to do with acpi, whilst acpi_listen showing correct results.
Whatever, the problem is not X or wm related, it is a system-problem.
Best regards
I am stuck.
Thanks for reading this.
00 )R..
(This example is for FN+screen_brightness_up and
> So, you look at all the /dev/input/event* devices, and you do, with root
> privileges:
> xxd /dev/input/event0
> and press a few keys. If it pr
d: In console without X running, the FN keys are also not working!
See, I believe it is not such easy! But no problem, it is not urgent.
Best regards
> Then your problem is easy. If some keys did not generate events, getting
> them to work might have been a nightmare or impossib
I am very happy with this one:
But maybe you get it also somewhere else, too.
could do this, but this is a lot(!) of work and I want to avoid it.
So still hints are welcome and I suppose, we will all learn of it, don't we?
Have fun!
u -". Then
the MC-file in my /home became root permissions and could not br read as
normal user again. Just an idea.
And you can also try, to purge MC and reinstall (aptitude purge mc && aptitude
install mc).
If done so, please recheck, if the issue is still there.
Hope this helps.
may check the rights, maybe there is the "immutable" bit set
Just some ideas, hope it will help though
single 3,5"
Have a nice week.
Am Sonntag, 15. Dezember 2024, 21:14:42 CET schrieb David Christensen:
> On 12/15/24 07:30, Hans wrote:
> > I had this one until about 14 days ago, when my Lenovo T520 dies, which
> > was
> > the only one with eSATA con
Ahem, well, it is of course no SSD, just a harddrive with SATA port.
And I got this one from a heritage.
Am Montag, 16. Dezember 2024, 16:10:02 CET schrieb Stefan Monnier:
> > No problem for me, as I still only have one single 3,5" SSD.
> Really? A 3½" SSD? Whe
, even (and that makes me wonder) dvd-rw
are formatted. This was not always so, maybe after many years the lib is
capable of this, too.
As far as I know, brasero and k3b relyon the same libs.
Am Montag, 16. Dezember 2024, 16:25:03 CET schrieb gene heskett:
> What app is everyon
I believe, the original poster meant, if he clicks on an *.odt file, then he
expects libreoffice to be started.
This is a feature of the windowmanager he is using.
To help him, we should know, which windowmanager (KDE, Gnome, XFCE whatever)
he is using, as each wm jhas its own settings.
now an USB-drive?
If all this is normal standard, what is the technical reason for this? Is this
because the kernel is using initramfs and when this is loaded, it is no
matter, from where it is started?
I would be happy, if you could enlighten me.
Best regards
There were a lot of verry good hints from you in the last days. This helped
very much, especially for understanding.
Can not enough say thank you for it.
We will see, what happens the next days.
Good, that I have a backup. Backup is always a good thing, always.
-common are installed. Do I need
Thanks for enlightening me!
ro 0 0
/dev/nvme0n1p1 /efi vfat
ro 0 0
See, what I mean? /dev/nvme0n1p1 is mounted twice! But df does not show it!
That looks strange for me.
/var, /usr and so on to the NVME. After ist, rsynced the backupped /etc
back, so that I got all the devicenames back.
This worked well so far. Instead of this little issue.
y, thank you all for your help and responses, they helped much, too.
This problem is now solved!
Best regards
Last but not least: I may be completely wrong with my thoughts, so please
don't blame me.
Best regards
whatver). However, this stick is (USB-3!) raaather slow!
Just some thoughts, maybe it helps.
atically want to mount any newly
seen partition, which is bad for fixing using chkdsk.
So my suggestion, use a rescue-windows, must not be based on Win10, even an
old WinXP lifefile will work for that.
The other way is, to boot an installed windows into rescue-mode and then you
can fix the d
mounted. So I had to delete the partitiontable and create a new one, then
format with exfat (using gparted) and everything worked again like a charm.
Hope this helps!?
> Yes, /dev/nvme0n1 comes from the onboard M2 socket (where the drive was
> populated with data) and /dev/sdb come
Am Montag, 20. Januar 2025, 17:15:40 CET schrieb Adam Weremczuk:
Try "chkdsk /F /R C:" in windows, this should help.
