Re: My Debian box is unstable- Why?

2000-05-19 Thread Peter Good
xllamp became xmms didn't it? and as for sharing, neither my sb16 no awe32 allow sharing, only when i recently upgraded to an awe64 could i get system sounds while playing mp3's. Peter. Eric Hagglund wrote: > > > First of all I would like to say your kernel is > > qoute ols, my > > suggestion: c

Re: MUAs (was Re: Help with the /etc/init.d/network)

2000-05-19 Thread Peter Good
Actually it's not hard in netscape to perform filtering. If whateverbitofmsg (eg to, sender etc) contains blah then move to folder (or whatever action you want.) Word wrap is in Edit/Preferences/Mail and Newsgroups/Messages/Message Wrapping Peter. Mike Werner wrote: > ... this is not true. Net

In answer to numerous msgs about changing username

2000-05-19 Thread Peter Good
Usermod has the capability. usermod -d home_dir The user's new login directory. If the -m option is given the contents of the current home directory will be moved to the new home directory, which is created if it does not already exist.

Re: Can't compile GTK programs in Slink

2000-05-19 Thread Marshal Wong
> "Cameron" == Cameron Matheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hey, Whenever I try to compile GTK+ or GTK-- programs, It says > it can't find glib-config.h. I have the rest of the glib > headers, so I don't know why I don't have this one. Anyway, > Does anybody know what packa

Re: apt-get install or upgrade from stored archive

2000-05-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
Idea!! Just make sure all the .debs are in /var/cache/apt/archives and do an upgrade, apt finds out that it's not needed to download everything so, it doesn't!! Ron Rademaker On Thu, 18 May 2000, Antonio Rodriguez wrote: > There should be a way, because otherwise there is no reason for the f

Re: My Debian box is unstable- Why?

2000-05-19 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 03:21:32AM -0700, Eric Hagglund wrote: > > > > First of all I would like to say your kernel is > > qoute ols, my > > suggestion: compile a new one! > > I will take that under advisement. I don't normally > like to reinvent the weel just to get a new hubcap > though . > >

Re: making potato cds

2000-05-19 Thread Ron Rademaker
cdrecord, a cd-r, a cd-writer, perhaps cdrecord's it's manpages ;)) Ron Rademaker On Thu, 18 May 2000, Zachary Hartley wrote: > does anyone know how to make potato cds? > i found .raw files at > i was thinking i could put them on a cd to install potato > what do i need to do to

Re: Stuck...

2000-05-19 Thread Brenda J. Butler
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:18:34PM +0200, Daniel Fahlgren wrote: > > > On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:36:20AM -0700, Brian Hazelwood wrote: > > > Good Morning, > > > > > > I new to Linux and intalling debian 2.1 for the first time. > > > I have not had any problems untill this point. After I am > >

Re: My Debian box is unstable- Why?

2000-05-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 03:21:32AM -0700, Eric Hagglund wrote: > > I know a little dramatic, but if it ain't broke, why > fix it? Is there something wrong with the 2.0.36 > kernel that I should know about? there are several security bugs and denial of service problems with 2.0.36, if you want to

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-19 Thread Bruce Sass
I went through this with Terry Gray (Pine Development Team) and Santiago Vila (Debian maintainer of the Pine source) about the time Pine 4.20 was coming out... On Thu, 18 May 2000, Will Lowe wrote: > > Can I ask why debian doesn't include pine? Just curious. I know Debian > > The license for pi

Re: Video display question.

2000-05-19 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
Hey, I got really tired of the ATI Rage .. had it on this box with the 2.1 release running 2.2.14 and the bugs in the xserver just wouldn't let the poor rage do it's thing. I seen posts a while back about getting the latest greatest x and that was making things better. I just decided to get a

Re: UPS wars: APC vs Tripplite?

