in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am 2019-02-12 hackte deb in die Tasten:
> Hello Michelle.
> Just an obvious question -- do you have any way to ensure that the
> actual speaker hardware was not fried in the hardware crash?
> Are you getting ANY sound from the speakers?
> On 2/11/2019 4:37
in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
It seems to me like a bug...
Am 2019-01-03 hackte Michelle Konzack in die Tasten:
> Good day and Happy new Year,
> Does anyone know, why firefox v64.0 does not support -ProfileManager
> or
> -P only?
> I want to manage profiles, but it does not work with Quantum.
the profile (in a new window) from within another Window,
the places.json is blocked and I can not add to the new profile ANY
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten: deloptes
> Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> I have no .mozilla file.
>> But the Diskspace is realy 26 GByte.
> it is not a file - it is directory and how do you know it is 26GB -
26 GByte in 186.713 files!
about:config :
media.gmp-widevinecdm.enabled -> false
media.gmp-widevinecdm.visible -> false
and the problem is regulated!
> Stefan
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am 2018-12-19 hackte deloptes in die Tasten:
> Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Also my ThinkPad T400 has 4GByte of memory and 4GByte of Swap and
>> Firefox eat it in less the 24 hours by kicking other Applications.
>> Also there is NO POSSIBILITY to limit th wb
Am 2018-12-19 hackte Patrick Bartek in die Tasten:
> On Wed, 19 Dec 2018 11:17:53 +0200
> "Michelle Konzack" wrote:
>> You have not even tried v61 or higher (v64 now).
>> I have deactivated autoupdate but it simply ignore it since v54.
26GByte of my diskspace!
Have a nice day
Am 2018-12-18 hackte Long Wind in die Tasten:
> i have 52.9.0 and 45.9.0, both for stretch
> new one often becomes unresponsive,
> and i have to close it and restart it
> it often happens when i first start it
> maybe some func
) GSM/3G
6) Touchscreen
7) Possibel external keyboard
8) Mouse/Trackball
Note: I can not get my BananaPI (because it has CAN) with
a big 1920x1280 12" touchscreen Display running ...
Otherwise it is just perfect for its 38.
Am 2018-12-12 hackte Michelle Konzack in die Tasten:
home and transfering unknown data... which is inacceptable!
Also my prefered Programs do not exist in suitable
conditions on Android.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
ice phone with a USB camera glued to the top.
unfortunately not what I want/need
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am 2018-11-29 hackte Ben Oliver in die Tasten:
> On 18-11-29 10:27:49, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>>Note 1: We have currently -10°C on the Farm and it can go down
>>until -30°C (some years ago it was for one day -39°C),
>>which increase the requireme
one day -39°C),
which increase the requirements on the Interphone.
Note 2: In 2017/2018 i used a Banana PI at a Sidele Interphone,
but the BPI gaved up at -5°C and the Siedele at -20°C.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
t IMAP/SMTP plus Squirrelmail.
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
> Ideas?
> Kare
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Hello Michael,
Am 2018-11-10 hackte Michael Stone in die Tasten:
> On Fri, Nov 09, 2018 at 12:40:03PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>>Gigabit, as someone sugested, would require OM4 cables which are
>>twice as expensive and also the Networkcards and switches.
> That's
Good morning,
Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten: Joe
> On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 12:40:03 +0200
> "Michelle Konzack" wrote:
>> Gigabit, as someone sugested, would require OM4 cables which are
>> twice as expensive and also the Networkcards and switches.
> How much
ric cables.
> -dsr-
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am 2018-11-07 hackte Michael Stone in die Tasten:
> Why are you looking at 100FX instead of gigabit? The availability of
> gigabit gear is much better, and I'd expect it to end up cheaper.
Because a 8-port Fiber GigaBit Switch cost endless!
Michelle KonzackMiil
Hello Eike,
Am 2018-11-07 hackte Eike Lantzsch in die Tasten:
> Hi Michelle Konzack,
> between buildings fibre optics is always the best bet, because of
> differences
> in earth potential and the danger of lightning hits. These do not have
> to hit
> the cables directly. Strong
Bunker" a Switch which has 12-16 Eternet ports and 3-4 SC ports.
Also the power consumption does matter because Of the solar- and
windenergy systems
My old 3Com 100Base-FX (PCI) cards have unfortunately only
Singel-Mode hence I need new stuff for my 4 Workstations.
Thanks in advance
Also you can not access NNTP from mobile devices without killing your
data traffic allowance...