If you do not own a windows computer, then you can use any windows-live-cd for
that, like Falcon4, HirensBootCD or UBCD4Win.
> Also:
> sudo mount -t
Good idea, Klaus!
It looks like Adam wants to copy a Windows system to another drive. Maybe he
could delete hyberfile.sys, pagefile.sys and swapfile.sys before rsyncing.
These are not necessary and will be recreated at boot from Windows next time.
Just an idea
> My assumption
above) only 3.7TB big.
> Mount options of the destination as requested:
Maybe this is the reason?
divided by total drive size’. The result is the percent of drive space needed
for MFT. *As you
note, the actual requirement will vary… but you have to start some place!
Howsever, I suppose, others know better than me, like before, just an idea...
us, just clone the drive
will do the trick.
> An exception would be if you are copying an fstab from one machine to
> another. In that case you would almost certainly change UUIDs and
> probably labels.
No, I am just copying using clonezilla.
e of the partition and then install Debian, it should work.
Tried this, but gaaah, first boot of Windows resulted in a boot-loop. It was
Windows-10, and crashzed at install, sigh
> Hope this helps - my opinion only, there may be other ways to do this.
> All the very best, as ever,
> Andrew Cater
> (
very enough!
Thanks and best regards
mpiling. If the
compile works, the
driver will work!
The reason is, that since 340xx in debian, the compiler was changed somehow by
devolpers, so mostly the build fails. I suppose, they fixed it in sid.
Good luck!
> Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, I get a message l
which MUST be always available (On the other hand: if so, then I would expect a
mirror server
available, which is in cold stand by and then copy first to this, then to the
Just 2 ideas coming into my mind, maybe it helps.
Best regards
Easiest way for me: Just print into a file. The result is a pdf-file.
However, do not know, if your printer driver can do this, but I suppose, most
printer drivers are able to it.
Am Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2025, 11:32:09 CET schrieb Loris Bennett:
> Hi,
> I am using Em
Dis you install the package "linux-image-amd64" ? If yes, the it should always
update to the newest kernel.
(Same for package "linux-headers-amd64")
installed witrh apt.
Hope this helps.
I got this information from here:[1]
where are shown other ways, too.
efull at your special pdf file.
Maybe, if my suggestion is usefull, someone more experienced as me can you tell
the correct
Please take look at the manuals of pdftotext, cat and cut, hope this helps.
Best regards
sight), I changed the settings to
trixie, which is building like a charm.
Thank you for reading this.
Best regards
ase excuse, I am not able to give any more information at the moment.
> Presumably you meant "remove the dependency /on/ the missing
> package". Can you help us by /naming/ the package that depends
> on grub-efi-amd64-unsigned.
> Cheers,
> David.
package. This is for the newest graphics card.
Did you try this one?
Reinstallation of grub-common is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 19 not upgraded.
Something weired is going on. Maybe due to the next release of trixie???
Hope this helps.
and I could not find a way, to upgrade it, but also did not want to delete
I tried
git pull origin master
but this did not work. I suppose, the command is false?
Maybe you could drop me a hint, how to upgrade it, so I will try again.
> Hans, let me reiterate thi
So, tried agian without the */packages-lists/mylist.list.chroot and without
any added packages at */packages.chroot = same issue again.
This excludes the cause by any changes from me or by any added packages.
It is proven, the issue is in the live-build environment itself.
Am Sonntag, 2. März 2025, 13:37:20 CET schrieb Matthias Böttcher:
> PS.
> Hans, maybe you put another package from trixie/testing into
> packages.chroot, which depends directly or indirectly on
> grub-efi-amd64-unsigned?
Hi Mathias,
I already had this idea, too, but putti
plain, what
happens. However, this is just a guess.
Maybe one of the live-build-maintainers knows more.
Does this help?
4, the kernel-header-package is
If in doubt, install the "module-assistant" package, then start it with the
command "m-a", and then over the ncurses-gui you can easily prepare your
compiling environmen for building kernel-modules. It is self explainary and it
will install all packages you need for the actual running kernel.
Hope this helps.
