Ben Collins wrote:
> After booting the rescue disk, the install is
> pretty much the same as an i386 install.
I'm quite familiar with Slackware Linux; is there any difference in the
installation procedures between Slackware and Debian Linux?
My only concern is that Debian Linux doesn't support S
Andrew Hately wrote:
> I tried both the 2.2.1 kernel rescue disc and the 2.0.36 on my
> sparcstation2; the newer one didn't seem to be able to eject the floppy when
> the next one was needed.
Interesting... then how did you proceed? As far as I know, Suns don't
have eject buttons on their flopp
On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Oki DZ wrote:
> Interesting... then how did you proceed? As far as I know, Suns don't
> have eject buttons on their floppy drives.
Some do.
> BTW, why would anyone install the Debian on Suns if the machines come
> with Solaris right out the boxes? The only reason I'm asking
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 07:11:33AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
> Ben Collins wrote:
> > After booting the rescue disk, the install is
> > pretty much the same as an i386 install.
> I'm quite familiar with Slackware Linux; is there any difference in the
> installation procedures between Slackware
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 07:12:44AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
> BTW, why would anyone install the Debian on Suns if the machines come
> with
> Solaris right out the boxes? The only reason I'm asking about Debian on
> Sun is that I think it's an interesting alternative since the Classic
> where I have an
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, William T Wilson wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Oki DZ wrote:
> > BTW, why would anyone install the Debian on Suns if the machines come
> > with Solaris right out the boxes? The only reason I'm asking about
> Maybe your SunOS/Solaris is way obsolete and you don't want to pay
*- On 4 Oct, Eric G . Miller wrote about "Re: In case anyone was wondering
where went."
> On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 06:03:37PM -0400, B. Szyszka wrote:
>> Is there any particular reason why the Debian and/or KDE mirror sites
>> don't offer the apt sources? Getting at least half of the
peter karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What do you think about this? I downloaded the Debian ispell sources and
> applied the patches, and they work like a charm here. Would be nice to have
> in the official package, if possible!
Thanks, I'll see what I can do -- this looks promising.
dpkg is giving me an error which I am unable to fix. Is this a bug?
lilypad:/home/pollywog#dpkg --configure -a
dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0012' near line 1:
newline in field name `#padding'
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 07:12:44AM +0700, Oki DZ wrote:
> BTW, why would anyone install the Debian on Suns if the machines come
> with
> Solaris right out the boxes? The only reason I'm asking about Debian on
> Sun is that I think it's an interesting alternative since the Classic
> where I have an
On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 04:42:59PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 06:03:37PM -0400, B. Szyszka wrote:
> > Is there any particular reason why the Debian and/or KDE mirror sites
> > don't offer the apt sources? Getting at least half of the KDE mirrors out
> > there to mirror
> The best bargain in the business has got to be the Creative Ensoniq
> PCI128. I bought a card at CompUSA for under $30.00. It's based on
> the ENS1371 chipset and works well with standard kernel (2.2) and ALSA
> drivers. I have used
On 05-Oct-99 Pollywog wrote:
> dpkg is giving me an error which I am unable to fix. Is this a bug?
> lilypad:/home/pollywog#dpkg --configure -a
> dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0012' near line 1:
> newline in field name `#padding'
I figured it out. The configuration scrip
Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> It is set up with autoconf(make sure your system has autoconf installed,
> it is a gnu package as well) so you should be able to just do
> ./configure --prefix=~/
> make
> make install
Just a note -- you don't need to have autoconf installed to run
I've read the list archives on SB128 topics and tried both the OSS and
Alsa modules.
But whenever I try to do anything I get a No such device error like so:
frontier:/dev# ls -al dsp
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root9 Oct 5 02:00 dsp -> /dev/dsp0
frontier:/dev# cat ~/ > ./dsp
Please wrap your lines at about 72 or 76 characters. Paragraphs with no
linebreaks cause trouble for the mailers many of us use.
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Randy M.Kaplan wrote:
> I am trying to understand how to use dselect to install packages. When
> I start dselect
On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Pollywog wrote:
> dpkg is giving me an error which I am unable to fix. Is this a bug?
