best regards
Le Mardi 17 octobre 2017 21h07, Alexander V. Makartsev
a écrit :
Stephane asked for a help and got it. I also given him the best advice based
on my experience with "startx" shell script.
"$ sudo systemctl start display-manager.service" is
OK thank you AlexanderI will try this...
bests regards
Le Mardi 17 octobre 2017 16h05, Alexander V. Makartsev
a écrit :
I think "startx" command is deprecated now and you shouldn't use it anymore.
Right way to start DE is by starting display manager service
better launch it
by starting your display manager (gdm in my case):
$ sudo systemctl start gdm.service
On 17.10.2017 17:24, Stephane L wrote:
do I need too to make a .xinitrc with something like /usr/bin/startkde ?
Le Mardi 17 octobre 2017 14h11, Alexander V. Makartsev
thank you very much ben, I will try this toobests regards
Le Mardi 17 octobre 2017 14h26, Ben Caradoc-Davies a
écrit :
On 18/10/17 01:08, Stephane L wrote:
> Hi,I have a firewall script(firewall) that I laucnh with Is
> there a way in debian 9 (with kde5 and sddm) to
$ sudo systemctl set-default
You have to reboot to apply changes.
On 17.10.2017 16:59, Stephane L wrote:
Hi I have tried to remove sddm from /etc/init.d but it starts always with
sddm.I want to boot my debian 9 in console mode and do startx to launch kde5 as
You have to reboot to apply changes.
On 17.10.2017 16:59, Stephane L wrote:
Hi I have tried to remove sddm from /etc/init.d but it starts always with
sddm.I want to boot my debian 9 in console mode and do startx to launch kde5 as
I do with debian 8 and kde4.d
thank you ben, it is probably problem is solved ...
Le Mardi 17 octobre 2017 14h03, Stephane L a écrit :
Is there a new command to replace iptables in debian 9 ? I have read something
like that
best regards
Hi,I have a firewall script(firewall) that I laucnh with Is
there a way in debian 9 (with kde5 and sddm) to start this script at the boot
of the linux system or at the launching of xorg or of kde5 ?
Is there a new command to replace iptables in debian 9 ? I have read something
like that
best regards
Hi I have tried to remove sddm from /etc/init.d but it starts always with
sddm.I want to boot my debian 9 in console mode and do startx to launch kde5 as
I do with debian 8 and kde4.does anyone know exactly how to do that ?
Noticed the same Gnome3 behaviour in Jessie. Gnome started but without
statusbar and
without window decorations.
Gnome Classic works fine.
"Expect Jessie to be a bumpy ride," #gnome-next on oftc suggests.
Especially if you are running Gnome, and at least until all 3.8.x components
have per
I am using netfilter as firewall and nat.
But I'd like to log outbound connexions with their nated public addresses and
original private addresses.
The only way I have found to get public addresses is to log mangle table when
packets go back. (prerouting of mangle table)
In fact, I d
Stephane Durieux wrote:
> I have messages like this in logs:
> lockd cannot monitor ip_address
> and also messages about statd
The lockd: cannot monitor messages are due to the kernel being unable
to communicate with the rpc.statd process. That usually indicates
that the rpc.statd is no
A simple question:
from a server point of view does autofs costs less (cpu, io, memory) than
"traditionnal" nfs ?
From a client point of view I think the fact to unmount directories frees
But does a moint point consumes so much (memory ?)
And concerning the network
I am encountering a problem with nfs on debian squeeze.
I have messages like this in logs:
lockd cannot monitor ip_address
and also messages about statd
But client ip are present in /etc/hosts.
On the client the mount process works.
The only problem is locking (application like fi
On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 03:39:41PM +, Camaleón wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Jun 2011 13:07:39 +0800, Stephane Duchesne wrote:
> > I'm running Debian Testing and I have a problem with a python script
> > called autojump:
> >
> > #dpkg --info autojump_15-1_all.d
h_dict, temp, -1)
#+pickle.dump(path_dict, temp, 2)
This did not work.
I'm rather new to python and Debian and would like to know how to
Does anybody experience the same problem or else could anybody point me
into the right direction?
Thank you,
bd can address in 32 bits.
[511837.896877] (32104,2):ocfs2_fill_super:1012 ERROR: status = -22
So it would seem that I can format my filesystem with mkfs.ocfs2 from
the ocfs2-tools package, but not mount it with mount.ocfs2 from the same
package ?
Any hints ?
I have installed nfs kernel server (and samba) on a dell poweredge 2950.
Don t know if it matters but we also use lvm.
