Le Sat, 16 Aug 2003 11:36:07 +0200
Andreas Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a dit:

> Recent packages are not affected by the ptrace bug. This was corrected
> with version kernel-image-2.4.18-bf2.4_2.4.18-5woody1_i386.deb (DSA
> 311-1). 

OK this sounds good to me. But I'm wondering something else now: the
ptrace exploit was a severe security flaw, so how comes my 2.4.18bf2.4 
does not get upgraded when I apt-get update with the security source in my
source-list ? And even why the last ISOs you grab of Woody R01 do not
have the right kernel ? Or am I all wrong ?

> If you need drivers the precompiled kernels don't have, you can install
> the package kernel-source-2.4.18 and configure it on your own, if you
> want starting with the configuration of some existing kernel image.
> Configurations of installed kernel images are stored in /boot.

I see, I was making sure there was no other way to use those precompiled
kernels: they are handy but not usable all the time then. 

> BTW, as far as I know, all 2.4.18 kernel images except for the bf
> package use initrd, so if you want to install it, don't forget to
> configure your bootloader to use the initrd.

Thanks for all the clear informations, I'll be careful with the initrd thingy :-)


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