*- Russ Cook wrote about "cable modem"
| My local cable company is now offering high-speed cable modem service.
| The following excerpt is from their web page Q&A section. I am running
| Slink with IPV4 (I believe).
| Can I use any TCP/IP stack with @Home?
| At this time, @Home supports the
John Hasler wrote -
> Martin Bialasinski writes:
> > What I mean is that you shouldn't send the \d.
> He isn't sending \d. To chat '\d' means pause one second. Some ISP's get
> confused if chat exits and lets pppd start sending packets before they
> finish authenticating. The pause gives them ti
Did you mean EDA ?? What is EDI ??
Hi all:
Does anyone know of any EDI software which
runs under Debian or Linux.
Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
I found a way to fix the problem. The dial string in
/etc/chatscripts/provider had brackets around the phone number like this:
"" ATDT<3416052>
which worked ok with my old modem. I removed the brackets like this:
"" ATDT3416052
and now it works.
Can anyone tell me how to
Trying to get Netscape 4.5b2 up and running on Debian 2.0, I get
the error message that:
Netscape: cannot load library "libXpm.so.4"
I have the same Netscape running fine on a Suse 5.2 partition with libXpm.so.4
installed in the same default directory (/usr/X11R6/lib). I have used
Slackware, Red
Trying to get Netscape 4.5b2 up and running, but I get the following error
Netscape: cannot load library "libXpm.so.4"
I have the same release of Netscape running in a Suse 5.2 partiion with
libXpm.so.4 installed in the same default directory (/usr/X11R6/lib). I am new
to Debian and cou
If I have 192Mb of ram, how do I indicate to the kernel that I
have it.
How do I set up my linux computer as a proxy to serve internet to other
systems on my network?
I am using Debian2.0 and looking for GNUPLOT. Can you help ?
Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1
rathon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| I am using Debian2.0 and looking for GNUPLOT. Can you help ?
It's in the main/binary-i386/math section of hamm, package name is
>I never even thought to check -- glad I saw your (and someone else's)
>post! How does one know, however, whether or not the top of memory is
I was wondering if anyone knew offhand how much memory Linux CAN see, with
the appropriate setting in lilo.conf etc.
THe new box I'm making has 1024MB in
David Densmore at 9:00:07 wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how to control the modems volume?
> It is MUCH louder
> than my old one. Also, where are the modem init strings
> stored for pon?
> Where can I get a list of all the modem AT commands?
I personally use ATZL0, L0 is used to shut down the volume
On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Phillip Neumann wrote:
> Jens Ritter wrote:
> > Phillip Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Please check the mail archive.
> >
> > As far as I read, you have to restart xringd, so it gets the
> > back to the modem.
> >
> > --
The 2.1 series can see above 64mb w/o lilo's help. I believe the range now
goes to 2gb or so.
Howdy all!
Does anyone know what this error is telling me?
[Couldn't bind to control socket : Cannot assign requested address (99). Press a
ny key...]
I'm running netstd version 3.07-2 on the system that's having the problems.
Most of the other systems I manage are on netstd_3.07-1...if that he
> > > Set NNTPSERVER=localhost in your environment. It took me
> > > months to figure this out. I do NOT find this documented
> > > anywhere.
> >
> > I have my default server set up to localhost, so this wasn't
> > necessary for me. However, I was emailed a message that told
> > me how to fix the
I need bo (debian 1.3) binaries of grep and ar to try and revive an
old system before I can upgrade to hamm. Grep and ar have been lost
I've seen the address of the bo site somewhere, but I just spent an
hour looking through the web site with no success.
Thank you.
Nathan O. Si
Now X works well... now I need help on My
network card.
It says on the cover that it's compatible
w/ Linux...
I'm just wondering how
I have a
EtherFast 10/100 LAN Card
(PCI interface, Plug-and-Pray)
However, there's not Linux drivers on the
floppies (2 of them...)
What sh
On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Nathan O. Siemers wrote:
> I need bo (debian 1.3) binaries of grep and ar to try and revive an
> old system before I can upgrade to hamm. Grep and ar have been lost
Here is a list of archive sites that was posted a couple of months ago.
