
I rebooted (soft) the ThinkPad and nothing was working.

Since we got a snowstorm yesterday evening (until this morning) my
GSM/LTE Provider Telia was down and without internet I had to
shutdown my ThinkPad.

Just some minutes ago I switched on my Thinkpad and now anything is
working again as expected, including sound!

It seems, the hardware was crashed and could not even recover by
soft rebooting the ThinkPad.  Only a PowerOff will help!

Now the only problem is:

    Why does the ThinkPad crash or freeze,
    if I have a power failure on the DockingStation...

Thanks in advance

Am 2019-02-12 hackte deb in die Tasten:
> Hello Michelle.
> Just an obvious question -- do you have any way to ensure that the
> actual speaker hardware was not fried in the hardware crash?
> Are you getting ANY sound from the speakers?
> On 2/11/2019 4:37 PM, Michelle Konzack wrote:
>> Good evening *,
>> I have a ThinkPad T400 with Docking Station and whenever I have a
>> power
>> failer, the ThinkPad crash... I have Stretch with sysv-init running.
>> However, I can hard reset the ThinkPad and thath it is.
>> Today I got an unexpected result AFTER A HARD REBOOT.
>> The sound stoped...
>> If I run "Pulse Audio Volume Control" I see the streams from VLC,
>> Audacity and Firefox, but no sound is comming out of the
>> loudspeakers.
>> Doe someone had a similar problem and know how to solv it?
>> I have already called alsamixer and moved all settings arround,
>> but noting helps.
>> Thanks in advance

Michelle Konzack

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