See below an example of my muttrc. Usually I use my t-online account.
With the send-hook the "From:" is changed in case the receiver has a
gmx address.
send-hook . 'unmy_hdr From:'
send-hook '~t ^.*@gmx\.net$' 'my_hdr From: Christoph Brinkhaus
For you
theme has been available running
xfce4-terminal. The configuration is in ~/.Xresources as below.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
version on FreeBSD
is still 3.11. And should be is nothing as a 'system python'.
> I tried a web search but all I got was lots of unwanted information
> about pip installed packages.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
didn't work.
The only difference between the two machines: The one where it works is
running Debian 11, the other Debian 12, so there must have been a
significant change between bullseye and bookworm. Does anyone have an
Description: This is a digi
installed, if not needed by another package - does anyone have an idea
how this can be done?
ich möchte viele Rechner mit weitgehend gleicher Paketliste installieren. Dafür
kann ich von einem Rechner, auf dem ich vorher von mir gewünschte
Standardpakete installi
ur in virt-manager. I did not import an
OpenNebula VM, but I can see that the problem occurs in a fresh
bookworm VM in Opennebula, while it does not on a fresh bookworm VM in
virt-manager (with the same VM software as in OpenNebula).
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
e is a significant difference between a VM in
OpenNebula and a VM with the same software in virt-manager ...
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
libglapi-mesa libdrm-amdgpu1 libdrm2 libegl-mesa0 libx11-6
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
the server's log files show that the display
> manager has terminated due to some error?
Unfortunately, I could not find a log that tells what exactly happened.
But it is clear that sddm-helper crashes with a segmentation fault.
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
what I tell qemu what video driver to use
(cirrus, vga, vmvga, virtio), the problem occurs with all of them.
On a real hardware the graphical login is displayed, with the same
software packages.
Can anyone help?
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 2
Adjusting the coordinate transformation matrix might be one way to go.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
Am Mittwoch, dem 07.02.2024 um 12:27 +0100 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Am 07.02.24 um 11:32 schrieb Christoph Pleger:
> > Hello,
> >
> > >
> > > systemd-time-wait-sync.service is running but has not completed.
> > > I wonder if that is
> > >
on most others, it is systemd-timesyncd .
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
he server is offering time services to NTP
PS: As a (temporary) workaround, I created an override file for
systemd-time-wait-sync.service that just calls /bin/true .
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
alled at all.
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Am Montag, dem 05.02.2024 um 07:18 -0500 schrieb Greg Wooledge:
> On Mon, Feb 05, 2024 at 12:53:33PM +0100, Christoph Pleger wrote:
> > on one of my server machines, suddenly many systemd units (e.g. cron,
> > autofs)
> > do not start any more, neither at boot nor
But after switching back to systemd, I again had the problem of non-starting
Does anyone have an idea what is possibly wrong?
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Am Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 04:14:57PM +0100 schrieb Marco Moock:
> Am 20.12.2023 um 16:11:05 Uhr schrieb Christoph Brinkhaus:
> > I have heard that there is a countermeasure against spam run be big
> > mail providers by rejecting the first contact by SMTP and accepting
> >
by SMTP and accepting the next
contact. Most spammers seem to try just once.
I am not sure if this is 100% true or related to your situation.
Please verify the content of the kick rate mail. I am quite sure that it
is not as serious as it sounds on the first impression.
Kind regards,
itself by now. If
> ewetel were ALSO sending an NDR to the envelope sender then the
> subscriber would have been disabled eventually.
Kind regards,
Description: PGP signature
If journalctl does not show any issues related to rsyslog it boils down
to the question raised by Marco.
> On Tue, 21 Nov 2023 04:32:35 -0500,
> Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> >
> > [1 ]
> > Am Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 05:01:50PM -0500 schri
his is a very wise statement. Mine is just a joke in German.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
7;mda' config in fetchmail's config file to
> > specify that.
