On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 06:26:15AM -0700, Sean Champ wrote:
> if the debian 'menu' package [
> http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/ ] does offer
> console-support , this email can probably be disregarded.
Well, i don't believe menu has a non-command-line interface at all. It
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 10:41:53PM +0200, Moritz Schulte wrote:
> the debs are in /var/cache/apt/archives/
> from time to time you get asked, wether you want to delete these
> files.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet, these are packages containing
binaries, not source. If you want to down
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 03:50:20PM -0500, Mark A. Bialik wrote:
> Majordomo was removed from the official distributions, but I needed it.
Have you looked into other mailing list programs that are included in
the Debian distribution?
> It was automatically removed when I used apt-get dist-upgra
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 01:19:44PM -0400, Richard A Nelson wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Robert Waldner wrote:
> >
> > I´m looking for a solution which will let me refuse smtp-connections
> > from some hosts with specific 5xx-error-messages.
> >
> > Any hint in the right direction? (Other tha
A few weeks ago I reported a problem that I have with all the text apps
(gnuplot, ftp, top, etc) that use an xtrem and are being run from the menu
system (like in Apps->System->Top).
More specifically, the problem is that in these cases the xterm that was just
opened does not use my ~/.Xresource
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 09:52:47PM +, Pollywog wrote:
> The ftp sites shown below have not worked for me for several weeks.
> Are they just very busy?
Yes, try logging into them with an ftp client and you'll get a message
about too many users.
Can you use http://http.us.debian.org instead?
Here's what a get from "Linux Kernel Insternals" :
Startup Messages :
LI : the first step of the loaderhas been able ro load the second step
whose processing then failed. This can be caused by an incorrect
geometry or by repositionning the file boot.b without reinstalling the
Also, is you
Hi all
Does anyone know where I could get the config files of the pre-compiled
kernels found in Potato ?
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 10:18:14PM +, Jaume Teixi wrote:
> I need to do the following in order to access stats for each based
> virtual host
> when typing url www.virtualhost1.com/stats or
> www.virtualhost99.com/stats
> server page located under /var/reports/virtualhost1 or
> /var/rep
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 08:35:55AM -0500, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
> I haven't read everything Debian yet, but wouldn't you want to save the
> above scripts as something more like /etc/init.d/setleds, then:
> #chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/setleds
> #ln -s /etc/init.d/setleds /etc/rc2.d/S20setleds
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 23:39:31 +0200, you wrote:
> In Catalonia he have a saying: to pay expensive is to pay cheap.
In Italy too :)))
That's why perhaps he'd better buy a complete workstation or server
already tested with linux. I saw a list somewhere but now I can't
remember the url.
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 05:37:51PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
> > If we don't look at the ads the advertisers won't pay anyone to put them
> > there and the sites will all go away.
> It will no doubt come as a shock to you to learn that there are Web sites
> that do not depend on banner ads for s
Debian User Jean-Baptiste Note <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi all
> Does anyone know where I could get the config files of the pre-compiled
> kernels found in Potato ?
The config files for installed kernels are in /boot/.
The config of the kernel in the base tarball is in
> But this guy talks about security holes just by checking package version
> numbers! He dosn't look what has been done with package (debian specific
> changes including backported fixes for security holes). I often wrote
> maintainers that Debian should implement right
Shao Zhang wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry about the OT message.
> While on the topic of realtek8029, I have got a pcmcia 8029
> ethernet card and it works perfectly under linux.
> But I can never get this card working under w2k :(
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Sh
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:37:46AM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> That is *not* why we backport security holes.
> Let's look at apache. A security hole is discovered in apache. Debian has a
> current version (1.3.9) in it already. The apache team releases 1.3.10, with
> a fix for the security hol
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 10:52:22PM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 05:37:51PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
> > If your advertisers want me to look at their ads all they need to do is
> > come up with content that interests me. So far none have.
> and present them in a reasona
During my slink-life I have developped the habit
to make symbolic links of all those configuration files in /etc
and its subdirectories that I have changed myself.
The real files are in /local/etc .
This system has advantages and drawbacks.