With an upgrade the build of the nvidia-kernel-module should run
Am Mittwoch, 5. März 2025, 18:53:07 CET schrieb Matthias Böttcher:
> Hi Hans,
> maybe this caused your problem:
> Nov 06, 2024
> Commit 30d39f81 "lb config: --distribution defaults to testing"
problems will be resolved anyway.
So, thank you all for your help and your efforts to solve my little issue!
I mark it as solved, please do not waste any more time on this!
Best regards
Am Montag, 3. März 2025, 19:05:19 CET schrieben Sie:
Hi Matthias,
> Am Mo., 3. März 2025 um 13:32 Uhr schrieb Hans :
> At first my advice: please try
> My way to build debian live is not with git but according to
> https://live-
Things I already did, was creating the filter new and purging and reinstalling
Can someone confirm this behaviour or recheck it? Is it an akonadi problem
Best regards
which are only running cli and can (or even must be)
configured with the help of cron - rsync, for example.
But this discussion belongs not here and does not help the op.
Depends on, what you prefer: in console, or with GUIn as conjob or whatever
There is "borgbackup2" in my mind, as well as "backintime-qt" (for wide ways
of settings), and for the easiest way, I suggest "deja-dup".
he kernel module during upgrade compiled and installed?
Did you also install the linux-headers for the kernel? (Needed for compiling
kenel modules).
all mac addresses been changed at boot.
What did I miss, if any?
Thanks for your help.
, which does this, but IMO the actual
behaviour is a bug - but I may be wrong.
> Please state what the desired goal is.
> In case it is "random MAC address", elaborate **why**.
> Groeten
> Geert Stappers
Am Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 14:38:08 CET schrieb Greg:
> On 2025-03-19, Hans wrote:
> > Hi Geert,
> >
> > the desired goal is, that my original MAC will never appear after boot. As
> > dpkg-reconfigure macchanger claims this to do, in real it does not.
> See
change by the author was 12 years ago (according to
However, I discovered, that TAILS already got it running in theire system. So
my concerns related to TAILS are gone.
And as far as I noticed, other users seem to not need this feature. Thus I
believe and for myself, we can safely close this issue.
Best regards
the noise.
Am Mittwoch, 19. März 2025, 10:31:26 CET schrieb Dan Purgert:
> On Mar 19, 2025, Hans wrote:
> > Hi Geert,
> >
> > the desired goal is, that my original MAC will never appear after
> > boot. As dpkg-reconfigure macchanger claims this to do, in
How can I get rid of the annoying messages from Mozilla that tell me
to download a plugin whenever a webpage contains one of those obsolete
'flash' things? I definitely do not want all that 'flash' rubbish ---
it only wastes bandwidth and supposedly provides no information at
all ...
THX for your suggestions!
> delete in the mozilla plugin
ROTFL, this produces just another popup:
"Mozilla cannot find the Plugin Downloader Plugin ..."
Mozilla should have some protection against plugins built-in, as it
has for blocking images and scripts opening window
anyone has the same problem or even the solution to
Hans Steinraht
Artofakt Internet Solutions
Binnenkadijk 120
1018 ZH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +3120 638 4667
Mobile: +316 45 202 302
Fax: +3120 638 4
/ -l /var/log/mail.log -d
hans 26400 26029 0 09:59 pts/18 00:00:00 grep mailgraph
I don't see the differences?
Any way thanks
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ls -ld /var/lib/mailgraph
drwxr-xr-x8 www-data www-data 4096 Oct 16 10:40
t see how its wrapping
from here.
Is emacs a operating system, I just like it as editor
On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 12:21:50PM -0400, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 10:02:14AM +0200, Hans Steinraht wrote:
> | The permissions are looking good (see
Pigeon schrieb:
On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 11:32:06PM -0500, Alex Malinovich wrote:
My first
language was Serbo-Croatian (Commonly referred to as just Serbian since
the war during most of the 90's)
I was under the impression that "Serbian" was written with Roman
characters, and "Croatian" wit
how can I do some simple accounting with lpd? A number of clients is
connected to our print-server via Samba to print to printers on the
network. No printer filters are being used, files are just passed through.