> >
> Fetchmail already hands off to maildrop, which puts all (internet) mail in
> /home/paulf/Mail/in. But it appears that fetchmail only queries servers,
> and then passes off the mail to an mda. I c
Am Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 05:57:28PM +0200 schrieb hw:
> On Mon, 2023-10-23 at 17:40 +0200, hw wrote:
> > On Mon, 2023-10-23 at 16:53 +0200, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > > Am Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 04:17:11PM +0200 schrieb hw:
> > > > Hi,
> > > >
> >
Am Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 05:40:54PM +0200 schrieb hw:
> On Mon, 2023-10-23 at 16:53 +0200, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 04:17:11PM +0200 schrieb hw:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I have an entry in the fstab to mount an NFS share via IPv6. For
available already.
> So how do I force it that the entries in fstab are not being silently
> ignored? I want these shares either mounted, like through like 3
> retries, or booting to stop when they can't be mounted.
I have never tried to implement things as 3x retries or so.
Kind regards,
Description: PGP signature, dhcp6.domain-search, dhcp6.fqdn,
netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope,
interface "bond0" {
supersede domain-name-servers;
The last block prevents my local resolv.con
nlpsolver 4:0.9+LibO7.4.7-1all "Solver for Nonlinear
Programming" extension for LibreOffice
ii libreoffice-wiki-publisher 4:1.2.0+LibO7.4.7-1 all LibreOffice extension
for working with MediaWiki articles
I hope it helps at least a little bit.
Viele Grüße,
an almost identical glyph for the capital 'i' and the
small 'L'. It's just a straight line and as such doesn't solve my problem.
configure the BACKUP repository. I tried the BARE option, but I am not
> able to push from WORKING to BACKUP.
To dig that is on my todo list as well. But as an additional backup I
would run the dump method in parallel, just in case I manage to screw up
the git repository.
Kind regards
ngineering when we used lots of formulas.
I also have a "mixed handwriting" with some ligatures (for example on the
double 'l'). For the small 's' I use two different glyphs (not on
purpose) that usually depend on my mood. For a long time I wasn't even
aware I was doing this :-)
Best regards,
> mono regular' looks promising.
I do admit that I wasn't specific enough in my first question.
When I wrote "sans serif", I meant "a not serif font".
Actually I wasn't looking for a monospace font either
(but didn't state that explicitly).
For now "IBM Plex" seems to do a good job.
> Have a look at:
> it is very readable.
> Rolf
Thank you, that's something I've been looking for.
There's even a debian package ...
apt-get install fonts-ibm-plex
... did do the job.
Best regards,
us to me :-)
(On the other hand I like the idea)
The fonts I tried so far and somewhat suit my needs are "Shanti" and
"Share". Both are a bit too narrow for my taste and Share definitly is
too "stiff".
I hope you have a good recommendation for me.
n items can be send from the server to the client. The
nameserver configuration is one of the items.
Kind regards,
> >
> > Hi Jon,
> >
> >> I have removed the default systemd-resolved local dns service following
> >> the link below,
> >&
changes to /etc/resolv.conf after rebooting?
In case you get the configuration overwritten by DHCP you can avoid that
by the following lines in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf.
interface "bond0" {
supersede domain-name-servers;
Just replace the interface name with yours.
Kind re
But now, the problem occurs again: After booting the computer,
I have to restart systemd-udevd to make 99-local.rules work as desired.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem?
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
As far as I
remember the default has changed for a desktop environment, I think it
has been gnome.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
ybody an explanation?
Just a short in the dark - can it be that gmail does not accept imap on
port 143 anymore? Instead of imap please try imaps on port 993.
Kind regards,
Description: PGP signature
ils for local
addresses to maildrop. This resolved the conflict of the different
accounts which run fetchmail and maildrop.
Now fetchmail runs as the user fetchmail and maildrop by my account.
I think that this method could be a workaround in your situation as
well. I think so because it seems to be an issue related to privileges,
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
throttling :-).
Thank you for reporting about the fix and for the recommendation!