The big question now is what happens to this structure wh
On 30 Aug 2000, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> > >
> > On 30-Aug-2000 Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > >
> > In ftp.uk.debian.org the README file for proposed-updates in potato
> > says
> >
> > "You can access this directory with apt by adding deb
> > http://ftp1.us.debian.org/debian dists
hello everybody
i've burn cdrom's potato distribution ( unofficial version - 4 CD )
from ftp.kando.hu site.
after updating my system last night with a method describe
in a cd like:
apt-cdrom add
( for adding a deb lines fr each cd in source.list)
apt-get update
( update packages database )
> well, leaving it in the rc2.d directory as per the initial suggestion, it
> ain't running
> at boot time . i am a little new to *nix, so bear with me :)
> the file is as follows:
> -rwxr-xr-x1 rootroot 82 Aug 29 18:27 s20setleds
> i did notice that the rest of the entries i
set timeout 40
spawn ssh [lrange $argv 0 0]
expect "$"
send "exec su -\n"
expect "Password: "
send "$env(ROOTPW)\n"
expect "#"
send "exec bash\n"
expect "#"
The above is one of my scripts. When it reaches "interact" I want all IO to
be sent through directly with no de
Got it: the proftpd deb was compiled for use without a shadow file :-(
I reinstalled the machine without a shadow file and now it works.
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 03:56:06PM +0200, Nico De Ranter wrote:
> ServerType is standalone and the deamon is running
> ps -ef
> ...
> ftpd 288
I'm trying to use sed to search pattern 228 and add a line as follows:
I type:
sed /s/228/'\n 229`/
and \n doesn't works =(
how to add a line when replacing ?
Basic Info of my system:
ABIT BP6 w/ two 500MHz Celeron chips, a 52X ATAPI Creative CD-ROM drive
as /dev/hda and a 18GB IBM UDMA-66 HDDs as /dev/hde.
Working kernels: Debian Potato 2.2.15-ide and 2.2.17-Pre6 installed on
I was trying to recompile the 2.2.17-Pre6 kernel in ord
Henrique M Holschuh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> > Change your BIOS settings to only boot from the internal disk and
> > password protect it. On my system I have such a setup and require a
> BIOSes are very easy to erase, you know. Some are even s
Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> however i would argue that numlock status is a USER preference and
> thus should be left to individual users to place in thier
> ~/.bash_profile if they desire this.
As an aside in this thread: I noticed that at least acroread worked
not as expected (A
"Jürgen A. Erhard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The default homedir perms are ok the way they are. Everyone (on the
> system) can read everything is good old UNIX tradition.
Then maybe you have to think over good old traditions *nowadays*, with
masses of UNIX (and generally computer) unaware pe
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:18:17PM +0100, Wilson Yau wrote:
> I was trying to recompile the 2.2.17-Pre6 kernel in order to enable SMP
> and optimise the performance of my Linux system. However, got an error
> message of 'Kernel Panic: VFS can't mount '/' on 21:09'.
do you have the filesystem of
I need to set up dialin via modem on a debian box. Never done this, just wonder
very quickly if ppp is the easies / best to use or if there is something else?
And is there any good docs out there apart from PPP-HOWTO?
Dialin will be from Windows boxes.
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:13:33PM +, Jaume Teixi wrote:
-|I'm trying to use sed to search pattern 228 and add a line as follows:
-|I type:
-|sed /s/228/'\n 229`/
-|and \n doesn't works =(
-|how to add a line when replacing ?
Try changing the "\n
I upgraded Slink to Potato but still use smail because I can't get exim
to work with fetchmail.
I also use mutt.
Only one of my 3 ISPs works properly. I can send mail out from Freeserve
but from the others the mail is rejected with "Unknown host".
There must be something wrong with my configurat
What's the best way to get started in IPv6 in Debian? I've installed the
iputils-ping package and am running kernel 2.4.0-test7 on one machine and
2.4.0-test4 on another.
Have the following in /etc/hosts on both machines:
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastpr
hi ya nate et.al
i got a patch from bob dunlop on the eepro mailing list
his patch seems to work for linux-2.2.16 recognizing the
onboard NIC of the Intel D815EEAAL motherboards
bob's patch
This patch is against the driver I had with kernel 2.2.16
> do you have the filesystem of your '/' build statically into the
> kernel?
