Andrei> telnet to the box from somewhere else to
>> "Andri" == Andri Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andri> Do you know what software to use and how to accomplish auto installing
Andri> scripts for the new user?
I don't know any programm that does this. I think anyone uses a custom
script, written especially for his needs, to add new users (a
>> "Pollywog" == Pollywog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pollywog> I do notice that you have both stable and unstable sources in the
same file
Pollywog> and I wonder how the system does not downgrade some of your packages.
Because apt-get only considers the newest version of a packages found
in mu
>> "John" == John Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John> them. Any body have any suggestions? Please hold off on the
John> "Gourmet GEEK" jokes. I've heard them all.
Hmm, never heared of such jokes. Dare to post two o three? :-)
>> "Andri" == Andri Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andri> Everytime I restart my debian pc after having turned it off
Andri> debian tells me at bootup that devices were not unmounted
Andri> properly. I don't use any commands to shutdown debian, I just
Andri> use the on/off switch when I'm finish
>> "Patrick" == Patrick Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Patrick> It is true that its hard to work out how to get the machine
Patrick> off in Linux. I use halt...which no-one here suggested. Is
Patrick> it not the most logical way to halt a system?
Halt did not sync the disks. If you ask some "
>> "Klaus" == Klaus Pieper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Klaus> one with dselect and all the web packages were gone. So, is
Klaus> there any chance either to remove the old perl stuff and keep
Klaus> the dependent packages or can I build a deb package from the
Klaus> tar file?
The equivs package f
>> "Stephen" == Stephen Pitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[..exim as daemon..]
Stephen> Uncomment the "exit 0" line in /etc/init.d/exim.
Also disable it in inetd.conf and reload the inetd config with
/etc/init.d/inetd reload
>> "Michael" == Michael Merten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Michael> I really have to step in here. The 'intuitive' argument is
Michael> habitually used to argue against *any* software that doesn't
Michael> conform in every way to the expectation of whoever is trying
Michael> to use it.
Yes, and
>> "Gary" == Gary L Hennigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Gary> Is there any way to find orphaned files/directories?
Use package cruft.
>> "Doug" == Doug Thistlethwaite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Doug> One more thing about Samba. Does anyone know why the
Doug> distribution does not have all of the tools that are described
Doug> on the samba site.
Because the package has been broken up.
Doug> There is a file that describes a se
>> "Kent" == Kent Hayden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kent> During installation, you're given an option to install by
Kent> tasks/profiles instead of dselect. Is there any way to access
Kent> this again later?
Unfortunately no. I am currently looking at some way to make this
possible for the next
>> "John" == John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Even though I've configured exim, it doesn't by itself arouse pppd,...
>> ...and so it doesn't actually send the messages.
John> You have to run it while connected to the Net. Type 'runq' as
John> root, or put runq in a script in /etc/ppp/
>> "Stephan" == Stephan Engelke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Stephan> + online version of the (Debian-specific) FAQ. There are
Stephan> some tools out there to automatically maintain a FAQ. Maybe
Stephan> something like the FAQ-O-Matic could be helpful, does anyone
Stephan> have experiences with s
>> "Kristopher" == Kristopher Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kristopher> Does anyone know what it's doing here, whether it's
Kristopher> important, and whether there is some way to either make it
Kristopher> work better
No, not at all.
Kristopher> or to turn it off completely?
This is some
>> "Doug" == Doug Thistlethwaite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Doug> password file (I don't even remember if it was an option at that
Doug> time). I think the latest version set the system up to use
Doug> passwords, but the file didn't have the users or passwords
Doug> available.
And it can't. SMB
>> "Buddha" == Buddha Buck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Buddha> interface being worked on right now is apt. Currently,
Buddha> gnome-apt is a decent, working packaging interface. In my
Buddha> opinion, it does not quite replace dselect (mainly because I
Buddha> can't easily tell which packages ar
>> "JonesMB" == JonesMB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
JonesMB> It would be nice if downloading gnome would suggest that
JonesMB> Window Maker or some other compatible Window manager. I
JonesMB> attempted to use gnome, then decided to download Window
JonesMB> Maker.
As someone already said: there
>> "peter" == peter karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
peter> If I run 'apt-get -f install' it wants to install cnews and
peter> inews, which I don't want to do.
peter> # dpkg -s equivs
peter> Package: equivs
peter> Status: install ok installed
peter> [...cut...]
peter> Provides: netscape4, lyn
>> "Chris" == Chris Beaumont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Chris> Is there anything Linux-friendly with anything approaching the
Chris> feature set of the program that I am used to, BBEdit on the
Chris> Power Macintosh...
