Re: Cannot play Audio Cds but Data Cds are fine (used to work)

2001-07-19 Thread Mark Wagnon
ave an IDE burner that I haven't gotten around to setting up yet. What's said here may help me dodge a bullet when I get ready to try. It's been too easy to reboot into Windows, are burn a disc when I need to. However, last weekend I reached the limit of my tolerance for the crashes and yanked the Windows drive. ;^) Good luck! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Exim & fetchmail & procmail ...

2001-07-21 Thread Mark Wagnon
f you're having problems with retrieving mail, then maybe you could run fectmail with the -v option and then inpspect the output. I can't reælly tell what you're requesting help with. Did you make an earlier post with more details? -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
Are there any docs for the simple minded? I've searched on Google and have found a lot of examples pertaining to forwarding. Thanks in advance for any direction on this. -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
a nuts-and-bolts, do-it-yourself kind of guy? Thanks again! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 07/22/01 17:27:58 +1000, Sam Varghese wrote: > Have a look at > I'm sure I'll be using this to decipher logs in the near future. Thanks for the link! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: ipchains for the firewall challenged

2001-07-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
sed in the iptables world and haven't used > ipchains in a while (and don't have a machine to test it on, either), > so if it has a couple of syntactical glitches in it, please bear with > me.) No problem, just a great big "thank you" for taking the time to explain this to me and others. <<< firewall script snipped >>> Thanks again, I've already added your message to my Saved folder! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: A NEWBIE inquiry......

2001-07-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
e of the basics and let me see what some of Linux's capabilities are. You might also look for any Linux User's Groups in your area. Check out for starters. I just found a LUG in San Antonio. Web site at: Good luck, and hey, you've already tapped one of the best sources of info--this list! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Debian Issues!!

2001-07-27 Thread Mark Wagnon
This was posted earlier in the week: Don't forget to donate to the cause if you find yourself liking Debian (and you will). Good luck! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Copying Linux to a new drive

2001-07-29 Thread Mark Wagnon
example) that cp can't handle. Any > suggestions? Hi there, I recently did this using the Hard Disk Upgrade Mini How-To as my guide: Everything went smoothly for me (that's saying a lot 8^) ), so you might want to sta

Mouse trouble in X using a KVM switch

2001-12-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
ocol, but I needed the added functionality of the scroll wheel. Before changing the protocol and adding the ZAxisMapping entries, the mouse worked fine, even leaving my switch on the Windows box for an extended period of time. I was wondering if anyone else out there has had this problem and manag

Re: Mouse trouble in X using a KVM switch

2001-12-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
immediately grab the mouse and start clicking. I let it sit for about 5 seconds and then tried to use it. It seems to be working okay right now, and that's after nearly 18 hours of not being used. Maybe I just need a little patience. I'll continue my experiment, but if it seems like the rode

Re: stupid exim problems (NEWBIE-ish)

2001-04-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
At 10:59 PM 4/1/2001 -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote: Hey, This cursed exim has proved quite painful to set up. I'm trying to get it to work through my proxy server, so I ran eximconfig. I chose option 2 (receive mail w/ fetchmail, send with smarthost). I told it my visible mail name = cmath

Re: Mail & News Reader

2001-04-02 Thread Mark Wagnon
At 07:54 AM 4/2/2001 +0200, Axel Schlicht wrote: [snip] As far as I know I should have the following to receive and send emails and participate in usenet newsgroups: - ISDN for Linux - a mail retrieval program : fetchmail ? - a mail transport agent (MTA) : procmail ? exim ? - a mail reader : ti

Re: Staroffice for stable?

2001-04-15 Thread Mark Wagnon
On Sunday 15 April 2001 08:25, Stan Brown wrote: > Where can I ge (preferably a .deb) to isntall SatrOffice on my > stable machine? I'm not sure if there is one, but I downloaded the monster-sized file from Sun's site ( and installed it. Just install it as root with the /net (

X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
none of my modelines have a setting that high in my XF86Config-4 file. I've been poking around in the docs, but am not making much headway. Any help will be greatly appreciated... -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _ Do You Y

Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-11 Thread Mark Wagnon
k. I've hunted down and renamed all my XF86Config* files with the exception of /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. I just don't understand where it's pulling the resolution setting it's using from. If anyone thinks of anything else...please share ;-) TIA! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-12 Thread Mark Wagnon
file on my web page. It can be viewed by pointing your browser here: I entered my monitor specifics also. This is really weird. I expect X to start using 1024x768 and that's it. Why it's selecting the higher res is beyond me. Thanks! -- Mark Wagnon

Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/12/02 14:51:51 -0600, Dimitri Maziuk wrote: > * Mark Wagnon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly: > > ...The problem is that it's > > driving my monitor at a resolution that 1) renders everything too > > small to read, and 2) that AFAIK, is outstide my monitor's &

Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
thing is okay, but when I run it as root, I get the weirdness. I don't run X as root, so it's probably no big deal, but still, I'd like to resolve the problem. X is pulling this info from somewhere, if not from the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file. T

Fetchmail Problems with Retrieving Mail

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
this and know how to address it? TIA! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