The kernel used is 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP packaged with lenny.
Sometimes we re encoutering some problems
I have tried to make an update but nothing more.
The problem i
Not a question concerning debian by itself (sorry for the post) but can you
tell me how to restrict access to a dns (bind) server.
I mean to authorize request from its domain (and only) or concerning its domain
Thanks for reply
A newbie
Hello ,
I am trying to use courierpassd package with courier-imap (to enable
squirrelmail changepass plugin)
I am also using courier-authdaemon with pam (local user in my mail server)
Here is my configuration of xinetd to use courierpassd
service courierpassd
port = 106
Thanks for reply
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patch that cancel it.
What should I do, erase that patch and make a package from source or is there a
backport somewhere.
Any advice welcome
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I am encountering a problem with a nis server.
Local root on client can do su user without giving the password of the
root squashing is enabled.
What can I do
Thanks for reply
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En finir avec le spam? Yahoo!
I am encontering a problem with clamsmtp or more exactly with clamav-daemon.
When I start it, the unix socket used to communicate with clamsmtp isn t
So once lauched in debug mode, clamsmtpd inform me of that problem !
Though, I tried the same configuration on a test server 2 mon
here is a post that explains fairely well how to do so.
Hope that helps.
Le mercredi 05 mars 2008 à 08:33 +0100, Johannes Wiedersich a écrit :
> Hash: SHA1
> stephane lepain wrote:
Hi Guys,
I read a couple of post on ipv6 and most mentioned a point about IPv6
being the main factor for sluggish connection. So my question is that
would it be good network practice to disable IPV6 on Debian testing? and
would it really increase in anyways or make better my internet
Kamaraju S Kusumanchi a écrit :
stephane lepain wrote:
Have you guys had this error before ?
*gdm[3409]:segfault at 00080069df68 rip 28e8fc4fd1f rsp
7fff1df976b0 error 6. *
What distribution --- stable/testing/unstable? What is the version of gdm
you are using
Have you guys had this error before ?
*gdm[3409]:segfault at 00080069df68 rip 28e8fc4fd1f rsp
7fff1df976b0 error 6. *
This error shows at restart and shutdown times. I don't know what it
means and most of all I haven't got a clue on how to solve it. Though,
it doesn't affect
Adrian Levi a écrit :
On 01/03/2008, stephane lepain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have had this error message coming up every time I start my PC where
it seems to be searching for the right driver. The problem is that it
takes a while at start time for my box to switch from &
I have had this error message coming up every time I start my PC where
it seems to be searching for the right driver. The problem is that it
takes a while at start time for my box to switch from "8139cp" to "8139too"
Is there a way I could tell my box to use the driver 8139too instead of
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace a écrit :
On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 14:52:49 +0100
stephane lepain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have been reading couple of posts talking about different kind of
distros, but what would you guys suggest as the best distro for the
consumers market? There woul
I have been reading couple of posts talking about different kind of
distros, but what would you guys suggest as the best distro for the
consumers market? There would be a need of stability and reliability. Of
course, it would have to be easy to use for the end users.
As a complete newbie t
I would like to resize a lvm root partition but I don
t know how
I must umount that partition so as to resize and fsck
I could try with a live cd but how to mount that
Thanks for help
Building a mail server for 200/300 users (able to grow
till a thousand) and as a newbie I need an advice
My choice a turned to postfix with virtual mailboxes,
courrier-imaps, squirrel mail (https), postgrey and
dspam spam, amavis and clamav against virus, iptables
for undesired packets.
I would like to know how to restrict access to a
printer queue by ip address .
Is it in cupsd.conf
Thanks for reply
Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail
As a newbie I need advices concerning Postfix accounts
I am dithering between aliases to local system
accounts and virtual mailboxes.
I have only a domain to manage (so virtual mailboxes
are not mandatory, only an option)
But I need a good level of security
So :
- alias to loc
I am encountering a problem with the i810 driver on
etch to manage ich8 q965 intel driver.
When I switch from consol to X display the display
become unsyncronised
After trying a 2.6.22 image via backport, the problem
still remains. Even the 915resolution package doesnt
Does someone
(0x01-0x58) scancode equals
KDGETKEYCODE: Aucun périphérique de ce type
failed to get keycode for scancode 0x5a
0x58: 88 89
But, when I replace i810 by vga driver the problem
disappears ...
can someone help me ...
Stephane Durieux
I encounter a problem with my dell keyboard.
