On Sun, 01 Sep 2002 19:04:07 +1000
Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why won't export work? When i run this
> bash script on debian 3:
> #!/bin/sh
> ABC=def
> export ABC
> exit 0
> when i type 'export', then ABC doesn't
> appear in the list of environment variables.
That's unsurprising.
On Sat, 21 Sep 2002 14:33:06 +
Martin Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> a question i was asked recently on a topic that I thought
> i understood untill i was asked
> Given the hypothetical subnet and netmask
>, state the valid range of IP addresses that
On 22 Sep 2002 14:41:36 +0100
Brian Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Help,Debian Newbie.Have installed Debian 3.0 OK. Problem, Mozilla was
> working OK. Now I cannot launch it, I get message 'No such file etc'.
> Tried apt-get to install &/or remove it, but can neither install or
> remove it.I'm
To quote Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi!
# I´ll soon have to give out the root-pw of one of my boxes temporarily,
# but I´m a little paranoid...
# Does anybody know of some program/script that could make checksums of
# each&every file installed and keeping this list somewhere
To quote "Robin Rowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi. I don't seem to have it right. I get an error on 'apt-get install
# libsdl1.1-dev':
# Reading Package Lists...
# Building Dependency Tree...
# E: Couldn't find package libsdl1.1-dev
Don't read the other reply ...
Use deb-src, trust m
Okay, first of all, please use paragraphs. They exist for a reason :)
Since it's too much trouble for me to break things up to present a nice
clear, response, you'll have to deal with my babbling.
First of all, if your mouse isn't initialized as an IntelliMouse, it
pretends it's a regular PS/2 mou
To quote Dave Bresson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, David B. Harris wrote:
# Yeah, sorry about that...my babbling doesn't translate well to
# Ah well...
# > First of all, if your mouse isn't initialized as an IntelliMouse, it
# > pretends it&
To quote William T Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
# You don't need to reboot to change the hostname, either. The command
# 'hostname'.
# You need to reboot to change the partition table of a disk with
# filesystems, and you need to reboot t
To quote Rick Rezinas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi,
# I'm using testing
# I was having an issue (think I saw a post regarding this recently),
# where a regular user couldn't use ssh due to ' no controlling tty'
# I found that the issue was an inability for nonroot to write to
# and chan
To quote Carel Fellinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 04:06:03PM -0500, David B . Harris wrote:
# ...
# > You also need to re-boot for some hardware re-initialization. See
# > recent thread on XFree 4.0.2 and an IntelliMouse-compatible mouse.
# I doubt it.
To quote "Dean A. Roman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hello all,
#I recently configured, compiled, and installed the 2.4.1 kernel.
# far things are going ok with it.
# However, modprobe has stopped working correctly, and can't find any
# modules.
Chances are, you need a newer version of mo
# I guess the subject is clear enougth, does woody come with XFree4.0
# kde2?
There are currently no Woody ISOs. Whether Woody will have XFree86 4.0.x
or KDE2 will be determined when Woody is frozen, or when the part of
Woody that those packages are in is frozen.
# Comments or suggestions welcome but it looks like I have wasted my
time and
# should have stayed with RH
With an attitude like that, you should have stayed with Red Hat. Or
better yet, Windows. When you having nothing installed other than
Windows, Office, and Internet Explorer, it's fairly stabl
To quote Glenn Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# All,
# I have been trying to secure my Debian box, which enjoys a DSL
# connection. I've been going through /etc/inetd.conf, commenting out
# services, and K'ing others in the /etc/rc2.d/, until what I have left
# the following (output from nmap
To quote "Leonard Leblanc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hey All,
# I have just a quick (and probably stupid) question. I was under the
# impression that you could just place scripts in the cron.daily,
# cron.monthly, and cron.weekly directories and that those scripts would
# run. Now either there
To quote Jerrud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mount /cdrom
# mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,
#or too many mounted file systems
#(aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
#instead of some logical partition inside?)
