Re: 'ls' caching?

2004-12-22 Thread Kirk Strauser
$ rm -rf /tmp/foo Back in the original shell: $ ls -la total 0 $ pwd /tmp/foo $ cd $PWD cd: no such file or directory: /tmp/foo -- Kirk Strauser pgpUVIZEZIFbt.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] crossing nebraska

2004-12-28 Thread Kirk Strauser
inted with the south and west portions. > SWA #2062 crosses over its length in about an hour on the way from MDW > to OAK =) Smartass. :-) -- Kirk Strauser pgpsCqpRk26wf.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] crossing nebraska

2004-12-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
M broadcast to see what's out there on > the air when travelling through new places in the States. I still do that. I always think it's neat to find out that I'm picking up a station from Fargo, or Rapid City, or Chicago. -- Kirk Strauser pgpVqudDhnQct.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] crossing nebraska

2004-12-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
uthwest South Dakota (Rushmore and all that). We drove up to South Dakota and across to Rapid City, Mt. Rushmore, and the Badlands over the summer. That was some of the most beautiful country I've ever seen. -- Kirk Strauser pgp1N1tiZO0BB.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Big Open Roads (Was: Linux Functionality?)

2004-12-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
athtaking (although admittedly pretty boring in parts), since the landscape was completely and utterely different than what I'd grown up with at the edge of the Ozark Mountains. -- Kirk Strauser pgpTOTeNItinD.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Broken Konqueror?

2005-01-07 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Thursday 06 January 2005 21:21, Carl Fink wrote: > On a newly-updated Sarge system I'm now finding a totally broken > Konqueror. No - you're finding a Konqueror built for old versions of the libraries you just upgraded. Log out and back in and you should be OK. -

Re: nautilus soooooooo slow to load

2001-08-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
ad stabilized to an acceptable degree. In the sense of maintainability, readability, and traceability, the code is highly efficient. -- Kirk Strauser

Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread Kirk Strauser
l-world assault to the virtual assault committed by these infected servers, but could at least a little bit of the principle apply? -- Kirk Strauser

Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread Kirk Strauser
to spend the time off from work and the assurance from the EFF et al that I would receive decent representation. Sigh - to be young again. -- Kirk Strauser

Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread Kirk Strauser
ago? A meta-union would be handy for times like this: "We refuse to support the high-tech infrastructure of the United States until our citizen is released from your prison." -- Kirk Strauser

Re: I'm new to Debian and need advice

2001-08-08 Thread Kirk Strauser
ormer. Along those lines, pretty much all external modems will work without any special effort. -- Kirk Strauser

Re: I'm new to Debian and need advice

2001-08-09 Thread Kirk Strauser
g strike causing an external modem to roast a motherboard, but several cases of an internal modem taking out an entire system. This may not be a problem where you live, but I'm precariously close to "Tornado Alley" in the USA Midwest region, so such things have to be taken into consideration. :) -- Kirk Strauser

Re: Wine & Remedy

2001-08-14 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2001-08-14T10:33:23Z, "William Leese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Has anyone got program to work, or does anyone have any suggestions? ARWeb and RemedyWeb are your friends. I can personally verify that ARWeb works verify nicely with Mozilla. -- Kirk Strauser

Re: X over ssh

2001-08-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
e machine I'm ssh'ing into. Are you positive that your webserver does, in fact, have X installed? -- Kirk Strauser

Re: how do i extract a bullet from my foot (tar woes)

2001-08-21 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2001-08-20T23:38:02Z, "Karsten M. Self" writes: > Yet another solution: > > $ find . -type f -name '--remove-files' -exec rm -f {} \; Since we're getting creative: perl -e "unlink('--remove-files');" is my obligatory contribution. :) -- Kirk Strauser

Re: Thoughts on RTFM

2001-11-30 Thread Kirk Strauser
directory?" Me: "man ls" I realize that I've been blessed with the ability to absorb huge amounts of documentation, and that not everyone shares this trait. Still, I'm a lot more likely to give assistance if the person asking will at least *try* to learn for themselves. -- Kirk Strauser