2000-05-19 Thread Jaye Inabnit ke6sls
Hi Ron, I tried them both. I was happier with Triplite... Tho, it too was returned. I need to leave my box here, some times for days unattended. I have a huge set of backup batteries that I run all my radio gear from.. I decided there had to be a product that would use MY batteries and not so

Re: S3, S3V, or XF86_SVGA server

2000-05-19 Thread kmself
...ok, so sometimes I let my email ripen a bit before sending it... On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 12:26:37PM +1200, Bret Comstock Waldow wrote: > Heather wrote: > > ...or whichever. That is, if you insist on using the SVGA builtin instead > > of XF86_S3 or _S3V as applicable. > > Hi, > > I have a S3

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-19 Thread Will Lowe
> So, it is not so much that Debian doesn't have permission to distribute > a modified binary package, it is that doing so would open up a whole > can'o'worms w.r.t. redistribution... so why go there and possibly cause > problems for Debian's distributors, eh. That's exactly why it doesn't pass th

Re: sound-problems

2000-05-19 Thread Brian Stults
You might try moving the modules directory to a different name and then make modules_install again. For example: mv /lib/modules/2.2.14 /lib/modules/2.2.14-old make modules_install This will create a fresh modules directory in /lib/modules. It probably won't make any difference, but it just tak

Re: squid maybe causing crash

2000-05-19 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >i just had my mail/internet server crash. It took a while for fsck to fix >the problem... but most of the errors point to squid caching >directories is there a connection here??? Well yes, squid is a process that has a lot of files

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 02:52:16AM -0400, Will Lowe wrote: > > So, it is not so much that Debian doesn't have permission to distribute > > a modified binary package, it is that doing so would open up a whole > > can'o'worms w.r.t. redistribution... so why go there and possibly cause > > problems fo

FWD: Helix GNOME packages for Debian available for testing. (fwd)

2000-05-19 Thread Joey Hess
- Forwarded message from Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 10:17:31 +0200 (MET DST) From: Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Helix GNOME packages for Debian available for testing. (fwd) Sorry if it floods, but did you see this mail

Re: Will KDE2 be in woody?

2000-05-19 Thread Kjetil Ødegaard
* Mike Cook | | I read that the beta relaese og kde2 was released the other day, so | I typed apt-get install kdebase to see if there were debian packages for | it. Here's the message I got: | | Reading Package Lists... Done | Building Dependency Tree... Done | Note, selecting kdebase-cvs instead

dumbass wm question

2000-05-19 Thread Dominic Blythe
can somebody please explain the relationship between desktop, window-manager, filemanager, X etc? i jus' don' get it. i want to cut down the amount of resource my given to gui, people keep saying sawmill is small, enlightenment is this, kde is that, but i don't know what all the bits are. cheer

emacs ignores certain commands in .emacs

2000-05-19 Thread Johann Spies
I like emacs and prefer it to xemacs because of xemac's delete-key and backspace key behaviour which differs between the console and X environments. But I have a few problems which I do not understand. In my .emacs file I have inter alia the following: (setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) (se

ISDN question

2000-05-19 Thread Michael Meskes
We tried to set up a machine with ISDN that should automatically receiver DNS information from the provider. This worked well with an analog modem but failed with ISDN. Is there anything that needs special configuration? Michael P.S.: Please CC me on replies. -- Michael Meskes Michael@Fam-Meskes

RE: dumbass wm question

2000-05-19 Thread Dominic Blythe
so is there a full-on desktop that's pretty tiny? if i want to know what time/day it is i can look at the clock on my wall etc > -Original Message- > From: Stephan Engelke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: 19 May 2000 10:06 > To: Dominic Blythe > Subject: Re: dumbass wm question > > > H

RE: dumbass wm question

2000-05-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Dominic Blythe writes: > thanks very much stephan - that clears it up a bit. > > so i could survive with, for instance X + sawmill + midnight commander, but > then I wouldn't necessarily have all the handy taskbar/configuration > utilities? sort of :-) Since neither KDE nor GNOME are mopnolithic

Re: MUAs (was Re: Help with the /etc/init.d/network)

2000-05-19 Thread Burkhard Perkens-Golomb
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ethan Benson) writes: [...] > > the only MUA for *nix that includes an MTA is bloatscape > communicator. Or you can look at xfmail. I've used it a long time (but now I'm using gnus), and it's easy to setup. Inlucdes code for POP3 and IMAP, can talk SMTP. Burkhard

Why is the Debian home page so boring?