# [EMA
To quote Thomas Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# i do cd /
# grep -r hallo *
# und then cames a memory enhausted and the network is down.
Well, since you're specifying -r, it's going recursively through
subdirectories ... I don't know for sure, but maybe it's running into
some problems with so
To quote Joris Lambrecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# the /dev directory indeed just lists a list of names wich are linked
# device driver files through the inode table
# so in fact you're grep-in the output of the /dev, if this contains
# control chars it might hang your grep command, you sho
To quote Ross Boylan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hey, give the guy a break. Of course he's aggravated, although it may
# be that only a little RTFM would clear things up.
I wasn't really the aggrivation that bothered me... I've dealt with many
a frustrated newbies. What does bother me is guilt-trips.
To quote Steve Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi!
# I am frustrated with the linux 2.2 kernel. I have had two hacks in 3
# and I am going broke rebuilding my server.
# I went out and bought Redhat 7, and got hacked 6 weeks later.
# I have been placed in contact with a guy who wants me
To quote Steve Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Well first, I repent of calling Linux 7: Redhat 7. Yes I am new. I
# been maintaining my own box from a su level for about 3 months. That
is why
# I was calling in an expert to install Debian tomorrow. It has become
# obvious to me that I am
To quote Aaron Brashears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Thank you to all who let me know some more information about kernel
# 2.4.1. It installed flawlessly, runs smoothly so far, and if anything
# seems lightning quick. I'm looking forward to reformatting some of the
# partitions as reiser and play around
To quote dickson chow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# 1. How can i install debian at its bare minimum? (HD space is only
# 340mb. sorry if this is a dumb question. i'm new to linux and the
# structure is totally alien to me. i'm trying very hard to learn it
# though :)
What I would do is extract base
To quote Gavin Hamill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Just my two cents' worth here... I did a semi-manual potato install
# recently (i/e/ selecting individual packages from the menu rather that
# just the groups) and have ended up with a full mail and
# web/SSL/PHP/mod_perl system with quite a few extra od
To quote James Sinnamon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# My apologies for a question that should have been answered over and
# again on this
No problem at all :) But check the archives next time. Since you have a
specific string to seach for("Can't open display"), a search would
provide good results.
To quote Vittorio De Martino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Having experience of Linux RedHat, is there anyone out there able to
tell me
# where is the equivalent of the rc.local file in Debian and where can I
# it?
There's isn't any rc.local per se, but executables in /etc/rc.boot/ will
be run on
To quote Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# append="-R imps2" <-- this line was me fooling around
Get rid of that, and instead add a this line:
#Option "Protocol""imps/2"
I don't know if it's case-sensitive, but IMPS/2 works for me... It might
To quote Raffaele Sandrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi
# I have win and lin insalled on my computer
# unfortunally windows must be on the first partition wich is 20 GB's
big. the
# next 20 GB's are for debian. Is there any chance to get LILO working
# this circumstances (perhaps a new vers
To quote Peter Jay Salzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# don't have this problem, just for my own knowledge...
# doesn't this require a quasi-new bios? since lilo can only bootstrap
# whatever services the bios allows.
True enough, it does require a BIOS with EDD support. The LILO sources
To quote Pann McCuaig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 17:22, Raffaele Sandrini wrote:
# > I have win and lin insalled on my computer
# > unfortunally windows must be on the first partition wich is 20 GB's
big. the
# > next 20 GB's are for debian. Is there any chance to get LILO w
To quote "D. Hoyem" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# attempted to put them in the /mount directory, one
# would go there but the other would not... both were
# labeled vfat:win95 and I assume that you can not have
# 2 of the same in /mount. The problem is that when I
You can only mount one partition per di
To quote "Rainer Mager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# So, to make a long story short, how is the Debian package manager in
# regards? Do the same problems exist?
Well, understand that there are two parts to the Debian packaging
system. 'apt', and 'dpkg'. 'dpkg' is roughly equivalent to functio
To quote "Rainer Mager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# David (and all),
# Thanks for the reply. The part about mixing hand built stuff with
# in concerning as I do this quite often. The number of available
packages is
# encouraging but, nonetheless, I know occasions will arise. I've had to
# also sprach kmself@ix.netcom.com (on Fri, 02 Mar 2001 08:42:15PM
# > $ startx & exit
# >
# > ...which is what I use (do what I mean, not what I say). I can
# > you there are no console sessions on this box.
# this will kill my X imme
To quote "The Grand Oral Disseminator" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi...