> lilypad:/home/pollywog#dpkg --configure -a
> dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0012' near line 1:
> newline in field name `#padding'
Erase the file it names, it is a b
> "M" == Manuel Arenaz Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
M> Hello,
M> In my work in have to use some machines where the bash shell is not
M> available. Normally, these machine have Solaris or IRIX installed. When
M> I connect to those machines I have to use other different shells which I
M> am
Thanks to everyone who wrote. I had used many other image viewers and
editors under Linux, but not ImageMagick, which works perfectly.
(By the way: the Windows 3.1 client from runs perfectly
under wine 990927!)
Manager, Dueling Modems Co
> > Is there any particular reason why the Debian and/or KDE mirror sites
> > don't offer the apt sources? Getting at least half of the KDE mirrors out
> > there to mirror the apt sources would be heaven. Gnome has a buttload
> > of apt sources, why can't KDE?
> Debian folk have determined that t
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> "Damir J. Naden" wrote:
> >
> > Hi Brad; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
> > >
> > > Except for the problems with threaded system(3) calls in ove of the glibc
> > > 2.1.2 prereleases, all the solutions you mention sol
Title: Linux Developer
Job Description:
Develop and maintain Debian packages related to our
solution within the standard Debian distribution as well as on our
opensource site ( as well as on our private
archives. Deploy and configure Debian/Linux systems. Setup and
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Hugo van der Merwe wrote:
> Is there any place to specify what drivers must be compiled (like in
> make menuconfig when using something like an NE2000 on a desktop)?
IIRC, all pcmcia modules are compiled by default, even ones you have no
On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, peter karlsson wrote:
> Is anyone here using xinetd and also having problems with the latest netstd
> update? I get this:
> # dpkg --pending --configure
> Setting up netbase (3.16-3) ...
> update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/inetd: file does not exis
On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Shannon wrote:
> s:
> > The best bargain in the business has got to be the Creative Ensoniq
> > PCI128. I bought a card at CompUSA for under $30.00. It's based on
> > the ENS1371
does anyone know why the harddrive light (red) might always be illuminated
while running under slink? on the same machine, i also have winNT installed,
and whenever it is running, the light comes on only periodically, while
opening an application for example.
any opinion as to whether this mi
Brad wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> > "Damir J. Naden" wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Brad; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Except for the problems with threaded system(3) calls in ove of the
> > > > glibc
> > > > 2.1.2 pre
Yum, yum... I've come into possession of another box at work. I want to play
with setting it up using my office machine to masquerade, and play with
Beowulf and computational chemistry. But I know zilch about this. I plan to
spend time figuring out the networking myself, but need to know if this
> On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Shannon wrote:
> > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] write
> > s:
> >
> > > The best bargain in the business has got to be the Creative Ensoniq
> > > PCI128. I bought a card at CompUSA for under $30.00. It's based on
> > > the ENS1371 chipset and works we
It seems that this mailing list is not only talking about Debian
specifics but also Linux in general, so I have questions on Linux
Some days ago I installed several Linux clients with no harddisk to boot
from a server. The clients had 32MB RAM; this could be quite a lot, but
for runn
Martin Fields wrote:
> For a dual boot - why not go to a computer store and buy one of those things
> where you can swap hard drives like disks? They are around 30$, then for
This is a "physical" solution. In computer world, I think it's not that
quite cool.
> linux get a cheap 3 gig. you c
On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 07:21:16PM -0400, Todd Suess wrote:
> At 04:15 PM 10/4/1999 -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> >Todd Suess wrote:
> > > >I'll also bet you'll find several dozen update-menus processes running.
> > > >If
> > > >you do, tell me what version of menu you have installed.
> >
> >No, of _m
On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
> Brad wrote:
> > 2) Are you _sure_ is wasn't the problem with threaded system(3) calls in
> >one of the 2.1.2 prereleases? Given the information you give below, it
> >distinctly sounds like you ran into this bug a
Oki DZ wrote:
> Andrew Hately wrote:
> > I tried both the 2.2.1 kernel rescue disc and the 2.0.36 on my
> > sparcstation2; the newer one didn't seem to be able to eject the floppy when
> > the next one was needed.
