On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 15, 2002 at 05:31:15PM +0100, Michael Naumann wrote:
> > when I do from perl
> > @f= stat "f";
> > @sl2f = stat "sl2f";
> > I always get the same contents in @sl2f as in @f, i.e stat follows the link.
> > Thus I cannot decide via stat,
What about trying a periodic netstat -n?
Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * andrew_perrin (at) unc.edu
On Sun, 15 Dec 2002,
Generally it works just like a built-in USB port; see www.linux-usb.org
for more information. There are really only two kinds; UHCI and
OHCI. Which module you use depends on that.
Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aper
(I apologize for the off-topic post but I know there are LaTeX users
around and this is a bit of an emergency.)
Help! I haven't used the seminar package for a year or so; now, when
creating the slides for a class lecture tomorrow, suddenly all slides
come out upside-down. This happens with using l
After setting up a home wireless network, I have a couple of residual
problems/ questions.
1.) I get lots of the following message in syslog:
Jan 8 11:46:38 simmel kernel: eth1: Unknown Rx error (0x3). Frame
Jan 8 11:46:54 simmel last message repeated 2 times
Jan 8 11:48:
I'm moving to a DHCP arrangement for my home network. I've set up the DHCP
server, and it responds appropriately to requests from two of the three
other computers on the network (one debian, one WinXP). From the other
debian computer on the network, it responds if I manually do:
pump -i eth0
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Greg Madden wrote:
> [snip]
> You can have this behavior if you do not have the following options enable in
> your kernel config file. Pump will work dhclient does not.
> # Networking options
> #
> snip
Thanks - this does appear to b
As it turns out, Shyamal is right and I must have somehow changed the
.config file without actually recompiling the kernel. Recompiling the
kernel with CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER made it work fine. (It broke
some other things, but that's my fault :))
What happens when you try to get the address manually? Try typing:
dhclient eth0
as root and report back the results.
Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel
WHat happens when you try to get it? Try, as root,
dhclient eth0
and report back the results.
Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Try rsync.
Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * andrew_perrin (at) unc.edu
On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
> Hel
If you want, you can link the device:
ln -s /dev/hdd4 /dev/zip
and then mount zip:
mount /dev/zip /mnt/zip -t vfat
Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Cha
Has anyone accomplished the above? I get a compile error, whether I use
make-kpkg modules_image or a by-hand make in /usr/src/modules/openafs. The
Error reads (in part):
In file included from /usr/include/asm/smp.h:11,
from /usr/include/linux/smp.h:17,
from /usr/i
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
[EMAIL PROTECTED] * andrew_perrin (at) unc.edu
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 15:04:50 -0500, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > Has anyone accomplished the above? I get a comp
I was getting the error message:
font tcrm1000 not found, leaving blank
when creating a pdf file from LaTeX using the following sequence:
latex microcultures
dvipdf microcultures
After some digging around, I found that the problem was that dvipdf
attempted to run mf to create the fo
cat /dev/random > /dev/hd*
(where * is the drive letter you're surplussing) should do it for most
uses. If you're feeling especially paranoid, check out
http://abaababa.ouvaton.org/wipe/ .
Andrew J Perrin - http://www.unc.
I'm trying to use the oolatex script for tex4ht so I can submit a
manuscript currently in LaTeX to a press that needs it in RTF. I'm
currently having two problems:
1.) oolatex stops with a puzzling error:
! Misplaced \span.
\span ...ew:span {\new:span \HRow .\HCol ;}\:span
l.7 ...mn{2}{r|}{\tex
IF (and only if) the drives are geometrically the same, you can use dd:
dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb
to copy directly disk-to-disk, or to save to a file for later dumping to
a disk:
dd if=/dev/hda of=
of course, will be very big and must not be on /dev/hda or
you will create yourself a nasty lit
Of course, a regex is overkill in the below example; the equivalent is:
while () {
next unless $_ eq 'index.html';
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
Chapel Hill, No
Sure - check out man xhost. If (like me) you're a totally isolated host
you can just do
xhost +
in a terminal window owned by the user running X; that will allow ANY
host, ANYWHERE, to display om your machine. If you're connected to the
net you might want to refine your xhost command to allow o
If you want to start processes (e.g., an xterm) from the win box, you'll
have to install rexecd (in package rsh-server) which has security
implications; if you elect to do so then you can use hummingbird's xstart
tool to get an xterm and set the display for you.