Telia in Estonia has no restrictions, but downloading the index of a
Kernel Devel Newsgroup has just produced 356MByte traffic! WTF?
96.000 Messages?
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten: Brad Rogers
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2018 12:05:21 +0300
> "Michelle Konzack" wrote:
> Hello Michelle,
>>Oh yeah, -- let's hoover!
> Errr, hoover?
> What, like the make of vacuum cleaner? :-)
Check YouTube for
Am DATE hackte Brad Rogers in die Tasten:
> The wheel has been around for well over two thousand years. Perhaps
> we
> should get rid of that, too.
Oh yeah, -- let's hoover!
Time to get cars without wheels.
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Devel
Am DATE hackte Ben Finney in die Tasten:
> It's 2018. Shouldn't we move away from an old âkeyboardâ to
> something
> mroe modern like a data-glove?
I would prefer the Star Trek version:
"Computer, show me Ben Finneys last 10 postings on debian user"
eral 1000 after holliday)
unrelated messages.
I hope this give you a clue.
No chance for Webbased Forum especially with all this trackers in it!
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
I can access my Mails sorted using Squirrelmail
or even using mutt with IMAP protocol.
Have a nice weekend
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
e repeated 1 times
Past duration 0.92 too large1561kB time=00:00:32.12 bitrate=
397.9kbits/s dup=202 drop=0 speed=2.21x
Last message repeated 1 times
So to convert this OGM files I need an extra option, but which?
Hello Curt,
Am 2018-07-01 hackte Curt in die Tasten:
>> Hello Michelle,
>> as far as I understand, libreoffice in stretch is at least version
>> 5.x. Since
>> version 4.x the config directory is in ~/.config/libreoffice/4/. I
>> don't
>> remem
Am 2018-07-01 hackte Hans in die Tasten:
> Hi Michelle,
> I believe, the entry in your home-directory might only be a symlink to
> the templates (be
> not sure).
> A>s I am running libreoffice6 I can not check prior versions.
> However, take a look to
Am 2018-07-01 hackte Zenaan Harkness in die Tasten:
> And with your self-issued snake oil certs,
I use "Let's Encrypt"!
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
> On Sun, 1 Jul 2018 11:22:14 +0300
> "Michelle Konzack" wrote:
>> Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten: Joe
>> > No, stretch doesn't have php5. I've already had to go through
>> loads
>> > of php, replacing stuff which has been deprecate
ou mean there is no php7 in Stretch!
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
you create a seperated Virtualhost like
and decompress the Squirrelmail archive into it. The run the config
script in [DOCROOT]/config/ and set it up.
Should work out of the box.
Oh, use https:// and make sure any security is activated in
Have a nice Sunday
Am 2018-06
missing 66 are nowhere.
Wher could the be and how can this be?
It is a huge work, to reconstruct the 66 missing templates from
existing Documents (they are mostly write protected) or even PDFs...
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372
Am 2018-06-10 hackte Reco in die Tasten:
> Hi.
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 02:25:30PM +0300, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Good day,
>> I run Stretch on my Laptop with sysvinit.
>> I had setup some profiles and tried to start them by passing
working correctly.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
working correctly.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am 2018-05-30 hackte in die Tasten:
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 08:13:22AM +0300, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Tell the bookkeeper to download all those pfd invoices and whatelse
>> per SFTP? -- Sounds funny except if there is a Linux Geek! ;-)
> Your
reading about her current situation educates me a bit about
> a
> fellow human. One who has been a steady poster, and helpfull to many,
> on
> this list for quite some time.
> Take care on that bobcat Michelle, they are a rough ride.
Too late!
I have already discovered th
e cloud solution will not change in
> the
> next couple of months, so it can wait.
I need a light and fast solution!
> regards
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Good morning,
Am 2018-05-29 hackte Dan Purgert in die Tasten:
> Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Is there something MUCH MORE simplier and lighter?
> Offhand, content-management systems come to mind, but none of those
> are
> particularly "light" (nor do they f
is the land of limestone and rocks!
Digging deeper then 30cm is a kick in the ass!
Thanks in advance and nice day
(we have since 3 weeks between 24°C and 30°C and no rain in sight)
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am 2018-05-08 hackte in die Tasten:
> On Mon, May 07, 2018 at 08:49:00PM +0300, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Without security updates...
>> I used some to get rid of systemd entirely, BUT,
>> those packages are some versions behind Debian!
ersions behind Debian!
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
> Avago and Supermicro names.
