Any recommendations on 6in1 media readers / writers that work in sarge
and the kernel 2.4.20 kernel?
= Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the =
= right things.- Peter Drucker
IMO, yes.
Although, I use "sarge" not "testing" to be sure that I dont
inadvertantly upgrade to the next version of testing by accident.
M. Kirchhoff wrote:
Once I've got the Stable release of Woody running, is the best way to
move up to the Testing level to simply change my to point
Anyone running woody/sarge on a Barton? Is the extra cost worth it for
a Barton vs 2500+XP
What motherboard/RAM/Fan... are you using?
What about memory heatsinks? worthing or not? which ones?
I was thinking of the following system:
AMD ATHLON XP 2500 "Barton" 333
Any .deb repositories that have cpu arch specific support?
I hear it can be a 10-20% boost
Rene Engelhard wrote:
Sven Hoexter wrote:
On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 02:10:37AM -0500, sean finney wrote:
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 06:30:30PM -0700, Pete Ashdown wrote:
Has anyone know of a method for m
Why does foomatic-compiledb put the compiled files in /boo/ppd ?
It just doesnt seem right
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Try the free cygwin download:
Kevin Coyner wrote:
On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 05:12:09PM +, Shri Shrikumar wrote..
On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 22:09, Jack Pistachio wrote:
I'd suggest ssh, sftp, and scp, which all come in the
debian ssh package. To use these with windows,
is it safe to take a harddrive, with data on it, out of one system and
put it in another?
= Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the =
= right things.- Peter Drucker
The package name is just that "a name" It shouldnt contain a version
number. If there is a need to be able to manipulate multiple versions
of the same package then the functionality needs to come from the
package manager. Perhaps no version specified = most current.
Steve Lamb wrote:
On Sat,
1. when did exim4 make it into sarge?
2. cool config stuff
3. smarthost configuration is working fine using the IP of the
smarthost. It fails when I put in the hostname of the smarthost.
"hostname smarthost" does return the IP. What could be wrong and how
can it be fixed?
DCsmarthost = DEBCONFsmarthostDEBCONF <= SAME
route_list = * DCsmarthost <= SAME
Vineet Kumar wrote:
* Hanasaki JiJi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031031 15:29]:
1. when did exim4 make it into sarge?
What motherboards have people had success/failures with for woody and
sarge and Bartons with a 400fsb?
Which mobo chipsets have you had good/bad experiences with?
via? kt600?
And with which kernels? I guess the woody distribution kernel would
need to run ok
Actually, the complete system specs and issues encountered would be very
Ron Johnson wrote:
On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 23:52, Kent West wrote:
Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
What motherboards have people had success/failures with for woody and
sarge and Bartons with a 400fsb?
Which mobo
Anyone have/working on integration of these?
clam spamc and amavis are installed however, they dont seem to update
the /etc/exim4/conf.d
thank you.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How do i find out what is using those ports?
netstat -natl | grep 799
tcp0 0
below returns no output
lsof -i tcp:799
Nothing is using the port but it is in netstat
0.0 0.0 00 ?SW Aug31 2:54
Florian Ernst wrote:
Hello Hanasaki!
On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 10:16:34AM -0600, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
How do i find out what is using those ports?
netstat -natl | grep 799
tcp0 0
Also, check out these sites that will test for an open relay:
from your mailserver:
= Management is doing things right;
Could I ask about the complete specs and costs of what you put together?
I have been eye'ing the Asus A7V600 also. These are the parts I was
looking at.. Off
But sarge has xfree 4.2 and 4.3 is needed for readeon
Yes NFS is running.. thoguht NFS was UDP not TCP
netstat -natlp shows the process as "-"
a process of "-" huh?
the pid0 issue loooks like:
Michael Stone wrote:
On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 10:25:43AM -0600,
A bit off topic here.. sorry
Others ahve expressed problems with Asus based on memory issues. Anyone
have any thoughts?