Maybe George Bonser has
Russ Cook writes:
> Can I use any TCP/IP stack with @Home?
> At this time, @Home supports the following: Windows 95, NT workstations,
> and MacOS 7.5.3 with open Transport v. 1.1 or greater TCP/IP stacks.
> Does anyone think I would have an insurmountable problem using this
> service?
Is there a way to setup IP Masqing with out recompiling the kernel? A module
maybe (where)?
Could anyone help me out with this problem?
I installed Netscape Navigator 4.06 (base install, not Communicator) on
Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) in /usr/local/netscape according to Netscape's
installation instructions. I try to run the executable but I get the
message: "/usr/local/netscape/netscape
> I installed Netscape Navigator 4.06 (base install, not Communicator) on
> Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) in /usr/local/netscape according to Netscape's
> installation instructions. I try to run the executable but I get the
> message: "/usr/local/netscape/netscape : can not load libXt.so.6". The
> l
to have netscape 4 running u need to have the libraries as mentioned in
or ...let me just mention it, the ff. libs along with their corresponding
depndecies :
motifnls in section X11
ldso in section base
ilbc5 in sect
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:14:09PM +0100, G. Kapetanios wrote:
> Following an earlier email concerning failure to look up a host adress
> which also prevented xdm from running I have included my ISP nameserver
> address in /etc/resolv.conf. Now xdm starts, I log in and the system waits
> befo
That's because Suse is using libc5 and Debian is using the newer glibc.
Install Netscape using the Debian installer and grab the older libraries
from section oldlibs, or download the glibc version of Netscape from
their ftp.
Ken Archer wrote:
> Trying to get Netscape 4.5b2 up and
On Fri, 2 Oct 1998, Christopher D. Judd wrote:
> > Make sure the sixth field in your /etc/fstab is set to 0(zero) or
> > empty for removable media. From 'man 5 fstab'
> Sure enough, that fixed it. Odd that this problem only showed up
> when I upgraded to Hamm, though. Thanks for the t
On 2 Oct 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
> >>"John" == John Plate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John> I'm planning to buy a scanner. What type will work well with Linux?
> You should look into the SANE project. Specifically, the
> backends (which are scanner specific) are detaile
"M.C. Vernon" wrote:
> Dear all,
> A friend of mine has a (SUSE) install on hdc, but wants lilo (or
> similar) to go on hda (which is a dos/w95 partition)?
> is there a howto/etc for this sort of thing?
> Matthew
> --
> Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
> Steward of the Cambrid
I wonder if there is a way to prevent X server from being killed by the
CTRL-ALT-backspace keystroke. I know that putting "DontZap" in
XF86Config would do that on redhat. The Debian docs say the same thing.
However, this "DontZap" method does not work here, I am using Debian
2.0. Any one got ideas
On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Jan Krupa wrote:
> What happens ? After some time when I use kde (it works after
> loading) I just
> cannot start any program. I mean when choose something
> from the the kde or debian menu.
It sounds like kfm is dying. I don't know why it
On Sun, 4 Oct 1998, Chris Evans wrote:
> I can't get into the machine to check documentation and I can't see
> enough detail in "Running Linux" to know if this is the case and, if
> so, how to fix it. However, that does read as if linux scans through
> the scsi devices allocating /dev/sda /dev
You should have no problem using the @home modem with linux. I'm using it
now, and it really flies. The only thing I have left to do is to set up dhcp,
for the time being, I'm using the static ip they gave me.
Russ Cook wrote:
> My local cable company is now offering
I'm running a hamm system and mostly login through a telnet window on
my win95 machine (I have only one monitor as of yet).
When I run vi in the telnet window, I get some strange behavior. Just
about no matter which key I press, the screen blanks, and then vi
begins to save a copy of the f
Ian Stuart wrote:
> > "The Finnish programmer Linux Torvalds, whose software could
> > threaten Bill Gates's Microsoft empire"
> The program is one of these programs that does 5-minute bites at a
> number of topics, with Linus as one of the topics.