> is $440, plus you'll need an external battery card for it.
This looks interesting especially the price.
> -dsr-
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila IT
Controller can I use now?
Note: It MUST be a Hardware-Raid-1 Controller with Battery Backup and
16 channels, because the Server-Mainboard has only one Slot.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
gt; thank you friends, jimmy, southern plains USA
Have a nice weekend and greetings from Estonia
with -8°C on the field where I was just working
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
t;> Verizon own AOL.
> Right. Forgot about that.
Hmmm, AOL? -- Does this mean All-Off-Line? ;-)
> Miles
Have a nice weekend
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
; Forest
Have a nice weekend
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
luetooth and network where
dependencies are missing if you do not use systemd.
But now anything is working perfectly.
Thanks to the mailingists with all its nice and competent subscribers.
> Chris Anderson
Have a nice weekend
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
f I am ISP!
However, I am a very small one and NON-Public!
Unfortunately I have not the money (~180.000)
to continue @justice in 3rd instance.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
robably several 10.000 wrong configured
mailservers and now use it, to pull down my server...
I am sure, this attacker is here on the list, because it started with
my anser to "[LEARNING OUTCOME] Wi-Fi WPA Hacking Tool is Totally
Useless on New Wireless Routers".
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2018 07:17:40 -0400
Subject: diFAy ier871
From: Michelle Konzack
User-Agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.23 [SVN]
Mime-Version: 1.0
OpenPGP: id=A5957FD8834573E2;
this in Strasbourg several 100 times successfully!
Since the new Wifi-Standard is based on the current one, it is also
not secure as it should be...
Have a nice day
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
PluseAudio is the last crap on earth and I do not even know,
WHY everything depends on it (and can not be changed)
It is not even possibel to get rid of it,
otherwise the WHOLE audiosystem will not more work!
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
ll I know their server predates the standards extension.
> Link for those who care:
I would say: I go crazy with Stretch...
Since my upgrade, many things are not more working as expected.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMii
I can not get rid of the WebRTC stuff in FF58.
> Good luck.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
> regards
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
t even know, which of the about:config options has solved it.
However, I will see if it downloads again stuff, because prefetching was
already set to false.
Thanks and nice week
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
up to 300MBit which is the fastest in Europe!
Prefetching videos without user knowledge is just terrorism!
...and there is no possibility in Firesuck to stop this.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
between 1983 and 2007 is definitively beyoud your mind!
1000s of files classified! (only in France)
What about China, USA, Russia?
They are planing to enslave the WHOLE planet!
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
offer to pay a percentage
> of
> the ISP bill or perform a favor in exchange for the password.
> I know, it's a novel idea, but maybe it's worth a try...
> Good luck,
> Debian Newbie
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
#fvwm on
Am 2018-02-24 hackte John Hasler in die Tasten:
> Michelle Konzack writes:
>> I was attacked by honny pots of the NSA!
> I wrote:
>> How can you be attacked by a honey pot?
>> The start a DOS or a hack attemped
> Not a honeypot.
Oh yes, it is...
They at
Am 2018-02-24 hackte John Hasler in die Tasten:
> Michelle Konzack writes:
>> I was attacked by honny pots of the NSA!
> How can you be attacked by a honey pot?
The start a DOS or a hack attemped and if your
system start defending, you are traped...
They claim you have violated
l restart TDAerospace and TDTechnology ;-)
Two enterprises where frenchies have tried to steal my inventions!
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
russian ST. Petersbug Troll Academy?
I know very well, how this russian trolls are working arround the planet
since many many years.
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am 2018-02-24 hackte in die Tasten:
> Not funny either. Folks, what's the matter with you?
The world become lawless and fucked up. If peoplee believe,
they have the right to hack others Internet connection...
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
Am 2018-02-24 hackte deloptes in die Tasten:
> Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> I am in Estonia and we had such attacks from russians  spamers  and
>> Â war
>> drivers. Â There are nice counter measures!
>> Welcome to "The World of Estonian Cyber Defense&q
the victime, since toe police had
an IP Expert with them...
I was attacked by honny pots of the NSA!
This is violation of IT Security and State-Terrorism!
So, I am very angry with Spamers and Crackers and also peoples which
have no worry, hijacking non-owned WiFi APs.
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Hi back,
Am 2018-02-20 hackte Long Wind in die Tasten:
> Thank Michelle Konzack and John Doe!
