At 2003-07-26T19:03:09Z, Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 15:55, Kirk Strauser wrote:

>> *Thin* client.  As in, *no* clients running locally.

> mozilla takes about 24M with nothing loaded and evolution somewhere around
> 22M.

For clarity's sake, *no* clients will be run on the laptop.  I anticipate
using xdm to log into a remote X display and run everything on a much
beefier machine elsewhere; only the physical display will be running on the

> As a command line, look into running busybox instead of the regular bash
> etc, and skip the getty for login.

Interesting idea, thanks!

> You could try and run the X terminal standalone with no command line to
> save some memory.

> a 2.2 kernel completly stripped could work. I worked with a mixed 2.2/2.4
> embeded kernel and it did start up at around 1 or 2 megs ram with busybox
> as a command line (don't remember exactly), a custom inittab etc, but it
> takes a lot of work.

That certainly sounds promising.  I'll take a look at that.

> Also look at the strip kernel options for embeded kernels for 2.6. I don't
> know how much memory it saves though.  You should look at something in the
> embeded direction, I think debian has something in that direction but I
> don't know. I takes a lot of configuration if you are up for, and still I
> really doubt that you will be able to do much usefull work localy since
> vim alone takes around 3 M, gvim 4.5M.

Yep.  It'll be nothing more than a display unit.
Kirk Strauser

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