> do you have the support for your hd build statically into the kernel?
Any clue?
Getting a prompt like "LI" or "LIL" is a situation from
where the system just cannot boot from the hard disk
because the LILO code placed in the MBR is broken. The
solution to this problem lies in fixing the Master Boot
You have no option but to boot from the back-up disks
that you c
I received a notification of my mailing system saying a message was
frozen, cause it could not be delivered. It was send to @maui.kotnet.org
instead of @maui.iverlek.kotnet.org.
Any ideas where I can recover that message? (Most important)
Any idea how I can receive mail on these 2 addresses?
> Yes I read the update. I'd be happy to review your articles for you, but I
> don't think you should stop at one reviewer. Debian is a very big project
and I'm
> still finding my way around parts of it. You may have been in contact with
> Collins. If so I suggest you ask him too.
Yeah, he did
On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Debian User Jean-Baptiste Note wrote:
>This limitation has only recently been left off, and could arise if you
>use your disk in normal mode.
This was it. Changed HDD to LBA from normal and all was fine!
Jack Morgan Debian GNU/Linux Enthusia
Hi all,
I mounted a PPP server with mgetty (Debian potato) and tried to conect
with another Linux machine (Slack) and received the following log with an
error at end. What is wrong?
Thanks, Paulo Henrique
artemis:~# ppp-go
artemis:~# Serial connection established.
> Hi all,
> I mounted a PPP server with mgetty (Debian potato) and tried to conect
> with another Linux machine (Slack) and received the following log with an
> error at end. What is wrong?
> Thanks, Paulo Henrique
> rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 ]
> sent [IPCP ConfRej i
On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Leszek Gerwatowski wrote:
> things like "Debian has version 1.3.9 of apache and secure version is 1.3.10
> and up so Debian isn't secure". As you can say it's also real life example.
> Maybe they should be much more sceptic when thet write articles like this but
> many people t
%% Kurt Seifried <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
ks> One question: where is it explicitly stated that Debian backports
ks> fixes and that one needs to read /usr/doc/*/changelog?
I'll answer this on two levels:
First, if you're writing an article on a subject for publication it
behooves you to fi
Hi Cristoph,
At slack (that my friend tested) there isnt pppconfig (pppsetup I
I think that the error is that I dont allocate an IP here (at the
How I do this?
Much thanks,Paulo Henrique
Quoting Christoph Simon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
I'd like to install Debian 2.2, but I'm having trouble
figuring out which packages to download. I noticed
that I won't be using many of the packages that come
with the distribution, and don't want to waste time
downloading them or, worse, downloading and burning a
CD image. I'd prefer to insta
If your MTA was exim, you would find it in /var/spool/exim/input. Check
/var/spool and see if you recognize your mail transport and look further in
that directory path. It should be readily readable with any editor
- Original Message -
From: "Fre
How does a user get access to /dev/dsp /dev/audio /dev/mixer ?
The default setup is :
crw-rw1 root audio ...
should one do chmod o+rw or is there a better way?
Preben Randhol - Ph.D student - http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/
"i too once thought that when proved wrong that i lost some
Paul D. Smith writes:
> IMHO, FAQ-O-Matic is a _very cool_ tool...
But a real PITA to administer.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin
Is there anyway I can get my clock to reflect the
time I live in? I thought it would be cool to have
my time set to GMT, but there are lots of little things
I need to reflect the time I know.
On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Russell Coker wrote:
> So I have an inet6 address on eth0 as soon as I do "modprobe ipv6". What is
> the way to ping it?
I don't think you can ping link addresses very easially. You should
install the radvd package and give your site some real IPs, possibly
following the 6t
> no, this utility only works on the current VT which is probably tty1
> for the boot process. if you really insist on pushing this on all
Works just fine on my potato! Got all 6 terminals with numlock set!
> your users the place to put the mentions shell commands is
> /etc/profile.
> however
> give w3m a go! It is far better than lynx IMHO. And it renders both
> frame/table nicely.
I've heard this a few times, and just tried it. So far, I prefer lynx:
easier to navigate, I can spawn extra instances of lynx on a link,
and better frame handling: lynx uses the entire screeen, and lets
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 04:51:31AM -0500, Paul T.McNally wrote:
> Is there anyway I can get my clock to reflect the time I live in? I
> thought it would be cool to have my time set to GMT, but there are lots
> of little things I need to reflect the time I know.
