Walter Dnes wrote:
  I've been lurking for a couple of weeks here.  I started switching
over to Debian in September because Redhat was dropping RH7.3 (their
best distro ever, and it was damn good) and replacing it with bloatware
and coming up with "version-du-jour" on a pace to beat Microsoft.  I
want to *USE* my computer, not be constantly upgrading upgrading
upgrading.  (Yes, I *LIKE* "rusty" and "stale" <g> ).  Anyhow, on to my

Nice to know that, I am in exactly the same boat :)

  My understanding is that Debian loads a whole slew of packages in /var
during the main install and I need to have at least a gig of space.  Is
that correct ?  Which directory ?  Is it possible to symlink that
directory elsewhere ?

Yes, I have posted about this (within the last 7 days). I think you can get away with sym linking to /var/apt/cache (I think, but please confirm the exact path -- may see my earlier posts) to some place where you do have space (maybe a bigger partition, or even maybe in your /home somewhere).


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