> Interesting... then how did you proceed?
ctrl-alt-del is understood by linux
> Mine, as I may have said, is a wee bit slow - the 40MHz
> prcoessor gives 40
> bogomips. That
that being the slowness, not the 40 bogomips.
> is probably down to the 1992 vintage hard disk
after upgrading to a 2.2.10 kernel (from the default 2.1 slink one) and some
unstable packages, i get the following error:
- Original Message -
From: Cron Daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 9:48 AM
Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> test
On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 07:09:13PM -0400, Todd Suess wrote:
> >
> >You mean a process _named_ pdmenu is doing this, I'll bet.
> Yes
> >I'll also bet you'll find several dozen update-menus processes running. If
> >you do, tell me what version of menu you have installed.
I had one proces
we use our central linux server to mount sharings on several data
containing workstations, the problem is that it looses the mountings
after a undetermined timeperiod!
debian 2.1 kernel 2.2.12 samba 2.05
from syslog:
smb_get_length: recv error = 5
smb_request: result -5, setting invalid
On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 02:36:12PM -0500, Bill West wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 01:22:44PM -0600, David Karlin wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've written a shell script that creates a file, then uploads it to my
> > ISP's server via (command-line) ftp.
> >
> > After getting it to work from the (bash)
Hi all!
How can I view with my Linux box the somfile.prz file? Which program
should I use? Or if someone have a program which can view this file and
can convert it to an human format (i.e. pdf, or ppt, or anything else)
please send me a mail
Bye! Benci!
Isten a'ldja a pingvineket & Li
> BTW, why would anyone install the Debian on Suns if the machines come
> with
> Solaris right out the boxes? The only reason I'm asking about Debian on
> Sun is that I think it's an interesting alternative since the Classic
> where I have an access to doesn't have Solaris on it (the CDs I mean).
I have a bit of source code here with the following bit:
Morse MorseTable[]=
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 11:58:23 +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> morse.c:52: warning: missing braces around initializer
> Anyone know how to fix?
Just a guess, perhaps Morse is a 2 or more dimensional array type rather
than a one-dimensional one, and you need to add braces for the rows?
On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 20:04:43 +0200, Attila Csosz wrote:
> I'd like to set up an environment( a set of programs ) to develop programs
> under c++. I've heard about xemacs, gdb. Is it good? I need at least to
> set/clear breakpoints; step to next source line; run and make projects.
> Which progra
I have a question! If I make a booteprom and a bootfloppy which one will
boot first?
Bye! Benci!
Isten a'ldja a pingvineket & Linus Torvalds-ot
Debian 2.1 Slink 2.2.9 200MMX/32MB/1.7Gb/S3VirgeDX4Mb
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 11:22:22AM +0200, Istvan Benak wrote:
> Hi all!
> How can I view with my Linux box the somfile.prz file? Which program
> should I use? Or if someone have a program which can view this file and
> can convert it to an human format (i.e. pdf, or ppt, or anything else)
> plea
On Sun, Oct 03, 1999 at 05:39:57PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a Debian system off a hard drive that will no longer boot, not even
> from disc. It's copied entirely onto my current system under
> /usr/local/old
> Is there any way of reading the package selections off of it there
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>I have a question! If I make a booteprom and a bootfloppy which one will
>boot first?
It probably depends on the bootrom you use.
I have seen some bootroms ask the user which one to use...
(this was on NE1000 compatable cards, so it isn't exactly
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 12:22:57PM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen Ray" wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 11:58:23 +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> > morse.c:52: warning: missing braces around initializer
> > Anyone know how to fix?
> Just a guess, perhaps Morse is a 2 or more dimensional array type rathe
On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 03:38:05AM +0100, Mark Brown was heard to state:
> > > The stable GNOME packages are actually produced by the Debian
> > > maintainers - they're just distributed from the GNOME site.
> > So, why would they not be introduced into slink-proposed-updates?
> The only thing
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 14:23:38 +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> Morse MorseTable[]=
> {
Change to
etc. The outer pair of curly braces is because the elements of the array are
structs, which aren't atomic; th
Sorry I forgot to say it's an Lotus Freelanc Graphics97 file (by the world all file formats)
Bye! Benci!