2000-05-19 Thread Svante Signell
Hello, I've been running Debian on one of my home network computer for a while now. Starting from slink, upgrading to potato and following further upgrades to unstable/woody. The combination of apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade is really excellent!! Combined with the power of dpkg maintainin

Re: Why is the Debian home page so boring?

2000-05-19 Thread Petr Cech
On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 11:47:36AM +0200 , Svante Signell wrote: > Following is a proposal on what to emphasize on the FIRST page: > > 1. Rewrite the Getting Started section, e.g. inform about the large >number of architectures and packages supported. This surely >attracts new users. > 2.

translatiion FAQ etc.

2000-05-19 Thread debianize
Hi, I want to translate Debian documentation/FAQ into Indonesian language so it can be appear on the debian homepage. Is there any procedure that I should follow? TIA -- fade2blac >>in my darkest hour>>

Re: Why is the Debian home page so boring?

2000-05-19 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I'm not saying that the home page couldn't be improved, but remember that Debian is not a commercial distribution, so there is no reason to give the appearance of trying to sell you something. When I was a Linux newcomer a couple of years ago, it was actually the simplicity and lack of clutter on

Re: KDE with another WM?

2000-05-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> Something tells me I saw an option to use an alternate WM with KDE... is it > possible? Where did I see that? I'd like to use Sawmill for it's > lightness... > kde is normally startet by running /usr/bin/startkde. if you want to change your wm, then paste the contents of this file into your pr

RE: Why is the Debian home page so boring?

2000-05-19 Thread Chris Mason
But what's really missing is some of that ever-popular BLINKing text, some large red letters on a colourful background, loads of clip art animations, and some huge pictures to make the visitors wait over a minute for the first page. That ought to do it. Chris Mason Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla,

Re: translatiion FAQ etc.

2000-05-19 Thread Darlock
On Fri, 19 May 2000, debianize wrote: Hi, I want to translate Debian documentation/FAQ into Indonesian language so it can be appear on the debian homepage. Is there any procedure that I should follow? TIA Take a look at As you

libfltk-dev: which "config.h"

2000-05-19 Thread Johann Spies
I am trying to compile the programs in /usr/share/doc/libfltk1/examples/. After copying the files to /tmp and gunzipping the .gz files I get the following error when I run "make": c++ -I.. -g -fPIC -Wall -Wno-return-type -I/usr/X11R6/include CubeMain.cxx -cCubeMain.cxx:26: config.h: No such


2000-05-19 Thread -={ Menno Slaats }=-
Does anyone know where I can download the ISO IMAGE of Debian?   Thanks,   Menno Slaats

Re: libfltk-dev: which "config.h"

2000-05-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> I am trying to compile the programs in /usr/share/doc/libfltk1/examples/. > > After copying the files to /tmp and gunzipping the .gz files I get the > following error when I run "make": > is there a file named configure? did you run it before "make"ing? -- Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me

RE: dumbass wm question

2000-05-19 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi, Dominic Blythe writes: > so is there a full-on desktop that's pretty tiny? > if i want to know what time/day it is i can look at the clock on my > wall etc Maybe take a look at xfce ( I am not sure what you mean by "tiny". If memory usage is a concern, you are probably better

apt-get, upgrade, /var/cache/apt/archives

2000-05-19 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
There has been a small discussion in the debian-users mailing list about how to restore a system that was, in the following order: 1. Installed, slink (for example) 2. Upgraded (apt-get update, dist-upgrade pointing to frozen) 3. A copy of the /var/cache/apt/archives was made in another partition 4

UPS wars: APC vs Tripplite?