When I try getkeycodes I obtain :
0 is an error; for 1-88 (0x01-0x58) scancode equals keycode
KDGETKEYCODE: aucun peripherique de ce type
failed to get keycode for scancode 0x5a 0x58: 88 89
Thus when I try to switch to console screen and return to
I encounter a problem with the installation of the
current version of etch on an dell optiplex 745.
At boot I obtain a message with setkeycode (the map
between scancode and keycode is not set for some code)
I have tried at getkeycodes which has returned :
Plain scancodes xx (h
--- Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> Stephane Durieux wrote:
> > client <-> server <-X-> internet
> >
> > That is exactly my issue . Excuse me for not being
> > clear ! Anyway, has somebody a solution .
> > I have read that c
--- Douglas Allan Tutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit
> On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 11:00:19AM -0600, Bob Proulx
> wrote:
> > Stephane Durieux wrote:
> > > Of course the network connexion is good !
> > > I can ping the server
> >
> > But you
--- Andrew Sackville-West
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 05:51:40PM +0200, Stephane
> Durieux wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I encounter a problem whith my nfs stations.
> > If the server has not access to internet, they
> cannot
I encounter a problem whith my nfs stations.
If the server has not access to internet, they cannot
mount their directories !
I have checked /etc/fstab
nfs server is referenced by is ip
files hosts dns nis
order hosts, bind, nis
(I would like to know th
> Can you try putting the mount options on /etc/fstab
> /dev/
> defaults,user 0 0
> Whatever you put, the option "user" is important
> which will allow you to
> unmount and mount volumes as user.
> On Tue, 2007-07-24 at 14:44 +0200, Stephane D
I use usbmount. But I encounter a problem.
As a simple user via gnome I can t unmount an usbkey.
The pop up message appears:
"... not in /etc/fstab and you re not root"
I ve tried to use the users mount options in
usbmount.conf but udev doesn t seems to take it into
Can someone he
sur le meme switch
cela cree une duplication de paquets
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi (est ce parce que les
adresses mac des interfaces concernees sont les memes
sous linux)
Merci de votre reponse
Stephane Durieux
mac address under linux ?
Under debian it seems to work fine
if someone can help me
Stephane Durieux
Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails vers Yahoo! Mail
I would like to know how to configure options of
bonding if it is hardly compiled in the kernel.
via grub for instance
Thanks for reply
Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses à toutes vos qu
everything is in the title.
I ve found that rsync was available under netware.
But I would like to know if bacula, amanda or
rdiff-backup are able to do it.
Could I have precision about it
Thanks for reply
I encounter some problems with kde.
I have several users and a few of them cannot loggin .
Homes are mounted by nfs.
But when I clear all hidden files in their home
(especially those concerning x session) everything is
I know I should probably more precise in my question,
but can it
--- Stephane Durieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> Hello,
> I would like to know how to create a vfat bootable
> 2.88 M floppy image file.
> I need it so as to merge two bootable floppy (one
> bootable plus the other).
> That image would be a ghost (so
I would like to know how to create a vfat bootable
2.88 M floppy image file.
I need it so as to merge two bootable floppy (one
bootable plus the other).
That image would be a ghost (sorry) image.
I have two 1,44M floppies (one bootable with net
drivers + the ghost one) and I need to assemb
I would like to know how to create a vfat bootable
2.88 M floppy image file.
I need it so as to merge two bootable floppy (one
bootable plus the other)
Découvrez une
My question concerns ftpd and wu-ftpd installation
under debian etch.
It seems that creating /bin/ls (and librairies) for
example is needed as the code corresponding to it is
not embedded in those ftp servers. Thus every users is
chroot ed even if not present in ftpchroot file (don t
know why
Under debian etch, I encounter a little problem
firefox icon has disappeared from environment (KDE and
How can I solve this without modifying every users
Thanks for help
Under debian etch, I encounter a little problem
firefox icon has disappeared from environment (KDE and
Gnome) probably due to an update
How can I solve this without modifying every users
Thanks for help
I encounter a problem using lvm and lilo.
On standart install, everythings works despite the boot partition is on a
logical volum.
But when I try to make a custom kernel and then run a lilo, I get the following
device-mapper: table ioctl failed: No such device or address
I am trying to install a mail server on a 64 bit architecture.
I have few questions about it
First, the interest of doing it (if the memory doesn t exceed 4 Go)
Secondly, how can I install a 64 bit version of postfix ?
from sources
or is it automatic on a 64 bit kernel (I really don t s
simple question for a newbie like me (euh for me hard question in fact), I
would like to install debian etch ia64 on a dell poweredge 2900, but it cannot
work !