The program actually
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:27:59PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am using a program called safedelete that you alias to rm. It is not
This sounds like a really bad idea (aliasing it to rm). Once you get used
to having it, you become more careless with the rm command; suddenly
you're using a
Hey, do you want a Dressman or a Killer ??
Ian Stuart wrote:
> Ian Stuart wrote:
> My only downer comment would be to Linus: "White socks and sandles?
> Please!"
> --
> Ian Stuart
> Computing Services
> The University of Edinburgh
> --
> Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EM
On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
> Sincerely,
> Ray Ingles (248)377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Free Stereogram!
> Try to make the two "O"s in the next row look like three:
> OO
> n n n n n n n n
When I wanted to bookmark a page by dragging the "location" icon into
the bookmark file, it just wouldn't work. I'm using hamm, kernel 2.0.34,
KDE and Netscape 4.5bPR1. Have I missed to install anything?
Thanks to a suggestion by Michael Stone, I tried TERM=vt100 from the
command line, and vi now seems to work properly in a telnet window.
Very nice. Thank you Michael.
How can I set my login script to set TERM=vt100 *only* for telnet
sessions, and not for console (or other) logins? As I un
> Then use ipfwadm to forward any packets from your LAN to the Net.
> A good help is the HOWTO docs on Network and Firewalls.
I'm trying to make a simple setup with ipfwadm: just to move all
the packets from one eth to the other, but I've yet to succeed.
I'll keep trying th
Pat O'Brien wrote:
> If I have 192Mb of ram, how do I indicate to the kernel that I
> have it.
in lilo.conf and run lilo again. The kernel must be said explicitly how
much memory you have if you go above 64M.
> It is not the computer that needs an IP address, every single network
> interface on the computer will need a unique IP address (except if you have
> point-to-point interfaces, but that doesn't apply in your situation)
First question: can I make an eth behave as a point-to-point i
I have seriously hosed my mail setup in the past few days and might
have deleted mail you sent between October 1st and a few minutes ago.
Please accept my apologies for this mishap; I am truly sorry about
this. Could you resend your message, please?
If you haven't sent me a message since October
On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 10:33:24PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Howdy all!
> Does anyone know what this error is telling me?
> [Couldn't bind to control socket : Cannot assign requested address (99).
> Press a
> ny key...]
> I'm running netstd version 3.07-2 on the system that's h
Hi all,
I was having problems with the network so I deided to use the rescue disk
to configure my machine with no network. By mistake (big mistake !!!)
I chose to initialise the root partition rather than mount a previously
initialised partition. The hard disk did not work a lot but my root
To my knowledge there is no way to recover the root.
You could however try to re-activate that partition and
see what happens. I doubt it will work because mkfs
resets the inode tables.
When you re-activate/create that partition again everything
on it is reset. So, you have to re-install the
Hi debian users and SANE people:
This is tangential to, but not unconnected with the recent request on
debian-user for advice about what scanner to get. When I bought my Debian
system recently I got an ARTEC AT12 scanner because (a) it was on the SANE
supporeted list (b) it is alledgedly a very g
LUK ShunTim wrote:
> KDE and Netscape 4.5bPR1.
Sorry I don't uderstand what you are trying to do, but 4.5bPR2 is
already available - maybe that can help you?
Hi all!!
I just got Debian 2.0 and tried to install in my two computers. One is a 386
with 20 MB of RAM - the installation was successful. The other one is a
Pentium MMX 200 with 64 MB of RAM - here the installation script
(install/boot.bat) stopped when detecting hard disks. This is the output
In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 10/06/98
at 12:24 PM, H C Pumphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>No-one mentions the 3181x / 3151x so I can't tell from this what to do
>about my card. If anyone can tell me what to do or point me at the right
>documentation, I'd be grateful.
If it is neither o
we ran out of disk space, don´t expect new hardware and need the disk space
for the day to day stuff. sorry.
maybe someone else can provide a rsync access to debian cd images in europe ?
Go to their web page and look for instructions on your specific card
>>> "Christopher J. Stevenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/5/98 11:06:25 PM >>>
Now X works well... now I need help on My network card.
It says on the cover that it's compatible w/ Linux...