The recent comment was on the A7V8X being very picky with RAM. My
friend picked up a different KT400 based system and popped in the same
PC2700 (not PC3200) that didnt work
anyone have a config for amd to automount home dirs? off redundant
in amd, when fileserver:/exports/[export1] is automounted, the
files/dirs in [export1] are accessable but not viewable in a "ls" Any
way to change this?
automount fileserver:/exports/dir1 to
ls /mn
not in a .deb and very easy to install
Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 05:56:36PM -0300, Eduardo Gargiulo wrote:
| Is there any IDE for java (debianized if possible). Which?
It's called "debian". :-). I use vim as the editor, make for build
management (a
Take a peek at Ant from
- make functionality
- written in Java
- no tab/space issues of Make
- makefile of make = buil.xml of Ant
- that's correct. ant "makefile"s are written in xml
Dave Carrigan wrote:
On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 06:33, Benedict Verheyen wrote:
When you sa
eterm and feh, on sarge, are reporting invalid archive signatures of
their dependancies.
I have tried the US and Japan mirrors.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Downloaded the and installed the Sun JDK and mozilla. ln -s to the
plugin has always worked in the past... now it is giving the below
unresolved errors. Debian version = sarge. It worked in the past but
hasnt worked since a total reinstall.
How can I find the missing package that has the .so
any recommendaton readers/writers?
3.5" or 5.25" front panel inserts prefered
also, what does it take to get it functional in linux? do they show up
as a floppy drive to mount?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROT
What MB's have people used with Woody successfully, unsuccessfully?
= | | =
= _
Any thoughts on why portscans are showing up in the alert log but not
the portscan log?
= | |
I am running the Woody version of wine. The application being run is
Visual Page2 (EOL'ed) The problem is that the "mouse up" event is not
going to windows. Thus, after pressing the R-Button, the application
thinks I never release it. Various params have been tried in the Wine
config, incl
Is there any way to assign the alias'ed eth1 interfaces via DHCP? How
about locking an IP to each that is assigned via DHCP (I guess this isnt
possible since pre-allocated DHCP addresses are done via MAC addy)
Alan Chandler wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunda
Would someone be kinda enough to point out a reference to accomplish the
- Only assign give DHCP to hosts authenticating in some manner
- Auth against LDAP and/or localfile
- some hosts get the same IP every time based on their auth
- not based on their MAC
- some hosts get
Any ideas about the below error? It is from the download
make menuconfig
make -f scripts/ obj=scripts lxdialog
scripts/ .config: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `.config'. Stop.
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2
Its the latest 2.5.45 Appologies for not mentioning this.
The below error seems to indicate a broken makefile, doesn't it?
Justin Ryan wrote:
Any ideas about the below error? It is from the download
2.5.44? if not, recommend you grab the latest..
make menuconfig
make -f script
I have two Debian Woody (kernel 2.4.19) systems NFS mounting (v3) off
the same NFS server. Suddenly, one of the systems is reporting the
below error. This happens quite offen and is usually, but not always
preceeded by a file save, from Open Office, over the NFS mount. The
other computer does no
Any input on building systems that support hotswap and 5 9's uptime?
What hardware? drivers? where to get them? costs?
= Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the =
= right things.- Peter Dru
Anyone know of free/opensource software that will function as a server
for the Mozilla calendar?
Just found the client tool in the nightly build -svg- build.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Integrated Printer/FAX/Copier machines supported by Linux???
Anyone know of one of these beasties that works with linux? Debain?
incoming / outgoing fax
google didnt turn much up
Thank you
with a subject of "u
Anyone used it? thoughts?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What causes the below and how can it be fixed? what is the impact of
the below?
debian version = sarge
rpc.mountd: couldn't rename /var/lib/nfs/rmtab.tmp to /var/lib/nfs/rmtab
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTE works great.
apt-get install ooqstart-gnome <= quick starter from sarge
doesnt look like there is a package to install openoffice directly
Jimmy wrote:
whats a good office program, mainly one i can get though
apt-get, i like koffice but i will not let me install it.
sarge says to use foomatic instead of cupsomatic-ppd. cupsomatic works
like a charm. with just foomatic, no printes were available in the
webinterface. the foomatic-compiledb built the drivers in /boot (Dam)
and they still were not available via the web interface.
Package: cupsomatic-ppd
"book2" so the other thread isn't hijacked.
What are the pros/cons of usin Grub vs Lilo? Lilo vs Grub?