LogicTran (http://www.logictran.com/net2rtf.html) hs one but it's not
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin
I can't speak off the top of my head to the exec problem you're
having; the -w problem is clear. -w turns on warnings in perl, which are
essentially non-fatal errors regarding programming style and
structure. The "Name %s used only once" warning tells you that the given
variable appears to be eith
;t remove the -w option from the Perl line and still have the
> script work. As soon as I remove -w, the script won't execute and I get
> an Internal Server Error in my browser window.
> On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > I can't speak off the top
True enough - but recognize that Samba's advantage is that it runs on
the stable OS, so you don't have to load anything at all on the windows
Gavin Hamill wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:
> > Can this be done?
> > Can I mount NFS volumes from a win machine o
Forgive me if this is either obvious or wrong, but I would assume you're
looking for:
getlist -h active > foo
since the options (-h active) belong to getlist, not to
Anton Emmerfors wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I encountered something really weird...
> When trying to get an active li
Check permissions on ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys - I don't know
about openssh but plain ol' ssh complains if the permissions are too
open on these.
Andre Berger wrote:
> On 2001-02-21 16:09 +0100, Vadim Kutsyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys', then tried to
Well, not exactly 'forwarding' - setting DISPLAY that way will simply make
the remote machine display to your X server; it's not forwarded, just
directly displayed. And you're correct - it's not secure.
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D.
, North Carolina, USA - http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin
On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Vadim A Kutsyy wrote:
> But faster, right?
> On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > Well, not exactly 'forwarding' - setting DI
How about using autofs to delay the actual mount until it's requested?
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin
This is perhaps a silly question, but here goes. I use fvwm(2) under
potato, and many of the windows I have open at any time are ssh sessions
to somewhere else. I typically open these with entries in my fvwm menu
that run something like this:
+ "statapps" Exec rxvt -name 'StatApps' -t
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin
On Sun, 25 Feb 2001, mike polniak wrote:
> Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > Greetings-
> >
> > This is perhaps a silly question, but here goes. I use fvwm(2) under
> &
Could some kind soul help out with this? I built postgres from source
instead of using the .deb, and all works fine except for having it start
on bootup. I'm stuck on trying to get the startup script to run as user
'postgres' instead of as root. I tried to have it issue the command:
su postgres
> called by /etc/init.d/postgresql and handles startup based on the
> configuration file.
> On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 08:52:02PM -0500, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > Could some kind soul help out with this? I built postgres from source
> > instead of using the .deb, and all wor
How does it fail? What's the error message?
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin
Not that I'm suggesting it, but wouldn't removing getty from consoles 1-6
fix approach 3.) below?
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - http://demog.berkeley
There should be no problem with 32-bit apps, since VMWare reproduces an
entire x86 *machine* on which you load whatever you want (windows, linux,
DOS, etc.). I think you can either use an existing filesystem or it will
generate a huge file that contains the entire windows filesystem.
J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA - http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin
On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Jonathan Gift wrote:
> Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > There should be no problem with 32-bit apps, si
What you need to do is log into the box as the postgres super-user
(generally username is 'postgres') and add the user:
su - postgres
(if it complains that there's no postgres database, you might have to do:
then do:
CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD password;
there are more opt
Greetings -
I have a small home network set up such that my wife's computer (Win
98), my linux laptop, and a linux sparc workstation all share a dialup
connection managed by my desktop, which is a debian potato machine. I use
ipchains to do this.
The problem I'm running into is that my wife's e-
, USA - http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin
On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, MaD dUCK wrote:
> also sprach Andrew Perrin (on Wed, 07 Mar 2001 08:11:50PM -0500):
> > The problem I'm running into is that my wife's e-mail (which uses
> > IMAP)
Actually, no, try:
zcat meintro.me | groff -me -Tascii | less
which will actually translate it. If you're trying to learn groff, reading
groff source probably won't help :)
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept
Have you set the umask correctly? Because FAT doesn't have a permissions
scheme of its own, permissions are based on how it's mounted. On my home
system (no access by other than fully trusted users), I use:
mount -tvfat -oumask= /dev/xxx /rosa
which mounts it such that everything in the file
How about:
rm /home/ftpusers/*/.bash*
But if you do want to use find(1), check out man find, and pay special
attention to the -exec option.
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
(Soon: Asst Prof
The best option is to use RSA authentication instead of password. Use
ssh-keygen to generate a public/private keyset, then copy the public key
into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote host. Then it will
authenticate without asking for a password. You must use a blank
passphrase for this to work.