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
Am Tue, May 16, 2023 at 07:26:41PM +0100 schrieb Joe:
Hello Joe,
> On Tue, 16 May 2023 12:29:02 +0200
> Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Tue, May 16, 2023 at 11:02:50AM +0100 schrieb Joe:
> >
> > Hello Joe,
> >
> > [...deleted a lot...]
> > &
orth to move them to a safe place and to try without them.
2. It is unlikely, but it might be that some of the xinput related
programs or libraries have been corrupted. It might help to reinstall
3. The comparison of Xorg.log of Debian and Knoppix may give some
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
for a non standard Debian installation. For the
standard installations it is recommended to get rid of outdated
libraries. But since you seem to be a long time Debian user I do not
tell you anything new.
> It's just the problems I get don't seem to happen to anyone else. But
> then I suppose, like Land Rovers, there's no two identical sid
> installations anywhere.
I like that image.
Land Rovers are the world best car for their purpose!
They are legends forever.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
ve provided:
Enable the service by running the following command "sudo systemctl
enable yourscriptname.service"
Start the service by running the following command "sudo systemctl
start yourscriptname.service"
If the service enabled and started pl
But I am not aware of that. There is also a configuration bit whether
to enable Wi-Fi after reboot or to keep the previous setting. But I do
not remember the details right now.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
that information. In the meanwhile, I found
that there is already a bug report available at Debian about that.
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
ad view" appears on top of the bigger "message view".
2. Include the Subject in the output of the shown message
You can include or ignore fields of the header to the information
shown at the top of the message. Example lines are below.
ignore Content-Type User-Agent X-Mailer
unignore From Subject Message-Id
May be the suggestions are useful.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
n go wrong by not understanding how it all
> connects. If I install dhcp it comes with default config files. If
> I change them then THAT config gets loaded.
> If Debian does NOTHING with that nft config file then why is it
> there? Is this a bug?
Please enable the firewall by # systemctl enable nftables.service.
Then it should work.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Description: PGP signature
My interface is bond0. Yours might be different.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Am Wed, Apr 05, 2023 at 07:07:28AM -0600 schrieb Tjm:
Hi Tony,
I have deleted things below because my answer is related to the block
> Christoph, thanks for the reply. Autoremove was run successfully. The
> bullseye version was installed with no errors but wouldn't ru
ink levels.
Did you run apt-get autoremove? This could clean up the system and
helps to remove outdated stuff.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Am Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 07:27:22AM -0400 schrieb Greg Wooledge:
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 12:24:10PM +0100, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > The environments of login shells and crontab can be different. This
> > includes the path where to seek executables. Therefore it is good
ed by this script automatically.
The environments of login shells and crontab can be different. This
includes the path where to seek executables. Therefore it is good
practice not to write just the name of the executable as nc but the
name with the path as /usr/bin/nc. Here I took nc as an example.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
have observed a lag between the English man pages
and the localised ones. To compare just read for example
man LANG=en interfaces
May be you know that already :-) Then forget the post.
It has been a surprise for me.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
3.048206] iwlwifi :04:00.0 wlp4s0: renamed from wlan0
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Am Fri, Mar 03, 2023 at 10:09:42PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> On 02/03/2023 22:27, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 09:26:33PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> > > On 28/02/2023 17:25, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > > > I will just inform about
Am Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 09:26:33PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> On 28/02/2023 17:25, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > I will just inform about the status. Everything is fine now. A word
> > about systemd-networkd-wait-online: With this service running there
> > has been even a
Am Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 01:21:07PM -0600 schrieb David Wright:
Hello David and Max,
> On Sun 26 Feb 2023 at 19:08:01 (+0100), Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 10:33:19PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> > > On 25/02/2023 19:49, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
Am Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 10:33:19PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> On 25/02/2023 19:49, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Now there are no messages reported by journald as above.
> I am curious if fixing unbound and so helped to avoid
> 169.254.x.y address
Am Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 10:33:19PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> On 25/02/2023 19:49, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Now there are no messages reported by journald as above.
> I am curious if fixing unbound and so helped to avoid
> 169.254.x.y address in
Am Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 07:41:26PM +0100 schrieb Christoph Brinkhaus:
I reply to myself thanking Max.