2000-05-19 Thread Kenneth Scharf
>Hello, > >I've been thinking about getting a new UPS. Previously >I purchased APC >products, but I want to hear about other experiences. >I've pretty much >narrowed it down to a product from APC or Tripplite. >APC is more >expensive, less Linux/UNIX friendly, but makes good >products (IMHO). >Tri

Re: apt-get, upgrade, /var/cache/apt/archives

2000-05-19 Thread Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler
Antonio Rodriguez wrote: > Questions: > 1:) What is the best way to make apt-get use the /archives folder to > perform the upgrade and return the system to stage 2. above? > 2:) Perhaps some other feature can be added to apt-get to allow this > reconstruction to occur in a smooth way? That would s

Re: apt-get, upgrade, /var/cache/apt/archives

2000-05-19 Thread Andreas Rottmann
Antonio Rodriguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > There has been a small discussion in the debian-users mailing list about > how to restore a system that was, in the following order: > 1. Installed, slink (for example) > 2. Upgraded (apt-get update, dist-upgrade pointing to frozen) > 3. A copy of th

mailagent setup headache

2000-05-19 Thread Tony
Hello, I reported a problem setting up mailagent a couple of days ago - I was gettng these sorts of errors: $ mailagent -i -t ./testmail.txt mailagent: WARNING waiting for -/var/mailagent/.seq lock since 22 seconds mailagent: WARNING waiting for -/var/mailagent/perl lock since 22 seconds mailag

diald inactivity timer...

2000-05-19 Thread James Tetazoo
I have been successful in creating a /etc/diald/diald.options file that allows diald to connect on demand to my ISP via PPP. However, the default inactivity timer seems to be set to 30 seconds. In other words, if 30 contiguous seconds of inactivity go by, diald shuts down the link. This is a

Re: The /source of the problem...or is that the /src?

2000-05-19 Thread Graeme Mathieson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, montefin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > But*, one tiny, core question remains. Which is it: /usr/src, > /usr/local/source, /usr/local/src? /disk/src, with /usr/src and /usr/local/src symlinked into it. :) At least that's what I do. Of course, t

Re: The /source of the problem...or is that the /src?

2000-05-19 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 12:41:18PM +0100, Graeme Mathieson wrote: > Hi, > > montefin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > But*, one tiny, core question remains. Which is it: /usr/src, > > /usr/local/source, /usr/local/src? > > /disk/src, with /usr/src and /usr/local/src symlinked into it. :) At le

[no subject]

2000-05-19 Thread Jonathan Gift
Hi, I came across an article on tweaking your hard disk from 16 to 32 bit mode on "Some Linux distributions aren't optimized for your specific system, so tweaks are necessary. I run RedHat 6.1, and here is how I sped up my disk speed by enabling 32-bit I/O and DMA on my system.

Re: Why is the Debian home page so boring?

2000-05-19 Thread Darren O. Benham
Speaking as a member of the webteam... You're welcome to submit the rewrites. There are instructions on the site for downloading the webpages in source (*.wml, not *.html) form. In particular... Following changes can be a time consuming process (ask the people who do the Debian Weekly News) and

RE: Why is the Debian home page so boring?

2000-05-19 Thread Dominic Blythe
wml? like for wap? > From: Darren O. Benham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Speaking as a member of the webteam... You're welcome to submit the > rewrites. There are instructions on the site for downloading > the webpages > in source (*.wml, not *.html) form. In particular... >

Re: Why is the Debian home page so boring?

2000-05-19 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Friday 19 May 2000, at 14 h 43, the keyboard of Dominic Blythe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > wml? like for wap? Of course not. The telephone moguls stole the name of an already existing free program, WML, Web Meta Language, , which is used by Debian (and s

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-19 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Michel Verdier wrote: > [cut] > Everybody knows that .deb are usually the last to be released to increase > stability for .deb packages. When security is an issue .rpm and .deb are > both tested and it would be great to have statistics to know which is the > quicker to be installed and used. > I


2000-05-19 Thread Ben Babich
Hi, does anyone know if there is support for dsl within debian or redhat?   If not, will it be in the plan for the next release?   Regards,   Ben

Re: diald inactivity timer...