It would suffice to have the number of bytes counted that are sent to each
it seems that I've managed to successfully install amavis
(amavisd-snapshot-20020300) on my mailserver, using f-prot as
virus-scanner :)
But in the first testmail with an attachment I've sent, amavis
reported to have found a virus. The attachment was the file
amavisd-new-20021227-p2.tar.gz, a
On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 04:30:56PM +0100, Nils-Erik Svangård wrote:
> My system use about 95% of my 512 mb ram, but ps aux and top doesent
> show which process that eats all the memory.
Maybe the memory is used for the disk cache/cache buffers --- free and
top can display that. Afair, it's possib
>From time to time, in unregular intervals, squid seems to be unable to
access remote http servers. I can try to reload a page, but at best
the page is loaded partly, but mott not at all.
When this happens, there's a message in syslog:
squid[26681]: idnsCheckQueue: ID 5: giving up after 1 t
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 09:08:50AM +, Dave Selby wrote:
> touch /forcefsck
> Can anyone shed light ??
See man shutdown:
The -F flag means Force fsck'. This only creates an
advisory file /forcefsck which can be tested by the system
when it comes up again. The
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 12:27:08AM -0500, Jason McCarty wrote:
> Hope this interests somebody besides myself ;)
Well, it does :) What is the difference between 'cached' and
'buffers'? I wanted to know that since long, but never found out.
What wonders me it the memory usage of Xfree86. It seems
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 05:47:33PM +0100, Manuel Ifland wrote:
> 4) Deactivate all further checks as they are no longer needed:
>tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/hda2
There are circumstances where a check is performed on ext3fs
partitions after a crash. Imho it would be very unwise to turn off
those ch
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 02:59:58PM +, Colin Watson wrote:
> Frankly I wouldn't bother with that second step. I've never needed it
> for any of the filesystems I've converted to ext3.
Though it's not required to fsck an FS after creating a journal with
tune2fs -j, it is a good idea to do it on
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 05:45:46PM +, Paladin wrote:
> > exotic tests that take a couple of hours to get to. I cut back
> > the cpu/memory speed in the BIOS and mine now runs solidly, but
> In the mean while, I ran memtest86 over night and it doesn't show
> any error report! I ran all th
On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 05:18:46PM -0500, Jason McCarty wrote:
> > Well, it does :) What is the difference between 'cached' and
> > 'buffers'? I wanted to know that since long, but never found out.
> Well, after digging through the kernel sources (such fun!), I think I
> figured that out. "cach
On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 05:05:22PM -0500, Jason McCarty wrote:
> > This would make a negative number of memory usage shortly after
> > starting the X server :)
> Doh! Wouldn't that be cool though :)
ja :) Start many X Servers to get unlimited amounts of memory for free!
> > > That doesn't mea
Currently I'm trying to figure out what software to use best to set up
an IMAP server for the company I'm working at. I'll be using Debian
Woody for the server, and the following requirements and suppositions
are given:
+ about 60--100 users
+ Mail must be saved on the server, not on the cl
nobody on that?
- Forwarded message from Hans Wilmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
>From time to time, in unregular intervals, squid seems to be unable to
access remote http servers. I can try to reload a page, but at best
the page is loaded partly, but mott not at all.
On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 02:08:18PM +0100, Hans Wilmer wrote:
> Currently I'm trying to figure out what software to use best to set up
> an IMAP server for the company I'm working at. I'll be using Debian
> Woody for the server, and the following requirements and
On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 02:07:41PM -, Colin Ellis wrote:
> I'm not sure about exim with maildir. I'm not a great fan of exim
> for anything more than simple configurations, but that is only
> personal preference and a bit of hacking of qmail code.
Well, exim natively supports maildir; you ju
On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 05:32:38PM +, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> >1.) performance:
> That's because all webmail clients are incredibly stupid. Because
> HTTP is stateless, they connect to the IMAP server every time you
> click on something. And every time the IMAP server has to open th
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 08:23:15PM +1100, Russell wrote:
> >and IDE is crap.
> Is this scsi over ide atapi thing just as valid for read-only CD drives?
My old 4speed SCSI is about as fast as 16speed IDE drives are, and it
doesn't block the system when used.
Try, for exapmle, to run some
On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 04:20:21PM -0800, Paul E Condon wrote:
> Please. Even foolish suggestions might be helpful here.
Did you try several CDs created with the new burner, or only one?