Re: rm logging

2001-11-30 Thread Kirk Strauser
gt; confidential and/or protected by intellectual property rights and are > intended for the sole use of the recipient(s) named above. This notice is a little bit goofy when attached to an email to a public mailing list with world-viewable web archives. -- Kirk Strauser

Re: Linux/Windows Universal Benchmark

2001-12-01 Thread Kirk Strauser
s how well it runs the applications that *you* want to run. Everything else is rather pointless. -- Kirk Strauser

I can only print half a page, USB *or* parallel

2001-11-12 Thread Kirk Strauser
-post. If I can't print baby pictures by the end of the week, my wife's gonna kill me. Please help save a life! A million thanks! -- Kirk Strauser

KUPS removed?

2001-09-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
ow that I could write to the maintainer. However, I'd kind of like to know how to locate other datasources if the maintainer goes missing. -- Kirk Strauser

Re: $50,000 for the Linux kernel!

2004-10-14 Thread Kirk Strauser
ese things go, but the answer was "it's not for sale" instead of "the offer is too low". Personally, I'm *glad* that it all happened just the way it did. -- Kirk Strauser pgpaBSgbqXykm.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Secure Password Storage

2004-10-14 Thread Kirk Strauser
ompletely happy with it. What would make me *happier* is to see a conduit that synced SplashID with the KDE wallet manager. The happiest solution for me would be that conduit syncing with a Free password manager that works as well as SplashID. -- Kirk Strauser pgpyir4rgVxYB.pgp Description: PGP signature

Sound recording in ALSA

2004-10-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
to be silent on playback, regardless of what permutations of the steps above I've messed with. Any pointers on how I can get started with this? -- Kirk Strauser pgpe5wgwI6czz.pgp Description: PGP signature


2004-11-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
blank line to the end of the crontab. Basically, cron really wants the last character of the file to be a newline. -- Kirk Strauser pgpx308nytqr2.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Memory Management in Linux

2004-11-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
am's internals, you can probably get a much more accurate answer. -- Kirk Strauser pgp8OLHegSvCM.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Firefox, X-selection

2004-06-28 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Monday 2004-06-28 10:48 am, Brendan Halpin wrote: > but not Emacs->Firefox. > > In extremis, I use the xclipboard but this is really inconvenient. > Any ideas? Have you tried explicitly yanking from the Emacs buffer with M-w? -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [

Re: ide: Assuming 33MHz

2004-06-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
I want them to be served quickly. -- Kirk Strauser pgpSrRly47OJq.pgp Description: signature

Re: ide: Assuming 33MHz

2004-06-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Tuesday 2004-06-29 09:32 am, John Summerfield wrote: > Did you not observe the smiley? Sure, but I've heard people make that argument in all seriousness, and the smiley doesn't necessarily mean that Alvin disagreed with what he was saying. -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCR

Re: latency Re: ide: Assuming 33MHz

2004-06-29 Thread Kirk Strauser
way I would've told my boss to spend this much on a PHP web forum. :) > and more smileys ... :-) Received loud and clear. :) -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] yahoo protocol switching

2004-06-30 Thread Kirk Strauser
ed on how it works out, would you? -- Kirk Strauser pgp5TL39zHNQR.pgp Description: signature

Re: home videos to DVD

2004-07-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
+ v1.0, 2004/01/05, Florin Andrei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thank him for posting it, if you will, but note that he didn't claim to have written it. -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: which is faster ? ext3, reiserfs, xfs, jfs

2004-07-05 Thread Kirk Strauser
sting caches, which will artificially improve subsequent runs. -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: personal crontab entry

2004-07-08 Thread Kirk Strauser
> /etc/crontab Huh? Try /var/spool/cron/crontabs/$USER instead. -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How I killed spam without TMDA

2004-07-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
ing about 600 emails and 1 spam (yes, one) per day. In other words, I don't seem to be having any false positives at all. -- Kirk Strauser pgpXtcBAfu2ho.pgp Description: signature

Re: How I killed spam without TMDA

2004-07-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
purposes, I no longer receive spam. I am so completely thrilled with these filters' performance that I wanted to share the good news. :) -- Kirk Strauser pgpehpAD1niZQ.pgp Description: signature

Re: How I killed spam without TMDA

2004-07-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
you and their other legitimate customers, but it seems as though the blacklist is returning accurate information. I trust that you're not a spammer, but my mailserver has a pretty good (and seemingly valid) reason to believe that mail originating from your netblock is likely to be spam.

