apt-get error

2000-06-28 Thread R. Wayne McCorkle
AQ, apt-get man page, debian-user archives, and google.com for some reference to this error, with no luck. Any other places I could/should have looked at? TIA. -- R. Wayne McCorkle -+- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -+- http://www.pcisys.net/~mccorkle Debian/GNU Linux - check it out at http://www.debian.org

Re: Warning: message 11CBIc-0005wT-00 delayed 72 hours (fwd)

1999-08-09 Thread R. Wayne McCorkle
I would like to apologize to the list. These messages are coming from my box. I just switched from smail/procmail to exim and obviously I have a problem. I will work to get it corrected tonight. Again - my apologies. --- R. Wayne McCorkle - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pcisys.net/~mccorkle

internet connection with ibm global net

1999-05-12 Thread mccorkle
I am helping a friend get Debin configured on his computer. The problem I am having concerns getting his internet access with IBM global net working. I would be interested in comparing notes with anyone who uses this service. Thanks. --- R. Wayne McCorkle - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http

Problems sending mail

1998-10-13 Thread mccorkle
ISP Connectivity mini-howto, and very briefly in /usr/doc/smail. Any advice or pointer to more info would be greatly apprceciated. --- R. Wayne McCorkle - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pcisys.net/~mccorkle Debian/GNU Linux - the maintainable operating system Check it out at www.debian.org Computers

OO development

1997-12-23 Thread mccorkle
I am getting ready to embark on an Object-Oriented project at work. I am looking for a tool to assist in the design phase. We are using Rational Rose at work. Can anyone point me in the direction of both free and commercial versions of this type of software for Linux. TIA. --- R. Wayne McCorkle

Unidentified subject!

1997-12-15 Thread mccorkle
echo translate echo "print -" cat ) | /usr/bin/smbclient "$server\\$service" $password -U $user -N -P >> $logfile -- /var/spool/lpd/epson/.config server=lager service=printer password="***" user=wayne

tetex install

1997-07-23 Thread R. Wayne McCorkle
: latex +---+ | R. Wayne McCorkleVoice: (505) 522-9236| | New Mexico State University Fax: (505) 678-9658| | Physical Science Laboratory Email: [EMAIL

Printer problem

1997-03-03 Thread R. Wayne McCorkle
/colorpsfilter ... #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/gs -sDEVICE=stcolor -sOutputFile=- -q - Thanks for any help. Wayne +---+ | R. Wayne McCorkleVoice: (505) 522-9236| | New Mexico State University