2000-05-19 Thread Mark Brown
On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 08:35:31AM -0400, James Tetazoo wrote: > From reading the diald man page, I think the following in my diald.options > file may come close to doing what I want: Look at the file /etc/diald/standard.filter which defines rules for keeping the link open based on the particula

Re: emacs ignores certain commands in .emacs

2000-05-19 Thread Peter S Galbraith
I won't address all your problems... > In my .emacs file I have inter alia the following: > > (setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) You want (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) > (setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t) > (setq reftex-enable-partial-scans t) > (setq reftex-save-parse-i

Deb. 2.2 setting up loopback/route

2000-05-19 Thread Malte Schmidt
Hello World, i've installed a frozen 2.2 debian and encountered some problems setting up route & network loopback. First I found that a "nslookup localhost" wasn't working. Since no network is attached to the PC i understood that i have to configure loopback/route. I configured the loopback devic

Failure to connect to some sites

2000-05-19 Thread Norman Walsh
I don't even know where to begin debugging this one. For a long time now, I've known that there were some sites on the net that simply will not talk to me. For example,,,, etc. (The last one being my current pressing problem :-) I have a small networ

Printing to an HP 2000Cxi?

2000-05-19 Thread Nico De Ranter
Howdy, I need to be able to print to an HP 2000Cxi printer from Linux. I'm running magicfilterconfig to setup the printcap. Magicfilter has a lot of drivers but it doesn't seem to have much for HP inktjets. I see a lot of laserjet drivers and deskjet dj500 dj500c but I'm wondering whether these wo


2000-05-19 Thread Paul McHale
DSL is typically connected to you computers via network.  The protocol is TCP/IP which is supported by all Linux, Unix and Windows distributions.  You should have no problem.  You just have to configure you computers for IP, Netmask and Gateway.  The gateway IP will be the IP of you DSL rou


2000-05-19 Thread Rev GRC Sperry
This is a good site for iso's of many dists: * -={ Menno Slaats }=- ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000519 05:12] wrote: > Does anyone know where I can download the ISO IMAGE of Debian? > > Thanks, > > Menno Slaats -- -Grant oio``

log file full of "-- MARK --"

2000-05-19 Thread Gregory Guthrie
/var/messages has a "-- MARK --" every 20 minutes; why? Thanks, Greg

Re: log file full of "-- MARK --"

2000-05-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> /var/messages has a "-- MARK --" every 20 minutes; why? > to show, that the system lives. :) if you don't like it, then supply "-m 1" to syslogd -- Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please! -- If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: The /source of the problem...or is that the /src?

2000-05-19 Thread Graeme Mathieson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > make also gets pissed off if the clocks on both machines are not > EXACTLY the same. That's what time synchronisation is for. And if you've not got root on the boxen in question, got shout at the luser

Re: UPS wars: APC vs Tripplite?

2000-05-19 Thread Jeff Noxon
Have you looked at Best Power? The Fortress line is very competitive with APC, and comes with software and source code! carries them, and with free shipping and the various $25 coupon codes floating around... You can't beat the price! I bought one on back-order, and it arrived in two d

APM Disable

2000-05-19 Thread Jay Kelly
Hello Guys, After a few minutes my monitors shut due to APM. Where do I shutoff APM? I checked the bios and didnt see anything dor the monitor. Any sugestion would be great

Re: log file full of "-- MARK --"

2000-05-19 Thread Gregory Guthrie
At 05:15 PM 05/19/2000 +0200, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote: > /var/messages has a "-- MARK --" every 20 minutes; why? > to show, that the system lives. :) if you don't like it, then supply "-m 1" to syslogd -- will do. Never seen this on any other unix system...