Re: How I killed spam without TMDA

2004-07-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
d me to make a long-overdue change that I kept meaning to add but hadn't gotten around to. I just inserted sender and recipient access lists to the ruleset to explicitly white- or blacklist individual senders or destination addresses. -- Kirk Strauser pgp9g04TKVDlU.pgp Description: signature

Re: How I killed spam without TMDA

2004-07-13 Thread Kirk Strauser
al config to the version on the site. I updated the second line to "check_recipient_access" on the webpage. -- Kirk Strauser pgppVzUgo0qou.pgp Description: signature

Re: How I killed^Wdecided Kirk is a good guy.

2004-07-14 Thread Kirk Strauser
is one of the signs of some person whom this world > needs. So, I have have a sub-menu in my pR0n Coll^W^W tech-docs just > related to your stuff. That's very kind of you, Greg. Thank you for the encouragement. -- Kirk Strauser pgp5v1LR0mKQ0.pgp Description: signature

Tiny X pointer

2004-07-15 Thread Kirk Strauser
ter. Where should I look for that setting? -- Kirk Strauser pgp2mG0zOu8t8.pgp Description: signature

Re: Tiny X pointer

2004-07-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Thursday 2004-07-15 08:59 pm, dircha wrote: > Albeit you never would have guessed there is a package to do it. I > didn't either, so I went to Google first. > > Give the big-cursor package a try; works for me. D'oh! I can't believe I missed that.

Re: Tiny X pointer

2004-07-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
to be much larger than the standard pointer, they seem to be significantly bigger in practice. -- Kirk Strauser pgp9l72v6I7J1.pgp Description: signature

Re: LPRng, Debian, and OS X

2004-07-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
remote (Samba, CUPS, IPP, LPD) printer. It saves the setup to the local CUPS config file, so even if you don't use KDE it's a nice way to bootstrap your system. -- Kirk Strauser pgplYlGwA3b2v.pgp Description: signature

Re: Bash equivalent to DOS /p

2004-07-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
you pipe it's output into less (or more): $ command | less Et voila! You get the output one page at a time. -- Kirk Strauser pgpKY8EBeDaZB.pgp Description: signature

Re: When Will Postscript PPC FireFox Be Available?

2004-07-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Friday 16 July 2004 11:45, Elimar Riesebieter wrote: > This is in unstable ;-) Excellent! And did you happen to notice if it support Postscript printing as the original poster asked? ;-) -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "uns

How I set up my Microsoft Trackball Optical

2004-07-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
made sure that both of those commands are run at login so that my mouse settings are always available. Although each step turned out to be pretty easy and logical, they weren't terribly obvious to me at first. I thought I'd save others the aggravation by sharing the steps that worked for me. In a nutshell, if you're considering a multi-button mouse or trackball but don't know if you could use all of the extra buttons, the answer is probably "yes". For my Microsoft Trackball Optical, that's definitely true. Enjoy! -- Kirk Strauser pgp1JEAJvqb7M.pgp Description: signature

Can't switch from X to the console

2004-07-18 Thread Kirk Strauser
- see Debian's bug database for details), then I have to log in to another machine, SSH into my workstation, and fix things from there. This isn't conducive to easy adminstration. Any ideas? -- Kirk Strauser pgp755XgPJaH7.pgp Description: signature

Re: How I set up my Microsoft Trackball Optical

2004-07-19 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Friday 16 July 2004 16:43, Ryan Waye wrote: > Thanks for the controbution, I actually will probably end up using that > in a couple of days. Cool. Let me/us know how well it works out for you. -- Kirk Strauser pgp5LOeJlfAKj.pgp Description: signature

Re: How I set up my Microsoft Trackball Optical (followup)

2004-07-19 Thread Kirk Strauser
On Friday 16 July 2004 16:37, Kirk Strauser wrote: > This was kind of a pain in the neck, so I'm collecting my experiences into > one Googleable post for the sake of the next person. I added a modified version of this post to my wiki at