I don't know BBEdit.
I use XEmacs. In .emacs, you put
(autoload 'html-mode
>> "Wayne" == Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wayne> Very good idea, Colin. That would be _much_ better than a
Wayne> weekly posting to the list! We would have to find a Maintainer
Wayne> to package it, of course.
It can be an addition, a weekly post is good nevertheless. I will mail
this is my proposal for a posting, it got longer than intended, but it
is a good one, I believe (corrections welcomed).
It is too long for a weekly posting, but it is a good welcome mail one
should get on subscription. And it can be made available on the net
(and in a newbie-doc package).
>> "Patrick" == Patrick Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Patrick> I want exim on my home machine to relay mail from the whole
Patrick> 212.19.64.x and 212.19.67.x so my email does not appear to
Patrick> have a spoofed header and go into spam folders on friends
Patrick> machines. [I tend to move d
>> "Martin" == Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Martin> Did you check the right spots for help?
Forgot about a thing for this part.
- Check the Bug Tracking System
Maybe the problem you encounter is a known bug?
http://bugs.debian.org/ will show
>> "Andreas" == Andreas Tille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andreas> Does anybody have an idea what to do or do I have to
Andreas> subscribe to the freeciv mailing list?
Either that, or file a bugreport on the Debian package, describing the
problem and the patch. The maintainer will forward it ups
>> "Patrick" == Patrick Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Patrick> had to do with headers...people complain of messages like this:
Patrick> at Mon, 19 Jul 1999 21:11:23 +0100 (BST) from
Patrick> [EMAIL PROTECTED] [] (may be forged)"
Complain to your ISP to fix his DNS.
>> "Steve" == Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Steve> I don't think people reply to any ol' message to create a new
Steve> message, but are replying to a message and were courtious
Steve> enough to change the subject and now someone is bitching about
Steve> it.
No, this is usually not the c
>> "Carl" == Carl Mummert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Carl> What I still haven't found is the equivilent of 'indent' for
Carl> html files, that will neaten up my code, single-case my
Carl> tags,etc.
Maybe this from unstable:
Package: tidy
Priority: optional
Section: web
Maintainer: Johnie Ingram
>> "Carl" == Carl Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> apt-get --install icewm
>> should be all you need to do.
Carl> No, actually it isn't, since that would install the version in
Carl> *stable*. That's what I have installed now. What I'd like to
Carl> do is install the version in *unstable
>> "Doug" == Doug Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Doug> a mammoth job since I'm not aware of any way to find files with html
Doug> extensioins other than open every directory one by one to see whats in
it. I
find /usr/doc/ -name "*.html"
locate .html
Doug> don't know whether or not its doing
>> "Stephen" == Stephen Pitts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Stephen> Yup, also, when you get a custom module from CPAN, put it in
Stephen> /usr/local/lib/site_perl, the proper place for downloaded
Stephen> modules.
This is the default place, when installing modules manually (or
through CPAN.pm).
>> "Halis" == Halis Osman Erkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Halis> As it seen your APM daemon is not working.
Which is only needed, if one wants to suspend the box. It is not
needed for poweroff on shutdown (apmd will be killed long before
anyway, so it has no effect).
>> "Michael" == Michael Stenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Michael> What do you mean by ASCII links? You just mean references?
Michael> I don't mind providing and ASCII version, but I think that
Michael> for ease of navigation, well designed HTML (as a final
Michael> version) would be best.
With /etc/exim/addresses
* "Martin Bialasinski Default" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
martinb "Martin Bialasinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
first column is the local username, "*"
>> "Colin" == Colin Marquardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Colin> Havoc PenningtonĀ“s Debian Tutorial (would be good to have it as
Colin> a package, is there already one?),
The tutorial has been extended by Ossama Othen and John Goertzen
(IIRC), and will be published as a book. As the tutorial is G
>> "Graham" == Graham Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Graham> All works great, of course, except Gnome seems to be trying to
Graham> open some audio device (I haven't compiled any kernels and I
Graham> don't think my Sound Blaster Pro compatible card is supported
Graham> in the kernel I have?
>> "Walter" == Walter Logeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Walter> Currently I have an ethernet 10 base T connection I use to
Walter> connect directly to an ethernet PCMCIA card in an ACER laptop.
Walter> No hub, I use a crosslinked cable. I works well in Win98
>> If you are connected to a networ
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