Running a locally-compiled postgresql 7.0.3, I'm still trying to get it
to start up automatically at boot time. The trick is, of course, to get
it to start as user postgres instead of root.
I've got it mostly working, using start-stop-daemon; the command is:
start-stop-daemon --start
Not sure there's literally such a thing as a "PDF Editor"; Acrobat
doesn't let you do much with an existing PDF file. But if you're looking
to *create* PDF files, that you can do with ps2pdf, dvipdf, pdflatex,
... - it depends on the source of the file you want in PDF form.
Andy Perrin
Greetings. I've got a linux (debian potato) box running lpd, samba, and
ghostscript, and a remote user printing from Win98 via a postscript driver
and samba. It all works very nicely, with the exception that the Windows
PS output generates a first page ("ProductName: Aladdin Ghostscript") and
a las
Greetings. I've got a distribution on four (maybe 5?) CD's of potato, and
am trying to install it on my laptop. My laptop has no CDROM, so I'm using
nfs from another machine. THe problem is I can't figure out how to tell
dselect to use multiple disks that have to be changed unless they're
cdroms o
Greetings. Running ghostscript as the printer filter on a debian
(potato) box, I've got the printer shared via samba. Users on win98
machine can print fine, but ghostscript generates "error" pages before and
after each job. The before page reads "Product Name: Aladdin
Ghostscript...", and the after
Sorry to keep pestering the list, but...
I copied over the fvwm configuration files from /etc/X11/fvwm and ~/.fvwm
using tar from an existing potato machine to my newly-installed
laptop. The files are there, the permissions are the same, etc. But fvwm
on the laptop (the new machine) doesn't read
Greetings. I'm trying to compile (from source) alsa-driver and the other
components of alsa, and running into this (rather opaque) problem:
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/alsa-driver-0.5.10/kernel'
gcc -DALSA_BUILD -D__KERNEL__ -O2 -m386 -DCPU=386 -DLINUX -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -fomi
(919) 929-3292 | http://demog.berkeley.edu/~aperrin
On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Christoph Simon wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 11:46:20 -0800 (PST)
> Andrew Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Greetings. I'm trying to compile (from source) alsa
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Dec 15 05:59:06 2000
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 05:59:06 -0800 (PST)
From: Andrew Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED], debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: alsa and modutils
Fcc: sent-mail
In-Reply-To: <[EMA
Okay, I know this is a boring issue, but I've now finally got sound
working okay (as evidenced by the fact that I can play .wav files at
will), but I still can't play cds. The cd's spin, and if I plug
headphones into the jack in the CD-ROM drive I hear the music, so I know
the player is working fi
> i would've suggested this to, but he did say that CD's played under windows.
> wouldn't windows need a cable from the CD player to the sound card too?
> pete
> On Fri 15 Dec 00, 2:36 PM, Chris Gray said...
> > >>>>> Andrew Perri
I'll likely be beginning work this summer at a campus whose network
strongly encourages the use of AFS (which used to stand for Andrew File
System). Unfortunately, the campus documentation suggests that it is
available only for kernel 2.2.10 and below, and the vendor's
(transarc.ibm.com) s
On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, CND OConnor wrote:
> Hi,
> I've used linux quite a while now, but every so often I do something to
> my system I can't fix that I know will go away if I reboot. I'm lazy, I
> guess, so I do. I can always make some tea. Its very silly though I'm
> sure I needn't, so can some
I had the same issue when I went from slink -> potato. I believe the issue
is that fvwm2 got renamed to simply fvwm; that means the names of the
configuration directories change as well, from fvwm to fvwm2. I had
written some fairly involved stuff that referenced fvwm2, so I used links
to fix this:
It's worth noting that $response->write("blah"); is perfectly legal plain
ol' perl too. What does perlscript do that perl doesn't?
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, Dept. of Sociology
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
First log in as the postgres super-user (generally, username is
postgres) and do:
create user nacho with password x createdb;
which will allow user nacho to create databases.
There's a lot of good documentation for postgresql in the postgres-doc
package, or via www.postgresql.org. There
I have a simple system I wrote in perl/tk that is one step short of this,
that is, if you want users to have to request a connection each time
instead of having it dial up transparently as in diald.
The system consists of:
rdiald - perlscript that runs as a daemon and manages pppd; and
rdial - p
I don't know about within the debian distribution, but take a look at:
which is a perl interface to bibtool.