Inconsistent results right-clicking on Konqueror's bookmark toolbar

2004-07-19 Thread Kirk Strauser
enable/disable this behavior would live, whether through a GUI or by editing a text file? -- Kirk Strauser pgpDFvokq8Fbt.pgp Description: signature

Re: How I set up my Microsoft Trackball Optical (followup)

2004-07-20 Thread Kirk Strauser
> to the list for lack of time and they were very grateful and happy. It > saved them a lot of time. Great! I'm glad it was helpful. -- Kirk Strauser pgpa8Yz16iLpO.pgp Description: signature

Re: Do kernel-image-2.4.26-2-686-smp at least support the same drivers as kernel-image-2.4.26-2-686?

2004-07-22 Thread Kirk Strauser
les to see if they're there. -- Kirk Strauser pgptYY7DAWfqT.pgp Description: signature

Re: Xeon HT or not HT

2004-07-22 Thread Kirk Strauser
about. I won't go so far as to recommend disabling HT (although plenty of people suggest exactly that), but don't expect big gains from having it. -- Kirk Strauser pgparOsOFZ7RX.pgp Description: signature

Re: See what a weak password will get ya?

2004-07-23 Thread Kirk Strauser
ticket). Oh, and disable root logins while you're at it if you haven't already. -- Kirk Strauser pgpO1AqXYGwe2.pgp Description: signature

Re: opinion: compare various imap servers

2003-12-28 Thread Kirk Strauser
rrelmail? courier? sqwebmail?) as well. Squirrelmail rocks. I've rolled it out to several client sites with much acclaim. It has plugins for everything you could possible want. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: upgrade

2004-01-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-12-31T23:49:48Z, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > I need to upgrade my Gallant TV Tuner card I want a puppy. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: KVM switch recomendation?

2004-01-06 Thread Kirk Strauser
*any* signal ghosting, color distortion, or other visual problems. Simply put, I can't tell the difference between video that's been piped through the KVM and that which was sent directly from a computer to the monitor. Give it another shot with another unit. I think you'll lik

Re: KVM switch recomendation?

2004-01-07 Thread Kirk Strauser
ues. Mine is a solid mouse and keyboard performer with Debian, FreeBSD, Win2k, and OpenBSD, but other people have had problems with the same setup. Weird. I wonder if using the optional power supply would've made a difference? > Now I want KVM over TCP! We call that "VNC" :)

Good experience with radio tuner cards?

2004-01-15 Thread Kirk Strauser
? Any I should steer clear of? I usually use a KDE setup. Are the e any good KDE tuner programs? Failing that, anything nice for Gnome? an you do TiVo-like timed recording? For that matter, can you record at ll? -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Good experience with radio tuner cards?

2004-01-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2004-01-15T03:34:05Z, Kirk Strauser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'm considering getting a radio tuner card for my x86 Debian (unstable) > workstation (in the US if that makes any difference). OK, that didn't draw any responses, so let me rephrase the question. My

Re: Good experience with radio tuner cards?

2004-01-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
My kid could do that. Where's the geek appeal? :-) Actually, one nice advantage to a software-controlled radio is that I can automate recording of programs I like. I know I could do the same thing with a tape recorder and a timer outlet, but not as well or as conveniently. -- Kirk Str

Re: EXT3 at more?

2004-01-16 Thread Kirk Strauser
of people, but your rant was complete unnecessary and not likely to get you much sympathy. Frankly, if you're going to act like that without reasonable grounds, we don't need you. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: DNS Question (maybe?)

2004-01-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
domain. Do you want that subdomain to appear to the world? If so, you need to ask your ISP to configure it for you. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Quick newbie apt-get question

2004-01-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
: Yep. Answer 2: What happened when you tried? ;-) -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

wlan-ng and IPv6?

2004-01-18 Thread Kirk Strauser
tanza is commented out, I have a perfectly working IPv4 connection. Any ideas? -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: HOWTO change a subscriber email address ?