Re: Virusscan / Exim

2000-05-19 Thread Ferenc Kiraly
Dirk Allard wrote: > > Hi, > > does anybody know of a automated virusscan (like amavis) working with exim? > I do. It's called amavis ;-) I had to tweak amavis a bit to change the parameters it accepts and I had to reconfigure exim. If you are interested I can send you my setup. maybe you can

Hard Drive Upgrade

2000-05-19 Thread Daniel J. Kruszyna
Hello, I just recently upgraded the hard drive on my Debian machine (an intel box running potato), and while everything copied successfully, I could not get the new hard disk to boot. I then changed my lilo.conf to point to "/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14" instead of the symlink at "/vmlinuz", and everythi

Re: changing default shells

2000-05-19 Thread David Teague
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Nick wrote: > i installed Tsch how do i get back to BASH Use chsh. I include the first few lines of the man page. --David CHSH(1) CHSH(1) NAME chsh - change login shell SYNOPSIS chsh [-s login_shell] [user]

Re: log file full of "-- MARK --"

2000-05-19 Thread Graeme Mathieson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, Oswald Buddenhagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > /var/messages has a "-- MARK --" every 20 minutes; why? > > > to show, that the system lives. :) > if you don't like it, then supply "-m 1" to syslogd ... which will produce a -- MARK -- e

init - autostarts

2000-05-19 Thread Dominic Blythe
all that "starting syslogd", "starting inetd" etc when you're booting, it's controlled by init, right? how do i tell it not to start the things I'd rather not be running? Dominic -- I used to be an advocate of

RE: MUAs (was Re: Help with the /etc/init.d/network)

2000-05-19 Thread A. Scott White
Thanks to all for the MUA advice. I can see that I'm going to have to learn some new things (again), like MTAs. Linux has an amazing ability to laugh at your years as a computer professional make you feel like an idiot. But that's what's so [EMAIL PROTECTED] great about it. ==

Re: apt-get, upgrade, /var/cache/apt/archives

2000-05-19 Thread Jason Gunthorpe
On Fri, 19 May 2000, Antonio Rodriguez wrote: > 1:) What is the best way to make apt-get use the /archives folder to > perform the upgrade and return the system to stage 2. above? cp /archive/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/ (or ln -s) Fini. Jason

Using 32 Bit DMA?

2000-05-19 Thread Jonathan Gift
Repost: Forgot subject in haste... Sorry. Hi, I came across an article on tweaking your hard disk from 16 to 32 bit mode on "Some Linux distributions aren't optimized for your specific system, so tweaks are necessary. I run RedHat 6.1, and here is how I sped up my disk speed b

Re[2]: MUAs (was Re: Help with the /etc/init.d/network)

2000-05-19 Thread Steve Lamb
Friday, May 19, 2000, 9:04:17 AM, A. wrote: > Thanks to all for the MUA advice. I can see that I'm going to have to learn > some new things (again), like MTAs. Linux has an amazing ability to laugh at > your years as a computer professional make you feel like an idiot. Actually I'd not do that

Re: init - autostarts

2000-05-19 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> all that "starting syslogd", "starting inetd" etc > when you're booting, it's controlled by init, right? > > how do i tell it not to start the things I'd rather > not be running? > man update-rc.d -- Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please! -- If Windows is the ans

Hard Drive Upgrade

2000-05-19 Thread Daniel J. Kruszyna
Hello, I just recently upgraded the hard drive on my Debian machine (an intel box running potato), and while everything copied successfully, I could not get the new hard disk to boot. I then changed my lilo.conf to point to "/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14" instead of the symlink at "/vmlinuz", and everythi

Digest mailing list #543 ?