Thursday A
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 07:18:18AM -0600, Kurt Seifried wrote:
> > Yes I read the update. I'd be happy to review your articles for you, but I
> > don't think you should stop at one reviewer. Debian is a very big project
> and I'm
> > still finding my way around parts of it. You may have been in con
%% Preben Randhol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
pr> How does a user get access to /dev/dsp /dev/audio /dev/mixer ?
pr> The default setup is :
pr> crw-rw1 root audio ...
pr> should one do chmod o+rw or is there a better way?
Add yourself (and any other users you want to have acc
"w3m" ! Is this a text base browser like lynx which
you can work on console? How does it manage frames?
I have w3mir installed, but that's not a browser.
USM Bish
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 10:50:40AM +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
> give w3m a go! It is far better than lynx IMHO. And it renders both
%% John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
jh> Paul D. Smith writes:
>> IMHO, FAQ-O-Matic is a _very cool_ tool...
jh> But a real PITA to administer.
Hmm. Well, we use a pretty large FOM internally at work here, and I
haven't noticed that it's a _huge_ PITA :). Mostly seems pretty
"Paul D. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 31/08/2000 (17:08) :
> Add yourself (and any other users you want to have access) to the
> "audio" group. Note that anyone in the "audio" group has rw access to
> these devices. This goes for other device access as well.
> You can either edit /et
Quoting Preben Randhol ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> "Paul D. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 31/08/2000 (17:08) :
> >
> > Add yourself (and any other users you want to have access) to the
> > "audio" group. Note that anyone in the "audio" group has rw access to
> > these devices. This goes for oth
Kurt Seifried said:
> Debian ProFTPD 1.2.0pre10 revision 3 has the root hack mentioned above
> however fixed in 1.2.0pre10revision 4, revision 5 also fixes some of the
> problems that were possible in rc1
Personally, when I see "1.2.0pre10-4", I think, "This is not the same as the
original/base 1.
On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 19:35:34 +051800, USM Bish wrote:
>"w3m" ! Is this a text base browser like lynx which
>you can work on console? How does it manage frames?
Try 'links' (not lynx :-)
It has perfect frame support, just like a graphical browser. Has some
minor codepage issues, though...
> Personally, when I see "1.2.0pre10-4", I think, "This is not the same as
> original/base 1.2.0pre10." Depending on how the numbering is implemented,
> has been updated 3 or 4 times since the original 1.2.0pre10. So I would
> expect it to have the same bugs.
So did you fix the root h
Hello everybody,
I have found the bounce IRC proxy in 2.3 debian.
Does anyone of you knows of security issues with this proxy ?
May I recommend it safely to my school (that has cut our irc access
lately for security reasons) ?
Thx in advance
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 10:03:59AM -0600, Kurt Seifried wrote:
> > Personally, when I see "1.2.0pre10-4", I think, "This is not the same as
> the
> > original/base 1.2.0pre10." Depending on how the numbering is implemented,
> it
> > has been updated 3 or 4 times since the original 1.2.0pre10. So
> Thanks to both for my banner-free browsing.
> GAT - Gif Animation Toggle - is another great browsing plus.
Is there one of these for linux, or do you mean as a browser feature?
so far, the only way I've encountered on linux is to edit the
executable to change the name of the string that cau
BTW Idon't know if anyone actually "got it" but the point of my article was
more that Debian is trying to improve security, but seems to be missing
major things. I suppose I should have stated this more obviously (like in H1
at the top). Sigh, anyways for next time I will be less subtle. Bruce
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 10:26:20AM -0600, Kurt Seifried wrote:
> BTW Idon't know if anyone actually "got it" but the point of my article was
> more that Debian is trying to improve security, but seems to be missing
> major things. I suppose I should have stated this more obviously (like in H1
> at
> OK, 2 to 5 minutes downtime to disable. Big Whoop. Maybe should be
> done. But, have you ever tried to administer 200 computers? How many
> people know the BIOS password? Do the primary users know it? Can they
> reboot their own machine? Does an administrator have to visit every
> machine
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 07:27:55AM -0700, Tech Support Guy wrote:
> I'd like to install Debian 2.2, but I'm having trouble
> figuring out which packages to download.
