First of all a little background:
I have installed Debian in my 1.9GHz P4 and made it triple boot with Fedora (Redhat)
and Win2K. Win2K is because I sometimes need it once or twice in 6 months for some
docs and also my dsl provider simply refuses to help me if I am not in Windoze. Fedora
just testing if my message shows up here in gmane. It *is* different
than posting on other regular news servers. And yes, I do know about
test groups and obviously they do not serve the purpose here.
(Remove all underscores,_if any_, from my email address to get the
correct one. Apologies fo
H. S. wrote:
just testing if my message shows up here in gmane. It *is* different
than posting on other regular news servers. And yes, I do know about
test groups and obviously they do not serve the purpose here.
ooopss er... just found out about gmane.test(as opposed to
Andreas Janssen wrote:
H S (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:
Okay, I am going to take this step by step because I have many issues
unresolved. I am connected to the internet through an ADSL modem (use
"pon dsl-provider" to get online). But how do I make a normal user
able to c
On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 07:34:24PM -0500, H S wrote:
First of all a little background:
To start with, I had installed Woody from the 6 (or 7?) CDs. Then
I did a dist-upgrade. And lost KDE. It was asking for some ]
nonexistant package (something to do with
In my newly intalled and dist-upgraded Debian system, I get crapy fonts
in Mozilla(version 1.5). How do I get the nice anti-aliased fonts?
Here are the files which I think decide the fonts:
{tmp}> cat /etc
On Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 11:59:30PM -0500, H. S. wrote:
Here is what I get now:
{tmp}> pon dsl-provider
/usr/sbin/pppd: Can't open options file /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider:
Permission denied
{tmp}> ls -l /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider
-rw---1 ro
Continuing my progress towards a nice stable working system with
everything as I want it to be. Now I am tacking the dsl modem on/off at
boot time and iptables script.
1) How do I set up the default iptables script that comes with Debian to
a 'safe' mode. I want this so that if the dsl mod
Walter Dnes wrote:
I've been lurking for a couple of weeks here. I started switching
over to Debian in September because Redhat was dropping RH7.3 (their
best distro ever, and it was damn good) and replacing it with bloatware
and coming up with "version-du-jour" on a pace to beat Microsoft. I
Florian Ernst wrote:
Hello 'H. S.'!
On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 02:52:48AM -0500, H. S. wrote:
[... Customizing the boot process ...]
IN google, I have read suggestion which mainly say to put it in init.d
have a soft link in /etc/rcS.d (?) Can somebody attest to this?
See the cor
Greg Folkert wrote:
On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 15:03, tripolar wrote:
it didnt work. mom just tried to access her pogo games , yeah she is
addicted ;-)
and got java not working error. I was trying to get it worked out for
her before I went out of state :-( no such luck.
will have to try again when I
Hi, I am running Woody (ustable perhaps; I am new to Debiain so not sure
hoe to specify this, but I dist-upgraded from Woddy):
~# uname -a
Linux bijli 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 Son Apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i686 GNU/Linux
and I am trying to compile xv(xv-3.10a) and get this error:
I am compiling a latex source file(just 2 page resume) in Debian
(Unstable) and when I try to magnify a certian area in the resulting ps
file the new magnified widow of gv takes ages to come up. This behavior
was not so in Redhat. In other words, same LaTeX file, same dvips
command, but ma
Jonathan Dowland wrote:
On Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 12:03:43AM -0500, H. S. wrote:
I am compiling a latex source file(just 2 page resume) in Debian
(Unstable) and when I try to magnify a certian area in the resulting ps
file the new magnified widow of gv takes ages to come up. This behavior
I am running Sarge (testing) after dist-upgrading from Woody a few weeks
ago. Do I need to upgrade to 3.0r2?
