Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 08:33:59AM -0500, Glenn Becker wrote: > > I ran this command on the advice of someone in the #debian channel on > ... it *did* clear out preferences, etc, but the problem > remained ... it does appear to have something to do with the way the w > manager men

Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-26 Thread Glenn Becker
I ran this command on the advice of someone in the #debian channel on ... it *did* clear out preferences, etc, but the problem remained ... it does appear to have something to do with the way the w manager menu is calling mozilla. It operates beautifully from the command line. G

Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-26 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 05:02:56AM -0800, Xucaen wrote: > Hi. I just installed mozilla off my debian 2.2r2 > CD's. I ran it for the first time from xterm, and > while I was using it, it just dissapeared, just > like you mentioned. the error in the xterm window > said "segmentation" error and gave s

Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-26 Thread Xucaen
Hi. I just installed mozilla off my debian 2.2r2 CD's. I ran it for the first time from xterm, and while I was using it, it just dissapeared, just like you mentioned. the error in the xterm window said "segmentation" error and gave some numbers... it hasn't happened since (it's only been a day) I'

Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-25 Thread b3
Hi Glenn! You might want to check in the menu config files for your various windowmanagers and see if they are passing some kind of strange arguments to Mozilla that you may not have been passing on the command line. (some windowmanagers seem to have some REALLY strange ideas about passing argume

Re: Mozilla instability - followup

2001-02-24 Thread Glenn Becker
I thought it might be a good idea to see if I could get an error output for this problem, so tried firing up Mozilla from the command line - to my surprise, the browser worked fine when invoked this way! I could enter addresses in the location bar without the browser crashing on me. However, the