2003-07-01 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-06-30T20:44:04Z, Courtney Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I need to change my email address immediately. > > Please advise me how to do it. Unsubscribe/resubscribe? -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Sound card recommendations?

2003-07-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
etter ALSA support with nifty features I can only imagine? Any thoughts? Recommendations? -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: OT? problem

2003-07-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
ypical skript-kiddie is likely to bother with? Sure. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Where does Mozilla get its list of printers?

2003-07-02 Thread Kirk Strauser
:rm=remotehost:\ # :rp=remoteprinter:\ # :sd=/var/spool/lpd/remote:\ # :mx#0:\ # :sh: So, where is Mozilla finding huffalump? What does the "@:64" suffix mean? And why can't I print to it? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Where does Mozilla get its list of printers?

2003-07-03 Thread Kirk Strauser
ot;@" I guess means that it's served at localhost (or thinks it is). > But I have no idea where it got "huffalump" from. > > P.S. you'll need to read (some of) the docs in xprt-xprintorg to get it > to work properly. Thanks for the pointer. That seems to

Re: Sound card recommendations?

2003-07-07 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-07-02T17:51:55Z, Bijan Soleymani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I've always had good like with SB Live Value or OEM. Bijan, Thanks for the tip. I'll see if I can't find one on Pricewatch. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: SNMP hammering machine HELP! :(

2003-07-09 Thread Kirk Strauser
; of that host. You can see if there are particular MIBs that take a long time to complete. By the way, I've use Cricket for graphing for several years. If you're looking for an alternative MRTG, it may be worth investigating. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: vi Qustion

2003-07-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
s a picture of mine: I *can* get home, end, etc., but only as chords. Typing "A" is much quicker than "Fn K" for me. :) -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: vi Qustion

2003-07-11 Thread Kirk Strauser
ouldn't launch a duplicate copy of itself whenever I type CTRL-D to delete a character (or alternatively, I'd get off my lazy rear and change my KDE keybindings :) ). -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Managing Palm Addresses

2003-07-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
If you're not allergic to desktop environments, the KDE address book can import CSV (and other common formats) and has terrific Kpilot support. Just yesterday I was able to export my BBDB (Emacs) addressbook to CSV, import it to "Address Manager", and sync it to my Palm. -- Kirk Strau

Re: Managing Palm Addresses

2003-07-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
y) with the Custom fields of the Palm? Unfortunately, I haven't. I have no idea where the extra information that I've entered on the Palm goes to. -- Kirk Strauser signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Managing Palm Addresses

2003-07-18 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-07-17T21:24:26Z, martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > What's Address Manager? Apparently, it's what Debian calls `kaddressbook' in the KDE menu. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Managing Palm Addresses

2003-07-18 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-07-18T20:43:29Z, martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > How can you then prefer Address Manager to kaddressbook? Erm, I didn't mean to imply that anywhere. -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe".

Re: Managing Palm Addresses

2003-07-19 Thread Kirk Strauser
I prefer kaddressbook to Evolution's address book. Hence, I have to choose between good mailer and less good address book (Evolution), or less good mailer and good address book (Kmail + kaddressbook). -- Kirk Strauser -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "un

Re: how do I get sendmail SMTP-AUTH to use pam (and not SASL2)?

2003-07-20 Thread Kirk Strauser
commands to add users every time I > add a user. It just seems silly to try and keep two different > authentication databases synchronized. That *would* be silly, particularly since you can configure saslauthd to authenticate against /etc/passwd and not its own database. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Wanted to build: bare minimum Debian system

2003-07-24 Thread Kirk Strauser
RAM is *much* more valuable to me than buffered reads and writes. Is Debian even reasonable on this tiny box, or should I be looking at a slimmer distribution? If so, any suggestions? Many thanks - I await running my 640x480x256-color Mozilla with bated breath. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.