I'm just wondering how compatible.
I have a
You have comcast right? I am also on comcast, but they just took over
jones intercable and have yet to 'upgrade their system' sometime next
year before they will offer us the service. Anyway I looked on
the comcast web site and found out some details on the service. There
was a line that sai
I recently took a class on Unix and we used Win95 machines to Telnet into our
server and vi acted "weird." The instructor acknowledged this and said that
there was nothing we could do. I would suggest using a Windoze X Client
software in place of Telnet. We use Exceed and it works well. Ther
*- Nathan O. Siemers wrote about "Where is Bo?"
| I need bo (debian 1.3) binaries of grep and ar to try and revive an
| old system before I can upgrade to hamm. Grep and ar have been lost
| :(
| I've seen the address of the bo site somewhere, but I just spent an
| hour looking through the we
*- Hamish Moffatt wrote about "Re: Safe rm available?"
| On Mon, Oct 05, 1998 at 02:27:59PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| > I am using a program called safedelete that you alias to rm. It is not
| This sounds like a really bad idea (aliasing it to rm). Once you get used
| to having it, you
On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 01:46:50AM -0700, David Karlin wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running a hamm system and mostly login through a telnet window on
> my win95 machine (I have only one monitor as of yet).
> When I run vi in the telnet window, I get some strange behavior. Just
> about no matter which
Hi Tony, just a good guess based on the fact that ALL of Linux
crashes. It sounds very much like a Hardware failure. As a rule software
will not crash Linux. Now the z8530 hardware is capable of bringing down
Linux if it fails. So suggest you look at the driver software first and
then the
I have a question about update command.
The document "The Linux Kernel" v0.8-2 page 115
# update -d
is written but I cannot found the command w/ -d option.
I want to see the buffer parameter like
bdflush version 1.4
0:60 Max fraction of LRU list to examine for dirty blocks
On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Akop Pogosian wrote:
> I wonder if there is a way to prevent X server from being killed by the
> CTRL-ALT-backspace keystroke. I know that putting "DontZap" in
> XF86Config would do that on redhat. The Debian docs say the same thing.
> However, this "DontZap" method does not wo
my new PC has a Matrox Productiva AGP graphics card, and I'm
installing Debian on it. There doesn't seem to be a xserver in hamm or
slink by now -- or is anybody running X-win on such a beast?
I know that SuSe has developped a special server for the Productiva,
but how to install this one i
It really depends on what setup they are using for the service. Here in
Baltimore, we
have the Motorola modems that uses the cable for the back channel, but I have
that in some markets they are using a version that requires a separate phone
line for
the back channel.
If they have the same
I'm failing to see how I can use a particular font in certain X
applications. I installed rasterman's nexus font (available from
enlightenment.org or somewhere similar) as a fixed width font and use
it in my rxvts (rxvt -fn nexus) and it works fine. However, I'd like
to use it in The Gimp, maybe Ne
> My local cable company is now offering high-speed cable modem service.
> The following excerpt is from their web page Q&A section. I am running
> Slink with IPV4 (I believe).
> Can I use any TCP/IP stack with @Home?
> At this time, @Home supports the following: Windows 95, NT workstations
I had something of the same problem - turned out that my SB-compatible
card is on IRQ 5 instead of default 7, I change the setting in
/usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/Config.in and all worked well. It could be
something similar, maybe IRQ or DMA conflict...
good luck
Just call me a "sugar vampire"
Hi all,
I cannot install slib on my debian machine. The reason
seems obscure to me. Here is the log from dpkg:
> Preparing to replace slib 2c0-3 (using slib_2c0-3.deb) ...
> Unpacking replacement slib ...
> Setting up slib (2c0-3) ...
> guile: Could not find slib/require.scm in ("/usr/share/guil
I am trying to install KDE 1.0 (BTW, I haven't found it in Hamm, is that true?).
The problem is the qt-library. I got two choices to install it but both don't
1. compiling the sources.
I am using linux-g++-shared as config and get this output:
cd src/moc; make
make[1]: Enterin
EDI = Electronic Data Interchange. It is a layer in Electronic
Commerce. However, I haven't seen it on Linux, but haven't really
looked either.