Isten a'ldja a pingvineket & Linus Torvalds-ot
Debian 2.1 Slink 2.2.9 200MMX/32MB/1.7Gb/S3VirgeDX4Mb--- Begin Message ---
Hi all!
How can I view with my Linux box the
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 09:50:37AM +0200, J Horacio MG wrote:
> > BTW, why would anyone install the Debian on Suns if the machines come
> > with
> > Solaris right out the boxes? The only reason I'm asking about Debian on
> > Sun is that I think it's an interesting alternative since the Classic
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 12:25:37PM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) wrote:
> gdb is a powerful debugger, but the interface isn't very comfortable. You
> may want to consider 'ddd' (available in the "devel" section) as a front-end
> to it.
There's also Emacs' GUD mode, which does much the same job for t
On Mon, Oct 04, 1999 at 10:38:36PM -0400, B. Szyszka wrote:
> OK, but what about the KDE folks, then? Why don't the mirrors for KDE have
> apt-ing setup?
Ask them.
Mark Brown mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 01:42:14PM +0200, J.H.M. Dassen Ray" wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 14:23:38 +0200, Joop Stakenborg wrote:
> > Morse MorseTable[]=
> > {
> Change to
> etc. The outer pair of cu
a very basic question:
I'd like to download the whole Installation Manual for i386 in HTML
How can I do the operation in one time, without saving each chapter
separately ? (Just using the Save option with Netscape doesn't prove
First off, I have read the README.Debian file in /usr/doc/slrnpull/, but I
still cannot get slrnpull to accept my outgoing messages when running slrn in
spool mode. (Incidentally, is there a way to run slrnpull as non-root?)
As suggested, I did: adduser david news, adding me to the news group. (
Why is the time as shown by asclock drifting so far from the real time? Does
Linux read the BIOS time, and therefore my BIOS clock is losing time quickly,
or is something else going on? Now the time is off by about 15 minutes, and it
makes crontab jobs sort of tricky.
Is there a way to sync the
[Please use <76 character lines]
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 09:07:02 -0500, David Kanter wrote:
> Why is the time as shown by asclock drifting so far from the real time?
> Does Linux read the BIOS time, and therefore my BIOS clock is losing time
> quickly,
Could be; see clock(8).
> or is something
Hi David,
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 09:07:02AM -0500, David Kanter wrote:
> Is there a way to sync the time with a server when I start a PPP, so I won't
> have to worry about this in the future? I vaguely remember a mention of this
> when installing Slink.
Check xntp and ntpdate. I believe the
[While I am a lawyer, the following is not legal advice. If you need
legal advice, contact an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.]
> It is not that Qt is incomaptible it is the fact that KDE is linked to
> software under a non GPL license and KDE is under the GPL. This
> violates the GPL.
Kent West wrote:
> Seth R Arnold wrote:
> > > I'm trying to install slink on a Gateway E-4200 (PIII 400). This is
> > > a testbed install, eventually to be an entire lab. I've had no problems
> > > installing to an older E-3200 (PII 300).
> > >
> > > The problem is that the network card (3COM 3c9
I have a PC on a network where the IP addresses are assigned using a
DHCP server. I tried installing Debian 2.1 and I have the following
problem. If I say I am connected to a network it requires me to type
in the IP address (which I don't have). If I don't configure the
network, when I try to
If the fax pages appear "stretched" then the conflict is most likely due to a
confusion between 'normal' and 'fine' resolution of the fax you're sending.
That is,
perhaps the fax is formatted at 'normal' resolution (204 x 98 dpi) but the fax
software thinks it's been formatted at 'fine' resolution
aphro wrote:
> I've had a PPP server setup for quite some time using mgetty 1.1.18-1, and
> it works great, BUT i just noticed today that it is doing no password
> authentication. Any user/pw will work to login. Security isn't a huge
> issue but i'd like to get it so i can track who logs in!
> "Joey" == Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Joey> Todd Suess wrote:
>> 1. Apt-get action completes.
