To quote Steve Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, # Well first, I repent of calling Linux 7: Redhat 7. Yes I am new. I have # been maintaining my own box from a su level for about 3 months. That is why # I was calling in an expert to install Debian tomorrow. It has become quite # obvious to me that I am way over my head in trying to get my server secure.
That may be the case... Let me tell you something from my own experience. I've done tech support for going on twelve years, off and on. I'm not talking about customer tech support ... I'd call myself an admin, but I'm more of a troubleshooter. Of course, I have friends and family I always lend a hand to. Anyways, you seem fairly secure with yourself, so you probaly don't need to hear this, but I can't be sure, so I'll say it anyways. I'd say, without a doubt, 90% of the people I've ever met can get a $60,000 CDN a year job working with computers, with just a bit of tutelage. Usually I only need to work with a complete computer-illiterate person before they have the basic skills necessary to troubleshoot a problem. After that, the only thing you can get is experience. Anyways, I strongly encourage you to continue asking questions on the list here, in the #debian IRC channel on, and to your friends. After a few months, if you're willing to put in the effort, you'll probably have enough general knowledge to start reading (and understanding!) various HOWTOs and program documentation packages. At that point, the only thing holding you back would be the amount of time you could spend reading and learning. Anyways, it's always best to administer your own box. Failing that, it's best to have a full-time admin, who's responsible for your box. Anyways, have fun :) David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)