I have had great success with SystemCommander+PartitionCommander (not
free and not expensive). Tried using lilo the other day with no issues.
Tried switching over to grub with apt-get inst
Just did a dist-upgrade on sarge and gnome sawfish no longer has the
panels / menus on the borders.
is it broken in sarge? did i break something?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The views seem to be gone.. in sawfish-ui add more "workspaces" this
will get more desktops. still wondering if its normal behavior and a
enhancement to sawfish or i broke something.
Jeremy Brooks wrote:
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 20:32, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
Just did a dist-upgrade on
Any news on when gnome2 and/or gtk2 will be in sarge? sarge recently
got xchat2 which needs gtk2. sarge is still on gnome1.4 and gtk1
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
just updated to gnome2 in sarge with an:
apt-get update
apt-get distupgrade
worked like a charm, till a logout / login
gdm tried to login my id and something failed and send me back to gdm.
nothing in the log files. same result from startx from the cmd line.
deleted ~/.xinitrc a
Any input on building systems that support hotswap and 5 9's uptime?
What hardware? drivers? where to get them? costs?
= Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the =
= right things.- Peter Dru
the irc server is dropping my connection with the error "Bad User Info"
I am connecting with Xchat via http proxy. I has worked until recently,
Connections with bitchx from the firewall work fine
How can I connect to the server and not get this error? what is the cause?
Any thoughts as to why my system would be beeping? Its the speaker
inside the case. The speakers are off and the Linux sound control is
muted. When mute is off, the beeps come from the speakers.
= Management is doing
Anyone have any luck / tips for getting boards like the below to run on
woody? Including the Video Capture? Any tips for audio capture?
= Managem
the irc server is dropping my connection with the error "Bad User Info"
I am connecting with Xchat via http proxy. I has worked until recently,
Connections with bitchx from the firewall work fine
How can I connect to the server and not get this error? what is the cause?
Hello all,
I am seeking your input on video cards. The goal is to upgrade from the
current voodoo3500tv
What is the minium chipset in NVidia/ATI that has slightly more power
than the voodoo3500tv?
Which AllInWonder's are supported by Woody?
Which NVidia chips are supported by Woody?
Any tho
Any thoughts on overall performance if the following systems? The key
factors are:
1. Support by Woody out of the box
2. Will the single processor systems be faster because the memory is
slower on the duals?
3. Is onboard video better/faster due to better bandwidth?
Dual Athlon 2400MP and PC210
Anyone able to boot and run debian woody on a kt400 based board? the
hope is that it will boot and run ok just so i can do an
install and build kernel 2.4.20 this kernel says it has some kt400
support. It also appears to be compatible with the binutils of woody.
Running woody and gnome here with esd. How can xmms, gnome, xine .. be
configured to use sound from the kernel instead of esd? There seems to
be three types of sound support: arts/esd/kernel is there a good
overview of each of these and how to get gnome to use them? pros/cons?
motherboard =
I used to compile ide-scsi as modules and had problems with the
CD-RW-Drive locking closed .
Since compiling the modules into the kernel, there have been no lock
Shawn Lamson wrote:
On Sun, 29 Dec 2002 20:12:48 -0500
Shawn Lamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, 29 Dec 2002 11:27
ArgoUML-0.12 Runs fine on this:
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1-b21)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1-b21, mixed mode)
downloaded and installed directly from
Oki DZ wrote:
I'd like to run ArgoUML; unfortunately, the JVM (Sun's; 1.4.1 beta)
Ran into this sometime back myself.. it was related to gdm options.
something about a -nolisten option
James Tappin wrote:
On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 02:12:34 -0800
"Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If I try xhost +localhost
xhost: unable to open display "debian:0.0"
3 alternatives spring to
Any recommendations on Audio Video digital capture / playback hardware
and software woking on Woody / Sarge?
= Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the =
= right things.- Peter Drucker
cat interfaces
# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
# The loopback interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static
Does woody / sarge support the ASUS A7V8X with KT400 chips and
Broadcom10/100 onboard Chip? If not, any way to support it?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
running a dhcp client that may be overwritting it?
