OT: Looking for 10/100 ISA NIC's for Linux project

2001-08-23 Thread John Purser
buy and/or stay away from? Thanks, John Purser

Where's Woody?

2001-08-24 Thread John Purser
started? I'll write back when I've hosed it completely and need further help. Thanks, John Purser

.raw woody images to .iso

2001-08-27 Thread John Purser
All the Woody CD images I've found have been in .raw format. I'm unfamiliar with this format and have been looking for .iso files. Is there a process for converting between the two on a MS box? My CD burner doesn't become Linux until I download these disks. Thanks, John Purser

RE: simple database recommendations?

2001-08-27 Thread John Purser
Doesn't Star Office come with a Database? I've never used it but you might want to start looking there. John Purser -Original Message- From: Thomas Hallaran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 14:14 To: joe golden Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org Subject:

X-Clients for Windows

2001-08-28 Thread John Purser
Hello, I'm looking for a good how-to on for using a windows box (ME) as a client for a Linux X-server. Has anyone got a good link or a recommended product? Thanks, John Purser

Partitioning Advice

2001-08-29 Thread John Purser
uggestions? Comments? Raucous laughter at my expense? Thanks, John Purser P.S. Another MS server bites the dust!

RE: Partitioning Advice - Thanks to all

2001-08-29 Thread John Purser
Thanks to all who responded. Looks like I'll be repeatedly installing so your advice will not go to waste. John Purser -Original Message- From: Craig Dickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 16:02 To: 'Debian users list' Subject: Re: Part

RE: Looking for a ProComm replacement - Interesting Development

2001-11-19 Thread John Purser
this information back to the group. http://solarflow.dyndns.org/pcplus/ John Purser On Thu, 15 Nov 2001, John Purser wrote: > Hello, > > Hope this isn't too far off track. > > I'm looking for a good ProComm replacement. Necessary features would > include: > Wyse

RE: Looking for a ProComm replacement - Interesting Development

2001-11-19 Thread John Purser
That was of course dosemu. -Original Message- From: John Purser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 05:44 To: 'Debian-User (E-mail)' Subject: RE: Looking for a ProComm replacement - Interesting Development Hello, I just found an interesting link to a

RE: alternatives to minicom in debian stable or testing?

2001-11-27 Thread John Purser
m is the Aspect scripting language. Hope this helps, John Purser http://solarflow.dyndns.org/pcplus/ -Original Message- From: nate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 11:56 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org Subject: alternatives to minicom in debian stable or testing?

First time Custom Kernel help - No suck file of directory

2001-10-13 Thread John Purser
ding a custom Kernel the debian way but I can no longer find it. Has anyone seen a good one they could steer me to? 3. When I read the error messages the voice in my head sounds like Apu from the Simpsons and this cannot be a good thing oh no! Please to be telling where the setting is to change this perhaps to Jessica Rabbit! Thanks, John Purser

Is initrd useful/necessary with a custom kernel?

2001-10-14 Thread John Purser
y for creating a generic kernel. In my current kernel ram disk is not enabled. I commented out the initrd line in lilo.conf and ran lilo and the system now boots just fine. My question is am I missing anything by cutting out the initrd phase of boot? Thanks, John Purser

Providing network services for a laptop. Internet connection, and PPP

2001-10-23 Thread John Purser
. Does this sound like a good idea and if so can you steer me to some applicable HOWTO's or other docs that have been helpful to you. Am I overlooking something? Is this the best approach to this problem? Thanks for the help, links, and advice. John Purser

RE: Propossed Project: Odyssey

2001-10-25 Thread John Purser
FYI there's already an Odyssey project in the windows software world. It's a client server point of sale project for a large wholesaler that should be for sale to the public next year. Not sure if this matters, just passing along the flotsam and jetsam. John Purser -Origin

Unable to telnet to localhost

2001-10-25 Thread John Purser
t. Where do I go to turn it on? I haven't used telnet on my network before but it's suggested as a test in a HOW-TO I'm working through. Thanks, John Purser

RE: Unable to telnet to localhost

2001-10-25 Thread John Purser
Many thanks to all who responded. I've installed ssh and can talk to myself now. I've also checked to be sure telnetd was not installed. Appreciate the prompt accurate help! John Purser -Original Message- From: Mark Lanett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 2

Aliasing a NIC

2001-10-26 Thread John Purser
fig but now I'm trying to do it on a Debian woody box running a 2.4.10 kernel. I need to know what files to edit and what the format of the configuration. Thanks, John Purser

RE: Aliasing a NIC

2001-10-26 Thread John Purser
Thanks! I hadn't seen that HOWTO before. Lots of good stuff on aliasing and routing. John Purser -Original Message- From: Mark Carroll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 12:14 To: Debian-User (E-mail) Subject: Re: Aliasing a NIC On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, John P

Installing XFree86

2001-11-03 Thread John Purser
to start. None of it seems to match the documentation from www.xfree86.org and I haven't found Debian specific installation/configuration instructions. Would someone either post a summary of the steps involved or point me to a HOW-TO that shows how to install this the debian way? Thanks, John Purser

Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread John Purser
talled? Second, these HAVE to be common tasks but I can't find any documentation on doing them the Debian way. Where should I be looking to find out how to do these simple things? Thanks, John Purser

RE: Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread John Purser
e for tasksel and dpkg and didn't see anything about updating available. Still, I'm just trying to install Gnome and KDE on Woody. Anybody know how to do this? John Purser -Original Message- From: Mark Ferlatte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 13:01 To:

RE: Installing XFree86 Solved, On to Gnome

2001-11-03 Thread John Purser
ns Gnome in the package list. Doesn't seem like the bright way to install something on a server. There's got to be some repository of knowledge around here that makes it a little less of a crap shoot. Many thanks to all that replied. Even stuff that didn't work was an education! John

RE: Installing XFree86 Solved, On to Gnome - Solved?