# I'm new to Linux, let's start with saying that! But I am thnking
about installing Linux on my PC (Intel PIII 667MHz)... Can you give me
some information about which distribution (A free distribution, since it
is just my goal
To quote Francois Gelis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I am running libc6 version 2.2.1-1, with a kernel 2.4.0 in which I
# configured the use of the devfs architecture.
The problem sounds like it might be because you're not running 'devfsd'.
'apt-get install devfsd', and reboot. If you're not using
To quote "Marcelo Chiapparini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi everyone!
# It is possible to install sylpheed in potato without updating any
# In the Debian site sylpheed belongs
# to unstable, but the shylpheed web page says that it runs under
Well, what you can do is build the S
To quote "mark's-debian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hello,
# I setup a cronjob to fetch these mailinglists messeages from my
mailserver. Everytime the job is run I get an email with the output from
this job. How do I stop this. Because I'm afraid I'm loosing valuable
Add "> /dev/null 2>&1
To quote ray p <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I have a firewall (floppyfw) based that I am trying to do SSH through
# my Debian box on the other side and it will not work. I have
# the lines that are supposed to allow forwarding to the box behind it
# the scripts and still everytime I
To quote Roberto Diaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# bash-2.03$ wget -c --timeout=90 --wait=50
# --18:18:25--
#=> `binary-i386
To quote [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Martinovic),
# Speaking of Gdm, has anyone else found that although in
# /etc/gdm/gdm.conf i put my .gtkrc in for Gdm to load with my gtk
# theme, it still loads with the default theme (which is really ugly)?
Make sure the gtkrc file is readable by GDM. I think i
To quote Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I'm trying to compile in ipchains emulation support in kernel 2.4, but
# xconfig has it greyed out and I have no idea what I need to enable to
get to
# it. Can someone point me in the right direction?
You need to disable all 'iptables' suppo
To quote "john smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# 1. How can I find out the total number of files (also hidden) in the
# directory?
# 2. How can I find out the total number of executable files (also
hidden) in
# the current directory?
# 3. how to find the total number of files of a given
Hey there :)
I'm new to the list(but I've actually subscribed ;), and I'm having a
bit of an irritant considering an error I get often:
{module_list} {module_list_R__ver_module_list}
Warning: /usr/src/linux/System.map does not match kernel data.
The error appears when I run things like 'ps', 'to
To quote Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Well, for some stupid reason, I decided to give the Gnome packages
from Helix a try. After re-starting X-Windows, I noticed that my Eterms
don't have scrollbars and scroll-arrows. My first assumption is that
it's related to Helix's version of the vario
To quote kmself@ix.netcom.com,
# Netiquette cop.
# I tend to consider a CC: request appropriate. It'd the "please reply
# off list" that I'll comment on. Strangers mailing me *directly*
# off-list with questions or followups get their knees bashed in .
You'll have to forgive me, then ;) Some
To quote Bob Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I had a problem with woody several days ago where X would die
# immediately after starting, before the window manager took over. In
# trying to fix it, I really messed up my X installation, so I decided
# downgrade to potato and did a fresh installati
To quote Vadim Kutsyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I want to recompile the kernel. I config and compiling went without
# problem (I am trying 2.2.18pre21 static on woody). Hwever, when I am
# restrarting computer, Xserver starts, but gdm doesn't, so all what I
# getting is gray screen whithout a
To quote will trillich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# please run your eyeballs over them -- and any of the other
# documents we've got there -- and feel free to post some feedback
# to the newbieDoc project at
# http://www.eGroups.com/messages/newbieDoc
Well, I must admit I don't like this phrase
To quote Lindsay Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Past messages have detailed how to copy a file system from one drive
# another, but now I need to do it across the network. Of course I need
# preserve soft and hard links and device files.
# I do have a tape device here, but at 525Mb it's
To quote Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# well i also used gcc-2.95.2 as that is also what is in potato.