Andrew J Perrin - Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley, D
Don't know if this is the right place to post it, but... I was setting up
a new debian machine this morning, and since it's on the UNC campus I
figured I'd use the sunsite.unc.edu archive listed when I got to the
dselect step (you know, where setup asks you whether to use http, ftp,
etc., t
Greetings folks.
I've been working on getting a new video card installed in my machine, and
have what I think is an IRQ conflict (it's PCI, and I think the BIOS is
assigning it a shared IRQ, which doesn't make it happy). What I'm
wondering is if there's any way to read information from the system
I'd like to use the nv driver for X 3 (not ready to take the plunge and
move to 4.x). I'm having trouble finding it - can anyone offer
advice? (This is what was available for nvidia cards before X 4)
dos2unix foo.java (or see man todos for more options)
Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chape
Now that's awfully silly; what if his needs are storage and not
processing? The last thing linux folks ought to be doing is following the
Microsoft "You must have at least a 1Ghz processor to write a shopping
list" line.
On motherboards.com, he'll pay approx. $300 for a new motherboard and CPU,
Please forgive my poor understanding of kernel-level things.
I'm trying to get openAFS (the client side) running under potato. I looked
at the instructions from www.openafs.org, and added the two lines to
sources.list as instructed. I did the apt-get install for the module
source, and unpacked th
My new machine (an IBM Netvista) has an ADI 1885 sound system built
in. Any ideas how to make it fly? Thanks.
Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of Nor
On Fri, 29 Jun 2001, Matthew Garman wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 11:37:53AM -0400, Daniel Doro Ferrante wrote:
> > I am trying to generate some .pdf files from either .dvi or .ps ones.
> Well, in my experience, I've never seen a ps-to-pdf converter that works.
I'm very surprised to hea
1.) Why would you want to use wvdial when pon works? wvdial is just a hack
that tries to avoid making you set up pon.
2.) It's been a long time since I used minicom, but am I totally wrong in
thinking it's a terminal emulator? I don't think it's supposed to do ppp
of any sort to begin with. What a
You choose whether to start from inetd or as a daemon when you install
samba. something like:
dpkg --configure samba
(UNTESTED) should let you reset it.
The reason to run as a daemon instead of from inetd, particularly for
nmbd, is that windows clients broadcast name resolution requests *a lot*,
On 1 Jul 2001, John Hasler wrote:
> Sidney Brooks writes:
> > Why would you want to use wvdial when pon works? wvdial is just a hack
> > that tries to avoid making you set up pon.
Actually, 'twas I who wrote that.
> This is not true. Wvdial includes some rather sophisticated
> autoconfigurat
Since I know you're at UNC, I'll just tell you that I've recently
completed installing debian 2.2r3, over the net, on a CCI machine, which
is an IBM NetVista A40 with a PIII-1Ghz chip in it. Things have gone
pretty well, except that the built-in audio chip doesn't seem to be
supported, so
Sure, you can do it; you'll need to use pppd. Check out the ISP guide from
the Debian site for techniques. But your premise is incorrect; telocity
does provide dialup for when you're on the road:
Just glancing through the geometry.sty file, it looks like it's done with
lots of \addtolength and \setlength commands.
Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of N
Okay folks - I've started getting lots of files in WordPerfect format
(seems to be the default for some people in my department). Any advice on
reading them? StarOffice doesn't seem to be happy with them, and I can't
get WP from Corel to run on my system (Debian 2.2r3):
2001, Brian Stults wrote:
> Andrew Perrin wrote:
> >
> > Okay folks - I've started getting lots of files in WordPerfect format
> > (seems to be the default for some people in my department). Any advice on
> > reading them? StarOffice doesn't seem to be happy with
l 05, 2001 at 12:26:01PM -0500, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> | Okay folks - I've started getting lots of files in WordPerfect format
> | (seems to be the default for some people in my department). Any advice on
> | reading them? StarOffice doesn't seem to be happy with them, and I ca
Greetings folks-
I'd like to assign a book for a class this fall that is published only in
hardcover and in something called "Microsoft Reader" format. The MS
Reader format is about 1/2 the price, which matters (I don't like to make
students pay more than necessary, particularly at a public
all, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA
On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Joris Lambrecht wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 10:26:34AM -0500, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> > Greetings folks-
> >
> Hello Andy,
> Just read your mail below. IMHO the Microsoft Reader format has been
One alternative is magicfilter:
apt-get install magicfilter
you can then use magicfilterconfig to set up the printer. It's pretty hard
to mess up, and the resulting setup lets you send pretty much
anything: text, postscript, dvi, pdf, graphics files, etc., and they are
recognized and printed.
