Hi all,
I am using debian/unstable, and find i can't install gnome with
the following error:
#aptitude install gnome
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
E: Unable t
Pure Sid, or sarge/sid, or sid/experimental? Maybe you have
something lurking in your /etc/apt/sources.list that you forgot
I am using Pure unstable Sid.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,
This is a question from a linux newbie. I am quite confused with
linux hard disk partition.
Someone tell me that i just need three partitions: /boot, swap and /.
Some others tell me to separate /home from /. There is some another
suggestion that i should separate /var form /.
RRPotratz wrote:
This CAN be confusing. Technically, the only partitions you NEED are
/ and swap. Even then you may not need swap if you've got a ton of
RAM. That being said, still make a swap partition.
When I try out a distro, I generally add a /home partition as well so
that if I install
Hi all,
After installing libflash-mozplugin 0.4.11-2 for my mozilla 1.7.3,
whenever i visit webpages containing flash, the mozilla window crashed.
Is there anyone that have the same problem? and how to fix it?
Thank you for suggestion.
Hi all,
I am using debian ustable with kde 3.3. I wonder why my kde is so
weak. It oftern crashes.
I am not curious to know the reasons why my kde often crashes. I
just want to know when meeting such problems, how can i analyze the
problem. I am not familiar with the log system on Lin
s. keeling wrote:
Incoming from Lian Liming:
I am using debian ustable with kde 3.3. I wonder why my kde is so
weak. It oftern crashes.
I am not curious to know the reasons why my kde often crashes. I
just want to know when meeting such problems, how can i analyze the
problem. I am
W. Paul Mills wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Lian Liming wrote:
| Hi all,
|After installing libflash-mozplugin 0.4.11-2 for my mozilla 1.7.3,
| whenever i visit webpages containing flash, the mozilla window crashed.
|Is there anyone that have the same problem? and how
Hi all,
I just have problem of compiling kernel. The standard debian way of
compiling kernel is using the make-kpkg. But i never successfully
compile any kernel(2.6.*) on my box(AMD althon1400, 256DDR, 40IDE hard
What strange is that there is different error on different time.
I'm no expert on this but I think your problem is that lilo or grub is
pointing to /dev/hda1 instead of /dev/hda3 (your root partition).
Perhaps try putting root=/dev/hda3 in your booting script.
the following is content of my grub booting script:
Perhaps you need to compile an initrd and you forgot to give the
option to make-kpkg...
This is something confusing me so long. Is it neccessary to make the
initrd file?
I just remember that i have read quite a lot articles about compiling
kernel on Linux, a lot of them do not tell t
newbin shang wrote:
the following is content of my grub booting script:
color cyan/blue white/blue
title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.7-1-386
according to your fstab, i think the root
Hi all,
I have a box with a pre-installed gentoo system. Since that system
is installed by my friend and we share the same box, i can't destroy
it. I'd like to use Debian system. So i am thinking about two boot linux
system -- Gentoo && Debian -- working on the same box.
There are sever
Sun Liwen wrote:
Thank you very much for reply.
i think you can install only one grub to boot the two system with
editing menu.lst.
Do you mean that when i install Debian, I can skip "the boot loader
installation" ?
ps: two grub is ok.
The boot loader on Gentoo is installed on MBR. So if i want
Hi all,
I have a Athlon XP 1400 box. And after installing Debian, i find i
can never successfully compile the new kernel, there are always
"internal compile error" reported by gcc.
Following is the ouput from "gcc -v":
Hash: SHA1
Lian Liming wrote:
| Hi all,
| I have a Athlon XP 1400 box. And after installing Debian, i find i
| can never successfully compile the new kernel, there are always
| "internal compile error" reported by gcc.
I believe I had the same problem. To succe
Hi all,
I am a linux user who swich other linux distro to debian linux. I
find apache configuration on debian seems a little different from other
distro. So i am looking for document for apache configuration on debian.
But there is only a README with brief introduction about the
Hi all,
I am using kde and my sound card can work under the kde environment.
I can use xmms or mplayer to play music or video. I can also heard the
sound of kde startup.
But when i want to use kmix to control the volume, it reports "mixer
cannot be found".
I don't know what is the rela
In your KDE control panel:sound, you are informed that KDE monopolizes
your sound system to make its noises, and you can set the release time.
I think that, when you punch up kmix, there is a desktop noise, and
kmix has to wait 15 seconds to load. It times out. If you set the
release time to one
Hi all,
I am not familiar with java. A software in my box need java2
environment. Using aptitude search, i find there is a package
java2-common(i am using debian unstable).
After installation of that package, i find the java environment is
still not available.
I can find only that packa
Hi all,
I am using deiban/unstable with xfree86 and i have installed
"nvidia-kernel" and "nvidia-glx" for my nvidia video card. The option
for "video driver" in XF86Config have also be changed from "nv" to "nvidia".
But i still have a problem starting the xmame with the following
Hi all,
I just receive a file from my friend in Microsoft Access database
file format. Since there is just debian linux on my box, i wonder if
there is any linux tool that can correctly open that file?
Thank you for suggestions.
with a subject o
Hi all,
I am using debian/unstable. I want to know which package i need to
install that can enable php syntax highlight in emacs editor. I have
used "aptitude search" but can't find related packages.