In case your CD has an error, you might very well be able to read it
with the old burner because it is a slow
On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 10:42:36PM -0500, Paul M Foster wrote:
> from the console (after _any_ amount of time), the screen is blank, and
> after a second or two, the monitor loses its signal from the PC (it's
This could be related to DPMS. It may help to disable the DPMS option
in /etc/X11/XF86Co
the IMAP client that comes with the mozilla browser is nice to
use. But it has the peculiar habit to leave deleted messages in the
folders until the user manually 'compacts' his folders (or a
particular folder).
This is not exactly nice, as the number of messages in the folders
will endlessly
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 01:24:07PM -0800, Paul E Condon wrote:
> >Did you try several CDs created with the new burner, or only one?
> I tried several CDs, and a few variations of the cdrecord options.
> Nothing changed the
> symptoms.
Sorry, I've no good idea on that ... Maybe it helps t
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 10:16:48PM +, Pigeon wrote:
> get this working, and in the meantime I still want it to copy data
> from one serial port to the other so I can continue to dial out as
> normal from the main box.
There's an NFS option in the kernel config that allows to directly
export d
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 04:36:48PM -0500, Daniel Barclay wrote:
> Johan Kullstam wrote:
> >
> > I have swap-caps-ctrl in X, why shouldn't I want it in console too?
> But alas, so many computer users are going through life not knowing
> the convenience of having the control key in its easily re
On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 10:07:27AM -0500, Robert L. Harris wrote:
> On my debian unstable system I have:
> ii uw-imapd 2002b.debian-5 remote mail folder access server
> ii uw-imapd-ssl 2002b.debian-5 Dummy upgrade package for uw-imapd
better use the imap part of courier
Be aware that c
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 10:36:26AM -0800, Dave Carrigan wrote:
> > Cyrus seems to be good for performance, but it is using its own format
> > to store the mail. That would make it impossible to recover particular
> > mailboxes from backups, and if something goes wrong, you're more or
> > less left
On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 10:36:26AM -0800, Dave Carrigan wrote:
> This is incorrect. Cyrus storage method is basically maildir with an
> index database for performance. If the index database gets
> corrupted, it can be completely rebuilt from the messages in the
> mail directory, using the cyrus ad
maybe we should switch to the info-cyrus mailing list, as this is
cyrus-specific. I'm subscribed to that list, so you can post followups
to there if you like.
On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 10:19:05PM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> > delete folders. My first impression is that cyrus i
On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 01:37:38PM -0800, nate wrote:
> > Ok, all this sounds good. Cyrus may be the more solid solution at
> > least. But some questions come up with it:
> as a cyrus user on debian for 2 years now I can say that cyrus 1.5
> is a ROCK solid mail server. Extremely fast, reliable
is there someone who can post a XF86Config-4 for this graphics
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 05:34:16PM -0800, nate wrote:
> > What's the better way to go when building a new server? Should I start
> > with 2.x or stay at 1.5?
> If it were me, I would use 1.5. See my other posts with the maintainer
> of the cyrus 2 packages for debian for why. It really depends
dmesg prints out, amongst others, a number of messages like that, as I
just discover:
sym53c1010-33-0-<0,0>: ordered tag forced.
This seems to concern /dev/sda, which is an IBM DCAS-34330.
What does the system want to tell me with these messages? Is there
some problem with command queuein
On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 07:41:55AM -0900, Andy wrote:
> Question for the list:
> What is the lists advice in managing my /usr partition
> so it does not completetly fill up and cause problems in the future?
Make it 2 GB as a minimum; that you'll need more than 4 GB is unlikely
for quite some t
On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 01:39:58AM -0500, Mark L. Kahnt wrote:
> > > What is the lists advice in managing my /usr partition
> > > so it does not completetly fill up and cause problems in the future?
> >
> > Make it 2 GB as a minimum; that you'll need more than 4 GB is unlikely
> > for quite some
On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 01:48:00PM -0800, nate wrote:
> > result in plain text authentication, which is not exactly
> > secure.
> use IMAPS then.(IMAP over ssl). sslwrap can provide this functionality
> to any IMAP server. I personally prefer plain text auth, makes things
> simplier, but of cou
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