# i should note one other detail, i build the kernel on straight potato
# (with potato modutils) and install the package on a different machine
# that has upgraded modutils. but i don't s
To quote "Hall Stevenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# > Now to burn with cdrecord, you need a SCSI device. Is there an
# > easy way to make the beast emulated as an SCSI device ?
# >
# > I tried append="hde=ide-scsi" in lilo.conf, but this don't work.
# One thing to try is to run "modconf" and add "S
To quote "Antonio A. Lobato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I already tryied many ways to install the potato packages(because I
# already installed it Basic System from hard disk), but it`s how if my
# reader don`t existed.
# Also it`s impossible I acess the internet from Linux because my
To quote "Christopher W. Aiken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I just installed Debian 2.2_r2 and chose some
# packages from the "simple" setup. I got a lot
# of the same errors reported during the package
# configuration step. "ldconfig" also reports
# the same error.
# The error indicates that /usr/
To quote Jon Pennington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# csj wrote:
# >
# > The first of two questions: Is it OK to specify woody as the apt
source after
# > a fresh potato installation (I just grabbed, as someone suggested,
the 2.88mb
# > floppy install image)? I want to have woody with the least number of
To quote Mithras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Excuse me if this question is really basic.
# After installing Debian for the first time (but not Linux), I
# discovered the mouse wasn't working.
# It didn't move at all at first, and I found last night that /dev/mouse
# was just symlinked to some weir
I'll try to help where I can :)
To quote "David B. Small" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# 1) Have other folks had trouble installing from potato CD's, or is it
# likely mine are bad.
I can't say for sure - I only used one CD, but it went flawlessly(after
I figured out how to get through the install proces
This thread about mouse configuration got me to try to get 'gpm' and X
co-operating again, and I was successful this time. Let me explain my
I have a Logitech mouse of some sort, a Mouse Man Plus, I think. It's
got two buttons, plus a wheel that also acts as a third button(plus
To quote Koen Colpaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# After some experimenting with Suse, Slackware and Mandrake I turned to
# Debian. After installing and configuring X I was presented with a grey
# xdm-display as a loginscreen. I was wondering if there aren't any
# background images available and
To quote Knud Sørensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# apt-get got over 40 packets to install including X windows 4.0
Not surprising. gnome-db is even now developmental software; it would
require lots of new GNOME stuff :
# 1) So, How do I return to stable ??
You remove each and every one of those 40 pac
# Is there a quick way to rebuild the Packages file under the
# tree? In other words, I would like to download the files I want for
# Debian to put on one CD, like KDE 2, netscape 4.76? In other words,
# there an easy way to make a custom CD for Deb
To quote Knud Sørensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# That what i have tried to but some of the packets
# pre or post remove scripts fails!
# So, is the any way to remove a packet without running them. ?
Not that I know of, off the top of my head. 'man dpkg' to check for
To quote john gennard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# It seems formatting can be done with 'mkfs' - most of the manpage
# is (hopefully!) clear, but I have seen no guidance on what block
# sizes would be appropriate or what the advantages/disadvantages
# of different ones are. 512 and 8192 may well be the e
# I left the mute key out, as I haven't found a way yet to actually
# it on and off (I know you can mute it with amixer set Master mute and
# unmute with amixer set Master unmute, but you'd need an extra script
# have it toggling between those values).
Here's a quick script to make mute-
To quote Martin Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Netstat shows the following services on my home machine:
# Is it safe to leave it as it is? I've closed of all services in
# inetd.conf and I'm using Firestarter as my firewall. I'm a little
# paranoid that my system is listening for connections. But I
To quote Philipp Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# The german magazine "c't" (http://www.heise.de/ct) explitely says that
# there is no problem with Debian and the Pentium 4 on the Dell
# Dimension 8100.
# RedHat and Suse caused some problems.
That's probably because Debian uses(at last check) 2.2.1
To quote Matthew Sackman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# The hard disc is a 10Gb 7200rpm 2Mb cache Seagate that is less than 6
# old. I'm fairly furious that it has developed an error this quickly.
It's the nature of the beast, unfortunatly :( However, often times the
manufacturers are really quite
# I am willing to donate some of my spare time to Debian if they will
# me. What needs work?
Lots of things ;) I'm fairly new, but I've offered to write man pages
for some packages that don't have them(packages that I use, of course).