Nori Heikkinen wrote:
as root, i modified the "search" line in my new box's /etc/resolv.conf
to include a few more domains i want searched. the changes persist
anywhere from two minutes to two hours, but it always seems to get
overwritten with t
I was trying to install:
and discovered that they are mutually exclusive. metal wants gconf2 and
sawmill wants gconf.
Does this mean that sarge sawmill is gnome1? Any way to get both?
= Management is doing thi
Anyone know of one?
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am running exim built under Debian Woody.
Where can I find the docs to configure pam.d/exim to authenticate for
exim? the log says "cant find moudle"
Any input on how to config PAM so exim can find it? exim 3.x did PAM
fine. The same entries are still in /etc/pam.d/...
Exim 4.x was built
1:30:17 -0500, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
>>I am running exim built under Debian Woody.
>>Where can I find the docs to configure pam.d/exim to authenticate for
>>exim? the log says "cant find moudle"
> [...]
>>Exim 4.x was built with PAM sup
Does Woody allow non-root id applications to to PAM auth?
Thank you.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does Woody allow non-root id applications to to PAM auth?
Thank you.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Crashes looking like what? Systems here have it installed from the download.
- First run = exits
- 2nd run = all is good
Vittorio wrote:
> I don't know if it is a bit OT, anyway.
> Using the deb packages found in I've just
> installe
Alt Tab is no longer cycling through the windows in Gnome on Woody Gome
with Sawmill. I have checked the configuration and it looks OK. Alt
continue to work.
Any ideas? thank you.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROT
Could people share their thoughts on what hardware and software can be
combined to provided the following functionality?
- all free & open source - drivers and applications
- SVideo in/out
- optical audio in/out
- play DVD's from disk, harddrive or over TCP/IP
I am having some problems with the Teac drive. It seems to work the
first time but then the drive bay locks and there is no way to open it.
Reboot required. cdrdao unlock doesnt even work.
Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
output of cdrecord -scanbus
'TEAC' 'CD-W54E ' '1.0A' Re
Any input on what to use for hardware and capture / playback software?
I am hoping for only open source. I know that leaves NVidia out due to
the closed drivers. How about ATI?
Thank you.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAI
On Thursday 19 September 2002 09:10 pm, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
>>I am having some problems with the Teac drive. It seems to work the
>>first time but then the drive bay locks and there is no way to open it.
>> Reboot required. cdrdao unlock doesnt even work.
I would not assume that the settings are the same.
Run 'make menuconfig' and check
Be sure of the following are compiled into the kernel:
ext2, ext3, reiserfs
ide & scsi support for your ide/scsi chips/boards
Verify that your lilo.conf has the right settings for partitions and
apt-get kernel-package
read the readme in /usr/share/docs/kernel-package
follow the instructions
Mariano Kamp wrote:
> If the below describe assumption was true then it didn't work out. I
> have the same problem.
> Mariano
> On Sat, 2002-09-28 at 16:33, Mariano Kamp wrote:
>>Which one is
I have just installed the opendlap 2.x from Woody.
anonymous binds connect but fail to list the root just giving the schema:
Root DSE
objectClass top
objectClass OpenLDAProotDSE
binds as the adim fail to bind
ldap client used:
lsmod is reporting the below under kernel 2.6.0test9 The kernel is
running on a sarge box that is updated for all packages as of 11/18/2003
@ 12:50AM
what is QM_Modules? what does this mean? is there a fix?
thank you.
Module Size Used byNot tainted
lsmod: QM_MODU
I am looking at a MS-6368 Mother board that says it has a RT8100. How
can I check for support for this board? Or, 8100 a general number means
an 81xx is is used (i.e.: maybe a 8129 or 8139)
Thank you.
Is there a way to get my teac to burn? it is a 54E CDRW but shows the
Cdrecord 1.10 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Jörg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.5'
0,0,0 0) 'TEAC' 'CD-W54E ' '1.0A' Removable CD-ROM
0,1,0 1) *
Yup I have a "hdd=ide-scsi" Actually its hdc.