2000-05-19 Thread Guido Bozzetto
The last message that arrived to me is the Volume 100 : Issue 543 that arrived without topics index :-( Is this correct or there are problems ? Thank you, Guido. -- ++---+ | Guido Bozzetto | Offic


2000-05-19 Thread Alec Smith
Be careful though, not all providers use an external "modem". I know that here in Ohio, Ameritech uses an internal PCI adapter. As far as I know, Linux doesn't support these internal adapters. On Fri, 19 May 2000, Paul McHale wrote: > DSL is typically connected to you computers via network. T

Re: Will KDE2 be in woody?

2000-05-19 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 10:44:55 +0200, Kjetil Ødegaard wrote: > it probably means that the package is obsolete; IIRC, there were KDE .debs > before the licensing issues were brought up. (the QT license is not > considered a `free license' by the Debian project, so it cannot be > included in Debian


2000-05-19 Thread John Foster
> Ben Babich wrote: > > Hi, > does anyone know if there is support for dsl within debian or redhat? > > If not, will it be in the plan for the next release? > > Regards, > > Ben --- DSL requires no additional support in Debian other th

Re: UPS wars: APC vs Tripplite?

2000-05-19 Thread Ron Farrer
Ron Farrer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > I've been thinking about getting a new UPS. Previously I purchased APC > products, but I want to hear about other experiences. I've pretty much > narrowed it down to a product from APC or Tripplite. APC is more > expensive, less Linux/UNIX friendly, but make

RE: Digest mailing list #543 ?

2000-05-19 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
I've been getting the same message header since 04/06/00. I've complained to no avail as of yet. I think everyone is working to get potato out, and ignoring maintenance of the server. Brooks > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Guido > Bozze

Re: log file full of "-- MARK --"

2000-05-19 Thread Peter S Galbraith
Oswald Buddenhagen wrote: > > /var/messages has a "-- MARK --" every 20 minutes; why? > > > to show, that the system lives. :) > if you don't like it, then supply "-m 1" to syslogd Better yet, turn it off in /etc/syslog.conf like so: *.=info;*.=notice;*.=warn;\ auth,authpriv.none;\

Re: log file full of "-- MARK --"

2000-05-19 Thread Sven Burgener
[snip] >>to show, that the system lives. :) >>if you don't like it, then supply "-m 1" to syslogd >-- will do. [snip] >Never seen this on any other unix system... Precisely. What exactly is the reason for syslog to have this "feature"? TIA Sven

DFE-570 TX Server Card confusion...

2000-05-19 Thread Kristian
Hi there again, dear fellow debian-using folks... Actually, running into some trouble right now with one of those D-Link PCI-based DFE-570TX "Quad Channel Server Card". Having just an ugly M$Win NT driver disk and a very poor documentation handy, I'm now desperately trying to get this thing workin

Re: APM Disable

2000-05-19 Thread Richard Klinda
Hoi Jay! Jay> After a few minutes my monitors shut due to APM. Where do I Jay> shutoff APM? I checked the bios and didnt see anything dor the Jay> monitor. Any sugestion would be great How about setting your monitor's turn off time? Under X xset, under console setterm can do the job for y

Re: init - autostarts

2000-05-19 Thread Richard Klinda
Hoi Dominic! Dominic> all that "starting syslogd", "starting inetd" etc Dominic> when you're booting, it's controlled by init, right? Dominic> how do i tell it not to start the things I'd rather Dominic> not be running? I don't know how good or sloppy solution this is, but I usually sim

More headaches with mailagent config

2000-05-19 Thread Tony
Hello, Here's my next set of problems with setting up mailagent: When mailagent starts to LEAVE, it wants to "execute" /var/spool/mail/uctpjac (my mail file), and in this execution it fails (see log entries below). Can someone tell me what this execution is, and what I need to do to get perform

Wakup LAN - Good morning...up and at em

2000-05-19 Thread Tom Warfield
Okay i have a 3COM 905 card with the option of using the WakeUp lan feature. My motherboard supports it and it is installed. Once the computer is turned off the light on the card still stays onokay so know im reading about some kinda MagicPacket... I think i have the stuff setup right for the

[no subject]

2000-05-19 Thread William Paul Philibert
How can I subscribe to the mailing list?