Safe route for you is to use a basic workstation configuration and go from
there. Let Debian pick packages for you first few times
Paul D. Smith writes:
> What kinds of problems are you seeing?
I find the Web interface (the only one available to me as a section
adminstrator) just about completely unusable for editing.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI
I want to install linux on my PC at home. Now, I run Win98 2nd Ed. on a
FAT32 filesystem.
I only have one big partion (i.e. the C drive). I want to create more
partitions in a "safe" manner and
I am not sure how to do this.
I also don't want to buy Partition Magic so I was thinking of u
Le jeu, 31 aoû 2000 21:05:39 stefan goemana écrit :
> Hello,
Hi !
> 2) I plan to cut the drive in 2 parts with fips. The filesystem on the
> second partition is also FAT32 or will
> it be FAT16?
You will create unused disk space with fips, then you'll have to use
fdisk or similar to create a
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:24:37PM -0400, hawk wrote:
> > Thanks to both for my banner-free browsing.
> > GAT - Gif Animation Toggle - is another great browsing plus.
> Is there one of these for linux, or do you mean as a browser feature?
> so far, the only way I've encountered on linux
Hello everyone,
just wanted to ask if you know any good backup programs for KDE /
Gnome that do it with my Tandberg SLR5-SCSI-streamer... I heard of
taper which is more or less a console-driven tool but am also
searching for a graphical frontend like Backup Exec and ArcServe on
Win$... Any ideas ?
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 10:03:59AM -0600, Kurt Seifried wrote:
> So did you fix the root hack in pre10, the DOS in rc1, or the typo in the
> install script? Oh yeah, I gotta read the changelog to find out,
> wheep.
Well, you're going to have to read it somewhere, yes? And now you know where!
> A
"michael d. ivey" wrote:
>On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 04:51:31AM -0500, Paul T.McNally wrote:
>> Is there anyway I can get my clock to reflect the time I live in?
>use the TZ environment variable to specify the time zone for the apps that
>need to know local time.
Use tzconfig to set the
I got a new NIC for my system! It's a 3Com Etherlink XL PCI 3C900B-TPO.
Apparently, dmesg reports nothing about it when rebooting:
pcnet32.c: PCI bios is present, checking for devices...
Found PCnet/PCI at 0xffe0, irq 10.
eth0: PCnet/PCI 79C970 at 0xffe0, 08 00 09 9e 73 2e assigned IRQ 10.
apt-cdrom add does all the work for you. And you must add each cd rom.
On 31-Aug-2000 Egbert Bouwman wrote:
> During my slink-life I have developped the habit
> to make symbolic links of all those configuration files in /etc
> and its subdirectories that I have changed myself.
> The real files are in /local/etc .
> This system has advantages and drawbacks.
> The big
> What exactly do I need to put into /etc/network/interfaces for this NIC
> to have it go up at boot-time?
> (Will be using DHCP for a cable modem connection on the NIC :)
if you look in /etc/network/interfaces, it points you to related man pages with
"Kurt Seifried" wrote:
>Problem: user can enter Lilo commands at the Lilo prompt
>Additional solution: remove/replace password in lilo.conf after setting it
>(i.e. set password, run lilo, remove password).
You may not have noticed mbr:
bash-2.04$ dpkg --status mbr
Package: mbr
"Christopher W. Aiken" wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:13:33PM +, Jaume Teixi wrote:
> -|I'm trying to use sed to search pattern 228 and add a line as follows:
> -|
> -|288
> -|229
> -|
> -|I type:
> -|sed /s/228/'\n 229`/
My copy of sed complains when I type in the pattern you have sup
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 07:43:17PM +0200, Oliver Schoenknecht wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> just wanted to ask if you know any good backup programs for KDE /
> Gnome that do it with my Tandberg SLR5-SCSI-streamer... I heard of
> taper which is more or less a console-driven tool but am also
> search
Yeah, apparently some of the modems memorize the hardware address of the
ethernet card, so if you change the card, you have to turn off the modem
for a few minutes. -chris
On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Michael Smith wrote:
> BTW, I've hooked up several boxen to @home, and sometimes the "modem" needs
> t
Can I take advantage of a new video card to reduce the flicker I
see in X Windows, or is this strictly a function of the monitor?