Syed Huq wrote:
> Peter,
> Did you mean EDA ?? What is EDI ??
What do you want to spend today?
Debian GNU/Linux (Free for an UNLIMITED tim
On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 01:46:50AM -0700, David Karlin wrote:
> I'm running a hamm system and mostly login through a telnet window on
> my win95 machine (I have only one monitor as of yet).
> When I run vi in the telnet window, I get some strange behavior. Just
> about no matter which key I pr
> Richard E. Hawkins Esq. writes:
> > I have managed to get my low-speed ppp connection (about 6k max) running.
> Congratulatons! What did it take?
just about everything blocked :)
There is physical hardware flow control, for bit 7 both hi & lo, and I
don't know what others are screwy. Plus
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>I have a new Debian 2.0 distribution running well. I have recompiled the
>kernel with PCMCIA and ISDN support, bought an AVM Fritz! PCMCIA card,
I don't think that the AVM Fritz! PCMCIA card is supported.
Have you managed to get the kernel (i.e. the his
I am running the latest Debian release. My CD-ROM is connected to my Sound
Blaster 16 and was detected with no problem. I don't have sound, though, and I
am not sure what to do about it. Do I really have to recompile the Kernel to
support my sound card? Or, can I configure it as a module. S
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>On Sun, 4 Oct 1998, John Leget wrote:
> : greetings,
> :
> : I need to move debian from drive 1 to drive 2 ( just deep sixed NT >;0)
> : ), what are the steps necessary.
>login as root
>mke2fs /dev/sdb1
>mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
>cd /
>find . -xdev | cp
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>After hours of reading howto's and scratching my head I finally got Debian
>to recognise my Teles 16.3 ISDN-card. It works, and I can call myself
>between two TTY's with minicom. Talking to myself is quite boring in the
>long run, and I just can't figure o
Now I can run the Kde with startx but
Now I cannot boot Linux...
Wah ...Sad case
Geoffrey L. Brimhall wrote:
> When I installed kde, all I had to get it working correctly was log in as root
> and execute:
> ldconfig
> Then everthing worked correctly
> On 04-Oct-98 Chan Min Wai wr
Subject: Re: HELP! how does Debian allocate scsi drives?
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Organization: Albert Heijn Winkelautomatisering
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>Now when I reboot the scsi controller sees the scsi
> Hello,
> I am trying to install KDE 1.0 (BTW, I haven't found it in Hamm, is that t=
> rue?).
> The problem is the qt-library. I got two choices to install it but both do=
> n't work:
> 1. compiling the sources.
> 2. using the qt-rh5.1-binaries.
3. Install the debian packages.
They ar
On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, mbanck wrote:
> 2. using the qt-rh5.1-binaries.
> seconds I tried to use the binaries for redhat 5.1 with alien. Unfortunately,
> alien makes a 'qt'-Package instead of a 'qt1g'-Package required by KDE.
> Is there a way to rename packages I h
Can anyone tell me of a good fax software package for Linux. I see that
they have an efax, hylafax, and mgetty-fax. Which of these is the
easiest and most reliable to use?
I didn't catch the beginning of this thread. Did anyone mention
possible changes in scsi termination???
From: Paul Slootman[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 1998 11:14 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Cc: The recipient's address is unknown.
Hi all!!
Is Gnome available to download in the Debian FTP site? I have been looking
for it, nut did not found it.
Search in unstable section (slink directory).
I have Gnome 0.30 installed and running in my machine.
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 06:01:59PM +0200, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> Hi all!!
> Is Gnome available to download in the Debian FTP
you need to download netscape 4.0x from netscape server the put it in the
/tmp dir
(make a backup it will be delete after it reboot)
now run dselect put in your CD (Contrib) in the cd rom the choose the
access mode
to cdrom then choose the path
(forgeten I think 2 and 3 ) to the fol
my new PC has a Matrox Productiva AGP graphics card, and I'm
installing Debian on it. There doesn't seem to be a xserver in hamm or
slink by now -- or is anybody running X-win on such a beast?