Re: Wanted to build: bare minimum Debian system

2003-07-25 Thread Kirk Strauser
or should I be looking at a >> slimmer distribution? If so, any suggestions? > Slink may be more appropriate. Mmmm I'd rather use somewhat-new-but-very-little than ancient-but-small. > That's a joke, right? How about Evo and Pan while you're at it? That's the idea. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Wanted to build: bare minimum Debian system

2003-07-25 Thread Kirk Strauser
card inside a special slot in its belly. I'm not optimistic of finding a larger memory card and actually having it work. :-/ -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Wanted to build: bare minimum Debian system

2003-07-25 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-07-25T18:21:43Z, Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Ebay! Perhaps, but I'm still facing the (likely) probability that it won't work once I get it home. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Pilot sync software that can install to VFS

2003-07-26 Thread Kirk Strauser
y not possible to get them into the Palm without moving them straight to VFS. My wife can do this on her iMac. Can I do this on Linux? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Wanted to build: bare minimum Debian system

2003-07-26 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-07-26T19:03:09Z, Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 15:55, Kirk Strauser wrote: >> *Thin* client. As in, *no* clients running locally. > mozilla takes about 24M with nothing loaded and evolution somewhere around > 22M. For clarity

Re: mac addresses

2003-07-27 Thread Kirk Strauser
0F2' in the OUI search field and you'll see that it's a Microsoft product, probably a wireless hub or such. This has been tremendously helpful to me when trying to figure out which misconfigured router or server was assigned the wrong IP and was causing ARP flapping. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful

2003-08-03 Thread Kirk Strauser
that users of such disappear without a trace? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Utility to lookup hosts on an IP address

2003-08-03 Thread Kirk Strauser
eader that will cause a webserver to give a list of hosted domains. If there was, I'm sure that it would be disabled by default on pretty much ever webserver (except probably IIS, which would also list the access password). -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful

2003-08-04 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-08-03T22:02:53Z, "Karsten M. Self" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Appreciated, Kirk. Any time. I still owe you favors for writing the "why I sign my email" essay that I refer the occasional person to. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful

2003-08-04 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-08-04T17:41:37Z, Alan Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Hello, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;-) > Funny. I know someone who has 2 of those PGP signatures things, neither of > which use his real name or stats. What makes you think that my real name is Kirk Strauser? > He can p

Re: why sign email

2003-08-04 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-08-04T19:45:09Z, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > Please refer me to it. Or post it, even. From Karsten's page: -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful

2003-08-04 Thread Kirk Strauser
spect for anyone who proved a serious vulnerability in any of PGP's core components. At least one researcher who know of a weak spot would publish, I could guarantee that. > And I STILL think those signatures are good for nothing but making your > posts hard to read and wasting bandwidth. And I think that the moon is made of green cheese, but that don't make it so. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Challenge-response mail filters considered harmful

2003-08-04 Thread Kirk Strauser
me violation of netiquette References? > 3) They are a waste of bandwidth on several levels I bet that extra 100 bytes or so really clogs the backbone. > 4) They make posts hard to read and ugly. Upgrade your mail client. -- Kirk Strauser pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: mail gathering

2003-08-04 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2003-08-04T22:54:34Z, "vinz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > fetchmail only allows me to download mail to root but i want to put the > mail into my pop3 account how do i go about doing this and what program > can i use ? Run fetchmail as you? -- Kirk Strauser pgp0

Re: Good documentation on Sound ?

2004-05-07 Thread Kirk Strauser
At 2004-05-07T15:29:23Z, "Michal R. Hoffmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > wow, it was great, simple and useful. Although it was not my question, > thank you too :) Thanks for the nice comments. :) -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: OT: sed -n vs. sed

2004-05-15 Thread Kirk Strauser
? You can write a sed script that only prints a few specific items this way. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgp1sGR4NElML.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: addressbook recommendations?

2004-05-17 Thread Kirk Strauser
onalPerson objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: evolutionPerson but Evolution formats and presents it as expected. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgpEB0sfAQRrE.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: packages in GNU but not in Debian

2004-05-20 Thread Kirk Strauser
is under no obligation to package every GNU utility (although I can't think of any good reasons not to). -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgpYhJZ8nUM2C.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: [OT] Yahoo's Antispam proposal

2004-05-24 Thread Kirk Strauser
of how much money he wants to launder. My inbox thanks you. -- Kirk Strauser In Googlis non est, ergo non est. pgpQfsr8jSCVP.pgp Description: PGP signature

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