If yes, is this what I need in sources in list file:
deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://ftp2.de.debian.org/ stable main contrib non-free
Robert Benjamin wrote:
I have Red Hat 9.0 installed on a 30 gig HD and want to onstall
Debian 3.0r1 over it, or remove Red Hat. I have iso images 1 and 2 on CD
roms and the drive is bootable. Using the iso 1, I get stuck at the part
where it asks the server:/path for the root filesystem. I'm
Dr. MacQuigg wrote:
I've tried several new posts and replies to existing posts, and they
never appear in the newsgroup. My ISP has no explanation. I assume
this is something to do with a connection between this mailing list and
the newsgroup. Are we supposed to use email only, or can we work
Dr. MacQuigg wrote:
I've tried several new posts and replies to existing posts, and they
never appear in the newsgroup. My ISP has no explanation. I assume
this is something to do with a connection between this mailing list and
the newsgroup. Are we supposed to use email only, or can we work
Is there a "Fonts How To" for Debian Sarge? I am trying to follow some
1) The KDE Font installer
2) http://new.linuxnow.com/docs/content/TT-Debian/TT-Debian-3.html
3) http://www.paulandlesley.org/linux/debian_tt.html
but I just keep getting only that many fonts :(
I hope someb
Micha Feigin wrote:
On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 12:28:34AM -0500, H. S. wrote:
Search the archive, there was a thread not long titled
Debian Font Guide for Newbies and the Confused
Most of it was related to what people thought should be included, but
I found the message by Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTEC
Satyajit Das wrote:
Dear list,
Just today I entire this world and also in Linux world.
By "this world" I would assume the newsgroup world and *this* world in
general :))
welcome to Linux world!
I'm single user.
I collect Debian 3.0 beta , total 8 CD's .
After struggle 4 days("dselect" very di
Monique Y. Herman wrote:
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 at 17:14 GMT, H. S. penned:
Oh boy. I can understand that. I went through the same thing myself a
few weeks ago. But then I was not new to the world of Linux so it
didn't take me 4 days :) But I agree, the installation routine of
Debian is hi
Paul Morgan wrote:
On Thu, 04 Dec 2003 14:42:21 -0700, Monique Y. Herman wrote:
Of course, setting up some stuff (like X) was harder than it is now, but
That was exactly where I had the problem, because the "good enough"
installer wouldn't tell me anywhere what to do with a wheel mouse,
though i
Thanasis Kinias wrote:
> scripsit H. S.:
> I'm a bit perplexed here -- are you arguing that the
Sarge installer is
Haven't seen it. I just started using Debian by
downloading Woody. And
then dist-upgraded to Sarge. Never seen Sarge
installer. If it is out,
then I have missed it
Tom Allison wrote:
> I think before you start parroting the same thing
1,000's before you
> have griped about I would like to at least present
some of my personal
> findings in the last 4 months.
Not 1000's times, but many times, yes. hee hee
Facts: 1) I am griping about Woody installer.
2) Hav
Tom Allison wrote:
What is going to matter in the long run is not what happens in the first
day of use, but in the next day or next year. I've been sorely
disappointed by these commercial distributions (Windows and Linux) that
came in a pretty box.
I am curious. I am not an "expert", but I hav
Dave L. Thompson wrote:
I am a newbie Debian installer, and I’m installing Debian on a Dell PC
with the seven CD’s I downloaded from the Debian site. I have been
unable to get past the “Install the Base System” portion. I’ve
confirmed that dists/woody/main/binary-i386/Release is present on the
I am doing masquarading using my Debian machine running Sarge. Earlier I
was running the default kernel that comes with Woody (2.4.18-bf14 or
something). Today I upgraded to the new kernel:
/var/log# apt-get -u install kernel-image-2.4.22-1-686 kernel-doc-2.4.22
kernel-headers-2.4.22-1 kern
I downloaded the source for 2.4.22 and compiled it and installed using dpkg:
461 cd kernel-source-2.4.22
462 cp /boot/config-2.4.18-bf2.4 ./.config
463 make menuconfig
464 make menuconfig
465 make-kpkg clean
466 make-kpkg --append_to_version -nvidia kernel_image modules_image
Andreas Janssen wrote:
You are using dpkg the wrong way. If you want to get information about
installed packages, leave out the filename extension. Try
dpkg -l kernel-image*
to get a list and see how they are called. Your package probably is
called kernel-image-2.4.22-nvidia
best regards
Andreas Janssen wrote:
You are using dpkg the wrong way. If you want to get information about
installed packages, leave out the filename extension. Try
dpkg -l kernel-image*
to get a list and see how they are called. Your package probably is
called kernel-image-2.4.22-nvidia
best regards
Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
H. S. wrote:
I downloaded the source for 2.4.22 and compiled it and installed using
461 cd kernel-source-2.4.22
462 cp /boot/config-2.4.18-bf2.4 ./.config
463 make menuconfig
464 make menuconfig
465 make-kpkg clean
466 make-kpkg
While doing a google search to read pages on who to compile a new Linux
kernel the Debian way, I see some of them mentioning that I should first
delete a symlink "linux" in /usr/src if it exists before I untar and
unzip a download kernel file, and then recreate it. Some pages do not
Okay, so I compiled the kernel, and then while reading stuff on the net,
wanted to finetune it a bit more using "make menuconfig" and by changing
a one to options. I figured the compilation shouldnt' take long the
second time around, but it seems it is compiling as if it were compiling
it the f
Leandro GuimarÃes Faria Corsetti Dutra wrote:
Em Sat, 06 Dec 2003 18:11:13 -0500, H. S. escreveu:
some of them mentioning that I should first
delete a symlink "linux" in /usr/src if it exists before I untar and unzip
a download kernel file, and then recreate it. Some pages do not su
Björn Lindström wrote:
"H. S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
While doing a google search to read pages on who to compile a new
Linux kernel the Debian way, I see some of them mentioning that I
should first delete a symlink "linux" in /usr/src if it exists before
I untar a
Travis Crump wrote:
As I wrote above, some instructions suggest deleting it and recreating
it to my new kernel directory. So if I do not have it, I was wondering
if I should create it (of course I cannot "re"create it).