I'd like to add a cheap scanner (probably USB) to my machine, running
debian potato. I don't need to do anything fancy, but would like basic
scanning to work. It looks like I can get more than enough power from
something like the Visioneer Photoport 7700 or the UMAX Astra 3400. Can
anyone share suc
I just installed a new, low-end video card in my machine; it's a PCI card
based on the nVidia Riva TNT Vanta chipset. Basically it works fine, with
the very irritating exception of an intermittent flicker of the screen,
more noticeable at high resolutions but existent even in plain text mode.
I haven't done anything scanner-wise yet, but I just got an HP Laserjet
1200se, which is doing great: 1200dpi, postscript compatible, parallel or
USB (haven't bothered with the USB). Running under potato 2.2r3, I use
lpd and magicfilter; I modified psonly600-filter by changing all instances
of 600
eval() doesn't do what you want - it *executes* code, as opposed to
substituting values for variables. Try something like:
my $template = '^$';
my $no = 99;
my $bla = $template;
$bla =~ s/%no%/$no/g;
You can get fancy too, if you want:
$replace{no} = 99;
$bla =~ s/%(.+?)%/$replace{$1}/g;
gv or ghostview will do all of these format for you.
Andrew J Perrin - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.unc.edu/~aperrin
Assistant Professor of Sociology, U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel
Actually the "uplink" port on most hubs is simply a crossed-over regular
port, so assuming your distances and hops are within the spec, you can use
a crossover cable between two of the same kind of ports (uplink or
regular) or a non-crossover between the two (one side uplink , the other
side regula
I don't know of a specific style, but I generally do:
NOTE="Avail: \url{http://foo.bar.baz/foobar.pdf}";
and then make sure there's a
in the preamble of the file. I know there's a way to get bibtex to insert
the \usepackage, but I haven't bothered to figure it out.
> * start xterm (or any X-shell) on the client box
> * xhost +
^^^ this is overkill if you're going to use ssh;
> * ssh -X -l user server_name
the -X forwards X packets so there's no need to turn off X security with
Okay, so I've brought this on myself. I was trying to install
openafs-client, which seemed to require openafs-krb5, which seemed to
require libc6 from testing. So, on my potato 2.2r3 machine, I downloaded
libc6_2.2.3-9_i386.deb and did dpkg --install libc6_2.2.3-9_i386.deb. It
seemed to work fine,
After much fiddling, I have managed to get an openAFS client working on my
office machine at the University of North Carolina. As a public service
I've posted the steps I went through at:
Background information:
- Hardware is an IBM N
Yes, it's possible; there's documentation in the samba docs (package
samba) to help out. If you don't want BDC (backup domain
controller) functionality, you can use any current samba version
(unofficially, I think it's from about 2.0.6 or so). E-mail me off list if
you want more help.
I finally got around to using some truetype fonts, following the
directions in the truetype fonts under debian mini HOWTO. Everything
worked fine (all the way through the fslsfonts business), and the truetype
fonts made Netscape look much prettier. Unfortunately though, they killed
emacs! The menu
I just logged in (from work) to my home machine to copy a file I
needed. It's behaving very weirdly, and I'd love some advice as to whether
you think I've been cracked or it's likely just a hardware issue. I'd
strongly prefer not to shutdown remotely, but will do so rather than
waiting unti
I had really wierd behaviour and memory was _totally_ broken... I still
> wonder how the hell it managed to boot...
> replacing memory did the magic
> At 11:49 a.m. 15/08/01 -0400, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> >Folks-
> >
> >I just logged in (from work) to my home machin
400, Andrew Perrin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> wrote:
> > Folks-
> >
> > I just logged in (from work) to my home machine to copy a file I
> > needed. It's behaving very weirdly, and I'd love some advice as to whether
> > you think I've been cracked or
North Carolina, Chapel Hill
269 Hamilton Hall, CB#3210, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210 USA
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 11:49:12AM -0400, Andrew Perrin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> wrote:
> > Folks-
> >
> > I just logged in (from work) to m
I've just been experimenting with xfstt on my two machines (home and
work), each running debian linux 2.2r3 (kernel 2.2.17pre19) to be able
to use truetype fonts.
At home, it worked fine until today.
At the office, emacs' menus showed up in a bizarre, bar-code font that
made emacs i
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