w trillich wrote: > > i did the religious > apt-get install samba > and then > apt-get install smbclient # just for testing > (even tho i'd done a full apt-get dist-upgrade, i still > apt-get install things left and right that weren't selected..) > > and it complains about not being able to read /etc/samba/smb.conf > and i can see why: > > there is none. > > i create a blank one via > > touch /etc/samba/smb.conf > > so at least 'testparm' doesn't choke, and 'smbclient' gets past > the initial retch, on to whining about missing codepage 180 or so. > > with a bit-o-editing, smb.conf is now > [homes] > path = /home/%S # redundant but harmless > writeable = true > but i gotta set the bios name and this and that and yada yada. > > so, wise folk, please direct me to a utility that creates > such a monster (the smb.conf manpage is only 9000+ lines > long, and i'd like to get SOME sleep this week)... > > its name is probably something sensible, like gribnif > or thipnoodler. (sambaconfig, while predictably-named, > is surprisingly predictable at creating a three-line > /etc/samba/debian_config instead of the thousands of > lines that'll wind up in smb.conf.) and so i ask you > knowledgable folk who've been down this path to shed > a bit of light for me. > > if there's no create-a-'smb.conf'-utility, perhaps there > are samples out there to start from? > > TIA
There are sample 'smb.conf' files in 'samba-doc'. However, if you don't want to spent a enormous amount of time (Samba is great, Samba is the best, BUT IT'S HUGE!!!) configuring, take a look at SWAT. It's a web-based configuration tool. If you only want to share some directories and nothing fancy I suggest you start with one of the examples in 'samba-doc'. -- Met vriendelijke groeten, Harry ten Berge - computer engineering - =========================================== With Microsoft products, failure is not an option - it's a standard component. Choose your life. Choose your future. Choose Linux.