2000-05-19 Thread Guentcho Skordev
Hello, What are HOSTTYPE and MACHTYPE used for? I have installed slink on a 386, but the values are: HOSTTYPE=i486 MACHTYPE=i486-pc-linux-gnu Bye Guentcho

Re: Sound on a ASUS K7

2000-05-19 Thread Andreas Oeldenberger
Karsten Bolding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On the ASUS K7 motherboard is a AC'97 V2.1 CODEC, Analog Devices 3D > sound circuitry. > > Which selections do I have to do when compiling a new kernel to enable > sound? you either need a 2.3.x kernel or alsa >= 0.5.6 -- Hi! I'm a .signature viru


2000-05-19 Thread Guentcho Skordev
Hello, Which programs use the variables MACHTYPE and HOSTTYPE? Althugh I have installed slink on a 386, the values are: HOSTTYPE=i486 MACHTYPE=i486-pc-linux-gnu And now I see also: BASH_VERSINFO=([0]="2" [1]="01" [2]="1" [3]="1" [4]="release" [5]="i486-pc-linux-gnu") Is there something wrong?

Sorry (Re: MACHTYPE, HOSTTYPE variables)

2000-05-19 Thread Guentcho Skordev
Hello, Sorry for asking twice the same question. I see that both messages are in the list now... Bye Guentcho

Re: dumbass wm question

2000-05-19 Thread Mike Werner
On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 10:10:42AM +0100, Dominic Blythe wrote: > so is there a full-on desktop that's pretty tiny? > if i want to know what time/day it is i can look at the clock on my wall etc I've tried a few different ones, and here's what I've found. KDE - resource hog FVWM95 - not bad, bas

Re: chaningen the username on outgoing mail in pine.

2000-05-19 Thread Kent Nyberg
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote: > > Is there some way i can change the username on mail sent by pine? > the usual way to go is to configure your mta to do address rewriting. > however, in pine you could add a custom header "From: blabla" - but this > is not very clean. How do i ch

Re: chaningen the username on outgoing mail in pine.

2000-05-19 Thread Adam Shand
> > > Is there some way i can change the username on mail sent by pine? > > the usual way to go is to configure your mta to do address rewriting. > > however, in pine you could add a custom header "From: blabla" - but this > > is not very clean. > > How do i change that in pine? I have cant find

Re: UPS wars: APC vs Tripplite?

2000-05-19 Thread Peter S Galbraith
> Thanks to everyone who has responded so far. Basically what everyone > seems to be saying is: APC's newer products aren't so good, Tripplite is > ok, and Best Power has the best Linux support. > > Visiting each of these companies sites, I like: > > Tripplite OMNISMART 700 PNP UPS 120V. > AP

Re: APM Disable

2000-05-19 Thread Kent West
Jay Kelly wrote: > Hello Guys, > After a few minutes my monitors shut due to APM. Where do I shutoff APM? I > checked the bios and didnt see anything dor the monitor. > Any sugestion would be great > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null According to the only pack

Re: chaningen the username on outgoing mail in pine.

2000-05-19 Thread Lindsay Haisley
You might want to consider switching to mutt for your MUA. It makes the process much easier. Thus spake Kent Nyberg on Fri, May 19, 2000 at 01:52:21PM CDT > On Thu, 18 May 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote: > > > > Is there some way i can change the username on mail sent by pine? > > the usual way

I'm an idiot

2000-05-19 Thread Graeme Mathieson
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, A number of you will have received strange messages (purporting to be Usenet test or cancel messages) from my machine between 1700 and 1830 GMT today. I messsed up my news server configuration which managed to spam several people with these. Sorr


2000-05-19 Thread Kent West
William Paul Philibert wrote: > How can I subscribe to the mailing list? > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null This page: has instructions for "manually" subscribing, as well as a point&click interface for subscribin

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