In any case, I was also expecting someone who says I *should* have
that li
H. S. wrote:
I am doing masquarading using my Debian machine running Sarge. Earlier I
was running the default kernel that comes with Woody (2.4.18-bf14 or
something). Today I upgraded to the new kernel:
/var/log# apt-get -u install kernel-image-2.4.22-1-686 kernel-doc-2.4.22
When I compiled my 2.4.22 kernel with the new nvidia driver, I had lost
my mouse in X. The problem was that upon bootup, the error was something
like "can't locate module mousedev" or something like. I did a "find" in
/lib/modules and realized that this directory did not exist in my newer
Installed Nvidia->had problem running tuxrace->solved
the problem. Here's how:
Alright, I admit, I wanted the new nvidia driver only
because I wanted to play tuxracer and chromium :)
(BTW, I followed these steps to install the nvidia
http://www.leonscape.co.uk/linux/how2-nvg4.html )
Markku Kellberg wrote:
sön 2003-12-07 klockan 00.11 skrev H. S.:
While doing a google search to read pages on who to compile a new Linux
kernel the Debian way, I see some of them mentioning that I should first
delete a symlink "linux" in /usr/src if it exists before I untar an
panda wrote:
I installed the 2.6.0-test9-1-i386 kernel on my laptop
HP ZE 5170
Pentium 4
512 MB ram
15 inch screen
ATI Radeon mobility graphics card 32 MB
Trident sound card
The problem is that the mousepad stops working along with the sound
I cheched lsmod. It shows mousedev but it i
Earlier, I couldn't eject my CDROM as a normal user by using the "eject"
command. I could mount it though. I could but eject the CDROM as root. I
used to get:
$> eject /cdrom
eject: unable to open `/dev/cdrom'
The problem was the group owner ship of my cdrom(it is linked to
/dev/hdc in my case)
onfig', which I suppose is what you tried to do?
Good it worked out for the best anyway. ;)
h: Krisse
H. S. wrote:
Okay, I know what I was doing wrong, or what was going wrong without
my actually doing it :)
I extracted the bz2 kernel source archive in /usr/src and to p
Andreas Janssen wrote:
I installed the driver using the installer from nvidia.com and the
permissions are crw-rw-rw-, only owner.group is root.root, so I think
it should be okay. By the way, did you log out and in again after
adding yourself to the video group? Otherwise the system won't kno
Tom wrote:
If I have a firewall, and I'm the only person who uses my computer, do I
really have to have a password on my non-root account?
I know the answer is "yes" but -- why? They can't do anything to my
machine anyway, except use it. And due to the firewall that never
happens anyway.
I compiled a new kernel (2.4.22) but upon shutdown my computer does not
power off completely. It goes through all the shutting down routine,
even shuts down hard disks and then the last message displayed is "Power
Off", but the actual power does not go off. In my earlier kernel
H. S. wrote:
I compiled a new kernel (2.4.22) but upon shutdown my computer does not
power off completely. It goes through all the shutting down routine,
even shuts down hard disks and then the last message displayed is "Power
Off", but the actual power does not go off. In
I am experimenting with gimp(ver 1.2.3) in my Debian system running
Sarge (kernel 2.4.22). I notice that when I select some of the fonts
while in the Text tool, gimp hangs. On the command prompt, when I kill
it, I get:
21:00:05{icons-art}> gimp&
[4] 4044
21:00:07{icons-art}> fg <--
Alexander Fitterling wrote:
I wonder if anyone could tell how one could get package kdebase from testing
release installed. if I attempt I get following error:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
kdebase: Depends: ksysguard (>= 4:3.1.3-1) but it is not going to be
I have tried to find on the web how to change my root prompt. I tried
setting the PS1 in /etc/profile but it seems that is not read when I do
"su -" to change to root. But if I do "source /etc/profile" as root, I
get my changes prompt, but then I loose the root environment. (BTW,
setting P
Todd Pytel wrote:
I suspect that root's prompt is being set somewhere and being read in
after /etc/profile, overwriting PS1. Perhaps in /root/.bashrc or
Yes, /root/.bashrc was it. Thanks a ton.
