Re: Kernel Compile on Potato

2000-06-09 Thread Harry ten Berge
x27;. That will fix the problem. Met vriendelijke groeten, Harry ten Berge - computer engineering - === With Microsoft products, failure is not an option - it's a standard component. Choose your li

kernel make

2000-05-29 Thread Harry ten Berge
r fresh installation. Anyone? Harry ten Berge == With Microsoft products, failure is not an option - it's a standard component. Choose your life. Choose your future. Choose Linux.

potato install

2000-05-28 Thread Harry ten Berge
I've downloaded a cd-image of the potato 1st test cycle. Installation goes ok, but with potato there are tasks instead of profiles. The manual claims it's still possible to select a profile. I can't find it. Is it a glitch in the manual or am I doing something wrong?

Re: external clock sync

2000-05-28 Thread Harry ten Berge
>How to sync. my hw. clock to an external source? > >I tried 'rdate -a' but this isn't set my clock. >Runnig 'date' I got the same time as before using rdate. > You need the timeserver daemon. Take a look at 'xntpd'. Success, Harry

Re: samba's /etc/samba/cmb.conf -- empty?

2000-04-27 Thread Harry ten Berge
is great, Samba is the best, BUT IT'S HUGE!!!) configuring, take a look at SWAT. It's a web-based configuration tool. If you only want to share some directories and nothing fancy I suggest you start with one of the examples in 'samba-doc'. -- Met vriendelijke groeten, Harry ten Berge - computer engineering - === With Microsoft products, failure is not an option - it's a standard component. Choose your life. Choose your future. Choose Linux.

Re: how do you set your system clock from a remote time server?

2000-04-25 Thread Harry ten Berge
between the local client and the time-server is less than 1024 seconds. So installation using Debian will ask you if you want to use ntpdate once (only when the system is starting up...). The rest will be done by the daemon. It works great... -- Met vriendelijke groe

Re: kde in .deb

2000-04-11 Thread Harry ten Berge
>Where can i find kde in .deb ?? >I have licq fron potato so i dont want kde to get in trouble with >my existing qt libraries. Take a look at the 'KDE Linux Packaging Project' at

lprng / network printers

2000-04-06 Thread Harry ten Berge
a of what the problem might be? -- Met vriendelijke groeten, Harry ten Berge - computer engineering - === With Microsoft products, failure is not an option - it's a standard component. Choose your life. Choose your future. Choose Linux.