Thank you for suggestions.
with a sub
Hi all,
I have 35 GB hard disk space for installing debian/ustable.I am a
common linux user and would like to do some web programming that means
I need X winodows with KDE and LAMP(linux, apache, mysql, php). To
limit damage upon system crash and better use the hard disk space, I
want to know s
The sound card on my laptop is "Multimedia audio controller: Intel
Corp. 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller"
(output by "lspci | grep audio").
I choose the "ALSA" as the card driver in the kernel option.
The problem is that, when booting into system, the
Hi all,
I am using debian/unstable and find i can't find "mplayer" in the
package list. After using "apt-cache search mplayer", i get the
following result:
mga-vid-source - Kernel drive
Hi all,
I am newbie to debian. I tried to recompile the kernel 2.6.8 following a
debian-kernel-how-to doc.
And now, i successfully install the new kernel and it can work. But the
problem now is that modules can't work on my new kernel system.
I get the error message when using the command "lsmod":
Hi all,
This is a newbie's question about compiling kernel on debian.
I follow the steps to compile the kernel:
1) download the kernel source file;
2) use "menuconfig" to choose the compile options;
3) use "make-kpkg buildpackage -rev Custom.1 kernel_image" to
generate .
Hi all,
This is a newbie's question about compiling kernel on debian.
I follow the steps to compile the kernel:
1) download the kernel source file;
2) use "menuconfig" to choose the compile options;
3) use "make-kpkg buildpackage -rev Custom.1 kernel_image" to
generate .deb f
Hi all,
I wonder if i can install knoppix directly to the hard disk?
I heard that the knoppix is based on debian system. So after
installed the knoppix to hard disk, can i use the "apt " package tools
on it?
Thank you for suggestions!
Hi all,
I just notice that the kernel version for debian install cds are
quite old, some are 2.4.X and some even older. Those kernels are out of
date. I should recompile the kernel to the high version after installation.
So i wonder if there are official or unofficial debian installation
David Dorward wrote:
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 23:12:38 +0800, Lian Liming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I just notice that the kernel version for debian install cds are
quite old, some are 2.4.X and some even older.
I'm working from memory as I don't fancy rebooting my laptop ju
Carl Fink wrote:
On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 12:02:42AM +0800, Lian Liming wrote:
Thank you for replay. Another question: when i install the debian system
using the boot cd with 2.4 kernel. I find i can only choose "ext2" and
"xfs" as my patition type. I prefer "ext
Matt Zagrabelny wrote:
~ That is exactly my question. How to choose the 2.6 kernel
as my install kernel version?
Current available Debian install cds seem just have 2.4 kernel or
earlier version.
if you are using the sarge install disc, you can install using the 2.6
Hi all,
I find the debian tool dselect is too hard for me, a debian newbie, :) .
Is there any other tool that can do such the things that dselect can
do. If there is graphic tool, that would be better.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trou
Hi all,
I am using mozilla firefox under KDE, and find that the font size on
toolbar and menu is too small to watch clearly. I tried to enlarge the
font size in firefox toolbar Edit->Preferences->General->Fonts & Colors.
But the changes only apply to the content of the browser. The font size
Andrew Schulman wrote:
Hi all,
I am using mozilla firefox under KDE, and find that the font size on
toolbar and menu is too small to watch clearly. I tried to enlarge the
font size in firefox toolbar Edit->Preferences->General->Fonts & Colors.
But the changes only apply to the content of the
Andrew Konosky wrote:
I started out in Linux with RedHat 8.0, then 9.0, and now I run Fedora
Core 2 on my primary computer. I have used the Knoppix cd a lot, which
I know is based on Debian, so I wanted to try out the full version of
Debian. I just installed Debian on my old computer, whi
Hi all,
I am now using the script "/etc/init.d/" to start service
manually. I wonder if there are any way to add service to auto start
when system boot up?
Thank you for suggestions!
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EM
Stefan O'Rear wrote:
On Fri, Sep 17, 2004 at 09:39:14AM +0800, Lian Liming wrote:
Hi all,
I am now using the script "/etc/init.d/" to start service
manually. I wonder if there are any way to add service to auto start
when system boot up?
Thank you for suggestions!
Hi all,
I wonder if there are any GUI cd writing tool available under
Debian. What I find so far is "cdrecord" which is a command line CD
writing tool.
Thanks in advance!
Real happiness rises from peace in the heart!
I do install xcdroast. Nice too! It is written in GTK.
But since I am using KDE, so forward my question, is there any GUI cd
writing tool for KDE?
On 7/16/05, Sergio Cuéllar Valdés <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2005/7/15, Lian Liming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hi all,
> >
Hi all,
I am using debian/unstable, and find the emacs
doesn't support php syntax highlight by default. So I used apt tool to
search emacs-related package but got no results for the emacs plugin of
php. I wonder if there are such kinds of php plugin for emacs on
Debian. Or I should install it m
Hi all,
To upgrade the package, I have two way:
"aptitude update" and then "aptitude upgrade",
or "aptitude update" and then "aptitude dist-upgrade".
So what is main difference between the two parameters
"upgrade" and "dist-upgrade" for command "aptitude"? and which is
recommended on
Dear all,
I find my space for "/" partition have little space left. So I want to delete some un-useful files.
It seems all my installed packages' deb files
locate under "/var/cache/apt". I *guess* those files should not be
necessary to my current system. So I want to delete them to rel
I just installed tomcat5 on debian/unstable. It is on my laptop with
P M1.6, 512M. The problem is that tomcat server is very slow to
connect. On my first connection after installation, it took 4~5 mins to
show the tomcat index on localhost:8010. Then I restarted the computer
to hope a better perfor
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