Re: Fetchmail Problems with Retrieving Mail

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
ork to my ISP's new network, which involves an email change. Thanks! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

Re: Fetchmail Problems with Retrieving Mail

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
kept messages essential to solving issues on my system and deleted the rest. Thanks! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 01/13/02 02:18:58 -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote: > On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 10:03:57PM -0800, Mark Wagnon wrote: > > On 01/12/02 10:03:03 +0100, Joachim Fahnenmueller wrote: > > > Edit your XF86config-4 file, look for lines like these (see below). > > > Insert the cor

Re: X Configuration in Woody

2002-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
;-) Yeah, I had to tweak my setup a little after getting things straightened out. All better now. I didn't think of reading the manpage for XF86Config-4 (had always looked at the one for XF86Config, duh!) Thanks for your help! --

Re: Mouse functionality

2002-01-15 Thread Mark Wagnon
VM switch, something happens to the mouse support when I come back to my Linux box. I have to restart the gpm daemon for things to correct themselves. I bit of a pain, but it's not too difficult to get to the console and restart gpm. Before setting it up this way, I had to kill the X session w

User-Created Menu Entries

2001-05-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all, I'm reading through the menu.txt.gz file in the menu package documentation but I'm confused. I read: A user can specify his/her own menu entries in the `~/.menu' directory. The files can have an arbitrary file name as long as the new syntax for the menu entries is used. They shoul

Re: User-Created Menu Entries

2001-05-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
plnk > > to force the DB to be rebuilt, or maybe just restart KDE. [..] Thanks, I've taken a quick look and it looks promissing. I'll check it out in earnest tomorrow. -- ---- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: User-Created Menu Entries

2001-05-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
u.hook"), Okay, I'll give that a shot. Seems simple enough of a concept for me to grasp. I'll do some experimentation and see what I can conjure up. Thanks for the help! Mark -- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ((

Dependency Problems with Ximiam-GNOME Install

2001-05-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
s about codecommander. Should I be getting my GNOME from somewhere else? Thanks! -- -------- ) Mark Wagnon ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ( Chula Vista, CA ((

Re: I'm so lost

2001-05-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
. you could then check them out at your leisure. Other great sources of information (besides this list) are the Linux Documentation Project at and the Linux Gazette at Check the dates on the guides and HOWTOs because they can become dated really qui

Re: Novice mail project

2001-05-20 Thread Mark Wagnon
ingboard: I hope that gets you going in the right direction. Good luck! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

Printer Question

2001-05-25 Thread Mark Wagnon
predicament. Thanks in advance for any advice. -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
response. Yes I have X up and running. I've never heard of printtool. I've take a look at it. Thanks again! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

Re: Printer Question

2001-05-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
fore the day is done. It's drag to have to reboot to print :-( -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> _ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at

Re: filtering email via EXIM -- question

2001-06-07 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/06/01 05:41:58 -0500, will trillich wrote: [..] > 1) is the exim filtering mechanism uncharacteristically > lethargic? seems like processing takes heap long time forever. > maybe i missed an option or feature...? Not sure about that. Mine seems to function normally. I'm not processing a bu

Upgrade Path From Potato :-(

2001-06-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all, I'm not sure if I've screwed up here, but I decided to upgrade from potato to woody last night, but now I can't seem to get X reconfigured. Looking at dselect, it looks as if I have packages from both 3.3 and 4.0 versions of X installed. This can't be good, right? I'm not sure what exactl

Re: Upgrade Path From Potato :-(

2001-06-09 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/08/01 17:02:57 -0700, Jeremiah H. Savage wrote: > >From my experience of upgrading from Potato, I've found it's best to do a > couple of 'apt-get install [foo]' before doing the whole 'dist-upgrade.' The > first foo I install is 'dpkg' (fewer segfaults later on that way), then 'apt'. > Upgrad

Re: dhcp

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
specify your hostname when you try to get your network info from your ISP's DHCP server? On my system, my hostname is different from that my ISP assigns me. I've seen lines similar to pump/dhcpclient -h "$DHCP_HOSTNAME" (something like that), but where does one set DHCP_HOSTNAME?

Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
ls) net" option. After the install, each user on the system runs the setup to install the minimal files/directories under their home directories. I'll go ahead and do it again and see what happens. Good Luck! -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
is left for the download). Are you unable to install it at all, or are you just looking for some advice on how it should be installed? I've CCd the list to keep all others reading the thread informed. -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-10 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/10/01 13:16:15 -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote: > On 06/10/01 21:47:41 +0200, Frans Schreuder wrote: > > [..] > > > But your install 'sequence' doesn't ring a bell ;-) > > ?espesially? (memory?) the 'net'-option. > > > > I have the

Re: star office debian-correct installation

2001-06-11 Thread Mark Wagnon
On 06/10/01 17:37:44 -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote: > On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 01:50:16PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote: > > :This started the installation program I put it in > :/usr/local/bin/soffice52. After the installation finished, I then > :logged in as an unpriviledge

Re: Getting Mutt to view jpg files

2001-06-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
t; > > Do if you have Image Magick installed, "display" will be used to display > images. You can, of course, change this to your favorite image viewer. [..] -- Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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