I am having trouble with my mail and am looking for some help.

I am running a hamm system, using smail for mail delivery. I have
attached copies of the smail config, transports, and routers file, 
as well as a snippet from the smail logfile.

My machine is stout.mccorkle.home. The intent is to use a smart host
(mail.pcisys.net) for outgoing, non-local mail. The problem is that
I can successfully mail to some sites, while others get bounced.
>From the looks of the logfile, everything is the same in both cases.

I have looked in the Network Administrators Guide, the Mail HowTo,
the ISP Connectivity mini-howto, and very briefly in /usr/doc/smail.
Any advice or pointer to more info would be greatly apprceciated.

R. Wayne McCorkle - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.pcisys.net/~mccorkle

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Computers are like air conditioners - Both stop working, if you open windows. 
                                                         Adam Heath        
# This is the main Smail configuration file.
# Debian Config Version 2
# It was originally generated by `smailconfig', part of the Smail package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system administrator.
# It was originally generated by smailconfig at Mon Sep 21 09:20:59 MST 1998
# Please modify the above line, if you change this file by hand.
# See smail-config (5) for details of the things that can be configured here.

# 12 Oct 1998 - R. Wayne McCorkle

# Our Hostnames:
# What we call ourselves:
# Smart transport: via smtp to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# We're authoratative for our domain




# Debian Config Version 2.1
#               ----------Begin-----------
# You really should know what you do here!
#WARNING:  You will have to add a correct local definition for
#        smtp_remote_allow if you have many local networks, or unset it
#        if you wish to disable this feature (default).
#WARNING:  The current implementation of this feature blocks
#        relay from incoming SMTP to *any* outgoing transport.  This
#        means that even UUCP gateways require explicit permission if
#        this feature is enabled.  
# it's no longer off by default, so all hosts can relay mails over this host.
# as internet get more and more on the dark side .... 
# only mails from the localnet are relayed

#       This flag tells smail to verify the hostnames given in
#       HELO or EHLO SMTP commands.
# it's off by default
# example to switch it on:

# more  helo/ehlo verify switches, see manpages for details

#       A colon-separated list of host IP patterns that are
#       allowed to deliver mail even though they have broken
#       DNS or give incorrect or invalid HELO or EHLO SMTP
#       greetings.
# it's off by default, which mean smtp_hello_broken_allow=*
# example to switch it on:

# Vixie / MAPS RBL (http://maps.vix.com/rbl)
# switch to turn on the Mail Abuse Protection System (MAPS)
# it's off by default
# example to switch it on:
#vixie_rbl_force_allow="[your local ip#]"

# Do not do dns lookups for MAIL FROM: address
# This is debian-Smail only feature... it WILL BE DELETED in the future
# It's only use is for local systems with no working dns System
# It's off by default
# example to switch it on:

received_field="Received: ${if def:sender_host\
         {from $sender_host${if def:sender_host_addr\
         { (really [$sender_host_addr])}} }\
          else {${if def:sender_host_addr\
          {from [$sender_host_addr] }}}}\
         by $visible_name\n\t\
         ${if def:sender_program\
          {via $sender_program }}\
         ${if def:sender_proto\
          {with $sender_proto}\
          else {from stdin}}\
         ${if def:ident_sender\
          { (ident $ident_sender using $ident_method)}}\n\t\
         id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Debian Smail$version)\n\t\
         ${if def:input_addr\
          {for ${top:input_addr}}\
          else {for <unknown>}}\
         ; $spool_date "
# This is the Smail transports file, which gives details of how
# to actually do the various kinds of delivery specified by the
# directors and routers.
# It was originally generated by `smailconfig', part of the Smail package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system administrator.
# It was originally generated by smailconfig at Mon Sep 21 09:20:59 MST 1998
# Please modify the above line, if you change this file by hand.
# See smail-config (5) for details of the things that can be configured here.
# Not all of the following are used by all configurations;
# pipe and file may be called implicitly by Smail when delivering
# to local addresses looking like |... /... ~/... .