I imagine if you have a fe
To quote "Marco C ." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi buddies!
# Why sometimes in my logs magically appears the line
# date,time host -- MARK --
# What does this MARK mean?
# Thanks in advance, marco
For the life of me, I can't remember what they mean. But I'm pretty sure
it's a command flag - 'man syslo
To quote Russ Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Howdy! My wife bought me a new computer for Christmas, an E-machine
# with the i810 chipset. I was able to get X11 working under TurboLinux
# (the CD came with the LAN card I bought), but I'm having difficulty
# with Debian. Attached are the XF86Config f
# I'm running 2.2r2. I downloaded the KDE deb's from sourceforge. When
# try to install I get a failed instalation from libqt2.2 saying it
needs a
# newer version.Well the libqt that I got was in the same directory
# sourceforge. So I went to get the
To quote "M.B.Midden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Im looking for some info about runlevels. Is there a howto for it?
What is
# the best runlevel for a server en when should u switch ( how can you
# ( i tried man runlevel ofcourse ) etc
I'm sort of bored, so here's a little tutorial ;)
Each run
To quote Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 07:37:25PM -0500, David B. Harris wrote:
# > /etc/rcS.d/* : General not used manually, it's used to put the
# > into single-user mode right after the kernel has been started.
# > entered by
To quote Russell Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I am working on the Debian package of lilo and am writing code for
# auto-generating lilo.conf files.
# Below is an example of the type of lilo.conf that can be generated.
# debconf asks whether you want boot or boot-menu as the boot loader, i
To quote Russell Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Saturday 06 January 2001 14:55, you wrote:
# > I request that you provide support for me telling lilo that I don't
# > want it touching my lilo.conf at all. Also, you should consider how
# > to deal with changes that the user makes by hand to lilo.c
To quote [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miquel van Smoorenburg),
# You could have just pasted /usr/share/doc/sysvinit/README.runlevels.gz
# here ..
Does it matter? I was bored, and I think it was helpful. Anyone care to
To quote Raghavendra Bhat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Brad Burns posts:
# > Can anyone recommend a good GNOME Mail Client ?
# >
# U mean a mail client based on the GTK libs ?
# Plump for Sylpheed. It is good.
I use Sylpheed too, and I like it.
To quote D-Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I now have Debian bootable from loadlin (which is how my system is set
# up).
# Now I want to make a backup boot disk on a floppy. I tried running
# mkboot, but it gave some errors and the disk wasn't bootable
# afterwards.
To quote Ross Boylan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# By the way, is there any reliable way to capture all the messages
# which go to the console on system startup? dmesg and the various files
# in /var/log do not get everything that shows on the screen--for
# example, fetchmail's complaint when it couldn't
# - I don't want to run both Junkbuster and Squid because I would see
# this as wasteful.
I guess that's somewhat true. I have both of them running. JunkBuster
forwards its requests to squid(on port 3128), so that only the stuff
junkbuster lets through gets downloaded.
Some of my family members
To quote Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Option "Protocol""Intellimouse"
Just to be sure, the protocol for an Intellimouse-compatible mouse on
the PS/2 port is "IMPS/2". I dunno if your mouse is on a serial, USB, or
PS/2 port, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
To quote "Rick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# my post was slightly premature (or maybe just got my thoughts in
order, as
# I investigated further into gpm.conf and found that where I had
Hey, no worries :) Personally, it took me more than a month to get gpm+X
working properly, although it wasn't wholly
To quote Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# > 2.) boot. fsck will fail. do manual fsck, remount / rw, edit
# > /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /boot ext2 defaults 0 2
# > /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 none swap sw 0 0
# > /dev/ide/host0/bus0
To quote Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# i fail to see how typing:
# /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1
# instead of /dev/hda1 or /dev/wd0a whenever i need to do anything
# related to raw devices is a performance improvment. nor is writing
# huge kludgy initscripts or bloated daemons
To quote "Micha³ Rymaszewski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Czesc
# Chcialem sie dowiedziec skad mozna sciagnac najnowsza dystrybucje
Debiana w wersji stable w formacie ISO
# Z gory serdeczne dzieki za pomoc
That'll help you out :)
To quote Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 07:46:53PM -0500, David B. Harris wrote:
# > You might want to consider changing your attitude a bit. These
# oh i want choice, my attitude is clearly flawed afterall if i did not
# want choice i would still b
To quote Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# So if you have a problem with something, talk to the authors. Spewing