(Remove all underscores,_if any_, from my email address to get the
David Baron wrote:
I installed from a Knoppix CD image. Rather painless and it found most of
the hardware as well. Now to get the thing productive :-)
1. How does one set up the network to work with ADSL (using a 10/100
connected to an ADSL modem)? (Most everything I have seen is for Red Hat.)
Colin Watson wrote:
I wish you all the luck in the world during installation :) Once you
have it installed, it is not that bad, actually it is pretty nice. BTW,
if only Debian had a better installer, a HUGE bunch of Redhat users
would now be using Debian.
There are always "if only"s, unfortu
Walter Dnes wrote:
On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 06:36:19AM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote
Debian seems to require a lot of this, i.e. making user a member of
cdrom, floppy, and audio (what else?). This raises a question for me,
namely is there a group-management tool somewhere. I've read the
Last night I tried to work from home on my university's network. First
the command "ssh -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] xterm -sl 2048 -fg beige" didn't work.
I got "can't open display" error message. So I did some google search
and tried "ssh -X [EMAIL PROTECTED] xterm -sl 2048 -fg beige". But when I
Monique Y. Herman wrote:
dselect #get latest kernel src package
cd /usr/src/kernel-source-
make mrproper #clean any leftover compile stuff
I tried this a few days ago, but I hadn't read the makefile to know what
mrproper was doing and I lost my old config file which I had renamed,
IIRC, as .conf
Paul E Condon wrote:
Documenting software is like writing a good text book. The author must get
in touch with his "inner Dummy" and speak to his needs. Some geeks have this
ability, but many do not.
This is *so* true!! And the troubling part is they simply refuse to
understand this.
Richard Kimber wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 12:07:23 -0600
But I feel strongly that to overcome the original point in the thread,
many app developers need to give more attention to the documentation, and
indeed the user interface, and a little less to adding that "nice new
exciting" (and undocumente
Greg Folkert wrote:
On Thu, 2003-12-11 at 15:50, H. S. wrote:
Documenting software is like writing a good text book. The author must get
in touch with his "inner Dummy" and speak to his needs. Some geeks have this
ability, but many do not.
This is *so* true!! And the troubling pa
Isaac To wrote:
"Terry" == Terry Hancock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Terry> Saying that the source code *is* the documentation is not unlike
Terry> saying the Human Genome is an Anatomy & Physiology textbook. :-P
But very often the source code is very good part of the documentation,
Isaac To wrote:
"H" == H S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Right, Human Genome is not written by programmers. Genes are evolved, not
designed. In contrast, a good programmer write code that will make sense
when it is being read, because they are the ones who need to read them th
Jonathan Melhuish wrote:
I Googled for some time and looked in the list archives, etc., but could
find nothing relevant on installing my digital camera under Debian, so I
got bored and tried typing:
apt-get install hotplug
apt-get install usbutils
mkdir /camera
mount /dev/sda1 /camera
At which p
(I had posted about this a while ago, but can't find that thread anymore
in gmane, so a repeat):
I am trying ssh to connect to my university:
(Remove all underscores,_if any_, from my email address to get the
correct one. Apologies for the inconvenience, but this is to reduce spam.)
Sorry for the mix up of the message text with my signature, my message
should have read:
(I had posted about this a while ago, but can't find that thread anymore
in gmane, so a repeat):
I am trying ssh to connect to my university:
$> ssh -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] xterm
Apparently, _Roberto Sanchez_, on 12/13/03 20:23,typed:
H. S. wrote:
(I had posted about this a while ago, but can't find that thread
anymore in gmane, so a repeat):
I am trying ssh to connect to my university:
What are the contents of your /etc/ssh/ssh_config and ~/.ssh/config?
