Hi all,

I'm unsatisfied with the default sans font in debian for use in the
graphical user interface (in my case XFCE).

My main concern with the default sans font (I guess it's Bitsream Vera,
but that doesn't really matter) is the the small 'L' and the capital 'i'
look the same (mostly).

Everyone who has tried to read unknown characters (e.g. a password
generated automatically oder base64 encoded data) knows what pain it is to
distinguish these characters.

Could you please recommend a "suitable" sans-serif font that
a) has "proper" 'l' and 'I' characters

b) looks harmonious on screen, even for small (8pt, 10pt) font sizes
   e.g. not too narrow, not too wide, no weird characters, etc.,
   maybe even beautiful, without being "artistic" / fancy
   (I noticed how different the interaction with my computer feels
   after changing fonts – and I really don't want to accept any font too
   stiff, too thin, etc.)

c) has german Umlaute and other regular "foreign language
   characters" (no need for a "large" range of Unicode support)

d) has no technical flaws
   (a lot of free fonts I tried do have weird quirks, like improper
   rendering in specific font sizes, missing characters when printing,
   etc. ("Signika" is an example of this))

I'm close to hiring a font designer to design a font according to my
needs, which – in some way – seems ridiculous to me :-)
(On the other hand I like the idea)

The fonts I tried so far and somewhat suit my needs are "Shanti" and
"Share". Both are a bit too narrow for my taste and Share definitly is
too "stiff".

I hope you have a good recommendation for me.


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