I obtain a freeze during the boot process
Instead the use of i386 image works perfectly.
nevertheless, dell poweredge 2900 ha
First, sorry for bad English !!
I would like to know how to pass options to some
modules compilled statically in the kernel .
I know I have to append options to the kernel line in
my boot loader configuration file but ...
1 - In the case of two ethernet cards : how to
distinguish one fr
HelloI am trying to use expect to generate users ' password#!/usr/bin/expect -dset password [lindex $argv 1]spawn passwd [lindex $argv 0]expect -re ".*password:"send "$password\r"expect -re ".*password:"send "$password\r"expect eofUnfortunately, sometimes (in fact very often) it doesn 't work A
Andreas Rippl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 09:12:33PM +0200, Stephane Durieux wrote:>Hello,> >As a newbie (not really a developper) I want to make my own boot/root CD.>So I have made a custom kernel, an initrd to be loaded by the boot loa
Hello,As a newbie (not really a developper) I want to make my own boot/root CD.So I have made a custom kernel, an initrd to be loaded by the boot loader and a root tree.The ramdisk contains device /dev/hdc (my cdrom), unfortunately when I boot pivot_root fails telling pivot_root: noc such fil
Hello,As a newbie (not really a developper) I want to make my own boot/root CD.So I have made a custom kernel, an initrd to be loaded by the boot loader and a root tree.The ramdisk contains device /dev/hdc (my cdrom), unfortunately when I boot pivot_root fails telling pivot_root: noc such fil
Hello,As a newbie (not really a developper) I want to make my own boot/root CD.So I have made a custom kernel, an initrd to be loaded by the boot loader and a root tree.The ramdisk contains device /dev/hdc (my cdrom), unfortunately when I boot pivot_root fails telling pivot_root: noc such fil
Hello I would like to know if it s possible to make a boot cd with a boot image bigger than 1,44Mo or 2.88 Mo with no-emul-boot option of mkisofs for instance ?Cause I have two big initrd and bzImage in the boot imageCan someone precise me the following options:-no-emul-boot : not necessary to use
Hello I am trying to make my own root cd for learning purpose.I have made a floppy with a kernel 2.6.15 and I try to boot the cd but it fails ... However I have tried to make a root floppy and it succeded (butnot enough tools where available due to size).the message following the root filesystem mo
I am encountering a serious problem with firefox under
debian etch. The text doesn t appear as it should be
in my navigator. Links are underlined, and a lot of
words are hidden until I move the cursor on it.
I have heard it is due to the libcairo2 anti-aliasing
librairy in the debian French
well don t pay attention to my silly last question !The real question is why tty can t be created at boot time ?Stephane Durieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : Hello I am encoutering a problem with ttys.I have installed a custom kernel but at boot time, the system doesn t achieve to create /d
Hello I am encoutering a problem with ttys.I have installed a custom kernel but at boot time, the system doesn t achieve to create /dev/tty node.It doesn t work with a generic 2.6.8-2-386 kernel anymore.I have also tried to install udev, without much successSo, inittab file seems to be correct.Th
_ The worst thing is that it used to work before a kernel compilation (that I don't use) and some modification in /etc/pam.d concerning common-auth and a CRUCIAL reboot !! Does somebody has an idea ? Thanks Stephane Durieux
Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Mess
reason ? Can someone give me in depth explanation I have tried --tt option whithout any result Why does it works in a interactive ssh session, the variable is however also created on the remote machine ? Thanks for reply Stephane
Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Mes
As a newbie I would like to have information about
fonts, charset, codepage, keymap ...cause I don t make
any difference between them
for me:
keymap is an association between keys and a code
the codepage and charset are the same association
between the last code produced by the keyboard an
For those, who like me were rookies and who wonder
about shared library path a good how to
--- Stephane Durieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
> hello
> I am trying to make my own floppy roo
I am trying to make my own floppy root image
But I don t know how to do
I should probably make an ext2 floppy and include
binaries such as
- bash
- login
- mount
but I have also to include shared libraries .so
and I think I can't only copy them from hdd to the
I have also
a newbie question :
even if it is not secure I would like to know how to
write a script with the passwd command without having
to enter the passwd.
more generally, how to answer question to a script
with always the same response
I ve tried
echo passord |passwd user
but the passwd need
Well everything is in the title.
I would like to use ssh in scripts so without entering
the password.
The problem is that such commands don t work:
echo passwd | ssh host (ssh doesn t read std input)
I don t want to use private keys (so not ssh-agent).
