Thanks to Ken Meade I got X installed by running: apt-get install x-window-system-core xserver-xfree86 and it worked fine.
Still working on Gnome and KDE. I installed sawfish-gnome but still can't get gnome to start and don't believe it is installed. I tried the Debian instructions on the Gnome faq but they used an outdated apt source and pointed to the ximan version instead of regular Gnome. If I wanted a commercial wrapper around Linux I'd be using Red Hat. So far the only instructions that look like they might work has been to just install everything that mentions Gnome in the package list. Doesn't seem like the bright way to install something on a server. There's got to be some repository of knowledge around here that makes it a little less of a crap shoot. Many thanks to all that replied. Even stuff that didn't work was an education! John Purser -----Original Message----- From: Aniartia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 16:45 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Subject: Re: Installing XFree86 On Saturday 03 November 2001 17:24, John Purser wrote: > Would someone either post a summary of the steps involved or point me to a > HOW-TO that shows how to install this the debian way? I got so confused I edited my sources.lst then # apt-get update # apt-get upgrade # apt-get install apt debconf dpkg apt-utils mime-support # apt-get dist-upgrade # apt-get install gnome-core galeon everybuddy cvs rsync kde toolame gnucash xpdf xmms libncurses5 wine I also apt-get'ed every x package with 4.1.0 in it's version ;) (use the packages search page) Ani