Mybe I just need to learn more bout the tools that drive the RW. :(
csj wrote:
On Thursday 22 November 2001 16:11, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
Is there a way to get my teac to burn? it is a 54E CDRW but shows the
Cdrecord 1.1
I am not getting anything in syslog :(
How can I record ssh login / logout / bad passwd
How can I record all scp ops and bad passwds
how do i get potato sshd to ignore v1 connections?
Potato's version of ssh says invalid option. I have putty >win ssh
client< set to protocol 2 and it works against the server fine.
Pollywog wrote:
On 2001.11.26 02:33 Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
how do i get potato sshd to ignore v1 connections?
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config at the top
hmm Putty must fall back to v1 w/o saying anything..
Guess that leaves us with:
1. when is woody going gold? lol i know the answer no flames pls
2. i will look for .debs or build openssh myself.
Thanks all
dman wrote:
On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 08:52:38PM -0600, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
| Potato
I have lilo setup to boot into a high resolution vga screen resolution.
It comes up fine; however, somewhere in the middle of the boot
process, maybe when teh framebuffer drivers are loaded, it switches back
to a lower resolution - standard res?
1. what would cause this?
2. how can it be pr
Wow!! great overview .. AFter all of that... Which do you recommend and
why? Do any of them interoperate with each other? My CISCO client runs
fine over TCP with ipchains NAT.
nate wrote:
Re: VPN software
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 13:48:34 -0800 (PS
Make sure that you have compiled the ide and ext2 into the kernel and not
just made them loadable mods.
Xeno Campanoli wrote:
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 01:00
Xeno Campanoli <[EM
What is the difference between
any others?
Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
Re: dhcp-client
Raghavendra Bhat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fri, 30 Nov
Along the same lines... Is there any good software that will allow me to
take full advantage of some of the multimedia cards that have full A/V in
and out? And also backup a DVD. Just in case the original gets scratched?
Christian Schoenebeck wrote:
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht---
I have created a new file and checked it into CVS. It's mode comes out as 444
in the CVSROOT subdir. Noone else can check it out. Could someone please
explain this to me?
Since I checked it in and left it unlocked, I would like others to be able to
check it out add read it with no problems.
Linksys TX 100 + Tulip - It runs just fine.
Craig Dickson wrote:
Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
Tulip cards are the best. They are fast and reliable with a mature
driver. I use a Kingston brand in my PC, and the real-thing DEC Tulip in
my Alpha.
I also have a Tulip-based Kensington card in one
Where, exactly, did this text come from?
will trillich wrote:
On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 08:35:51PM +0300, Tommi Komulainen wrote:
On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 06:11:08AM -0700, sheine wrote:
I have downloaded all the files for Star Office 6, but haven't the
slightest idea of how to install them.
Your best bet, other than buying a Posix subsystem for Win, is to hope
it is written a portable, or relatively so, language: Java comes to mind
followed by Perl and Python.
Brian Nelson wrote:
"john smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
what steps do I need to take in order to port a small
Any ideas why Potato saw the whole 20 gig IDE drive and Woody with
kernel 2.4.13 only sees 8?
lspci only gives the board numbers. no descriptions show up
/dev does not have my hdaxx partitions thus i cannot mount them
any help would be appreciated. Thanks
The Problem with /dev was that somehow devfs crawled into tthe kernel. I
swear I didn't to it :) - Took it out and the devices are in fine now. Thanks,
Debian User Jean-Baptiste Note wrote:
On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 12:18:43PM -0500, Hanasaki JiJi wrote:
lspci only gives the board nu
Woody is booting fine under kernel 2.4.13 ; howver, when I switch to a
virtual terminal, all I get is a blank black scrren. Then everything
hangs. I have compiled in pts98 terminals and also virtual terminals -
no virtual frame buffers
Thanks to all of you that helped with the /dev pr
not sure
Just use make xconfig.. it takes 2 mins
Let me know how it goes.. my system locks when I switch to virtual
Daniel Toffetti wrote:
Hi all !
I'm ready to compile and install the new kernel 2.4.13
I know this is a chip of some sort. Could someone fill me in on what it
does and why this would be occuring? Potato Ran like a charm.
Booting multiuser and switching to a from GDM to Virtual Terminal locks
the machine.
Booting Single User and no X I can switch between virtual text terminals
w/o problems.
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