Apparently, _saravanan_, on 12/13/03 21:58,typed:
Yah, it works. But what is the general command to upgrade a package? (
like rpm -Uvh package)
Once you are up and running after your initial debian install, the
commands are:
to update the system:
$> apt-get update
to see what will be upg
Apparently, _Roberto Sanchez_, on 12/13/03 20:57,typed:
H. S. wrote:
What are the contents of your /etc/ssh/ssh_config and ~/.ssh/config?
The file ~/.ssh/config doesn't exist. The other file is:
$> cat /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Raed man ssh_config, specifically the en
Apparently, _Roberto Sanchez_, on 12/13/03 22:39,typed:
H. S. wrote:
I am really at a loss. If you are running Woody, it might be worth it
to try installing (or back porting) the ssh package from Sarge or Sid.
I am running Sarge. But thanks for your suggestions. At least it is one
Apparently, _Bijan Soleymani_, on 12/14/03 00:36,typed:
"H. S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I remember reading in the one of the man pages(I think it was mplayer,
not sure but I could look it up, I think I still have that application
somewhere) a while ago that "there are m
Apparently, _Roberto Sanchez_, on 12/14/03 10:48,typed:
H. S. wrote:
Good thing this is not a common approach, else everybody would be
*told* they *must* know image processing theory and compression
theory to view an mpeg movie on a computer!
I find that learning the theory beh
Apparently, _Gruessle_, on 12/14/03 14:02,typed:
This is my first post and help call :)
I just installed Debian
I did exit without installing any packages - had to install it 3 times and didn't want
to risk another glitch while installing
Anyway the basic system seams to work now, bu
Apparently, _John Hasler_, on 12/14/03 15:11,typed:
H. S. writes:
But we are fortunate the kind of attitude that some programmers and
hackers have is not so common outside their community. Imagine going to a
charity medical camp and explaining your problem and getting a retort in
return similar
Apparently, _Joan Tur_, on 12/14/03 15:29,typed:
Hash: SHA1
After having removed all *knoppix* packages (I installed SID using knoppix 3.2
and then changed to sid's repositories), eject won't work any more:
1. as user. When run witn "-v" parameter it sh
This is a repost, the first one got screwed up, apologies.
Apparently, _Joan Tur_, on 12/14/03 15:29,typed:
Hash: SHA1
After having removed all *knoppix* packages (I installed SID using knoppix 3.2
and then changed to sid's repositories), eject won't wor
Apparently, _H. S._, on 12/14/03 15:33,typed:
This is a repost, the first one got screwed up, apologies.
Apparently, _Joan Tur_, on 12/14/03 15:29,typed:
Hash: SHA1
After having removed all *knoppix* packages (I installed SID using
knoppix 3.2 and then
Apparently, _Joan Tur_, on 12/14/03 16:07,typed:
Hash: SHA1
Es Diumenge 14 Desembre 2003 21:33, en H. S. va escriure:
Apparently, _Joan Tur_, on 12/14/03 15:29,typed:
After having removed all *knoppix* packages (I installed
Joan Tur wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Es Diumenge 14 Desembre 2003 22:21, en H. S. va escriure:
Given the above ownership of scd0, the user should also belong to the
"cdrecording" group. So either try adding this group to the user's
groups, or try changing t
Joan Tur wrote:
1) What is the line in your /etc/fstab that deals with cdrom?
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom autoro,noauto,user,exec 0 0
I think this looks okay. Now what is "ls -l /mnt/cdrom"?
And as a normal user, what does "eject /dev/scd0" give?
What is this going on? How come my mail is being forwarded by this guy
"Sreelal Chandrasenan"? Or is it something to do with his procmail rules
or something similar?
Sreelal Chandrasenan wrote:
-Original Message-----
From: H. S. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday
A few days ago I fiddled with the fonts in my Debian Sarge system. Since
then I have observed some pecularities. Gimp hangs on selecting some
fonts. And maybe also connected is that when i do ssh to a different
machine and open a remote xterm and then right click the mouse button on
the xt
Is someone familiar with font setup in X here, or shall I try somewhere
I am in the process of cleaning up my fonts installation (in Debian
Sarge). Could someone suggest how do I actually check which fonts are
*not* installed properly? I guess this may be sound like a vague
question to s
Apparently, _H. S._, on 12/13/03 17:44,typed:
(I had posted about this a while ago, but can't find that thread anymore
in gmane, so a repeat):
I am trying ssh to connect to my university:
The problem seems to be my fonts setup in Debian. I had installed some
true type fonts and changed the
I am using Debain Sarge with mozilla:
$> COLUMNS=50 dpkg -l mozilla
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
||/ Name Version
Apparently, _H. S._, on 12/17/03 14:14,typed:
I am using Debain Sarge with mozilla:
$> COLUMNS=50 dpkg -l mozilla
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err:
-0500, H. S. wrote:
Bernard Lineham wrote:
I'm running a recently installed up to date Sid distribution. I am
having a problem where text in OpenOffice Writer that is marked as bold
is still showing up as plain text. Can anyone advise how I might solve
this problem?