> Am Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 10:09:34PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> > On 22/02/2023 23:45, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > > Am Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:24:59PM +0700 schrieb Max N
Am Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 10:09:34PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> On 22/02/2023 23:45, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:24:59PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> > > On 22/02/2023 01:26, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > > > [Unit]
> > > &g
I run unbound as a resolver. The entry in dhcclient.conf prevents that
the entry in /etc/resolv.conf is overwritten.
My setup is stoneage like compared to your context.
Anyhow, I hope this is at least useful as a pointer :-).
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Am Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:24:59PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> On 22/02/2023 01:26, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > > > I have no idea if it is possible to estimate a DHCP response
> > > > time.
> Since static IP address is assigned, it does not matter. I expec
Am Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 01:06:01PM -0500 schrieb Jeffrey Walton:
> On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 12:45 PM Christoph Brinkhaus
> wrote:
> > Am Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 11:00:56PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> > > On 20/02/2023 21:44, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > > > Am Mon,
Am Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 11:00:56PM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
> On 20/02/2023 21:44, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 09:59:20AM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
Hello Max,
> > > Perhaps to get rid of 169.254.x.y addresses, it is enough to properly
Am Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 09:59:20AM +0700 schrieb Max Nikulin:
Hi Max,
> On 19/02/2023 23:35, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Sun, Feb 19, 2023 at 05:21:47PM +0100 schrieb Geert Stappers:
> > > Having installed package openvswitch-switch and doing `ip route` I do get
> >
mplex desktop environment.
I hope that users chime in with experience on systemd and its
Kind regards to the lovely Netherlands,
All the rest deleted.
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
systemctl disable avahi-daemon.service avahi-daemon.socket
systemctl stop avahi-daemon.service avahi-daemon.socket
On my system I have deinstalled the avahi stuff before testing the
commands. I have found the link for searching infos for the
thread "ipv6 may be has arrived".
disabling. Disabling can be done without
deleting files or packages. I think we can rely on this documentation.
There should be no need for me to reproduce that by installing xfce4.
I did not meant to be offensive. Please excuse me if this was your
impression. English is not my first lang
Am Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 09:48:11AM -0600 schrieb David Wright:
Hello David,
> On Mon 13 Feb 2023 at 11:39:31 (+0100), Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 09:29:16PM -0600 schrieb David Wright:
> > > On Fri 10 Feb 2023 at 06:40:42 (+0100), wro
elect the xfce4 option in the installer. Either the avahi
stuff or xfce4 triggered the setup of the adress.
Disabling the start of the avahi-daemon did not change the situation.
Deinstall of avahi-daemon did not help, too.
Today I have deleted almost everything of avahi and xfce4. After a
reboot the is no more configured.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
ar is happening in the
discussed issue. May be it is worth to have a look how the dns lookup
is set up and how it is starting.
Please just ignore be if this proposal makes no sense.
At work I am no admin :-).
> I have left nothing out, so WTH is postfix waiting for in these 35
> seconds?
> Cheers,
BTW: I have resolved my issue by starting fetchmail via systemd by a
wrapper script which probes the dns resolution of the mail server
before starting fetchmail.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
the zfs boot menu suggested
> by Anssi on FreeBSD ! I like it very much ! Do you think it is hard to
> implement it there ?
That sounds a little bit like the software "time machine".
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
I am not sure if this is useful for production.
But it is at least a pointer.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Am Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 11:40:50AM +0100 schrieb
Hello Tomas,
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 11:31:23AM +0100, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 09:10:30AM +0100 schrieb
> >
> > Hello Julian,
> >
> > > He
It seems to be more a shell topic or how man 7 glob is handled.
Please try the first patterns with "" signs as
apt-list "sudo*" instead of apt-list sudo* and so on.