> maybe the easy way is buy a wireless card for pc and connect it to cell
> phone
If you have time, you can get for less then 5 Euro USB Wireless
adapters from eBay... Do not expect, they ar
Hi back,
Am 2018-02-20 hackte Long Wind in die Tasten:
> Thank Michelle Konzack and John Doe!
> maybe the easy way is buy a wireless card for pc and connect it to cell
> phone
If you have time, you can get for less then 5 Euro USB Wireless
adapters from eBay... Do not expect, they ar
> PS: other pc don't have wireless card and can't connect to cell phone
Have a nice day
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten: deloptes
> Michael Fothergill wrote:
>> I guess I could give it a try. Â I have run Bodhi Linux. Â That is quite
>> good.
> Kali is excellent for network geeks
This is WHY I have just bought a 2 liter bottle! ;-)
> âIt sounds like a dietary supplement.
I prefer to drink the estonian Kali.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Hi Curt,
Am 2018-02-07 hackte Curt in die Tasten:
> On 2018-02-07, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> The other thing is, I can not figure out, what gthumb is missing
>> and lead to a SEGFAULT at startup...
Yeah, this
private networks 10,
172 and 192.168 which is logic and the eleminating of the IP classes
concern only PUBLIC IP addresses and NOT the three defined private
ranges. However anything which is below of this, has to be configured
in a proper way.
> Mike Stone
Have a nice day
Have a nice day
Grmpf! -8°C and new snow over night! We have arround 50cm here. Not even
my Honda F400 (roten a replacment motor with 4,8kW) can cope with it.
Again a day inside!
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Without Netmask it can not be guessed by any systems, that you have more
then 256 IP addresses.
Have a nice day
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Hi Richard,
Am 2018-02-07 hackte Richard Hector in die Tasten:
> On 07/02/18 04:54, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Sorry, I ment dbus-x11
> "apt-rdepends blueman" (you might want to install apt-rdepends) doesn't
> list dbus-x11 anywhere. If blueman really needs i
all IP Sensors and cameras in a network with 512 IP adresses.
> Richard
Have a nice day
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
...and if you have a network with 512 IP adresses?
Section "The static Method" say definitively that I can use "netmask"
because auto configuration created to many problems in the past.
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
read that man page again.
Who do you mean?
I have als a network with
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet static
So, it is not so good idea to leafe it o
so to the USB Stick because
Windows 7 refused to let me execute "win32diskimager"
> Which ISOs have you downloaded?
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Am 2018-02-06 hackte in die Tasten:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2018 at 05:54:08PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Sorry, I ment dbus-x11
> Ah, ok. No, it's not installed on my machine (I managed to avoid
> dbus up to now). But since you are doing bluetooth stuff, you
Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2018 at 03:53:24PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Do you have glib-x11 installed on your system?
> Hm. I don't find any library/package which has a similar name. I guess
> you mean libglib, but I mi
Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten: Greg Wooledge
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2018 at 06:58:50AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Tuesday 06 February 2018 05:42:53 Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> > allow-hotplug enp0s25
>> ^
>> Doesn't the above line
Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2018 at 12:03:15PM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> I do not know currently, except that blueman depends on glib-x11 which
>> is confirmed by the maintainer. It seems gthumb has the same dependency
# Set to 'yes' to enable additional verbosity
> Next time you boot: could you watch your boot process and see whether
> you see anything special around "Configuring network interfaces" (that
> should be the message issued by /etc/init.d/netwo
Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten: john doe
> On 2/6/2018 10:27 AM, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Am DATE hackte AUTHOR in die Tasten: john doe
>>> - Are you using '/etc/network/interfaces' or
>>> /etc/systemd/network/
>> I have r
oned "ethX" or the new-fangled "en0pXXX"?
the old fashion does not work anymore.
I get an error "Device unknown"
ifup enp0s25
> How should we know? Is the broken display important?
Yes, because Debian Stretch does not more boot and I can not see the
Lilo c
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
GNU/Linux Developer 00372-54541400
Can someone tell me, WTF is going on here?
Note: I upgraded my broken (Display) Compaq CQ58 also to Stretch
and I have no networking anymore. Why is this?
Any hints welcome
I am now realy angry!
Thanks in advance
Michelle KonzackMiila ITSystems @ TDnet
x27;t believe
it. Hit them with something like this: "So you're saying it doesn't bother you
that mother cows on dairy farms cry as workers drag their babies away and load
them into trucks, because they know they'll never see each other again?" You'll
usually find
a double-click in
input fields in programs and websites
Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
Michelle Konzack
# Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##
Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux
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