>> 2. pdmenu fires up and proceeds to thrash the hard drive for
>> about 30 minutes, slowly chewing up all available system
>> resources (RAM and SWAP), until SWAP is down
I would like to know if there is a standard place to put the ipchains
commands for ip masquerading so they get executed at boot time. For now,
I stuck them in /etc/init.d/ but if there is a more customary
location for them I want to put them there so that they don't accidenta
Stephan Engelke said:
> Check xntp and ntpdate. I believe there is a .deb-package called xntp.
> Next place a call to "ntpdate " in your ip-up.d.
Not to steal another Dave's question, but...
Where can one find a list of publicly-usable NTP servers?
I'm in the process of buying a new server, and, within my budget,
the above machine is an option.
Have you any experience with it and Linux, mainly Debian?
Is the above model sufficient to, without doubt, specify its
hardware, so that it be compatible with Linux/Debia
*- On 5 Oct, Dave Sherohman wrote about "Re: Clock is loosing time"
> Stephan Engelke said:
>> Check xntp and ntpdate. I believe there is a .deb-package called xntp.
>> Next place a call to "ntpdate " in your ip-up.d.
> Not to steal another Dave's question, but...
> Where can one find a lis
I us XF86_S3V and tried the following:
- Use xlock when X is running
- Change to the virtual console X was started from (using startx)
- Press CTRL-C
This killed X, but also changed the first line in /etc/X11/Xserver from
which I had to change
I have the following problem on a Intel PC Debian system I maintain:
For the second time the file system got mounted read only for an
unknown reason. The first time only my personal mailbox file
(/var/spool/mail/me) got corrupted as far as I could see. The second
time, after the reboot fsck.ext2 an
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 10:35:13AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> Stephan Engelke said:
> > Check xntp and ntpdate. I believe there is a .deb-package called xntp.
> > Next place a call to "ntpdate " in your ip-up.d.
> Not to steal another Dave's question, but...
> Where can one find a list o
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 05:46:02PM +0200, Debian Mail wrote:
> Two questions:
> 1. Why was the server changed to XF86_NONEV?
I don't know..?
> 2. How can I prevent anybody from changing virtual consoles and
>killing my X session when I am away and locked it with xlock?
If this is trul
Just curious about Debian running dual celeron with better FPU? I'm
thinking of installing Debian on dual celeron for CAD. Is dual celeron
500mhz faster than Pentium III 500mhz? I want good debian linux and
cheap dual celeron :)
Anyone have dual celeron AbIT motherboard?
On Tue, 5 Oct 1999, Kam Yee Lo wrote:
> Just curious about Debian running dual celeron with better FPU? I'm
> thinking of installing Debian on dual celeron for CAD. Is dual celeron
> 500mhz faster than Pentium III 500mhz? I want good debian linux and
> cheap dual celeron :)
> Anyone have dua
I hit this strange problem today, on my potato machine:
/boot# dd if=bzImage-2.2.12 of=/dev/fd0
dd: /dev/fd0: Read-only file system
Here is the permission for /dev/fd0
/boot# ls -l /dev/fd0
brw-rw-r-- 1 root floppy 2, 0 Oct 4 17:41 /dev/fd0
The floppy is not write-protected, becauc
avoid the BP6 !!! it is hell!! sorry for the !!'s but ive had nothing but
trouble, it is a CRAP board for SMP DONT GET IT.
or if u do want it u can buy mine.
see my post:
once again, -- AVOID THE BP6 --
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 09:12:51AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Greetings:
> I would like to know if there is a standard place to put the ipchains
> commands for ip masquerading so they get executed at boot time. For now,
> I stuck them in /etc/init.d/ but if there is a more cust
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 06:01:22PM +0200, Debian Mail wrote:
> I have no idea what could have caused these two incidents, since after
> the file system has been remounted read only there was no possibility
> for the system to log anything.
> What could have caused it? Bad harddisk, or
I have just configured the sendmail8.9.3 on debian.
My hostname is scud . I have not configured the dns .
as one of my critical network project is going on that.
so I can't configure dns. I want sendmail to get running without using dns.
I am getting this errors.
Marc Haber mentioned this yesterday and I mistakenly sent him a private
reply instead of replying to the list.
I'm also interested in creating a debian rescue floppy that either mounts
/usr from a CD or preferably from a server via nfs.