# bile across the lists of an unrelated project is just going to be
# conterproductive for you in the long run.
I apologize for my part in this argument. It really upsets me to see
To quote Aaron Maxwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi. xanim complains that it cannot open the /dev/dsp
# device. Funny thing is, I'm in the audio group and the
# device's permissions seem legit:
# Can't Open /dev/dsp device
# ^C
# yomama[12]%
If some other program is using /dev/dsp, you'll also ge
To quote Aaron Maxwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# > If some other program is using /dev/dsp, you'll also get that error.
# >
# > Check to see if 'esd' is running, it'll snatch up /dev/dsp. I know
# > are ways to make it release it every so often, but I can't remember
# esd is not running
To quote Russell Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/ Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
Hey, I didn't know you wrote bonnie++ :) Great utility, thanks :)
To quote Stefan Nobis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# No, but Andreas stated clearly that he don't want to use devfsd. And
the above
# are the internal names of devfs and the device drivers. The other
names like
# /dev/discs/disc0 and the like are the user friendly naming scheme
which is
# brought to you wi
# Can you give us a rundown on how to get this to work? I followed the
# instructions in the README but the permissions and owner/group bits
# stayed the way I wanted them. (eg: root.audio for all of /dev/sound,
# root.video for all of /dev/v4l, etc). I'm using
To quote Carel Fellinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 11:53:36AM -0600, John Foster wrote:
# > I am trying to isolate a problem with my ps2 mouse. The pointer
# > does not work in console or xterm. It will cut and paste OK. I have
# > checked all of the various configurat
To quote Thibaut Cousin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# 1) Konqueror depends on lesstif. Is it normal ? I don't see where
lesstif is
# used...
In order to support Netscape plugins, KDE has to use Motif/Lesstif.
# 2) Bramhs can only be used by root because of a /dev/rtc: permission
# Can the perm
To quote Rino Mardo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 07:03:26PM +0100 or thereabouts, tom wrote:
# > Howdy Guys,
# >
# > I just ugraded from 2.0.36 to 2.2.18 (hey, I'm slow...) on a
# > potato system. I did not do it the "debian way", however, and
# > I still appear to have 2.0.36
To quote Sebastiaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# > Pfff, I really don't know how many Kbs of packages you need to
# > upgrade. The Xfree86 packages changed since 2.2r0, IIRC, so it
# > be quite a few Kbs..
# Too much. It takes already an hour to download the kernel source
# line), and th
To quote John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# David B. Harris writes:
# > In North America, local regional calls are free - they don't cost
# > anything.
# For me that "local region" is about ten miles in diameter and includes
# exactly one (unreliable) ISP.
# >
To quote Daniel Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hey, having a problem with my debian box here, was wondering if anyone
# has had this problem before. I have made my box an nfs server, and I
# have my home directory located on it. I want to be able to automount
# home directory when I log into ano
To quote John Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# OK i've built a server to run a Linux/Apache/Mysql/PHP setup on.
# It works pretty well and we're happy with it. But i've statred hearing
about Software RAID. Our budget won't run to SCSI or a RAID controller.
There are relatively cheap IDE-based R
To quote John Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# ># Would this be worthwhile? How hard is it to set up a software raid?
# >what do I do? does it matter that i want the whole OS as well as the
# >data storage mirrored?
# >
# >Fairly easy. Read the appropriate HOWTOs are http://www.linuxdoc.org
# >
# >
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