2001-11-03 Thread John Purser
Okay, here's what I did. apt-get install sawfish-gnome apt-get install gnome-session edited .xinitrc and added the line: exec gnome-session Gnome is running on my Debian box now. Thanks again to all who helped. John Purser -Original Message- From: John Purser [mailto:[EMAIL PROT


2001-11-14 Thread John Purser
Sir, My heart cries out for you in your plight. I am eager to aid you as best I can. Towards that end I have opened up an account at my local bank (routing number 1234567, Account 098765544321). If you will wire just 10% of the $22,000,000 to handle administrative fees, taxes, and licenses I wi

Looking for a ProComm replacement

2001-11-15 Thread John Purser
mounts of data into a Point of Sale system but my version of ProComm is Windows 95 only believe it or not. Don't want to spend money unless I have to but if I do have to I want to know what other people are using out there. Thanks and apologies again for being off track for this list. John Purser

Installation doesn't find network devices

2001-08-30 Thread John Purser
ure ONE of them would be spotted. Both worked under Win2K. Is this normal or have I broken something? John Purser

Installation: tasksel

2001-08-30 Thread John Purser
I just re-installed Debian Woody for the umpteenth time and this time I chose yes to tasksel and no to deselect. I got nothing installed and no chance to choose a task. Does anyone have any idea what I did wrong? John Purser

RE: RedHat vs Debian?

2001-08-30 Thread John Purser
n I'm done (not repairable, but really working) while my more realistic goal is to at least understand what I fucked up this go round before I re-re-re-re-install. Not scientific but heart felt! John Purser -Original Message- From: allen wayne best just ramblin in his amx [mailto:[

RE: Installation: tasksel

2001-08-30 Thread John Purser
o see if it does. I noticed that I didn't get to configure devices in Woody either so maybe that was the problem. John Purser -Original Message- From: Joey Hess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Joey Hess Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 15:05 To: John Purser Cc: debian-user@lis

RE: Installation: tasksel

2001-08-30 Thread John Purser
cognize my NIC's? I just installed Potato and it missed them too. John Purser -Original Message- From: kmself@ix.netcom.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 12:51 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org Subject: Re: Installation: tasksel on Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 12:25:0

Manually bring up NICs not found at install and/or rebuilding Kernel

2001-08-31 Thread John Purser
. Any tips/suggestions on rebuilding my Kernel? Would there be any advantage to installing potato and upgrading to Woody? Potato doesn't recognize my NIC's either but at least tasksel works. Thanks for the help. John Purser

RE: Manually bring up NICs not found at install and/or rebuilding Kernel

2001-08-31 Thread John Purser
Okay, so I want to load a module. I've got about 15 windows open trying to find what module I need and all I'm finding is information on drivers. What module do I need to support Intel Pro/100B PCI cards? Thanks, John Purser -Original Message- From: Sebastiaan [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: Manually bring up NICs not found at install and/or rebuilding Kernel

2001-08-31 Thread John Purser
where should I configure the ethernet cards? Thanks, John Purser -Original Message----- From: John Purser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 06:03 To: 'Sebastiaan' Cc: 'debian users' Subject: RE: Manually bring up NICs not found at install and/or rebuilding

Sources for apt-get sources.list

2001-09-07 Thread John Purser
ew to Linux and not interested (or competent) to assist in bug hunting. Thanks, John Purser

Upgrading Kernel to 2.4

2001-09-10 Thread John Purser
id I do something wrong in the installation? How do I get to a 2.4 kernel? Should I download the kernel and install it (the debian way of course) or is there a good reason not to do this? Thanks for the help, John Purser

Well that didn't work - Upgrading Woody from 2.2.19 to 2.4.9

2001-09-19 Thread John Purser
re the steps necessary to upgrading to 2.4 on woody? I've seen the .deb for upgrading potato to 2.4, should I have used that? Thanks, John Purser

RE: Takin' the plunge...

2001-10-09 Thread John Purser
blow it away and start over with a new one. See which one you really like. Good luck and have fun! John Purser -Original Message- From: Royce Bell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 08:53 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org Subject: Takin' the plunge... Okay, t

Re: Two tuxes, an xp and a DNS problem

2005-10-29 Thread John Purser
sure this will do it but it's worth a shot. Take a look at the firewall settings button too. Mine was set to allow internet connections from outside! Okay, it was doing half the right thing. John Purser

Re: Two tuxes, an xp and a DNS problem

2005-10-30 Thread John Purser
On 10/30/05, marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > John Purser said... > > On 10/29/05, marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I have three machines in a small network: one XP, two Linux - let's call > > > them xp, tux1 and tux2. xp connects to the

Re: (OT) Beginner's Linux book recommendation

2005-10-31 Thread John Purser
ip is to join the appropriate mailing list. Lots of friendly penguinistas out there eager to help. I'd recommend the RUTE book if he weren't already using Suse. I'm not sure what's available that's Suse specific. John Purser

Re: OT: Small business financial software

2005-11-29 Thread John Purser
s. Thanks for any insight. > > -Roberto > > -- > Roberto C. Sanchez > http://familiasanchez.net/~roberto > > > Roberto, I'm in the process of converting my personal finances from windows to Linux. I've been impressed by GNUCash. Take a look at it as well as SQLLedger. John Purser