My goal is to be able to stick a floppy in an ailing W95/98/
I am trying to install glib-1.2.5 from source, but I keep getting errors
that seem to be stemming from /usr/local/include/string.h. That file
includes string/string.h which doesn't appear to exist. I played with
it a little bit, and now I think I've screwed up string.h beyond
recognition. Where
At 15:37 10/05/1999 +0200, Alberto Bigazzi wrote:
>I'd like to download the whole Installation Manual for i386 in HTML
>How can I do the operation in one time, without saving each chapter
>separately ?
Hugh D. Hyatt
This is just another crazy thought on the subject. My backup strategy is a
little different. I run both NT server and Linux. Both are Internet
servers where data changes very rarely. I am using PowerQuest drive image
to make images of both hard drives in both servers. Neither server takes up
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 10:51:33AM -0400, E. S. Venkatraman wrote:
I have a PC on a network where the IP addresses are assigned using
a DHCP server. I tried installing Debian 2.1 and I have the
following problem. If I say I am connected to a network it
requires me to type in the IP a
i am used to encrypt my channels, having completely replaced telnet and rsh by
now since i migrated to ssh2 i am not able any more to use the rsh
functionality, since in any case i have to type in the password
now as stated in the man page i copyed the /.ssh2/
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 02:51:12PM -0400, Dpk wrote:
On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 10:51:33AM -0400, E. S. Venkatraman wrote:
I have a PC on a network where the IP addresses are assigned
using a DHCP server. I tried installing Debian 2.1 and I have
the following problem. If I s
i wanted to use my 1&1voice modem (Rockwell chipset) for an answering
machine in the mgetty-voice REDME is written that i would find examples
and infos under /usr/doc/voice the dir is present but empty
so how do i record samples to be played how do i lesten to them and mor
Could someone give me a sample script (perhaps bash or sed) to change a
group of filenames from their original name to the same name preceeded
by an exclamation point. For example, changing the following filenames
Brian J. Stult
*- On 5 Oct, Brian J. Stults wrote about "auto-change filenames"
> Could someone give me a sample script (perhaps bash or sed) to change a
> group of filenames from their original name to the same name preceeded
> by an exclamation point. For example, changing the following filenames
> from:
are you trying to install from a .deb source package, or from a source
I would think the .deb source package would have these issues addressed.
On 05-Oct-99 Brian J. Stults wrote:
> I am trying to install glib-1.2.5 from source, but I keep getting errors
> that seem to be stemmi
I'm trying, for arcane reasons, to install from the source tarball.
Bryan Scaringe wrote:
> are you trying to install from a .deb source package, or from a source
> tarball?
> I would think the .deb source package would have these issues addressed.
> Bryan
> On 05-Oct-99 Brian
"Stephen R. Gore" wrote:
> > Steve, you're also likely to run into problems with the
> > Rage128-based video card if you install X. You can download a
> > driver from, which worked for me.
> Kent, the NIC problem was easy to fix using the advice given. However,
> I'm having more di
i compile my kernel myself and would like to get rid of dselect trying to
replace my custom kernle with standard one
what options do i have and how to achieve this?
ciao bboett
*- On 5 Oct, Brian Servis wrote about "Re: auto-change filenames"
> *- On 5 Oct, Brian J. Stults wrote about "auto-change filenames"
>> Could someone give me a sample script (perhaps bash or sed) to change a
>> group of filenames from their original name to the same name preceeded
>> by an exclam
Where can I find the Motif software. I am aware that it is a commercial
product but I don't know where to look for it. I am interested because
the Netscape pkg that dselect has requires it for certain versions of
On 05-Oct-99 Rik Burt wrote:
> Where can I find the Motif software. I am aware that it is a commercial
> product but I don't know where to look for it. I am interested because
> the Netscape pkg that dselect has requires it for certain versions of
> netscape.
It is not in Debian. You mus
Just out of curiosity, are there plans to include dhcpcd in the base
system for Potato? When I wanted to do an internet install over my
cable modem, it involved also downloading the dhcpcd and netstd
packages, and installing them in a Virtual Console, after installing
base, but before installing t
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