It made the difference for me using the fish shell.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
thek für Sicherheitsprüfungen - gemeinsame
libaudit1 - Dynamische Bibliothek für Sicherheitsprüfungen
libaudit-dev - Header files and static library for security auditing
I guess you have to install some or all of the packages.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
Am Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 06:08:01PM +0800 schrieb lou:
> Thank Jude and Christoph!
Hi Lou.
> i run "pactl list":
> Connection failure: Connection refused
> pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
I have no idea why the message comes from but also how pulseau
ust the volume.
Or you simple try alsamixer which comes with some ncurses looking GUI.
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
nd added the non-free stuff as above.
If things work it might be better do delete the stuff which you have
copied from elsewhere.
> What's the output of the following command?
> dmesg | grep iwlwifi
> regards
> hede
Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.
> What is the best nftables approach, please ?
> Can you copy and paste what you are using ?
Unfortunately I have no idea about that approaches.
Kind regards,
eap USB hub with an
external 5V supply.
This is not mch feedback but I hope it helps.
Kind regards,
Am Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 04:46:12AM +0100 schrieb hw:
> On Wed, 2022-11-09 at 18:26 +0100, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
> > Am Wed, Nov 09, 2022 at 06:11:34PM +0100 schrieb hw:
> > [...]
> > > FreeBSD has ZFS but can't even configure the disk controllers, so
inux distributions,
just about FreeBSD.
> Now that's gona suck because I'd
> have to use mdadm to create a RAID5 (or use the hardware RAID but that isn't
> fun
> after I've seen the hardware RAID refusing to rebuild a volume after a failed
> disk was replaced) and put btrfs on that because btrfs doesn't even support
> RAID5.
> Or what else?
Kind regards,
in order to reboot or shutdown (and of course I
know that it is possible to shutdown or reboot the hard way).
Description: This is a digitally signed message part
et again what I want?
If I enter the following:
pkaction -v -a org.freedesktop.login1.reboot
it tells me that authentication is necessary to reboot. Is there maybe
something else than org.freedesktop.login1.reboot that allows the
reboot, though org.freedesktop.login1.reboot denies it?
suspending still require the user to enter the root
password, but rebooting and powering off work without authentication.
Why is this the case and what do I have to do to get again what I want?
I have tried from GNOME and KDE.
Description: This is a digitally
inal file caused problems.
I'll restore it from my backup and check that.
) After a reboot there is no cache to read from.
2) The cat command accesses the file.
3) Stat shows the time of "cat" in the access time stamp.
But 3) does not happen. More precisely: It only happens sometimes.
Question 3:
Could someone please explain to me what's going on here with stat?
found this, but it's from 2010:
I have no experience in clustering and would be grateful for any
useful hint.
Hallo Julia,
die Sprache dieser debian-user Mailingliste ist Englisch.
Versuch es am besten auf der deutschen Liste:
to flame; it is not polite.
* Use common sense all the time.
I hope some people will draw some meaningful consequences.
Best regards,
nitial judgement (he's lazy,
nobody needs that feature, etc.) was wrong and it was a good idea not to
express my opinion.
In other cases I find myself to be right. Usually there's no need to
point to that. People expose their faults (lazyness, etc.) themselves -
sooner or later.
Sometimes I support them doing so with polite questions ;-)
Best regards,
lieve it's no appropriate way to
communicate on debian mailing lists. It can lead to misunderstandings and
people being hurt, apart from making a bad impressions on others reading
this list.
Please re-read the Debian Code of Conduct and consider being more polite:
Best regards,
and interactivly ask for a password (spawned a terminal running
bash). And of course I have a "hello argument" test ;-)
There are plenty of ideas how to improve the program. The source code is
still quite dirty (it's more a proof of concept at the moment). But I
might decided to release it in case some of my friends find it useful ;-)
Best regards,
ndard Input:
This is
a multiline
text file
> The above works for me with LXDE. Though you don't get to edit
> parameters to you scripts, just pass files to them.
It doesn't work for me. Am I doing something wrong?
Anyway, this wouldn't be an optimal solution. In some cases I need to
pass multiple arguments in a specific order. For example an audio and
video file that should be combined into a single .mp4 file.
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