local:  driver=appendfile,              # append message to a file
        from,                           # supply a From_ envelope line
        local,                          # use local forms for delivery
        inet,                           # use route-addr addresses for routing
        return_path,                    # include a Return-Path: field
        unix_from_hack;                 # insert > before From in body
        check_user,                     # use user-id associated with address
        file=/var/spool/mail/${lc:strip:user}, # location of mailbox files
        group=mail,                     # group to own file 
        suffix="\n"                     # append an extra newline

smtp:   driver=tcpsmtp,                 
        max_addrs=100,                  # limit on number of addresses
        inet,                           # use route-addr addresses for routing
        insert_header="From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
        use_bind,                       # resolve MX and multiple A records
        defer_no_connect,               # try again if the nameserver is down
        -local_mx_okay,                 # fail an MX to the local host
        defnames                        # use standard domain searching

uux:    driver=pipe,                    
        uucp,                           # use UUCP-style addressing forms
        from,                           # supply a From_ envelope line
        cmd="/usr/bin/uux - -r $host!rmail $(($user)$)",
        pipe_as_sender,                 # have uucp logs contain caller
        log_output                      # save error output for bounce messages

pipe:   driver=pipe, 
        from,                           # supply a From_ envelope line 
        local,                          # use local forms for delivery
        inet,                           # use route-addr addresses for routing
        return_path,                    # include a Return-Path: field
        unix_from_hack;                 # insert > before From in body
        cmd="/bin/sh -c $user", 
        -ignore_status,                 # ignore a non-zero exit status
        -ignore_write_errors,           # ignore write errors, i.e., broken pipe
        log_output,                     # save error output for bounce messages
        parent_env,                     # environment info from parent addr 
        pipe_as_user,                   # use user-id associated with address

file:   driver=appendfile, 
        from,                           # supply a From_ envelope line
        local,                          # use local forms for deliver
        return_path,                    # include a Return-Path: field
        unix_from_hack;                 # insert > before From in body
        append_as_user,                 # use user-id associated with addres
        file=$user,                     # file is taken from address
        expand_user,                    # expand ~ and $ within addres
        suffix="\n"                     # append an extra newline
# This is the Smail routers file, which says what to do with mail destined for
# remote hosts.  This configuration is for Internet and satellite systems.
# It was originally generated by `smailconfig', part of the Smail package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system administrator.
# It was originally generated by smailconfig at Mon Sep 21 09:20:59 MST 1998
# Please modify the above line, if you change this file by hand.
# See smail-config (5) for details of the things that can be configured here.

        driver=gethostbyaddr, transport=smtp;
        check_for_local, fail_if_error

        driver=bind, transport=smtp;
        defer_no_connect, -local_mx_okay, defnames,

        driver=smarthost, transport=smtp;

10/12/1998 22:47:24: [m0zSxIp-00014CC] Received FROM:wayne PROGRAM:send-mail 
10/12/1998 22:47:29: [m0zSxIp-00014CC] Delivered VIA:granite.polylith.com 
10/12/1998 22:47:29: [m0zSxIp-00014CC] Completed.
10/12/1998 22:48:20: [m0zSxJk-00014CC] Received FROM:wayne PROGRAM:send-mail 
10/12/1998 22:48:23: [m0zSxJk-00014CC] Failed TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
ROUTER:inet_hosts TRANSPORT:smtp ERROR:(ERR152) transport smtp: 501 <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>... Sender domain must exist
10/12/1998 22:48:23: [m0zSxJn-00014EC] Received FROM:<+> HOST:stout 
10/12/1998 22:48:23: [m0zSxJn-00014EC] Delivered TO:IFS=' ' && exec 
/usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #wayne ORIG-TO:<wayne> DIRECTOR:dotforward 
10/12/1998 22:48:23: [m0zSxJn-00014EC] Completed.
10/12/1998 22:48:25: [m0zSxJk-00014CC] Returned error FOR:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
10/12/1998 22:48:25: [m0zSxJk-00014CC] Completed.

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