this may be a problem
Apparently, _Christian Convey_, on 19/11/04 14:43,typed:
Hey guys,
I'm considering installing the 'udev' package as part of my Sarge 2.6
installation. My motivation is that I'm often baffled when trying to
figure out which USB device is associated with USB devices I plug in.
Is there a general
I have been trying to get frambuffer bootup work in 2.6.9 without
success so far. Cannot get the logo at all. Screen is blank till X
starts up. I have same experience on Sid machines, one uses nv driver
and the other ati.
If somebody has that high resolution screen boot up working with the tux
Apparently, _Williams, Allen_, on 19/11/04 15:41,typed:
What did you have to do to get it to work with the nvidia driver?
As I had written earlier, just put "nvidia" in /etc/modules and it will
be loaded upon boot time. So install the nvidia driver i
Glyn Tebbutt wrote:
On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 15:55 -0500, H. S. wrote:
I have been trying to get frambuffer bootup work in 2.6.9 without
success so far. Cannot get the logo at all. Screen is blank till X
starts up. I have same experience on Sid machines, one uses nv driver
and the other ati.
Apparently, _Sridhar M.A._, on 19/11/04 19:53,typed:
On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 03:55:23PM -0500, H. S. wrote:
> I have been trying to get frambuffer bootup work in 2.6.9 without
> success so far. Cannot get the logo at all.
I have it on my machine with a custom logo on bootup. I tho
This may sound like a dumb question but should one apply debian kernel
patches to a Debian source kernel before compiling one? e.g. I am right
now working on kernel source of 2.6.9. Are the patches included in this
source or should I select and install the ones listed by:
$> COLUMNS=160 dpkg -l
I discovered today that for some reason my xcdroast had been removed. I
was a bit surprised since I never removed it myself.
Anyhow, I reinstalled it using dselect and tried to configure it. During
installation I told it NOT to use SCSI emulation and NOT to make
/dev/sg? devices.
But now it ta
Just wondering how to check temperature on my desktop. On a laptop I use
"acpi -V" to see the temperaute.
I was checking my desktop's(running Debian Sarge and kernel 2.6.9)
motherboard's specs and notice it could be supporting temperature
sensors. However, the boot log in /var/log/sys shows:
Apparently, _Greg Madden_, on 25/11/04 03:31,typed:
On Wednesday 24 November 2004 07:36 pm, H. S. wrote:
Just wondering how to check temperature on my desktop. On a laptop I
use "acpi -V" to see the temperaute.
I was checking my desktop's(running Debian Sarge and kernel 2.6.9)
I have started to like udev. In Sarge running 2.6.7, when I log into
gnome, the hard disk partitions (Windows and hdb ext3 partitions that I
mention in /etc/fstab) are shown as icons on the desktop. Also, if I
insert my USB stick into a USB port it is shown as an icon on the
desktop which dissa
I installed sensord a couple of days ago and since then I am getting
these messages repeatedly and I am not sure what to make of them. Should
I be worried? If not, then how can I stop these messages(apart from
uninstalling sensord)? If yes, what could be wrong?
Here is one cycle which is repeat
Apparently, _John Covici_, on 08/12/04 15:56,typed:
Hi. I have an IBM thinkpad and I installed Debian on it and got a
daemon called sleepd -- however it wants a command to actually put the
machine to sleep. Its default was apm -s which of course never worked
because the machine is an acpi machine.
Mateusz Łoskot wrote:
User Micha Feigin wrote::
And if you are interested even Microsoft themselves don't use visual.
The whole
tool chain for windows is command line (I think it is proprietary
Yeah, right, but Microsoft thinks that people/developers
are idiots and will use mouse-clicks
Apparently, _Leonard Chatagnier_, on 12/12/04 08:22,typed:
Please copy any response to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as I can't cope with all
the lists messages when subscribed.
Then why don't you start using gmane newsgoups?
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