I know that SuSe has developped a special server for the Productiva,
but how to install this one
I have installed the debian package pgplot*.deb,
but there are available in that package only examples
for fortran (f77). I cannot find such examples for c.
It is possible to get the needed examples for c without
rebuilding (recompiling) the package from resources ?
Thanks in advance,
It really depends on what setup they are using for the service. Here in
Baltimore, we
have the Motorola modems that uses the cable for the back channel, but
I have heard
that in some markets they are using a version that requires a separate
phone line for
the back channel.
If they have the same
On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, David Frye wrote:
> Can anyone tell me of a good fax software package for Linux. I see that
> they have an efax, hylafax, and mgetty-fax. Which of these is the
> easiest and most reliable to use?
I've been pretty happy with hylafax, although the version in slink doesn't
seem t
Dear fellow Debian users,
I'm having a little bit of trouble in establishing a PPP connection to
ISP, Sprynet. I have been watching the PPP questions in this forum, and
have adopted the wait 1 second (\d) statements at the end of the script
after a successful connection in order to pro
At 09:10 PM 10/6/1998 +1300, Michael Beattie wrote:
>On Mon, 5 Oct 1998, Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
>> Sincerely,
>> Ray Ingles (248)377-7735 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Free Stereogram!
>> Try to make the two "O"s in the next row look like three:
Hi all
I have some problems using the dhcpcd package on my systemI worked fine,
until my university decided to put up an firewall (everything can go out, but
no port connections in) in front of us. Apparently the DHCP-server isn´t on my
Has anyone some ideas to solve the problem ? (there i
I've actually found efax to be more robust than sendfax (from mgetty-fax) but
never tried to use hylafax. There was some configuration involved with efax but
can handle Class 1 operation which sendfax can't (at least not the version I
This may or may not be an issue for you.
Michael Dahlberg wrote:
> Could anyone help me out with this problem?
> I installed Netscape Navigator 4.06 (base install, not Communicator) on
> Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) in /usr/local/netscape according to Netscape's
> installation instructions. I try to run the executable but I get the
Ken Archer wrote:
> Trying to get Netscape 4.5b2 up and running on Debian 2.0, I get
> the error message that:
> Netscape: cannot load library "libXpm.so.4"
> I have the same Netscape running fine on a Suse 5.2 partition with libXpm.so.4
> installed in the same default directory (/usr/X11R6/lib)
The problem is the following:
$ java HelloWorld.class
Can't find class HelloWorld.class
As far as I understand the java_wrapper script even "./" should be in
the CLASSPATH. But why doesn't this work then? When I make the .class
executable and add the "binfmt_java" module to the kernel I can execu
On Tue, Oct 06, 1998 at 11:47:13AM -0400, David Frye wrote:
> Can anyone tell me of a good fax software package for Linux. I see that
> they have an efax, hylafax, and mgetty-fax. Which of these is the
> easiest and most reliable to use?
I used to use efax. It has one shell script that does everyt
Jeff Miller wrote:
> I am running the latest Debian release. My CD-ROM is connected to my Sound
> Blaster 16 and was detected with no problem. I don't have sound, though, and
> I am not sure what to do about it. Do I really have to recompile the Kernel
> to support my sound card? Or, can
I am trying to install Debian on my 386 w/ 4Megs of RAM and hercules
video. Using the lowmem.bin image, here is what happens...
boot: [I hit Enter.]
Loading lowmemrd.bin ...
That's as far as she goes. It hangs there, all night. I have to hard
reboot. Using the resc1440.bin image I get...
Hi All,
Playing with ppp I have found that It is impossible to connect
from w95 box into linux if there exist /etc/pap/pap-secrets file.
Everything is ok when I delete this file. It looks like w95 can not use
PAP. Is it true? Or there are possible errors in /etc/ppp/options? As I
understand the ma
Now I feel bad !
Don't mean to be too critical, but ldconfig would not make linux unbootable
unless you had messed around with the location of certain critical dynamic libs.
Did you modify around with /etc/ld.so.conf, or move around any of the libs in
/usr/lib, /lib, or /usr/local/lib ? If so, th
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