I copied the modelines from my old machine to my new machine and they
work fine, but I'm wondering if I can do better.
My new machine has an agp ATI Xpert98 (mach64)
OK now this is _really_ off-topic: my ATI Xpert 98 makes X seem a bit darker
than my old mach32 card. It's also a different X server. It's not a big
deal really, but I'm curious if this is normal. -chris
Dear Mr. Bouwman:
You wrote:
> During my slink-life I have developed the habit
> to make symbolic links of all those configuration files in /etc
> and its subdirectories that I have changed myself.
> The real files are in /local/etc .
> This system has advantages and drawbacks.
> The big q
only thing i can think of is you installed the incorrect driver for that
controller, on boot you should see the drive being detected by the
HPT366 controller.(i used to have a bp6)
can you confirm that the drive is indeed being detected. Should show
something similar to:
May 6 09:12:38 aphro ker
I use "adduser user group" to add users to a particular group. Then, I use
"groups" to lists which users are in which groups. Just another way to do it!
Quoting Preben Randhol ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> "Paul D. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 31/08/2000 (17:08) :
> >
> > Add yourself (a
...same here. (i just thought it was something funny about netscape, which is
i noticed it.)
i wonder what gives?
now getting ready to perch,
bentley taylor
(potato on 2.2.16)
Krzys Majewski wrote:
> [snip]
> my ATI Xpert 98 makes X seem a bit darker
> than ...
> -chris
*sigh* I've found more ways to lose data . . .
This time, I needed to switch a system from FreeBSD to Debian. I wrote
down the cylinder information for my two fat partitions in the extended
partition, deleted the extended partition, and created a new fat
partition as partition 4 after them.
13:28:47<~>$ apt-cache search perch
> now getting ready to perch,
> bentley taylor
> (potato on 2.2.16)
Today I upgraded a server from slink to potato - it's an internal
testing/intranet server. The upgrade went fairly well, but even though
I had done extensive tests on other servers first, I still came up
against problems.
The immediate problem on completing the upgrade of most packages was
that us
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 11:47:25AM +0900, Jack Morgan wrote:
> I installed debian on a new HDD and after installing the base I get LI at
> boot time? Any suggestions as to what I did wrong?
I guess your kernel is below the 1024 limit...
The easiest way to avoid these problems is to created a smal
On Wed, Aug 30, 2000 at 09:29:43PM -0400, Mark Simos wrote:
> well, leaving it in the rc2.d directory as per the initial suggestion,
> it ain't running
> at boot time . i am a little new to *nix, so bear with me :)
> the file is as follows:
> -rwxr-xr-x1 rootroot 82 Aug 29 18:2
Bob Bernstein wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 07:27:55AM -0700, Tech Support Guy wrote:
> > I'd like to install Debian 2.2, but I'm having trouble
> > figuring out which packages to download.
> Safe route for you is to use a basic workstation configuration and go from
> there. Let Debian pic
Hello !
I have a friend who wants to get rid of NT and change to linux+Samba but
we have "minor" problems. The first is : the stupid Access programers
coded the path into code statically. So the program search the dbm files
at \\SERVER\\ACCDOC and more he has to "map" the "network drive" under E:
Quoting hawk (hawk@fac13.ds.psu.edu):
> *sigh* I've found more ways to lose data . . .
> This time, I needed to switch a system from FreeBSD to Debian. I wrote
> down the cylinder information for my two fat partitions in the extended
> partition, deleted the extended partition, and creat
- -
David Wroght,
> Quoting hawk (hawk@fac13.ds.psu.edu):
The original partition table was:
Primary1 Primary2 Primary3 Extended
That is, there was plenty of unused space in the extended partition.
However, FreeBSD can't handle thes
> I have a friend who wants to get rid of NT and change to linux+Samba but
> we have "minor" problems. The first is : the stupid Access programers
> coded the path into code statically. So the program search the dbm files
> at \\SERVER\\ACCDOC and more he has to "map" the "network drive" under E:
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