Does anyone has an idea (via environm
I have a problem with mozilla when I iconify it
disappear s and the process is killed. My distro is
sarge and mozilla is 1.7.3-5 version
Does anybody have an idea ?
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Créez vo
I have made a short script with the su command within
I have tried : echo -ne "password\n"|su - root
But it gives me the following message.
su : must be run from a terminal
Have you any idea
Stephane Durieux
Vous manque
I have a problem with Oracle 10 g install on linux
sarge, in the script at the end of the
I have the following message:
Checking the status of Oracle init process...
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.
Giving up: Oracle CSS stack appears NOT to be running.
I followed the method given on the list to get KDE3.1 on a woody stable yesterday
(added "deb woody main" to
apt-source file , ran apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade, then installed
what I need: Quanta)
KDE (at least Quanta) is working prope
;t code in C)
2) what to do to compile it or at least where to search ? I tried google but only
found a few messages about this and there was no answer at all :-(
Thanks in advance,
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Le Mon, 25 Aug 2003 20:39:08 +0200
Alfredo Valles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a dit:
> I know this have been discussed many times. But I still not happy. (Sorry)
It seems that a lot of people have troubles with the Debian installer.
Once you know it well it can do what you want: tasksel is simple
as your kernel
> version 2.4.18-5 from the woody release then an apt-get upgrade should
> want to upgrade you to version 2.4.18-5woody4 from the security
> archive.
Oh this is very interesting: here is what I get with the policy command (didn't
know about it at all thanks)
Next debian stable to be released on 1st december:
I would love to hear some comments :)
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECT
Le 18 Aug 2003 23:19:26 -0500
Alex Malinovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a dit:
> On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 22:20, Lucas J Barbuto wrote:
> > Hi List,
> >
> > Obviously not a big deal, but I'd really like to run q3demo. It's been
> > working OK previously (a couple of weeks ago), but recently it's been
> >
Le Mon, 18 Aug 2003 13:41:30 +0100
Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a dit:
> The disturbing thing, as one of my friends commented recently, is: while
> it seems ridiculous on the surface, every time I look at it (once a year
> or so) it seems less and less far removed from reality.
Future and his
Le Mon, 18 Aug 2003 07:23:03 -0400
Hershel Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a dit:
> Can anyone confirm for me that either of this machines will run Debian and
> X-Windows without great difficulty? :)
My computer is almost the same as the second config and no problem at all for anything.
Le Mon, 18 Aug 2003 03:47:47 -0400 (EDT)
Hooman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a dit:
> Hello everybody,
> I have installed Debian Linux on my machine at home
> and I have problems starting X-window system on it.
> Consequently, no desktop manager will run. The machine
> is a Pentium-III 800MHz with 512 MB o
r bootloader to use the initrd.
Thanks for all the clear informations, I'll be careful with the initrd thingy :-)
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
5 ?
2) When you install a kernel image as kernel-image-2.4.18-k7-1, I guess it comes
preconfigured, what if you need something it doesn't have ?
Sorry for the dumb questions and thanks for your patience.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:43:34PM +, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> What should I put for ?
Now, to tell you where I've read that...
On Thursday 1 February 2001, at 10 h 45, the keyboard of Ingo Luetkebohle
> Just consider the case on hand: Any
> daemon has to be root to be able to use it.
No, just member of the 'shadow' group.
ezili:~> ls -l /etc/shadow
-rw-r-1 root shadow 1415
On Tuesday 30 January 2001, at 22 h 25, the keyboard of Matthias Wieser
> (you may say:) But that already exists somewhat, but there is no place
> where to post the apt-get resources, where I can find a special package.
> EG,
Yes, there is:
gorets (which means 'greedy pigs' in French) is a small Debian utility to find
out which packages are eating disk space on a given partition. For instance,
if /usr/share is a separate partition:
gorets /usr/share
will tell you whose fault it is, if /usr/share is
On Friday 17 November 2000, at 9 h 25, the keyboard of Debian Ghost
> I was wondering if there were any debian tools used for working with Cisco
> routers and/or other Cisco gear.
Everything is in Debian packages:
m4 (to create configuration files)
mrtg (to get stats
On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, USM Bish wrote:
> A difficult thing to ask for in today's GUI world.
> I am looking for a simple light weight console app
> (non GUI) word processor, something like the good
> old WordStar (and such relics of yesteryears).
> Should be able to do formatting of text with l
On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Vik wrote:
> Firstly, is there a package for netscape 4 (the program - I can only find
> the base files on my cds) around?
You could try mozilla (m14)
apt-get install mozilla
Netscape 4 is here
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