On 01/13/02 01:07:05 -0800, Dmitriy wrote:
> On a retreival of a certain message server drops connection.
> You have to go into webmail account (which may be inaccesible for
> around 10 mins or so after attempt), and move all messages to a
> different folder.  Then go through all of them until u see a "You
> browser sent a malformed request to the server".  Delete move that
> message.  All the messages you could read through web interface are
> safe to move back into Inbox and receive with fetchmail. After a while
> problematic message gets accesible again. I have no Idea what is
> causing this a effect, by message from certain people on the list seem
> to "become problematic" more often then others.

Ah, so maybe a mangled message seems to be the culprit? I wasn't as
thorough as you in tracking down the problem. I just kept messages
essential to solving issues on my system and deleted the rest.

  Mark Wagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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